04/06/2018 - SUMMER 2
I can't believe it's our final half term already and what a jam packed, action filled, exhilarating 7 weeks it is going to be!!!
Not only will we be writing our own manifestos to apply for the position of Child Mayor of Leeds but we will be uncovering the wonders Yorkshire has to hold through lots of outdoor learning. Can we save this beautiful county? I'm sure we can!
On top of this we have our fabulous class residential to Lineham Farm, the KS2 performance and our transition mornings to show we are ready for Year 6!
It's all go in Year 5, both myself and Mrs Gall are excited and I know Year 5 will love it!
Keep checking this page for updates of photos and engaging learning opportunities!
The count down has begun!
“Sunshine, lollipops and Year 5’s smiling faces! La la la la lalalala la we’re together!
I can honestly say that the sunshine has created a fantastic welcome back feeling for all the staff and pupils!
With some relaxing, some exciting and some unusual Easter holidays, Year 5 have returned refreshed and ready to challenge themselves! We have hit the ground running with some super Anglo Saxon work (Miss Taylor even grew a beard for a day), some fabulous data and line graph work and a sneaky child made cheat guide for writing! We displayed some amazing GPV skills this week, which is excellent news as we are all working towards becoming published authors by the end of this half term.
Keep up the hard work Year 5! I love it!
Welcome back to another exciting half term! This half term we will be exploring some fantastic authors! I’m not telling you exactly who just yet but get ready for a busy busy half term full of literature and love because, after all, we all LOVE books!
Miss Taylor can't wait to get started... now all she needs is Year 5 back in school with pens in hand!
Welcome to Sycamore Class Page 2018!
A new year, new teacher and a great start to 2018! Year 5 have returned from the Christmas break refreshed and energised, with a positive attitude towards their learning!
Please visit this page as the new term progresses for weekly updates, as well as a little more about what we have been learning about in class.
Partnerships between home and school are vital for a child’s outlook and approach to their educational career. So Parents/guardians, if you have any concerns, or thoughts you wish to share please free to contact me on the school number, or via email:
Alternatively, feel free to arrange a meeting with me before or after school. I have an open door policy so please do not hesitate to pop in for a brief chat at an appropriate time.
Kind regards,
Miss Taylor