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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Summer Homework

Over this half term, you are expected to complete the following homeworks:


Reading - Reading up to 5 times a week either your reading book or using Reading Plus.

Maths - To log onto Times Table Rockstars

Spelling - To practise your weekly spellings for your spelling tests.


Spring 2022 Home Learning Update
For the next two half terms, we will be trialling the use of the CS Kids grammar tailored programme in place of the current home learning approach, as part of our blended learning strategy. Our aim is for home learning to be impactful on the children, therefore we ask that all children participate.
Every Friday, by 5pm, the next week’s learning should automatically appear on your child’s account. Pupil logins are stored in your child’s planner. 

Home Learning

Set: Friday 11th February 2022

Due: Friday 18th February 2022











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Complete a game to practise your times tables from our class times table challenge. Can you achieve your tables this Friday?

Use this link to practise your area of rectilinear and compound shapes.


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been using our tables to calculate the area of shapes.


Time connectives

Create a wordle using a picture linked to time. This might be a clock. Now fill in your clock picture with as many time connectives as you can think of. Make it bright and colourful!


Remember these are key skills needed when writing instructions.

Up to 40 mins

Next week we will be completing our independent write


Animal Adaptations – 2 week project.


This half term we have been learning about the Chihuahuan desert. Conduct some research into the animals that live there. Then choose the animal that fascinates you the most. How is this animal adapted to living in the hot dry desert? Why can it survive in such a harsh environment?

Create a fact file about your animal explaining how it survives and thrives in this bleak habitat.

Up to 30 mins

2 week project

Date set: Friday 4th February 2022

Date due: Friday 11th February 2022











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplication and Division

Log into TT Rockstars and continue to complete.

Focus on those division calculations using your knowledge of fact families and commutativity to help you.


Up to 30 mins

This week we have consolidated our learning on multiplication and division


How to trap a wolf

This week we have learnt our new model text.

In the resources file below you will find the text. At home create your own text map and actions to learn the text. Remember to make sure your learning the correct language and using the structure and punctuation correctly.

Up to 40 mins

Next week we will be exploring our guided write section of this text.


Animal Adaptations – 2 week project.

This half term we have been learning about the Chihuahuan desert. Conduct some research into the animals that live there. Then choose the animal that fascinates you the most. How is this animal adapted to living in the hot dry desert? Why can it survive in such a harsh environment?

Create a fact file about your animal explaining how it survives and thrives in this bleak habitat.

Up to 30 mins

2 week project.

Date set: Friday 28th January

Date due: Friday 4th February












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Use the link below to play ‘Who wants to be a hundredaire?’

Can you solve the division problems using bus stop method to select the correct answer? 

Up to 20 mins






This week we have been working on division.


Battle of the Bands

Log onto TT Rockstars to take part in the battle of the bands!

Your login and passwords can be found in your planners!

Who will be victorious?

Up to 30 mins.

Our times table assessment will be coming up soon!

Extra practise will always help!


 This week we have be introduced to our new text type – instructions.

Can you choose a set of instructions from home (a recipe, game instructions, making something) complete the activity. What made the instructions easy to follow? Can you see any Year 4 writing skills in your choice of instructions?

Up to 40 mins

As part of our English, we are exploring instruction texts.


Time connectives

Time connectives are key skills for instructions use the spinner on the link below to create an instructive sentence starting with a time connective


Time conjunctions are a key skill when producing instructions.



In pshe we have been looking at resilience, never giving up and having a positive attitude to overcome disappointment.

Can you create a poster to give people tips on having a positive attitude to overcome problems they may face?

Up to 20 mins

Our focus this half term has been on positive mind set.

Date set: Friday 21st January

Date due: Friday 28th January











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Using a dice or creating your own online spinner using this link.

Roll or spin 3 number 0-9.

Now times them together.

e.g. 4 X 5 X 6 =

Extend yourself: Now use your spinner or dice to roll 4 numbers to create a 4 digit number e.g. 3451. Now roll another number to use column method to multiply is by. E.g.

3451 X 4 =

Up to 30 mins





We have been working on multiplying 3 numbers

Further challenge

Practise your weekly times table written in your diary ready for our times table challenge next week.


Weekly times tables challenge every Friday 


Complete 30mins 3 times this week on your Reading Plus library online

30mins x 3

Continue to try and achieve 80% on each text you read


This week we have been focusing on using description to give our readers clues about our characters and settings.

e.g. The thunder crashed overhead and lightening flashed in the clouds above. (This tells the reader it is stormy without writing – the weather is stormy)

Write the first paragraph to a story, introduce your weather, place and character using your descriptive clues. Can Mrs Walton guess each thing from your descriptive clues?

Up to 20 mins



Science – States of Matter

This week we explored states of matter. We know objects are placed into groups of Solid, Liquid or Gases.

Take a walk around your house. Can you find 5 things that group into Solids, Liquids and gases? Create a table to show this.

Up to 30 mins

 We have completed our first lesson on states of matter.

Date set: Friday 14th January 2022

Date due: Friday 21st January 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Choose 5 numbers between 0 – 30. Can you find the factors and factor pairs for each number you choose?

Up to 30 mins





We have been working on factors and factor pairs.

Further challenge

Practise your weekly times table written in your diary ready for our times table challenge next week.


Weekly times tables challenge every Friday 


Complete 30mins 3 times this week on your Reading Plus library online

30mins x 3

Continue to try and achieve 80% on each text you read


Figure of speech.

Using the picture in your resources file, work with an adult at home to see if you can spot all the figures of speech hidden within the picture.

e.g spill the beans.

Can you explain what each figure of speech means?

Up to 20 mins

This work links to our class text, The Guggenheim Mystery


RE – Islam

Use the internet to explore these religious artefacts?

The Qu’ran

A prayer Mat

What are each used for within the religion? Where and how often are each object used?

Up to 30 mins

 We have explored some artefacts from the religion Islam.


Resources 14.01.2022

Date set: Friday 7th January 2022

Date due: Friday 14th January 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


This week in maths we explored some easy maths techniques and tricks to help use solve problems involving the 11 and 12 times table.

  1. Picture Partition
  2. Grid Method
  3. Column method.


Using a range of the above skills or one you feel confident with can you solve:

2 x 11 =      7 x 12 =

5 x 12 =      9 x 12 =

8 x 11 =       4 x 11 =


Continue to practise your target Times tables written in your diary for our Times Table Challenge competition!

Up to 30 mins






We have been working on our 11 and 12 times tables.














Further challenge

In your resources file below – complete this mixed up sock problem involving the 12 x table.




Learn your new model text.

Your text has been uploaded to the resources file below. Can you create a text map with actions to help you remember each paragraph?

Up to 30mins

Zelda Claw! Oooooo!


 This week in English Kipps we have been working on fronted adverbials.

We have focused on ‘ing ly’ openers and similes.


Using Like or As to start your fronted adverbial can you create a list of 10 different sentence starters you could use in your work.

Remember to compare one thing to another…

e.g. As quiet as a mouse, the boy sneaked closer.

Like a roaring lion, the boy screamed!

Up to 20 mins

This week we have been recapping and securing children’s writing skills and encouraging them to independently implement them into their work!



This week we started to explore our new topic – The Chihauhan Desert.


Can you find out 5 interesting facts about our new location and make a tourist brochure to make people want to visit?

Up to 30 mins

 Mrs Walton would like to select some for our display!

Date set: Friday 10th December

Date due: Friday 17th December







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Activity 1

Ho Ho Ho!

Santa has decided to give the reindeer a break this year. Design a new Santa mobile. Draw your new festive mode of transport, give it a name and add labels to explain its different parts.

Up to 30mins






Activity 2

Story Starter…

Write a story using this sentence starter…

It was the night before Christmas, I was about to set out my reindeer treats and cookies for Santa when all of a sudden the lights went out…

What writing skills can you include in your story?


Up to 20mins

Activity 3

  • Creative Cards
  • Create a 3D pop up Christmas card for a friend or someone in your family.

This link has some great ideas for you to explore!

Up to 30mins

Activity 4

Festive Word search

Can you create a festive word search or crossword linked to key words we think of at Christmas.

You may choose a specific theme, such as Christmas dinner or you may just use everything in one huge puzzle!

I look forward to having a go at them!

Up to 20mins

Date set: Friday 3rd December

Date due: Friday 12th December












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


6 x table

Create a board game that helps the players practice their 6 times.


To extend your players skill you may choose to add in some column method multiplication questions, some commutativity questions or even some pictorial representations.


Have fun playing it with your family at home!

Up to 40 mins






We have been working on our 6 x table this week.


Subordinating conjunctions

Follow the link below

Watch each video carefully and complete activities 1, 2 and 3 in your homework book.

Up to 10 mins

Next week we will be looking at subordinating conjunctions.



Edit and Improve


Up level and expand this sentence to create a paragraph of up to 5 sentences.

Think carefully of your ARMS and COGS


The wizard waved his wand.

Think about…

  • Fronted Adverbials,
  • expanded noun phrase
  • adverbs
  • powerful verbs
  • inverted commas

Up to 20 mins

Applying a range of your writing skills is very important. How many of the things listed can you include in your writing?



In art, you have been practicing self-portraits. Using the internet, find a picture of Thomas Edison.

Using pencil and the shading skills you have explored in class, can you create a portrait of him?

Up to 30 mins


Date set: Friday 19th November

Date due: Friday 26th November











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplication and Division by 10 and 100.

Last week in class we created our own revision guides for perimeter.

Can you create your own revision guide to show how we multiply or divide a number by 10 or 100 on a place value grid?

Make it colourful and think carefully about your presentation.

Up to 30 mins

This week we have completed our work on perimeter of rectilinear and compound rectangular shapes


Multiplication –

Practise your times tables in your diary for our Times Table challenge.

Go on TT Rockstars for 15mins at least 3 times this week.

Remember in Year 4 we have our official times table assessment so the better you know each times table the easier it will be.

Up to 15 mins


3 x this week






Next week will be looking further the 6 times table.


Inverted Commas

Follow the link, watch the video on inverted commas. Work down the page and complete activities 1 – 4.

Up to 40 mins

Next week we will be exploring inverted commas



Can you make your own decoration for the Christmas tree that is going up in the school hall?

Up to 30 mins

This needs to be brought into school on Wednesday 15th as the children will be decorating the school tree.

Date set: Friday 19th November

Date due: Friday 26th November











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Create a poster to show all the knowledge and skills you have built up over the last 2 weeks.


Make it bright, bold and colourful!

Up to 20 mins

This week we have completed our work on perimeter of rectilinear and compound rectangular shapes



Click the link below.

Work your way through the videos and games on multiplying and dividing by 1 or 100 ready for next weeks learning.

Practise your times tables in your diary for our Times Table challenge.

Up to 20 mins






Next week will be looking further into multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 .


Expanded noun phrases

List 10 nouns of your choice

Then make them into noun phrases

Finally create an expanded noun phrase for each

Can you challenge yourself to use a comma between 2 adjectives in your expanded noun phrase?


Up to 20 mins

This week we have covered nouns and how to create an expanded noun phrase



Create a list of 15 challenging adverbs that you would like to use in your writing next week.

Up to 10 mins

Next week we will be building our independent write


Water Safety week

 Complete the water safety pack sent home this week ready for next week’s swimming session.


Up to 30 mins

The children will have their second session on water safety next Wednesday

Date set: Friday 12th November

Date due: Friday 19th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Choose 5 small rectangular objects from around your house. A toy car, a sharpener… boxes.


Use a ruler to measure the length and width of each object in cm. Can you calculate the objects perimeter?

Up to 20 mins

This week we have explored perimeter of rectilinear and compound rectangular shapes


Perimeter Continued…

Can you write a definition for perimeter? Include a picture/ diagram to help you.

What is a compound shape?


Try building your own rectilinear shapes using this game from last year…

Up to 20 mins






Next week will be looking further into perimeter.


Practise your texts maps that have been sent home with you today.



Up to 20 mins

You might like to try a few games with your family or even teach them your text map.


Create a word bank in your homework book.

Create 10 words you might choose to use in your own writing under the headings…

Powerful Verbs  

Fronted Adverbials

Strong Adjectives     

Up to 10 mins

Next week we will be exploring writing our own versions of Reilly.


Anti-Bullying Week


Can you complete 4 acts of kindness this week? Have a look at the Acts of Kindness Table I have put up for ideas.


Has anyone acted kindly towards you?

Can you think of 5 occasions when someone has acted kindly towards you? Choose an emotion to describe how it made you feel.


Up to 30 mins

Next week is Anti-Bullying week. We will take part in assemblies and activities during the week linked to Anti-bullying’s theme One Kind Word.


Date set: Friday 5th November 2021

Date Due: Friday 12th November 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Create a poster to show everything you have learnt about length this week. Can you show the answers to these questions in a bright, colourful and creative way?

What is length?

What measures are used when measuring length?

Can you order the measurements smallest to largest?

What is meant by standard or non-standard units of measure?

What would you need to measure length?


Can you show the conversions of mm to cm, cm to m and m to km?

Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working on



Practice your given times table ready for our times table challenge next week. Miss Taylor has written in your school planner which times table you need to work on.

Try playing TT rockstars and concentrate on this table or explore Topmarks for fun games.


Up to 20 mins






We will continue our times table challenge this half term


 In class we have started to explore a finding tale.

Can you think of 5 objects that you would love to find?

What would you do with them?

The objects could be from real life or fictional from stories you have read, even films you have seen.

Up to 30 minutes

We have been working on expanded noun phrases


Topic – Explore who Thomas Edison was?

What is he famous for?

Can you write 10 facts about him?


Up to 30 mins

Our focus this half term is

Living Things


Friday 22nd October 2021

Half Term Whole School Challenge!


As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related.

Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher.

Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November.

We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts


Further Homework - Year 4 

Spellings - Any spellings marked with green highlighter over this past half term have been spelt incorrectly in weekly spelling tests. Please practice these words through the break.

Times Tables - Continue gaining confidence with your 2 to 7 times tables ready for the new half term.

Date set: Friday 15th October 2021

Date Due: Thursday 21st October 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Get a dice. Roll it four times and build up a 4 digit number. Repeat and create your second number. Add these numbers together using column method addition.


This could be repeated with your dice or try playing cards. What number can you create to add?


You may choose to do a number hunt around the house to make your numbers. Get creative but focus on your addition calculation process.

Up to 20 mins

This week we have been working on

Column method addition


Practice your 6 times table ready for our times table challenge next week.


Create a colourful game to help you learn this times table. Remember don’t do your tables in order to ensure you a testing your brain.


Up to 30 mins






We will start this work next week.

We will be working on our 6 times table


 In class you have explored expanded noun phrases.

Can you link our science work on invertebrates and this English skill to create a range of expanded noun phrases about the different creature we found?

Challenge: An expanded noun phrase with 2 adjectives using commas.

Up to 30 minutes

We have been working on expanded noun phrases

Further consolidation

Fronted Adverbials

Use this link to complete these fronted adverbial challenges and games

Up to 20 mins

We will be working on



Enjoy this link to games and quiz’s about classification of vertebrates and invertebrates.

Up to 30 mins

Our focus this half term is

Living Things


Date set: Friday 8th October 2021

Date Due: Friday 15th October 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Negative numbers


This week we have been working on adding and subtracting 1 10 100 and 1000 to 4 digit numbers.


Start by solving these challenges. Draw a place value grid showing Th, H, T, O to help you

  1. Begin with the number 5426.

Add 3000

Subtract 200

Add 3

What is your final number?


  1. I start with a number. I add 2000, subtract 30 and added 100

The number I end on is 4278

What number did I start with?


Can you create 2 challenge questions of your own


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working on

Place value linked to addition and subtraction


Look at this calculation 6724 – 1212 =

Create a guide for a Year 3 pupil to help them solve this calculation.

Use clear steps in as much detail as you can. First, Next, Then


Now try this calculation: 6275 – 2157 =

Up to 20 mins






We will start this work next week.

We will be working with subtraction methods


 In class you have explored inverted commas. Choose 2 characters from one of your favourite TV shows – Write a short conversation between the 2. Can you include inverted commas, other punctuation and new lines in the correct place?

Up to 30 minutes

We have been working on inverted commas


 Expanded Noun Phrases

Use this link to explore expanded noun phrases. As you scroll down the page you will see different activities and quiz’s for you to complete.

Up to 20 mins

We will be working on expanded noun phrases



Over this half term we have explored crime and justice over time, specifically focusing on the Anglo Saxon times and present day.

Choose one of the trials by ordeal and a common crime in the present day. Can you compare the punishments for each? Think about who was/ is responsible for running the trial, who made the decision of Punishment, What was/ can be the sentence for the person suspected?


Which process of justice, present day or Anglo Saxon times do you think is the fairest?

Up to 30 mins

Our focus this half term is

Sweet Sweet Justice


Date set: Friday 1st October 2021

Date Due: Friday 8th October 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Negative numbers


This week we have been working on reading negative numbers and counting past zero.


Draw  out a number line from 20 to – 20 in your homework book.


Use your number line to solve the following questions. 

8 – 12 =

13 – 15 =

2 – 9 =

4 – 16 =

Which is greater – 7 or - 4 =

Up to 20 mins

This week we have been working on negative numbers.


Use this link to refresh your understanding of column addition and subtraction ready for next week.

At the bottom of the page you will find further links to some addition and subtraction games online.


Up to 20 mins






We will start this work next week.

We will be working with addition and subtraction methods


 In class you built up an idea for your own version of Scarlett and the Spy. Using your text map could you practise changing the first 2 paragraphs adding in your own ideas/ characters etc.

Up to 40 minutes

We have been working on boxing up our ideas.



What is an adverb?

Create a poster to explain what an adverb is. Can you show some examples and a definition?

Challenge yourself to put some adverbs into a sentence?

Up to 20 mins

We will be working on fronted adverbials.



Use a Venn or Carroll diagram to create your own criteria and sort some animals of your choice into the correct sections.

You completed one in class for the criteria:

Lays eggs

Can Fly.

What will you use this time?

Up to 30 mins

Our focus this half term is

Living Things

Set: Friday 24th September 2021

Due: Friday 1st October 2021












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Place Value and Partitioning


This week we have been working on partitioning 4 digit numbers.


Have a go at these questions below.


Use different pictorial representations to show the values of the numbers below. Be as creative as you like.


2678         8763

2981         2097





Up to 20 mins

This week we have been working on showing our understanding of 4 digit numbers.


Number lines and reading scalesUse this link to play the game. Select any numberline from the left hand column on the games options of numbers up to multiples of 1000’s

How close can you get your flag?

Up to 20 mins






We will start this work next week.

We will be working with number lines and scales that work with numbers to 10,000.


Secret Spy Mission.

Our new class text is a meeting tale about a young girl and her experience meeting a spy.

What would be your ideal mission if you became a spy?

Create a secret spy identity for yourself and write a mission report detailing your secret task and what you will have to do to complete it successfully.



Up to 40 minutes

We will be innovating our class text next week so developing ideas will benefit our work moving forward.



We have been exploring nouns.

What is a noun?

Over the last few weeks we have learnt about abstract and proper nouns.

Now can you explore collective nouns?

These can be fun and interesting to discover.

I wonder what you will find?



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on nouns.



Over this half term we will explore different laws and who has enforced them throughout the years. Can you find some weird and wonderful laws that still exist today from different times in history? 

Up to 30 mins

Our focus this half term is

‘Sweet sweet justice’

Date set: Friday 17th September

Date due: Friday 24th September













What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Place Value and Rounding


Can you round these numbers to the nearest 10?

  1. 67
  2. 293
  3. 7845
  4. 2681


Can you round these numbers to the nearest 100?

  1. 239
  2. 128
  3. 2958
  4. 1279


Can you write these numbers as Roman Numerals?

  1. 34
  2. 96
  3. 83
  4. 77


Can you calculate the answers to these questions?

  1. XL + LIV =
  2. LXVI – XXX =
  3. XXVIII + V  =
  4. XC  – _____ = XXIX


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with numbers in the thousands  


We have looked at the place value of digits and linked this to rounding.


We have explore Roman Numerals.


Counting in thousands


Can you order these numbers in ascending order?











Can you represent these numbers using counters in the table below?


5678          8753       2608          7820

4538          9524       1874          8792














Up to 20 mins






Next week we will be working with numbers in the thousands, sequencing, ordering and comparing!


Talk for Writing


Can you practise our class text.  (Physical copies have been sent home but a copy is attached in our home learning English file)


Up to 20 mins

We have been working on our Year 4 class text



Check the meaning of this week’s spellings.

Then, if you have time choose one of our spelling stars’ activities to help you practise your spellings ready for our test on Friday (24th September).


Words with the aw sound spelt ‘augh’ and ‘au’.













Handwriting  - practice your curly and long ladder letters – can you keep a consistent letter size with clear ascending and descending letters.


Curly letter – c a d g q

Long Ladder Letters – l i t u y j


Up to 20 mins

Our Spelling Test will be on a Friday this half term.



This week we met MRS GREN who taught us about the seven things all living things do to be classified as alive.


Could you choose one animal and one plant. Can you explain why this organism is alive using Mrs Gren. What does it eat to get nutrients? What is a baby called? (e.g lamb)



Up to 30 mins

In Science, we are looking at living things.


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