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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 1 - Yew

frownnoWelcome to Year One Class Page! nofrown

*Scroll down for weekly updates* 


I feel very lucky and excited to be teaching Year One. We have had a super first week and I am looking forward to all the wonderful things we will achieve this year! 


Please visit this page as the year progresses for updates, and to find out a little more about what we have been learning in class.


Communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns, plays a principal role in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents/guardians, please do not hesitate to contact me on the school number, or via email:


Alternatively, feel free to arrange a meeting - or simply pop in for a brief chat.


Many thanks,

Miss Richards


laughHappy Holidays Everyone! laugh

We have had a fabulous last week in Year One. Our activities have included: 

  • Designing and creating board games 
  • Using the iPads to take pictures and draw self-portraits, as well as drawings of each other!
  • Reading the story, 'Aliens Love Underpants' and creating our own monsters and fun-tastic underpants! 
  • Reading the story, 'A Magical Muddle' and creating our own magical spells and potions.
  • Watching the fabulous drama performance created by the drama club. 
  • Listening to the Year 6 poem recital. 


A huge thank you to everyone for your all your hard work during your time in Year One. You have all achieved fabulous things, and I wish everyone a very relaxing summer holiday and the very best for September! 


Summer challenges...  

How many skips can you achieve in 1 minute? 

How many goals can you score in 30 seconds? 

Can you hula hoop, without stopping for 1 minute? 

Can you write and send a postcard to a friend telling them about your day? 

Can you help to write the shopping list for a trip to the supermarket? 

Can you read a different story book each day? 


Summer Reading Resources ...

w.b 01.07.19



This week in maths, we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed what makes these shapes different and enjoyed hunting around our outside area to discover a range of different shapes. We found: cube, cuboid, prism, pentagon, hexagon and many more! Back in class, we discussed the shape of many everyday objects , such as a: party hat, glue stick and book.. plus many more! We categorised these objects to match their correct shape. Super learning everyone! laugh



This week in literacy, we have continued to work on our Yorkshire leaflets! We are making sure to include lots of interesting information all about Barwick and the exciting places you can visit. We recapped capital letters for names and places and strategies we have learnt to improve our writing. We have enjoyed practising this week's spellings during spelling star time. We have played lots of games including; 3 is the magic number and smelly socks! 



This week in Science, we have continued learning all about animals and minibeasts by reading the book: Animal homes by Angela Wilkes as a class. We learnt lots of interesting facts all about different animals and their habitats. This week, we also started to think about our environment and the ways in which we can look after it. We learnt the word 'pollution' and what that means. We have designed some fabulous posters to show what the world looks like with pollution and what it could look like without any. 


What a super week, everyone! Well doneyes





This week in literacy we have been learning all about the text type: leaflets. We enjoyed creating our own Yorkshire leaflet, detailing the exciting things you can do. So far, we have designed and written the front cover. Keep your eyes peeled for some fabulous leaflets coming your way... yes


We recapped our prior learning of the prefix -un and how this can change the meaning of a root word. We practised using this prefix during independent writing. 

Also, we have had a focus on tricky words this week and enjoyed tackling an array of class challenges. We have practised: me, be, we, my, they, said, was, are, there and many more! 



This week, we have recapped multiplication and how we can use arrays and pictorial representations in our work. We enjoyed using an array to discover the number sentences and using a given number sentence to create an array. Super learning everyone! laugh

Challenge: Can you draw 6 x 2 = 12 as an array?



This week, we have continued our learning all about animals. We have learnt key vocabulary, such as: carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. We used a venn diagram to categorize a range of animals. We have also learnt a new word: habitat. We discovered the 5 main habitats: desert, arctic, grassland, rain forest and ocean. It was interesting learning about the different animals that live in these habitats. 


What a super week, well done everyone! laugh



laughSports Day! laugh

Sports Day was a fabulous day and well done to everybody! You all did amazingly well taking part in lots of different races and supporting your friends. yes



This week in English, we recapped the story of Paddington Bear and explored the different things he might want to do on his holiday to Barwick. We enjoyed creating our own story mountain with an introduction, build up, problem, resolution and ending - all about Paddington's holiday to Yorkshire! We then used our mountains to support independent writing. I have been very impressed and greatly enjoyed reading some fabulous stories! Well done everyone! laugh



We have worked hard this week to revise and refresh key fluency skills. We have focused on: 

  • Number bonds to 20
  • Counting forwards and backwards
  • Number word recognition  
  • Counting by 2s



We have been learning all about plants in Science. We started off our learning with a nature hunt around our outside area looking from common garden plants. We found the most common was definitley daisies, followed by buttercups. We also found lots more, including: dandelions, Ivy, nettles (we learnt it was important not to touch this plant) and some clovers too! 


 We have also enjoyed learning about the main parts of a plant and their special jobs: flower head, stem, roots and leaves. We learnt a new song to support our learning. We demonstrated our learning by drawing and labeling our own picture of a flower. We also learnt how to plant our own watercress seeds and what plants need to make them grow: compost, sunshine and water. It was fun tasting lots of edible plants from our own vegetable beds, these included: lettuce, spinach, chives and rocket. We explored vocabulary to describe the different tastes and textures: chewy, soft, crunchy and spicy! 


Super learning, everyone! yeslaugh




This week we have recapped the sound family 'ai' and the various different graphemes we can use to represent this sound. We enjoyed tackling a variety of phonics challenges in class, including: 

  • Can you match the picture to the correct grapheme? 
  • Can you complete Phonics bingo? 
  • Can you sort the alien and real 'ai' words? 
  • Can you write a caption to describe the 'ai' picture?

We have enjoyed learning new spelling star games this week, such as '3 is the magic number' and circling the vowels in each word. 



In exciting news, Paddington Bear is planning a trip to Barwick and asked Yew class to help him pack his suitcase. We enjoyed discussing the fun things Paddington could do when visiting Yorkshire, such as attend the Maypole Festival and travel to Scarborough Beach. After packing Paddington's suitcase, we wrote an explanation detailing why we had packed certain items for Paddington's holiday. 



We have recapped how to tell the time this week. We have focused on o'clock times and half past. We discussed quarter past and quarter to times as well. In class, we used clocks to show a given time and enjoyed playing a game on the interactive whiteboard to identify the correct clock face. 

During maths journalling time, we have recapped addition and subtraction and the difference between counting forwards and backwards. We have enjoyed playing TT Rockstars to develop fluency of the 2 times tables, as well as 'Hit the Button' on the iPad. 



We learnt all about the two different types of trees: evergreen and deciduous. We completed a tree hunt around the school, naming a variety of trees as either evergreen or deciduous. After completing the tree hunt, we enjoyed drawing our own picture to demonstrate the difference between these tree types. 


Super learning everyone!laugh



w.b 03.06.19


We have been working very hard this and tackling a variety of Phonics challenge to become Phonics Superhero! We have recapped lots of different sounds these week, including: aw, or, au, o-e, ow, oa ... and many more sound families! laugh

Our challenges have included: 

Can you design your own alien? 

Can you 'Mash a Minion'? 

Can you solve the o-e word search? 

Can you draw the sound buttons on the alien/ real words? 

Can you complete the treasure hunt and find all the alien/ real words? 



We recapped 2-D shapes this week and enjoyed creating our own 2-D shape picture. Our pictures included a variety of 2-D shapes, including a: pentagon, hexagon, kite, square, triangle ... plus many more!

During math's journal time, we have enjoyed demonstrating our understanding by creating a number story for a given number i.e. How many ways can you show me the number 23? 



We started the new topic all about Yorkshire and enjoyed learning about our local history by embarking on a fact finding treasure hunt! We used all the facts we discovered to design an information poster. We are looking forward to learning more about Yorkshire and where we live...laugh

w.b 13/05/19



This week, we have continued to learn about the sound family 'oo' with a focus on the grapheme 'ue'. We enjoyed taking part in various treasure hunts around our outside area to solve a variety of challenges: including - finding the real and nonsense words; recording the sound buttons correctly; matching the correct word to the grapheme. We recapped the sound family 'ir' and the different grapheme 'au' to represent the 'aw' sound. As a class, we took part in 'Mash a Minion' to practise matching a range of sounds to their correct graphemes. Fantastic work everyone!laugh



We recapped The Royal Wedding which we re-created in class last week by watching our very own video! As a class, we explored questions such as: How did you feel? What were the key events? Who did you see? What made it a special day? 

We wrote a recount to re-tell our Royal Wedding experience. We learnt key components of a recount including a: title, setting, key events and ending. We re-visited prior learning such as: capital letters and full stops; exclamation marks and conjunctions to improve our writing. yes



This week, we have been learning all about subtraction and practising subtracting both 1 digit and 2 digit numbers. We have learnt the skill of using a number line to help us solve subtraction calculations. We have tackled various subtraction challenges in class, one which required us to help detective Pikachu, who had found subtraction calculations hidden outside our classroom. We worked as a team to find these calculations, solve them and help Pikachu. Fab work everyone!laugh



In our teams, we enjoyed designing our own pop art collage inspired by Andy Warhol, which will come together to re-create the famous piece 'Reigning Queen'. As a class, we enjoyed learning about patterns of colour, shape and design. Each collage is unique and we enjoyed celebrating each other's work. Well done! laugh


w.b 06.05.19


This week in phonics, we have learnt all about the sound family 'ew'. We recapped the different graphemes that can be used to represent this sound, such as: oo, ue and u-e. 

Our activities have included:

  • Completing a treasure hunt around the classroom to find the real/alien words. Once found, we had to mark the correct sound buttons on our words. 
  • Splatting the correct sound/ word spoken on our new smartboard! 
  • Matching the picture to the correct 'ew' word - Can you use an 'ew' word in a sentence?


This week in maths, we have been learning how to represent numbers 0-20 in numerals and words. We have practised recognising numbers as written words and solved worded addition and subtraction problems. During our maths journal and challenge time, we have recapped addition and subtraction and how we can use a number line to solve these calculations.  

Our activities have included: 

Can you match the number to the correct word? 

Can you write the word to match the correct number? 

Can you solve the written word problems?

Can you find the numbers in the word search?

Can you create you own worded number problems? 


We have continued to enjoy learning all about the Royal Family this week and hearing the new name of the Royal baby too! In Art, we made our own paper plate portraits of the Royal Family. We used craft materials such as cotton wool and string to add texture to the hair, as well as sparkly paper to make crowns. yes


In very exciting news, we received a very special letter from Buckingham Palace that contained invitations to a Royal wedding: Prince Harry and Meghan! The Queen wrote in her letter: can you explain how you feel and what you will wear?  We worked hard to make sure our writing was superb for Queen Elizabeth, and we certainly did! 

We focused on: adjectives to add description, conjunctions to extend our sentences, exclamation marks to add excitement and question marks to add detail. We also made sure to include capital letters and full stops, and recapped apostrophes for contraction. Amazing work everyone! laugh


That afternoon, our classroom became St George's Chapel and we re-created the Royal Wedding using drama props. Keep your eyes peeled for the footage of the Royal Wedding! laugh


w.b 29.04.19


This week we have focused on the sound 'ou'. Our activities have included: 

  • Can you complete the sound scavenger hunt to solve the riddles? 
  • How many words can you create using the sounds: 'ou, sh, t, l, d, h, s, e'? 
  • Can you splat the sound of the week?
  • Can you splat the tricky words? 
  • Can you identify the 'ou' grapheme in a phoneme spotter story? 
  • Can you roll and write an 'ou' word using chalk and shaving foam? 
  • Can you colour the alien words and real words different colours? 



In literacy this week, we enjoyed re-enacting scenario cards to demonstrate the important duties of a king or queen. These events included: A Royal Wedding, The Topping of the Colour Ceremony, A State Banquet and The Queen's Coronation. We had fun working in our team to use a variety of drama techniques and props to re-create these as freeze frames. Back in the classroom, we used these freeze frames to write a diary entry as a king or queen explaining how we felt during these events. We learnt how to write in the format of a diary, using key vocabulary such as 'Dear' and 'From'.

During GPV, we recapped apostrophes for contraction and learnt how to use the prefix -un to change the meaning of a root word. For example: unkind, unload and unfriendly. When writing our diaries, to challenge our learning further, we discussed how to up-level sentences by using: sentence openers, adjectives, exclamation marks and question marks. Super learning everyone! laugh


During maths this week, we began to measure time in hours, seconds and minutes. 

Key facts we enjoy learning included: 

24 hours = 1 day 

60 minutes = 1 hour 

60 seconds = 1 second 

As a whole class, we learnt the hour hand and a minute hand on a clock face by using a roll out clock mat during circle time. We took turns to change the hour hand and minute hand to show different times; first focusing on o'clock times e.g. Can you show me 7 o'clock? Can you show me 8 o'clock? 

As a challenge, we began to explore quarter past, half past and quarter to times. We first recapped our learning of fractions and spotted that a clock face is split into quarters, which supported our understanding. Well done everyone! laugh


We have continued to explore the work of Andy Warhol and his use of bright colours.  We enjoyed exploring the piece, 'Reinging Queen' and re-created our own version using Andy Warhol's work as inspiration. 


w.b 22.4.19



This week we have focused on the sound 'aw'; we have practised the rhyme: 'yawn at dawn' to support our learning. 

Our activities have included: 

  • Identifying the 'aw' sound in a phoneme spotter story 
  • Colour code the real and alien words correctly
  • Roll and write a range of 'aw' words using chalk and shaving foam  
  • Match the sentence to the correct 'aw' picture: Can you up-level the sentence using openers, adjectives and conjunctions?



We revised the poem: Buckingham Palace by A.A Milne by identifying the repeated phrases and rhyming words. When reciting the poem we also added actions to support our understanding of each verse. In GPV, we revised apostrophes for contractions and practised using these during independent writing; such as: can't, don't and he'll. 

This week, we have also started spelling stars where we can play lots of fun games and activities to practise our weekly spellings. We started the game 'Fancy that!' in our spelling stars workbook, where we used curly and fancy letters for each word. 



This week we have begun to work in our math's journal every afternoon to complete a math's fluency challenge! We have recapped the four operations, as well as one more and one less than. We have consolidated the topic of position and direction by identifying quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns. Super learning everyone!yes



In art this week, we have have learnt all about Andy Warhol and through guided reading explored why and what he was famous for. We enjoyed using bell peppers to create our own Andy Warhol inspired painting; it was fun exploring print-making, bright colours and pop art! Once we had completed our paintings, we used the outdoor resources to explore repeating patterns! laugh





We started our new topic this week, which is all about the British Royal Family! This week, we have enjoyed learning lots of interesting facts about Queen Elizabeth II. We ordered a timeline to show important events in Queen Elizabeth's life, which is now displayed in the classroom! We worked hard to create some wonderful information posters all about Queen Elizabeth II and enjoyed sharing these with each other. yes



laughWelcome back!laugh

Easter Celebrations! 

We have had a fantastic time in class learning all about the importance of Easter and the Easter story. 

Our activities have included: 

Egg roll

Easter egg decoration and design 

Easter egg card 



During guided reading, we read a non-fiction text all about the Christian festival, Easter and we learnt interesting facts about traditions that often take place during this time. We worked hard to answer a range of VIPER questions and shared these as a class. 

We also read the Easter story and worked in groups to create freeze frames of different scenes of the story. Have a look at our amazing freeze frames below. We will use these next week as a hook for some fabulous writing! yes


In class, we enjoyed making a delicious chocolate nest for our Easter chick too!


We have enjoyed recapping our prior learning and revisiting the sound families we have already learnt through daily phonic challenges and our phonic lessons. We have recapped the sound family: er, ew, ee and ow! We have been using the complex speed sound chart in class to support our learning and independent work. 

Our sound this week was 'wh'.

Our activities have included: 

Roll and write the 'wh' word 

Fill in the missing sounds to reveal the 'wh' word 

How many words can you create using the given sounds? 

Can you write a caption to describe the 'wh' picture? 





We have started the new topic of position and direction this week and have enjoyed exploring positional vocabulary, such as: on top of, below, underneath, left, right and many more! We recapped our learning of fractions to progress to quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns. As a class, we drew a circle on the top playground and traveled to different points using quarter, half, three quarter and full turns. Super learning everyone! yes

w.b 25.03.19


This week in phonics, we have learnt all about the split digraph o-e. We have linked it to our sound family: oa, ow, o and oe. Our activities have included: 

  • Identifying the split digraph in a phoneme spotter story 
  • Playing phonics bingo by stamping the o-e words 
  • Using our knowledge of phonics to write a picture caption to describe a range of o-e words


In English this week, we revisited our wonderful characters that we created during Shakespeare week to write a character description. We explored new sentence openers and exciting adjectives to improve our writing. 


We recapped our prior learning of apostrophes for contraction, nouns and the suffixes: 'ongoing' ing and 'time travelling' ed. A challenge activity included following the colour key to correctly identify a range of word classes in a sentence. 

Home challenge: 

Look at the coloured sentence below. What colour are the: adjectives, verbs, conjunctions and nouns? 

The beautiful whale was swimming and the silver dolphin glided through the sparkling water

New learning this week included conjunctions. We split the word up using robot arms to help us remember it i.e. con/junc/tions and repeated the word 'connect' afterwards to remind us of their purpose in a sentence. We also learnt the acronym: FANBOYS to help us remember common conjunctions. frown

We have also learnt the suffixes: 'er' and 'est' when comparing a range of nouns. We learnt how to use these suffixes in our writing, when no change is needed to the root word. For example, smaller and softest



This week in maths, we recapped our prior learning of fractions. We learnt how to find fractions of a given object and how to identify halves and quarters. We recapped the numerical form of one half and one quarter and learnt that a fraction is part of a whole. 

We worked hard to shade the correct fraction i.e. 1/2 or one quarter on a range of pictures. Our challenge activity included following a fraction pizza recipe to create the correct pizza with the right fraction of toppings! For example, our pizza order included: two quarters of pineapple toppings, one quarter tomato toppings and one quarter green peppers. We then progressed to designing our own fraction menu! 

We enjoyed making links in class and discussing our learning further, for example: What is two quarters equal to? 

w.b 18.03.19



This week in phonics we have been focusing on the split digraph u-e, adding knowledge to our sound family 'oo'.

Our activities have include: 

  • Segmenting and blending relay race 
  • Can you spot the tricky words and real words among the nonsense words? 
  • Can solve the coloured puzzle by colouring the real words, nonsense words and tricky words in different colours? 

We have been practising reading the tricky words: Mr and out this week and spelling these correctly during independent writing. We also take a picture using our eyes cheeky and we are always on the look out for tricky words during guided reading sessions, as well as our sound of the week. At the end of the day, we have started creating an alien story as a class; Miss Richards will tell the story and write the characters name on the board, which we read together. The other day, we met an alien call Mr Queeps and Miss Chice. We discussed how the letter 'c' can sometimes be pronounced as a 's'. 

Home challenge

Can you create your own alien story using the sound family 'oo'?  


This week we started the topic of division! We first recapped our prior learning of addition and subtraction, as well as our most recent work of multiplication. We explored various words we can use when describing each operation. We learnt the key words 'sharing equally' when learning all about division. First, we explored what equal looks like. Miss Richards had two pictures of a tree, both trees had 5 apples on their branches and we agreed this was equal. However, another picture showed 5 bananas on one table and 6 bananas on another table. We agreed this wasn't equal and discussed how we could make it equal. As a class we had great discussion including: taking one banana from table 2 to cut in half, so both tables had 5 whole bananas and 1 half to taking one banana away or adding another one. Our activities included using paper plates to share skittles equally between 2 friends. We drew the skittles in our workbook, as we shared them equally to support our division calculations. We also explored division in our outdoor area by using hula hoops and bean bags. Super learning everyone! no

Home challenge: 

If I have 18 cupcakes, can I share them equally with my cousin and my best friend? 

Faith Day! 

This Thursday was a very exciting day as it was both World Faith Day and World Downs Syndrome Day! 

We had a super day celebrating diversity and learning all about different faiths and beliefs. The Year One classroom became the Judaism room, where we all made dreidels! Other classrooms all around school became different faiths, including: Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity and Buddhism. We enjoyed learning all about the different religions in our coloured groups and sharing our day during assembly time. frown


This week has been Shakespeare week and in Year One we enjoyed learning about William Shakespeare and the play: A Midsummer Nights Dream. We designed our own enchanted forest character for the play, have a look at our lovely work below! frown


w.b 11.03.19


This week, we have been learning all about the sound family 'er' and the alternative spellings for this sound, including: 'ir' and 'ur'. We enjoyed learning the rhymes to help us remember these different spellings: 

ir - whirl and twirl 

er - better, letter 

ur - nurse with a purse 

Our activities have included: 

  • Whole class phonics bingo! 
  • Brain Blitz challenge of matching the cone word to the grapheme 
  • Roll a grapheme - Can you create your own sentence using the graphemes ir, ur and er?

We have been working hard to use these alternative spellings correctly during independent tasks. frown


This week, we have started to learn all about multiplication. We begun using the vocabulary 'groups of 2' and explored counting a range of objects in groups of 2. We then progressed to using arrays to represent our multiplication calculations. Our activities included using bean bags to build our own arrays and then drawing our own in our 


I have 4 groups of 2 apples in my basket. How many apples are there altogether? Can you write this as a multiplication calculation? 



This week, we went on a animal hunt in our outdoor area to look for invertebrates! We used IPads to capture pictures of the different animals we found and enjoyed researching all about them back in class. We found a couple of wiggly worms and a spider; we discussed the animals that we didn't spot and the possible reasons why. For example, we did not see any butterflies possibly because the weather is too cold. Super work! frown

w.b 04.03.19


This week we have been learning all about the sound family 'oo' and the alternative spellings for this sound, including 'ew' and 'ue'. We have learnt the tricky words 'people' and 'asked' this week and worked hard to spell these words correctly during independent writing. 


It has been an exciting week in literacy this week with World Book Day celebrations! We have been enjoying sharing stories and celebrating writing in Year One. We learnt the traditional, 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and designed our own story board to re-tell the story. We have recapped our prior learning of adjectives to write a super character description of the our World Book Day character! During GPV this week, we have learnt how to use apostrophes for contraction; we have focused on: I'm, she's, he's and where's. We enjoyed using jelly beans to represent our apostrophes, which supported our independent writing. 


We have continued to develop our understanding of addition and subtraction by solving missing number problems! In class, we received an emergency call from Pikachu explaining he needed our help to save a rare and special Pokemon by solving the missing number problems to break the safe. We worked hard in our teams to solve the missing number problems and help Pikachu - fabulous work! frown

w.b 25.02.19

frownHappy Spring 2!frown


This week we have been learning about the sound family 'ee' and the alternative spellings for this sound, including: 'ea' and 'y'. Our tricky words this week have been: 'could' and 'their'. We have enjoyed tackling tricky word challenges in class, which have included writing each word with our non dominant hand and with our eyes closed! 

Our activities have included: 

  • Sorting the real and alien words before the timer runs out 
  • Phonics Bingo! 
  • Spotting all the 'ee' graphemes in a story 
  • Matching the words to the correct grapheme in our outside area 
  • Create an 'ee' sound family poster with our learning partner to consolidate our learning

We have been working hard to use our phonics during independent writing to support our spelling.  


This half term we are learning all about traditional tales with a focus on igniting writing!

This week we have enjoyed using drama and story props to re-tell the traditional tale – ‘The Three Little Pigs’. As a class, we learnt key elements of a story: characters, setting and plot and created a recipe for a traditional tale in the context of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We read the story as a class and joined in with predictable phrases when retelling the tale, such as ‘I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down!’. We then imagined we were one of the little pigs needing a strong house for protection from the big, bad wolf. We enjoyed building our house after collecting a range of materials from our outside area including: flower petals, sticks and leaves. We also used a range of craft materials, such as: cotton wool, pompoms, feathers and coloured card to make the best house.

After building our houses, we wrote an evaluation detailing the materials used and why and how we can make our creations even better. Have a look at some of our amazing houses below .... no



This week we have been learning all about singular and plural nouns and the spelling rule (adding -s and -es) to change a singular noun into a plural. We enjoyed working in our butterfly teams to complete a Brain Blitz challenge. This consisted of: jumping through the hoops, throwing a bean bag into the bucket, picking a noun picture and recording the plural noun on our team sheet.frown


In mathematics this week, we have been learning all about addition and subtraction. We have used number lines and concrete objects to support our calculations and enjoyed tackling some worded problems! frown

Home challenge:

If you buy 8 apples at the shop and you eat 3, how many apples are left? 

You see 8 birds flying in the sky on Monday and on Tuesday you see 7 more. How many birds do you see altogether? 


w.b 11.02.19


smileyThank you all for a wonderful half term! I wish you all a restful break and look forward to seeing you in Spring 2 smiley


no R.E Open Afternoon! no

Thank you for attending this week's R.E open afternoon! We had a lovely time discussing the 'Big Questions' that arose from the creation frieze and creating our own thankfulness collages. 


We have been learning all about the 'igh' sound family this week, focusing on the split digraph 'i-e'. Our activities have included: 

  • Finding the real words before the timer runs out 
  • Identifying all the 'igh' words in a phoneme spotter story
  • Matching the domino cards in the quickest time
  • Matching the words to the correct grapheme


We have been continuing with the unit of measure this week and learning how to measure the weight of objects using grams and kilograms. We learnt there are 1000g in 1kg and we enjoyed weighing classroom objects in our butterfly groups. no

w.b 04.02.19 


African Drumming Workshop

Year One and Year Two greatly enjoyed an African drumming workshop, after raising the funds from the Winter Wonderland cafe! We enjoyed learning all about the drums and how to make lots of different sounds. After our workshop, we performed to reception, Year 4 and Year 5, which was very exciting.frown


This week we have been building our knowledge of the sound family 'ai' by learning all about the split digraph a-e. We have been doing lots of whiteboard work in class, where we wrote our own captions to describe a range of pictures using the a-e split digraph. We have also been working hard to improve our writing of tricky words by listening to our tricky word song and writing the words as we sing a long. This week we have focused on: they and were. We have also recapped our learning of the 'oa' sound family, developing our understanding of the split digraph o-e. 

Our challenges have included: 

  • Matching the domino cards in the quickest time
  • Completing the spelling o-e board game by filling the missing letters 
  • Segmenting a range of words into their individual sounds 
  • Sorting a range of alien and real words
  • Matching a range of words to the correct grapheme 


In English, we have been learning all about adjectives and nouns. We had fun in class attempting to sell a pencil to our learning partner by using our best vocabulary, such as: sparkly, superb, superior, fantastic and many more! We learnt new actions to help us remember what a noun is and will continue to develop this new learning next week. We have also written a story mountain to plan our Polar Adventure. Our story mountain included an: opening, build-up, dilemma, resolution and closing. We have begun to write our stories, working hard to use capital letters and full stops, as well as adjectives to improve our writing. We have begun to punctuate our sentences using exclamation marks to make our writing even more exciting! Keep your eyes peeled for some fantastic Polar Adventure stories... no


In Year One, we learnt all about friendship and what a good friend looks like. We shared some lovely ideas during circle time and respected our peers through active listening and super team work. 

Our activities included: 

  • What I want in a friend? We used a big roll paper in our teams to draw around a volunteer and record lots of different qualities that make a good friend. 
  • Can you make a recipe for friendship? We used lots of different ingredients, such as happiness, kindness and gentleness in our recipes. We had fun working together and recording our ideas on whiteboards. 
  • What does a good friend look like? In our teams, we helped each other sort the scenarios into what a good friend or bad friend would do. We drew our own scenario pictures to show what a good friend looks like. 
  • How can I help? We enjoyed taking part in a drama activity in our groups using our class prop bag. We read a scenario card, where a character felt sad. We acted this out and demonstrated, through role play how we would help through being a good friend.  



We have been working hard on the topic of measure this week. We have learnt about the units of measure: cm and m. We enjoyed learning how to use a ruler accurately and we measured lots of different classroom objects in cm. We also learnt that there are 100cm in 1m and explored a range of different objects in our outdoor area that measure less than and more than 1m. frown


w.b 28/01/19


Winter Wonderland Cafe! no

Thank you for visiting and supporting the Winter Wonderland Cafe this Thursday! We greatly enjoyed helping serve all the yummy cakes and drinks and being able to visit the cafe in the afternoon. We have raised some money for a special musical surprise, which we are every excited for...! frown


Literacy and Phonics

This week in phonics, we have continued to build our knowledge of the 'oa' sound family by learning all about the split digraph o-e. We have produced some fantastic writing, where we used our phonics knowledge to support independent spelling. In class, we have proudly displayed our wow work, where you can see how we have used the split digraph o-e in our writing. A brand new and very exciting Pen Pal system has begun in Year One, where each day a new person is randomly chosen to write a letter to either Kevin or Roary to post in our class postbox. The mail arrives each afternoon with a reply! We have enjoyed writing our letters so far and look forward to continuing this next week. frown



We learnt all about 1 more and 1 less this week. We enjoyed working in our teams to roll the dice, add the amount and write what is 1 more and 1 more less than the given number. We have also begun to learn all about partitioning numbers into tens and ones. As as class, we have explored 2 digit numbers through 100 grid splat and using the foam numicon pieces to build our numbers. no


We started jumping this week in P.E, which we have really enjoyed! We our developing our skills by learning lots of different types of jumps, for example 1 to 1 and 2 to 1.  frown

w.b 21.01.19



Our sound family this week has been 'oa'. We have been learning about the alternative spellings for this sound: oe, ow and o. We enjoyed taking part in a phonics carousel, where are challenges included: 

  • Sorting the alien and real words before the timer runs out
  • Combining the word cards to create three full sentences 
  • Listening and writing the sentences spoken from the talking tins
  • Matching a range of 'oa' words to the correct grapheme




We have been learning all about the months of the year this week. We have practiced writing each month and learning how to spell them correctly. We enjoyed discussing special occasions that happen in each month as a class and learning our new months of the year song! frown


Our class split into two teams: Robert Falcon Scott and the Norwegian party and the race to the South Pole began! We had to map our journey by spotting all the different animals on our way. It was a challenging journey; we met blizzards, snow drifts, steep hills and slippery slopes! It was important to work as a team and support each other and we all enjoyed celebrating victory at the South Pole! Back in class, we mapped our journey by sequencing pictures of the animals we saw in the correct order. What an adventure, super work everyone!


To document our journey we have been busy writing a recount of our South Pole adventure! We have been working hard to include our capital letters and full stops during independent writing, as well as using exclamation marks to punctuate our sentences! Keep your eyes out for some super recounts! no


We have enjoyed gymnastics this week by developing our balancing skills! We enjoyed learning lots of different balances and perfecting them with our team. frown

w.b 14.0.19

T.T Rock star Day!

We had a great day on Thursday dressing up in our Rock star outfits learning all about our times tables! Have a look at our amazing outfits below! frown


This week we have been learning all about the alternative spellings for 'igh'.

Our activities have included: 

  • Creating an 'igh' poster to show the different spellings 
  • Writing captions to describe a range of 'igh' pictures during independent writing 
  • Matching the cone word to the correct grapheme in our outdoor area 
  • Working with our learning partners to build a range of 'igh' words 
  • Completing a tricky word and 'igh' word search!




We started gymnastics this week in P.E and enjoyed the challenge of creating a range of different balances in our groups! no


We started our topic of time this week.

Our activities included:

  • Sequencing our school day, using the key words before, after and next 
  • Singing the days of the week song and identifying 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' 

w.b 07.01.19 


frownWelcome back and a very Happy New Year! frown


 In Year One, we have had a super start to 2019 and our Spring term. 



In phonics, we have been learning all about alternative spellings for the sound 'ai'. We have enjoyed working with our learning partners to build words using the different graphemes 'ai' and 'ay'. Our spelling challenge was a relay race this week, where we had to work in our teams to spell the correct 'ai'/'ay' words and tricky words correctly. We also enjoyed a tricky word treasure hunt; we worked together to read and write these words. no


We have started to learn about the famous explorer Robert Falcon Scott and we began to write a fact file describing his achievements! We have been working hard on our independent writing too and making sure to double check our sentences for capital letters and full stops. 


We have started the topic of money this week, which we have really enjoyed. We have been working on identifying the different denominations of coins and ordering these according to their value. We set up our very own cake shop in Year One, where we had to calculate the value of each item for sale. We then had to find the correct combination of coins to buy a cupcake and a chocolate coin! We enjoyed this challenge - have a look at our work below! frown


Weekly Update


Updated on 14/09/2018

We have had another super week in Year One! frown

Roald Dahl day

We explored the story, The Twits and visited our own Twits' Diner in class! The children enjoyed building their own Diner in the Construction Area and creating Mr Twit's messy beard in the Messy Area! We had a great time. 



We have been busy reading the story 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon 

Our activities have included;

- Sequencing the events

- Building a space shelter

- Building a rocket to help Beegu get home 

- Designing Beegu's planet 


This week we have been focusing on number skills. The children are enjoyed revisiting the Numicon pieces to 10 and created their own number line. We have also been focusing on numbers up to 100 and have practised counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.



Can you count to 100 in 2's, 5's and 10's? 

Can you teach a family member how to count to 100 in 10's? 



Updated on 21/09/18 


What another super week in Year One! no




We have continued to work on our number skills this week with particular focus on our number formation. We have had great fun learning new songs and practising how our numbers are formed using our magic fingers.


Our activities have included:


Creating a number ‘washing’ line

Creating a number snake

Rolling dice and threading the correct number of beads

Painting our own 2 part model to show different number calculations



We explored the story of Beegu further and developed our understanding of capital letters and full stops in our sentence writing.


Other activities included:


Making a playdoh model of Beegu

Painting a picture of Beegu

In our own words, explaining how Beegu may have felt in certain stages of the story. 




In exciting news, we received a very special letter from NASA detailing our learning missions to become fully certified astronauts! Our first learning mission is to learn all about the life of Neil Armstrong and why he was a hero.


Our activities included:


Designing and labelling Neil Armstrong’s rocket

Building a Lego rocket

Painting Neil Armstrong in space

Applying our understanding of capital letters and full stops to write a fact about Neil Armstrong


Updated on 28/09/18 




In mathematics this week, we have developed our counting skills and practised counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. We linked our counting to pairs of socks and our hands and fingers, which helped out understanding. We have been working hard to develop our number formation and number recognition beyond 20 too!


Our activities have included:

100 grid splat to paint the multiples of 2, 5 and 10

Counting by 2s and 5s hopscotch

Counting pairs of socks by 2

Matching multiples of 5 to the correct Numicon piece



We started a new fiction story of ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. We had great fun developing our comprehension skills by re-telling the story through freeze framing.


Other activities included:

Packing Baby Bear’s backpack to the moon.

Painting Baby Bear on the moon or another planet we have been learning about!

Sequencing the beginning, middle and end of the story using sentence cones.

Creating a shopping list for Baby Bear's and Owl's yummy picnic on the moon.

Creating a shape and Numicon rocket for Baby Bear. 

We have also been working on our letter formation this week, focusing on the curly letter 'a'. Look at our fabulous work below! smiley



We have had great fun this week continuing our learning about space! We enjoyed learning a new song all about the solar system and adventuring on a spacewalk to collect all the moon rocks!

Other activities included:

Packing a space backpack

Designing a spacesuit

Building a rocket using 2D and 3D shapes

w/b 01/10/18
Updated 05/10/18


We have been working hard to improve our understanding and writing of numbers greater than 10.

We started our new topic of measures this week with a focus on length and height.


Our activities included:

Measuring our learning partner with Lego bricks – how many Lego bricks tall am I?

Finding different combinations of objects that are longer, shorter or the same length as a metre ruler!

Ordering items from smallest to tallest, and tallest to shortest!



In literacy, we have read a new fiction story ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. As a class, we discussed how our toys are special to us and linked our experiences to the story. Inspired by ‘Toys in Space’, we are planning a fabulous Toy’s Party next Friday (12.10.18) to celebrate! Please bring along a special teddy if you would like. In class, we are busy writing some fabulous invitations… we are very excited!


Our activities have included:

Creating a lost poster for Hoctopize’s toy, Cuddles

Writing stories to tell our cuddly toys

Building Hocotopize’s Spaceship in construction

Designing parachutes to help the lost toys return to Earth


During P.E, we have been practising movement and exploring lots of different ways we can move our bodies. We have also been working on developing our balancing, catching and throwing skills, which we have really enjoyed!


For our spelling challenge this week, we had great fun completing a spelling treasure hunt with our learning partner! 



Updated on 12.10.18


Is the Big Ben longer than a sunflower? Is a Pokémon card shorter than a caterpillar? Is the teddy bear heavier than a Numicon piece? Here are some of the questions we have been asking ourselves this week when learning all about measure!


Our activities have included:

Ordering 5 and more objects from shortest to longest.

Finding objects both in and outside the classroom that are longer and shorter than each other.

Writing sentences to describe the measurements using key words ‘shorter’ and ‘longer’.

Weighing different objects using balance scales to discover which ones are heavier and lighter.


This week, we have continued to work on our new fiction story, ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. We have been busy writing our very special invitations for our Toy Party, by making sure we have used capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!


Our activities have included:

Writing stories to tell to our toys

Den making and rocket building challenges during outdoor provision 

Circle time to share why our toys are special to us and how we can link our experiences to our book, 'Toys in Space'. 

Road Safety Afternoon no

On Friday afternoon, we had some very special visitors in class helping us learn all about road safety. We had lots of fun and learnt the Green Cross Code: Think, Stop, Look and Listen. 


Updated on 19/10/18


In mathematics this week, we have started learning all about addition! We started using concrete objects to create number calculations and began to record our calculations in written form. We had fun using hula hoops, bean bags and unifix cubes to represent our numbers and support our counting.


During early bird maths and provision led challenge, we have enjoyed practising the two part whole model too. Have a look at our work below!



This week, we have compared the two fiction stories ‘Beegu’ and ‘Toys in Space’ by creating our own venn diagram. During discussion, we explored how the characters and their experiences were similar and different in both stories.



During P.E, we played a game of 10 bin bowling but slightly differently…

We had to work together in our pairs to build the tallest tower and try and knock it down using bean bags! We were really proud of our hard work and enjoyed the challenge.  

w.b 5.11.18

Updated on 9.11.18 


This week in literacy we explored the nursery rhymes, 'Incy Wincy Spider' and 'It's Raining, It's Pouring'. We had fun identifying the rhyming words in each poem and we began to recite both by heart. Similarly, during our guided reading session we read 'The Worst Princess' and spotted the rhyming words as a class. 



We started the topic of shape this week. We had fun completing a 2-D shape treasure hunt around the classroom and we learnt how to create a tally to represent our numbers. 

Our weekly challenge within provision was to create a 2-D shape picture to consolidate our learning in class no

Challenge: How many 2-D shapes can you spot at home? 

w.b 12.11.18

Updated on 16.11.18

What a fabulous week! Thank you to everyone who joined us on Tuesday for our opening morning. We had great fun learning all about 3D shapes - have a look at some of our work below! frown



In English this week, we have learnt all about rhyming words. Our previous learning has included identifying the rhyming words in the two nursery rhymes: Incy Wincy Spider and It's Raining, It's Pouring. Working in our groups, we chose to perform Incy Wincy Spider to the rest of the class and recite the poem by heart, with our own actions too! 
We enjoyed listening to each other's performances and we explained our thoughts and ideas on each one.


We have also been working hard on our letter formation and this week we have practised forming the curly letter 'g' no


In Science this week, we identified and organised a range of light sources into bright, brighter and brightest! no

w.b. 19.11.18 

Updated on 23.11.18



We have worked hard to develop our counting skills this week by practising counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Our class challenge was to complete the missing number sequences. 


Challenge - Can you spot the mistake in this sequence? 

5, 10, 15, 22, 25, 30 ... 

We worked particularly hard on our counting by 2s by improving our understanding of 'pairs'. Our activities included: 

  • How many pairs of smelly socks are hanging on the washing line? 
  • How many pairs of animals entered Noah's Ark?




In English this week, we went on an Autumn walk around school and described what we could see, hear, smell and touch. We have been inspired by the rain and enjoyed learning about the poem April Rain Song by Langston Hughes. We used our experiences to write our very own rain poem and worked hard to include capital letters and full stops in our writing. 


Take Over Day! 

It's been a very exciting Friday with Take Over Day! We enjoyed a phonics lesson with our new teachers, where we practised our speedy sounds. We learnt the new sound 'ew' - chew the stew and practised this sound during spellings. 


w.b 26.11.18 

Updated on 30.11.18 


frownSTAR OF THE WEEK! frown


In exciting news, we have just started star of the week in Year One to celebrate our hard work and achievements in class. This week's star of the week is... 

For super participation and hard work during our fraction learning! no


In mathematics this week we have started the new topic of fractions, which we have enjoyed learning all about! 

Our activities have included:

  • Finding a half and a quarter of a hula hoop using metre sticks and bean bags! 
  • Making fraction food and creating a fraction food menu! 
  • Exploring halves and quarters when designing a fraction picture.

Some of the questions we have been exploring in class are... 

  • If I were to split an object in half, how many equal parts do I have? 
  • If I were to split an object into quarters, how many equal parts do I have? 

We have just started to explore how to find a half of a number using the part, part whole model to support our learning. Have a look at our super work below! 



This week we have been developing our independent writing skills and continuing to work hard to remember capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We enjoyed choosing a picture and writing a caption to describe it. 

Drama Workshop 

We took part in a special drama workshop. We had lots of fun playing drama games to develop our communication and practise using our voices. We learnt and performed a play where we became ants who were trying to eat the crumb of a chocolate cake! It was fun performing as a class and practising our drama skills.

w.b. 03.12.18

Updated 07.12.18


frownSTAR OF THE WEEK!frown

This week's Star of the Week is...

For being a kind friend to all your classmates! Well done! no


We have been learning all about capacity this week, which we have enjoyed. We used the vocabulary full, half full and empty to describe different measurements. We used different materials to fill a variety of containers and enjoyed solving different problems for capacity. 



In English this week, we received a very special letter from Father Christmas explaining that he needs our help! Father Christmas had lost his very important to do list, so we had fun writing Father Christmas a new one! We also had fun writing a reply letter to Father Christmas explaining why Christmas is important to us. It was lovely sharing our ideas and celebrating our writing as a class. 

w.b. 10.12.18

Updated 14.12.18

It has been a very exciting week! We enjoyed the Road Safety Pantomime, where we learnt all about the green cross code: think, stop, look and listen. We also had a very important visit from the Yorkshire Police to provide a Hate Crime talk, who said "the children were amazing and were all actively engaged and listening". no


We have enjoyed making our own Christmas cards and calendars, which we can't wait to take home next week. 


frown Thank you for all your hard work and wishing everyone a very merry Christmas from Year One!frown



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