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Church of England Primary School

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Weekly Class Updates

Friday 3rd February 2023


This week, Rowan Class have worked incredibly hard and are always keen to show how wonderful they are.


In Learning Means the World, Rowan Class have been thinking about Ada Lovelace's marvellous machines and how they are similar/different to today's computers. In Maths, we have continued with the topic of shape and have focused on counting vertices, sides and understanding lines of symmetry. In Talk for Writing, Rowan Class have finished their independent writing and their wishing tales based on Paddington Bear are fantastic - well done everyone!


I hope you all have a great weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 27th January 2023


This week, Rowan Class have really tried hard with the new school rules of being ready, safe and respectful. They have been working hard on showing their readiness and determination in their learning. 


In our Learning Means the World topic, Rowan Class have been introduced to their new topic. A suitcase arrived into school full of lots of clues on what their new topic would be about. They then had to ask questions based upon the clues. Eventually Rowan Class learnt that our topic will be based on Ada Lovelace and the contribution she made to mathematics and computers. We also started to learn about algorithms and how to crack codes! In Maths, we have finished statistics and are now about to start the topic of shape. We had a great practical session on recognising 2D and 3D shapes. In Talk for Writing, Rowan Class have been finishing their guided write and are about to plan their story about Paddington Bear.



Please could you ensure you keep reading with your child and make a note in their reading record planner of the book and pages. This will help your child with their fluency and comprehension of the text. Two to three pages of reading each night or every other night can really help them with their fluency skills.


Have a lovely weekend and take care.

Miss Munro

Friday 20th January 2023


This week, Rowan Class have been fabulous! They have been trying really hard at showing how ready they are for their learning. Well done everyone!


In our Learning Means the World topic, Rowan Class have been learning about compass directions. They have been thinking of ways to remember North, East, South and West. They were given a map and they had to help Paddington Bear get from Windsor Gardens to Hyde Park. In Maths, we have finished division and are now starting statistics. We have been learning how to divide by 5 and 10 and understand how to use tally charts. In Talk for Writing, Rowan Class have been looking at coordinating conjunctions and relative clauses. Well done for a great week of learning!


Have a lovely weekend and take care.

Miss Munro

Friday 13th January 2023


Well done everyone for a super week. Rowan Class have shown lots of determination, enthusiasm and kindness. They have all been fantastic trying tigers with their learning and I'm very proud of them. 


In our Learning Means the World topic, Rowan Class got to learn about continents and oceans of the world. They were very good at this topic and they really enjoyed working together in groups. Using atlases, the class had to locate the different continents and oceans and label them on a blank map. In Maths, we have started a new topic of division. We have been learning how to share and group equally, as well as dividing by 2. Rowan Class have been superstars at this! In Talk for Writing, the class have been looking at the model text a bit more and thinking about the language and features used.




Every Friday, Rowan Class will be doing times table test to consolidate their learning. Currently everyone is doing their two times tables. Once the children pass their times tables three times (to consolidate learning) they will then move up to the next times tables. So we will be doing 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s over the course of Year 2. 


Please could you double check your child's bookbag as we currently have some lost cardigans/jumpers and we just want to make sure that they haven't been picked up by mistake.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 6th January 2023


Welcome back Rowan Class!


Welcome back everybody! What a super first few days back! The whole class have been really excited to be back at school to see their friends. We have had lots of laughter, catch up's about Christmas and fun with our learning. 


Our new topic for the Spring Term is 'Paddington's Passport'. Rowan Class got to learn where Paddington Bear comes from and what it is like in his home country - Peru. They learnt some facts about Peru (they speak Spanish and the capital city is Lima) and even got to meet Paddington Bear. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be learning more about Peru and contrasting locations. 


I hope you all have a super weekend and well done for a great first few days back.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 16th December 2022


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! smiley


I would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to Year 2 for being such a fabulous class and for being terrific during the Autumn term. Everyone has put a tremendous amount of effort into their learning and they always blow me away with their determination, kindness and enthusiasm. 


Year 2 have had a fun filled Christmas week and they have loved all the activities! Me, Mrs Firth and Mrs Smith would like to say thank you for our Christmas gifts from the children and parents - we appreciate it so much. We wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year!


Have a wonderful, fun and relaxing Christmas break - you all deserve it so much! I look forward to seeing your smiley faces in the new year.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 25th November 2022


This week in Rowan Class, we have seen the return of the elf on the shelf! As a class we have decided to name the elf Cookie. The children loved seeing the return of the cheeky elf. 


In maths this week we have been learning to select, compare and find the total with money. Rowan Class are gaining a better understanding of money and they are trying really hard with this concept - well done!


In English this week, we have been focusing on our independent write and creating our own explanations on why pirates are a nuisance. Everyone has been fabulous with their writing and thinking of ways to use a range of sentence openers. 


In Learning Means the World we have been looking at the differences between rules and expectations. Rowan Class were able to write down what rules are and how to change them into expectations.


A massive well done to Year 2 for a terrific class assembly! You have all worked so hard and I'm so proud of you all!


I hope everyone has a super weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro



Well done Rowan Class for another terrific week. Everyone has had a super attitude to their learning and they've all been super stars.


In maths this week we have been learning to count money in pence and pounds. Year 2 have been great at this concept and they've been working hard!


In English this week, we have been focusing on our class innovation of the model text and planning to write our own explanation text. Year 2 have focused really hard on using a variety of sentence openers in their innovations. Well done!


In Learning Means the World we have had a geography focus. We've been learning to use compass directions and name/describe physical features.


I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 18th November


In Maths this week, we have been focusing on adding and subtracting using the column method. Everyone's been superstars and they have started to grasp the column method well. Next week, Rowan Class will be focusing on counting money. 


In English this week, we have focused on reading as a writer, looking at commas in a list, boxing up the model text and starting our guided write. It's been a very busy week with English and the class have been focusing on their handwriting really well. 


In Learning Means The World this week we have been focusing on Art. In particular, the primary and secondary colours. We looked at what primary colours you need to make the secondary colours and then applied our knowledge of creating them. We then looked at Claude Monet's painting of 'Waves Breaking' and painted our own interpretation. 


Rowan Class have loved take over day and dressing up as teachers! They even had a go at teaching some activities!


I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 11th November 2022



Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came to the opening morning this week. The class loved seeing their grown ups there and they loved sharing their learning time with you - their dances were fantastic! I hope you had a fabulous time - I know Rowan Class did. 


In Maths this week, we have been focusing on adding and subtracting tens, adding and subtracting a 1 - digit number from a 2 - digit number and adding 2 - digit numbers. Everyone has been determined with addition and subtraction, they have been great mathematicians. Next week, Rowan Class will be introduced to the column method with no exchanging and exchanging. 


In English this week, we have focused on coordinating conjunctions, sentence openers and reading as a reader. Rowan Class have been fantastic at using coordinating conjunctions and applying their knowledge well. 


In Learning Means The World this week we have been exploring dance, drama and PSHE. In Drama we have focused on what improvisation is and how you use it in Drama. Rowan Class were amazing at improvisation and I could tell how much they loved composing actions for our pirate song. Super attitude everyone!


I hope everyone has a super weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 4th November 2022


Welcome back Rocking Rowans!


Rowan Class have had a great first week back at school. They have had so much fun, especially at Messy Church. Everyone said how much they loved going to Messy Church and doing all the activities!


In Maths this week, we have been focusing on comparing number sentences, understanding related facts, number bonds to 100 and adding and subtracting ones. Year 2 have done tremendously well with all of these concepts. It has been a real joy to hear some children in the class express their love of maths - they have had a super attitude towards their learning. 


In English this week, we have been introduced to our new model text of 'Why Seagulls are a Nuisance'. Over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on non fiction and in particular, explanation texts. Rowan Class loved making origami seagulls as part of their hook lesson and they adored creating their own text map. 


In Learning Means The World we are focusing on a new theme called 'Land Ahoy!'. This week, we have been exploring what is responsibility and how different things move. We had to sort the objects into legs, wheels and wings. Rowan Class have been great at explaining how things move and the differences between a push force and a pull force. 


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and that you get to see some fireworks!


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 21st October 2022


In Maths this week, we have been focusing on understanding what fact families are and using the inverse to help check our number sentences. Rowan Class have been excellent at this, especially understanding fact families as it can be a tricky concept to grasp. We have also been practising our 3 times tables. Rowan Class love the 3 times tables song which can be found on the bbc teach website. They are getting very good at it!


In English this week, we have been focusing on our independent write phase. Using the skills we have learnt over the past half term, we have weaved them into our own journey tale and we have decided what objects talk! The stories the class have written have been fantastic and they have tried so hard using inverted commas and expanded noun phrases - well done! 


In Learning Means The World this week, we have focused on PSHE. We have been looking at how to stay safe online and what types of liquids are safe to use. The class have been brilliant at discussing how to keep safe online and they know who can help them at staying safe online. 


I hope everybody has a super half term, you all deserved a well earned rest! I look forward to seeing you next half term. 


Take care,

Miss Munro


Friday 14th October 2022


In Maths this week, we have been focusing on counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. The class have loved counting in 3s and learning a new fabulous song! Next week, we will start a new block of addition and subtraction.


In English we have been focusing on our class guided write and using the skills we learnt last week. Rowan Class were amazing at using inverted commas and thinking of synonyms for 'said'. Keep being amazing Rowan Class!


In Learning Means The World this week, we had a maths theme where we learnt to use statistics and measurement. We went into Year 3 and 4 to find out their favourite TV programme. Once we found out our research, we did a class bar chart. In measurement, Rowan Class had to guess how long a clip was in minutes and seconds. 


Have a super weekend!

Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 7th October 2022


In Maths this week, we have been focusing on tens and ones on a number line, estimating numbers on a number line and comparing objects and numbers. The class have practised really hard on identifying numbers on a number and I'm so proud of them!


In English we have been focusing on using inverted commas in writing and we have started our guided write. Rowan Class have done really well trying to use inverted commas in their writing and understanding what punctuation to use.


In Learning Means The World this week, we have created our own jingles in music and experimented using different instruments. Today everyone looks fantastic in their rockstar outfits - rock on Rowan Class! They have had a fabulous day and we cannot wait to use TTRockstars! 


The children's TTRockstar login details are stuck in their planners under the useful links page.


Have a great weekend!

Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 30th September 2022


I have been so proud of how hard working and determined Rowan Class have been this week. They have all been showing the school how fantastic they are in everything they do. 

In Maths we have been continuing our work on place value, focusing on partitioning numbers to 100, using place value charts and learning how to write numbers to 100 in words. The class loved our practical game of writing numbers to 100 in words - so much enthusiasm!


In English we have been focusing on reading the text as a writer. We have been thinking about what we like and dislike about the text, as well as what puzzles and patterns we can see. We have also been focusing on expanded noun phrases and how to successfully use them in writing. 


In Learning Means The World this week, we have been creating our own news broadcasts by finding out what news there was in the Year 1 and Year 3 classrooms. The children then experimented and performed them in front of each other. We have also been focusing on what a jingle is and why advertisements use them.


Have a great weekend!

Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 23rd September 2022

Rowan Class have had another tremendous week at school. All the class are having great fun and they have a marvellous attitude to their learning. They have tried their hardest at achieving different challenges for our recognition board.


This week in Learning Means the World the class have been focusing on Art and what a colour pop is. We turned our classroom into an art gallery and the class commented on what their favourite picture was and why. In English Rowan class have been understanding what it means to read as a reader. We looked at the different vocabulary in the model text and though about how it made the reader feel. In Maths, we have been focusing on tens and ones and in particular how to use it in addition. We have a great practical session with sticky notes.


Have a lovely weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro

Friday 16th September 2022

I have been very impressed with Rowan's attitude this week. Everybody has been trying tigers and they have tried their best in every aspect of their learning. We have been fully getting into the flow of Year 2 and everyone is having lots of fun.


This week in Learning Means the World the class have been learning about how the television was invented and how everything was in black and white! We learned some very interesting facts. In English, Rowan have been starting to learn the model text of 'The Papaya that Spoke'. There was lots of laughter whilst trying to retell the story - we love how funny the model text is. In Maths, we have been focusing on tens and ones within place value and everyone has been very determined. Next week, we will be carrying on with this. 


Everybody had a fabulous time for Roald Dahl Day - so much fun!


I hope you have a great weekend.


Take care,

Miss Munro


Friday 9th September 2022


Welcome back Rowan Class!


What a fantastic first week back Rowan Class have had! Everybody has settled in really well and they have adored being back with their friends. In our first week back as Year Two's, everyone has tried their hardest with their learning, getting used to new routines and they have showed fabulous learning behaviour. I am so thrilled that I have seen so many smiles in the first week back at school.


This week we have started our new topic in Learning Means the World which is 'Internation Media Station'. The class have loved learning about the history of news and how it is shared. They had a blast creating their own weather reports. In English, the class have written about their favourite summer holiday memory and they have been food critics trying papaya! We did a class vote and thought papaya was actually quite nice. This will then lead nicely into our model text.


A huge well done to everyone for being marvellous and having a terrific first week back!


I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Take care,

Miss Munro



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  • Year 5 93.1%
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