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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Class Update



Another successful and busy week!


In learning means the world we have been busy learning about physical and human features, reading maps and designing and building our own islands (Out of Lego!).


In English we have enjoyed reading Tiddler and using this box to support our work. We have been thinking of excuses for being late, we have worked on using speech bubbles or inverted commas to show speech and have written about where we would go on an adventure with a seahorse!


In maths we have worked on using resources to support our learning and help us work out questions. Children have focused on number lines and bead strings to support their addition and will be working on subtraction next week!


Have a good weekend


Mr Martin



Another very busy week complete and another week closer to Christmas!


The children have worked very hard this week! We have completed big writes, learnt about food chains and successfully completed messy church!


This week i have sent home sound charts for children to practice their phonics over next week and the holidays and I will be sending home some extra books next week as well.


I am looking forward to completing a huge range of Christmas activities with the children next week starting with a our Christmas carousel on Monday.


I hope you all have a good weekend and I will see you all on Monday!


Mr Martin



Hello everyone,


Another busy week in year 1 again this week.


We have been counting and recognising numbers 1-20+ in maths as well as comparing amounts to find the biggest and smallest number. This than lead us to use greater than, less than or equal to in our maths. We have worked very hard and are now able to compare amounts and write out own number sentences using greater than, less than or equal to.


In literacy we have had a big push on letter formation and writing sentences. I have really be impressed with the effort children have put into their work with everyone trying their best to form letters correctly, use their phonics knowledge and remember all the features of a sentence!


In learning means the world we have learnt about Ceasar Mincepie.... I mean Ceasar Manrique! He has created art work and sculptures that move in the wind. We have tried to replicate some of his work on pinwheels which we took home today. We also created a giant map of barwick this week using oil pastels which I am very impressed with and is hanging up in our classroom. The children worked really well together to work collaboratively and share the responsibility of creating the whole village! 


I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you all on Monday!


P.s. We have also had a very cheeky elf move into our classroom, who has already started causing mischief. I am sure the children will tell you about Buddy and what he has been up to over the week. Fingers crossed he is sensibly over the weekend and the classroom is okay for Monday!


Mr Martin



Hi everyone!


Another busy week has passed us by! The children have worked really hard this week and I have been very impressed with their knowledge of number and counting as well as their focus on reading and having a go.


In maths we have been using bead stings, conkers, base ten, conkers, more conkers and everything else in our class we can get our hands on to count. We have been learning how to use number lines as well as drawing our own number lines outside with chalk and jumping up or down them to find one more or one less.


In literacy we have started story mapping We're going on a bear hunt and writing sentences to match the story using conjunctions. We have also had a big push on letter formation and making sure we are sounding out words before we start writing them. We will be continuing with this next week, before we write our own version of the story based around our school!


I have also been really impressed with our classes gymnastics skills this week! They have been balancing, spinning, using apparatus and putting together small routines. The children have worked hard, supported each other and been great coaches to each other in gymnastics.


I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you all on Monday!


Mr Martin




What a wonderful end to the week this week!


Everyone has loved taking part in pupil take over day today. We have learnt how to look after babies, the flags of the world, along with maths and phonics! Although the most exciting part of the day seemed to be taking the register!


There were some amazing 'costumes' today and you could tell who the children were instantly! 


This week in maths we have worked on 2D and 3D shape, we have searched the school far and wide for items that are 2D shapes and items that are 3D shapes. Looked at there properties, named shapes, compared shapes and even drawn shapes in shaving foam (although that did get a tad messy)!


In literacy we have began learning were going on a bear hunt in preparation for rewriting it in our own words and developing a new version for walking around our school. I think we are hoping that we don't find a bear....


In phonics the children have been working really hard and I have been so impressed this week as I have been able to work across many different groups I have seen everyone focused and trying there best, especially today when the children were leading the sessions!


I hope everyone has a great a week and I look forward to seeing you all next week!


P.S. I have just discovered that I forgot to hand the reading diaries out at the end of the day. I'm really sorry about this and will make sure they are all handed out on Monday!


The children 



It been another exciting week in year 1!


In maths we have been working hard to learn the part whole method for addition. We have made great attempts at this but have found it hard at times when a part contains zero or nothing. We will be touching on this again next week to help support the children.


In literacy we have been working on story mapping the The three billy goats gruff and made an excellent start. Next week we will be adapting this story by changing key points and altering the characters to make our own version of the story. I'm really looking forward to the children creating their own versions of the story.


I am looking forward to seeing everyone at parents evening next week. Please come and see me or get in touch if you haven't managed to book a slot yet.


Darren Martin




Its Friday again!


I hope everyone has received a parents evening slot email, please let me know if you have not received one and I will find out what has happened.


All the children have been busy retelling fairy tales using story maps and I have been very impressed with our story telling using the story maps. We have been working on Jack and the beanstalk this week! 


We have developed these fairy tales with sound effects made with our mouths and with instruments. It got rather noisy when we were retelling Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf entered the story!


In maths we have continued with our place value and counting. Reminding the children anything can be counted as well as beginning to work out some maths problems. We will be moving onto to addition and subtraction next week!


Finally, if you get a minute please can you send in a photo of your child reading at home and we will add it to our reading display in class. (There may even be a prize for the most creative reading place!) 


I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you all next week!


Mr Martin




Another week has flown by and what a busy week it has been!


The children have worked so hard in English creating story maps for Goldilocks and the three bears! We have learnt how to retell the story in our own words and create our own story map. I have been really impressed with everyone's story telling this week! Can the children remember any of the story or the actions. 


In maths we have been working on sorting and grouping and have been sorting and grouping ourselves in many different ways as well as items and objects. We have been trying to group items in different ways which at times has been tricky!


We have also designed amazing bags for the fairies and their needs in Learning means the world. I never knew fairies worked as under cover secret agents or that they needed night vision googles and disguises!


We also had lots of fun/made a big mess baking gingerbread biscuits this week. The children worked hard to carefully follow the instructions and weigh all the ingredients to make the tastiest biscuits possibly!


Finally, we have started using instruments to make music! We have compared different instruments to different characters from Little Red Riding Hood and tried to play them to represent the different characters. We will be doing more of this next week! Did the children have any favourite characters or favourite instruments?


See you all next week!


Mr Martin

Friday 23rd September


My first class page update!


It has been super to finally settle into school life and get to know my new class, and what a super bunch they are!


I have been very impressed with their learning skills and their ability to adapt to all the changes over the last couple of weeks. Together we are finally settling into our class routines and school life.


We have just begun to develop our classroom and make it an enriching learning space. We have started to build our small world area. Which after careful discussion we decided needed a pond... This may have been a mistake as we ended up flooding our castle!


The children have had a big PSHE focus this week in Learning means the world and we have learnt about how to look after our friends and how to be nice to them. We talked about bullying and how we should only say kind words to each other. We did a great experiment with this in mind based around toothpaste! I wonder if the children can tell you anything about it?


We have introduced groups this week for the children to work in and have named them together from our Learning means the world topic, Happily ever after! Can you child tell you which group they are in? These groups are just for working in class and will swap and change. We will rename them next half term with our new topic!



Next week!


Next week in Learning means the world we are starting with a design and technology focus and we will be trying to help some fairies or trolls by designing special bags for them. We will need to think about some special features they may need and we may even be able to make some bags ourselves! (time to practice my sewing skills!)



I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone next week!


Mr Martin


P.s. I will try not to squash any more children at home time!

Friday 16th September 2022


This week we have had a scientific flavour to our learning. We’ve been discussing what is alive, what is no longer alive, and what has never lived. Then we’ve gone on hunts outside to find examples of each. Many in the class were amazed to find out that trees are alive! They also really impressed by linking materials such as wood into things that used to be alive, and that metal and plastic have never been alive: good work team! We’ve also looked at different lifecycles of frogs and swans, which linked into The Ugly Duckling fairy tale.

In Maths, we’ve continued with oodles of counting practice, often involving lots of moving and very enthusiastic dancing. We’ve also learned about how to represent a number in lots of different ways – using objects, numerals, cubes, words etc.

In English, we’ve continued to work on remembering finger spaces and using fred fingers to sound out. We enjoyed some Little Red Riding Hood drama, and then have a go at writing character descriptions of the wolf. The class also created some fantastic grandmother cottages and beds for the wolf to hide in!


The class are very excited to have Mr Martin back from Tuesday next week, and I’m sure he’ll be raring to go! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.


Best wishes


Mr Lynn

It has been a remarkable week in Year 1! First of all, we must sent huge congratulations to Mr Martin for the birth of his daughter Margot. The class are very excited to find out more about her!


The children  should also be very proud of themselves for coping with a most unique transition into Year 1. It’s not often you have two different teachers within the first hour of joining a year group! They’ve really impressed me with their determination to learn new routines and taking on Year 1 work. They are also beginning to master the fiendish task of locking and unlocking their lockers! Across the week we’ve spent lots of time practising routines, and getting to know the classroom and each other.


The class have begun their Learning Means The World topic, called Happily Ever After.
We’ve read lots of traditional tales, and all enjoyed performing the Enormous Turnip together. Try saying ‘turnip’ at home to see if your child can remember what to do! We’ve even begun to explore some features of traditional tales, such as the use of ‘repetition’.

When writing, we’ve been remembering how finger spaces make our writing much easier to read: poor Mr Lynn kept forgetting to use them!  In Maths we’ve been practising counting forwards and backwards, as well as careful counting. I’ve appreciated the help of lots of class ‘teachers’, when I’ve made many, many mistakes with my counting!
In phonics, we’ve been beginning to go into our new groups, learning and remembering routines, and practising our speed sounds, ready for full sessions to start next week.

Well done to the class for an excellent start, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


Mr Lynn

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