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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Summer 1- Around the World

Week 4- 11/05/17


Following our focus book of Handa's Surprise, the children have shown a real interest in 'Africa'. We have decided to focus the remaining few weeks of our topic on Africa. The children have started to learn about different animals that love in Africa. We have also learnt a few 'did you know' facts! 



Being Independent 

Everyone received a certificate today for getting changed after PE all by themselves! The children have been challenged to get themselves dressed for School everyday next week!



We have started our new topic by thinking about the different places we have been on holiday. The children have been asked to bring in a photograph of a holiday that they have been on. They have then had a go at finding their holiday destination on the world map. 

Where have you been on holiday?



Welcome Back!

I hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break. We have had a very busy first week back, full of exciting Easter activities! We were also very lucky to have a surprise visit from a very special guest! 

18.04.17- Easter excitement!

18.04.17- Easter transient art

18.04.17- Egg Rolling

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