Tapestry is an electronic learning Journal that holds a record of each individual child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years. Through the use of photos and videos we document how they children are growing and developing during their time in Nursery and then Reception.
The observations we complete of children are linked to the EYFS assessments and Characteristics of Effective Learning. The Tapestry platform enables you to follow your child’s journey through the Foundation Stage as well as holding these memories as a permanent record of each child’s unique journey.
Tapestry allows for excellent communication between staff and helps build a shared understanding of how the child is progressing in the setting. The journals will also be continued after the children have left Nursery and move into Reception. The new class teacher will be able to view a record of all of the child’s past observations and then continue to add new observations as the child continues to develop in the next part of the Early Years Foundation Stage.