Friday 3rd February 2023
This week has been assessment week in school, so the children have all been showing me how amazing they are.
In Learning Means the World we have been looking at the country of France. The children have, in groups, been given a place in France to research. They are putting together presentations to share their learning with their classmates next week.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 27th January 2023
This week, the children have been busy practising their division and multiplication skills. We have been counting in 4s and 8s and using this learning to help us with our division.
In Talk 4 Writing we have been completing our shared write, where we all work together on our shared ideas of how to change our model text. We have also been learning about expanded noun phrases, synonyms, inverted commas for speech as well as how we use imperative verbs to write commands.
We have been finishing up our History topic learning about Queen Boudicca and are moving onto our Geography topic Three Giant Steps. The children seemed to have really loved learning about the Stone through to the Bronze Age these past few weeks - I especially love hearing about all the lovely things they have been doing at home to extend their learning! Well done!
Have a great weekend!
Friday 13th January 2023
This week the children have been busy learning more about the Stone Age. We became hunter gatherers and had to build our own houses for our little wooden people using only resources we could gather outside. The children loved searching for things and seeing what they could come up with!
We used the laptops to research two places; Skara Brae and Stonehenge. We discovered what historians found out from these sites, and what they think they were created for. We then tried making our own versions out of biscuits. We realised it is much harder than it looks!
We also created our own alphabet and wrote messages and letters to our friends using our own alphabet. This was a lovely activity and the children got very inventive!
Have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 6th January 2023
The children have settled back into school these past two days beautifully. We have been very busy! Our history topic for the next few weeks is called 'Lindow Man' and we have started off looking at the lives of people in the Stone Age.
We have been practising counting in 4s and starting to count in 8s; any time spent on TT Rockstars in the coming weeks will be very helpful!
In Talk 4 Writing we have been learning about Journey Stories and we have started on our new story 'Nail Soup'. The children have really enjoyed acting out the story today, getting themselves familiar with the story.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 16th December 2022
Just a quick message to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!
It has been a pleasure to teach your children this autumn term and I am really looking forward to our adventures together next year.
Can I also take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity and gifts; it really was very kind of you all.
All the best,
Team Year 3!
Friday 9th December 2022: Christmas is in the air!
Monday 12th – Christmas Carousel
You will be moving around all the classrooms completing different Christmas Crafts.
There will be no PE on this day.
Tuesday 13th – Elf Day
You will be making our Christingles and completing your Elf Run!
Wednesday 14th - Barwick’s Got Talent
You will be in the hall for most of the day in order for all the classes and acts to perform.
There will be no PE on this day.
Thursday 15th – Christmas Party Day!
You will have time in the hall for a disco and party food in the classroom. You will have Spanish as normal. To finish the day, you will be going into the hall.
Friday 16th – Christmas Jumper Day
You will start the day at Church for our Christmas Carol Service and Christingle Service. Once we return to school, there will be lots of Christmas activities in class for the rest of the day!
Friday 2nd December 2022
This week in Learning Means the World we have been continuing to focus on our History topic of the Ancient Greeks. Earlier this week, we created top trump cards for the Greek Gods and Goddesses as well as having a Greek food tasting session. The children were really adventurous and lots tried things they hadn't eaten before. Towards the end of the week, we started looking at the Battle of Marathon and how the Persian army tried to take over Athens.
In Maths, we have started moving onto multiplication with a refresh of our 3x tables before we move onto our 4x and 8x tables. Remember TT Rockstars is always available for practice!
In T4W we are looking at Explanation texts and our new model text looks at 'Why we should not go into the forest'. We have been busy learning our text this week, as well as focussing on the grammar skills and vocabulary chosen by the writer.
The children loved putting their decorations on the school Christmas Tree on Thursday. Thank you to everyone who took the time to create a decoration at home.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Friday 25th November 2022
What a busy week in Year 3. Well done to all the children who took part in our Collective Worship, even those children who didn't want to speak, really worked hard for the rest of the class. The children wrote their lovely poems that were featured within our assembly and they loved talking about their own preparations for Christmas!
In Talk 4 Writing this week we have been focussing on inverted commas for speech. The children have been learning about when speech marks are included in their writing and they have enjoyed the activities we have been doing around these. We have also started our independent writing for their defeating the monster tale. The children have enjoyed coming up with a variety of wacky ways to defeat their monsters!
In Maths we have been consolidating our learning on addition and subtraction before moving onto multiplication next week.
Finally, in Learning Means the World we have been researching the Greek Gods and Goddesses, hopefully the children will be using this information to write a fact file next week.
Have a great weekend!
Friday 18th November 2022
The children had a fantastic Take Over Day today! This afternoon, the children took over our history lesson and became the teachers. This week we have been learning about the daily lives of the people that live in Athens and Sparta. The children's task this afternoon was to come up with their own presentation and/or lesson for the other children in our class and teach them everything they had learnt so far.
I think the children found it harder than they thought it would be! They all showed their fantastic knowledge they had found out and were so confident sharing it with the class; it was wonderful to see. I have shared some pictures below.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Tumber
Friday 11th February 2022
Mulberry have been busy in our Learning Means the World time this week!
In Science we have been looking at floating and sinking and making predictions in regards to whether we think an item will sink or float. In History we looked at democracy; we worked in groups to write arguments for or against, and then voted for one of the options. We voted as Athenians or as Spartans would and we decided if this was a fair system or not. In PSHE we have started looking at bullying and how its effects can have effects on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
We have continued with our addition and subtraction topic in Maths and we have started working towards exchanging numbers using the column method.
In T4W we have been focussing on book talk, working on the vocabulary used within the text and why the writer might have chosen certain words. We have also looked at the structure of the defeating a monster story type and working on ideas for our shared writing as a class.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs Tumber
Friday 4th November 2022
This week in Mulberry we have started looking at our new model text 'Simic and the Forest'. We have drawn our own story maps and learnt the actions to help us remember the story better.
In maths have been looking at column addition and subtractions - the children did amazing practising their skills!
Our new topic for this half term is a history topic where we focus on the conflict between Athens V Sparta. This week we have look at where Greece is located, made holiday brochures with the information we have found out about Greece online. We have also started to learn about how people lived in Ancient Greece and we have been discussing whether we would prefer to be from Athens or Sparta.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 21st October 2022
What a lovely finish to half term!
The children loved going to church this morning to celebrate the harvest festival. They especially loved singing 'Conkers!'.
This week we have been working on our independent write. The children have really loved the book we have been focussed on 'Tuesday'.
In PSHE we have looked at friendship and what it means to be a friend. We have now finished cricket in PE - the children are excited to find out which sport we will be doing next!
Have a great half term,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 14th October 2022
What a fantastic week we have had in Mulberry class.
This week the children have been boxing-up and brainstorming ready for their independent writing next week. Our independent writing follows our learning about journey stories, and we will be showing off all the new grammar skills we have been practicing; using powerful verbs, understanding synonyms and using fronted adverbials.
In Maths we have started looking at addition and subtraction, using numbers upto 1000. We have been looking at how we exchange tens for ones and hundreds for tens. It is quite a tricky concept but the children have been working really hard on their learning.
In Learning Means The World we have continued our Artwork inspired by Jack Kirky and we have been busy painting our versions of 'Captain England'. We have also been working on some mime and drama this week; moulding our partners like plasticine and coming up with sequences of actions for characters that we know.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Tumber
Friday 7th October 2022
This week the children have had a wonderful time creating their own animations on the school computers. We have used a website called scratch to create some basic code. We did this by creating our sprite and then making them move, dance, make noises and talk.
In Art, we have been looking at the Artist Jack Kirby. We have been using different brush techniques and creating our own version of one of Jack Kirby's famous characters....Captain England!
We have started the innovation stage in our writing process and the children have done some fantastic writing; especially thinking about synonyms and using powerful verbs. We will continue to work on this across the next week.
Don't forget this coming week is TT Rockstars week - Pupils V Teachers! Don't forget to log onto your account and let the battle commence!
Mrs Tumber
Friday 30th September 2022
What a wonderful and very busy week we have had in Year 3!
At the start of the week we focussed on our strengths and how we could use these strengths to set realistic targets. We thought about our future aspirations and how our strengths would help us to achieve these. Mrs Tumber set us some targets and we had to see if we could achieve them or not; the children loved attempting to build their towers out of pasta and marshmallows!
In Learning Means The World this week we have focussed on the country of Canada and we have been comparing its Autumn climate with our own.
In Maths we have been looking at comparing numbers up to 1000 using greater than and less than signs and we have been using these to help us order numbers too.
In VIPERS we have been using the thesaurus to help us find different synonyms to make our writing more exciting for the reader.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 23rd September 2022
I have been so proud of how hard working and resilient the children have been when completing their assessments this week. They can be a little tricky at times, especially this early on in the school year, but they have all been fantastic at showing me how amazing they are.
In Maths we have been continuing our work on place value, focussing on hundreds, tens and ones. We have been looking at what each digit in a three digit number represents, and the value of each different number.
In Talk 4 Writing we have been focussing on synonyms and trying to understand what these are. We have been thinking about how synonyms can make our writing more exciting, especially for the reader.
In Learning Means The World this week, we have been using google to help us find out facts about Wallace and Gromit. We have also been thinking about our strengths and what the strengths of our friends are. It was interesting to see what our friends thought our strengths were compared with what we did!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Tumber
Friday 16th September 2022
On Tuesday the children had a fantastic time celebrating the books written by Roald Dahl. The children moved round each class where they took part in themed activities for each book. They had a great time inventing words, creating potions, orienteering and making chocolate creations! We learnt lots of different facts about Roald Dahl and enjoyed sharing ideas on our favourite stories.
In Talk 4 Writing we continued learning our model text for Tuesday. We created a story map which we came up with actions for and we created freeze-frames for different parts in the story.
In Maths we have started working with 3 digit numbers and are covering place value with hundreds, tens and ones.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs Tumber
Friday September 9th 2022
What a fantastic first week back we have had in Mulberry class! All the children have settled in really quickly. They have enjoyed catching up with their friends and starting on their learning journey in Year 3.
This week we have been thinking about our new Learning Means The World topic which is all about film and animation. We have started thinking about the different types of animation, as well as look at its history; we made our own flipbooks which everyone really enjoyed!
We have started on Reading Plus this week which helps us work on our reading and comprehension skills. The children are working on logging onto computers confidently and accessing the Reading Plus website.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Tumber