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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 1 - Yew


Welcome to Year 1

Yew Class

Our topic this half term is CHOCOLATE!!!


In maths we will be learning how to find half and a quarter of objects, shapes and numbers.  We will also be working on our measuring skills which will involve lots of practical measuring with measuring tapes, rulers, scales and other measuring tools. 



In literacy will be learning how to write some silly poems and about chocolate and we will be reading and writing about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.




This half term we will be finding out where chocolate comes from and the journey it takes before we buy it. We will also be finding out about West Africa and South America  because these countries are where cocoa beans are grown.



In art we will be finding out about Guiseppe Archimboldo and creating our own faces made from chocolate wrappers!!


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