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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Foundation - Oak

If parents would like to email a photo of what their child has been doing during the past two weeks, please send them to and we will upload them on the website to share!

Monday 6th July 2020


Good morning,

Scroll down to find this week’s Home Learning activities- it’s a little different to the normal format, as there is a focus on transition to your new class. Some of the activities are challenges for you to complete over the summer- you won’t need to bring these in until September, to share with Mr Lynn. If you would like to take part in the ’50 things to do this summer’ challenge, you could share your photographs with me on Tapestry!


I hope you are looking forward to spending time in your new classroom, with your new teachers next week! Don’t forget to bring along your Activity Books and painted rocks.


Have a great week!

Miss Leeman smiley

Transition Grid 6.7.20

Monday 29th June 2020


Hello Reception!

This week we will be learning all about ladybirds! See if you can find any ladybirds in your garden whilst you are outside playing.


Now that we are approaching the end of the school year, we will be starting to reflect on all of the fun we have had in Reception. If you have chance, have a look through your Tapestry photographs at the start of the year. It’s lovely to see how much you’ve grown and how much you’ve learnt this year!


Just like last time, the boxes shaded light blue show learning that will be covered in class, so please miss that out if you are now coming to class. If you are working at home, just work through the activities as normal.


Have a great week!

Don’t forget to keep washing your hands.

Miss Leeman

Monday 22nd June 2020



I hope you are all well and have enjoyed reading the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. We enjoyed reading it in school, too. This week we will continue to focus on this story as well as learning more information about caterpillars and butterflies. In School, we enjoyed using Google to find out different facts and information. This week I’d like you to create an information books about caterpillars and butterflies, as well as ordering pictures to create a butterfly life-cycle.


I hope you have all watched the Teacher Reveal Video to see who your new Teacher will be! I have told Mr Lynn how wonderful you all are and he’s already excited for September!


Have a super week,


Miss Leeman


Monday 15th June 2020


Hi Reception!

It has been wonderful to see and hear from so many of you by email and on Teams Chat, as well as seeing lots of smiling faces back at school. It really has been wonderful to see you.

Last week we began our new ‘Minibeast’ topic. Did you manage to go on a Minibeast hunt? What did you find?

This week we will be focusing on one of my favourite stories, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. Over the next two weeks our learning will be based around this story. This week we will start by looking at caterpillars. I wonder if you can find any caterpillars in your garden? What do you already know about caterpillars?


I hope you all have a wonderful week! Keep sharing your Home Learning adventures on Tapestry!

Take care and keep smiling smiley


Miss Leeman

Monday 8th June 2020


Good morning everybody!

I hope you all had a great week. This week, Mrs Slater and I are looking forward to seeing a few of you returning to school- I know Bobby Bear has missed you all, too!

This week I would like you to start thinking about Minibeasts! You will need to spend time exploring minibeasts and searching for them in your garden. I wonder how many you will find?

Can you make a list of all the different minibeasts you know? I bet you can think of loads!

In Maths this week we will continue to investigate numbers to 20. You may like to focus on a number each day and learn to identify and represent it in different ways. I would also like you to recap adding one more and taking one away from each number so that you can say the answer super-fast!

Now that we have learnt all of Phase 3, we are going to spend the next few weeks recapping all of the phase 3 sounds. You may already know them all, but it’s important to practise them! Don’t forget those red words, too!


Have a great week!

Miss Leeman

Monday 1st June 2020


Hello Reception!


I hope you all had a wonderful Half Term and enjoyed completing some of the Bear Hunt activities! Did anybody see any bears? I hope you enjoyed reading the story, it’s one of my favourites!


This half term our Topic focus will be ‘Down at the bottom of the garden.’ This week I would like you to think about your Local Area. Go on walk around your village and think about what you can see. What types of houses can you see? Do you have any shops? Do you have any stories at home that have different types of houses in them?

I hope you all have a fantastic week! I look forward to seeing your photographs on Tapestry.


Stay safe and have fun!


Miss Leeman

Monday 25th May 2020 


Hola Reception!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. As this week would have been the Half Term Holidays, Mrs Jameson and I have decided to plan lots of fun activities for both Nursery and Reception to complete, if you wish to! We have chosen one of our favourite stories to base our activities on- ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. I hope you have fun listening to the story and completing some of the fun activities.

Have a wonderful week.

Stay safe, keep smiling and don’t forget to wash those hands!


Miss Leeman

Monday 18th May 2020


Hello Reception!


Wow, what an amazing video I got to watch this week! It’s wonderful to see so many of you having such a good time. A BIG thank-you to all the children (and parents) who took part in helping to create the video, it really was FANTASTIC! What a wonderful class you all are- I am feeling very lucky to be your Teacher.


It has been great to see your Tapestry photographs, too. I am pleased to hear you are enjoying the science experiments as well as the drawing videos.


This week we are coming to the end of our ‘animals’ topic. I have planned lots of exciting activities for you to enjoy with your families.


Maths- This week is all about ‘time’ as well as ‘position and distance’. Some of your activities include playing board games and making your own paper aeroplanes!


Literacy- Lots of reading and writing activities this week!


Phonics- New sound: ‘er’ as well as recapping those tricky trigraphs.


I hope you all have a wonderful week. I look forward to seeing some of your activities on Tapestry.


Have fun, stay safe and be good!


Take care,


Miss Leeman

Monday 11th May 2020


Hello Reception!


I hope you all received your postcards and stickers in the post! Thank-you to the children who sent me a letter back; I have received these at school and they have made me feel very lucky to teach such a wonderful class.


This week our focus is ‘Under the Sea’. We will be exploring sea creatures and reading lots of stories about animals under the sea! Here are a few exciting activities we will be doing this week:


Explore and investigate- create your own ice animals. I know a lot of you enjoyed last week’s science experiment; your rainbows were fantastic J


Maths- We will continue to focus on ‘time’ and will learn to tell the time to the hour.


Keeping Active- Get moving to Sticky Kids, Cosmic Kids and the BBC Supermovers for lots of under-the-sea themed exercises!


Phonics- Learn to read and write the ‘ure’ phoneme. Create your own ‘ure’ pirate hat!


Don’t forget, if you would like an additional daily Phonics lesson, follow the link for a Letters and Sounds Phonics Lesson:

Please see the Home Learning Grid for other daily activities.  


I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Keep smiling, stay safe and take care.

Have a super week,


Miss Leeman

Monday 4th May 2020


Hi Reception!


I hope you are all well and have enjoyed watching the staff video. We had lots of fun making it! Keep checking the post this week, there may be something on its way…


I hope you all enjoyed your Home Learning Challenges this week. I have enjoyed looking at your photographs of Tapestry- they are making me smile!


This week our focus is ‘At the Zoo’. I would like you to think about all the different animals that you may find at the zoo. Have you been to the zoo before? If so, I’d love to hear all about it!

Here are just a few of the exciting activities I’ve planned for you this week;


Explore and investigate- Create giant bubbles


Maths- We will be focusing on ‘time’. Sequence the events in order and think about your daily routine.


Phonics- Learn to read and write the ‘ear’ phoneme.

Don’t forget, if you would like an additional daily Phonics lesson, follow the link for a Letters and Sounds Phonics Lesson:


Computing- Take some silly selfies- the sillier, the better!


Re- don’t forget to see Mrs Nicholson’s three week RE project- visit Parents > Home Learning 2020 > RE


Please see the Home Learning Grid for other daily activities.


I look forward to seeing your silly selfies and dancing on Tapestry, along with your other Home Learning adventures!


Take care,


Miss Leeman

Monday 27th April 2020


Hello Reception!


I hope you all had fun last week with your new Home Learning Grid and I hope you are looking forward to learning all about Animals! I really enjoyed reading some of your sentences on Tapestry all about Pets. As you know, I have a horse called Flaxton. Unfortunately he is too big to live at my house, but lives on a farm nearby.


This week our focus is ‘Down on the Farm’. I would like you to think about all the different animals that live on a farm. You will also be learning the names of baby animals too. Here are some of the other activities you will be doing this week:


Explore and investigate- Explore colour using kitchen roll, felt tips and water.


Maths-Consolidate your learning of doubling, halving and sharing as well as learning about the number 15.


Phonics- Learn to read and write the ‘air’ phoneme.

If you would like an additional daily Phonics lesson, follow the link for a Letters and Sounds Phonics Lesson:


The timings are:

11am- Learning to blend- for children who need practice sounding and reading CVC words.

10am- For children who can confidently blend- aimed at Reception children in the Summer Term.


Spanish- learn to say the names of animals in Spanish whilst singing ‘Old McDonald had a farm.’


Computing- Have a go at typing your name on a computer using a keyboard.


Re- don’t forget to see Mrs Nicholson’s three week RE project- visit Parents > Home Learning 2020 > RE


Please keep sharing your photographs of your home learning on Tapestry: Mrs Hough, Mrs Slater and I love to see them- they brighten up our week! If anyone is having trouble logging onto Tapestry, please let me know by emailing the school office and I can change passwords and logins.


Stay safe and keep smiling!


Miss Leeman


Monday 20th April 2020


Hello Reception!


I hope you are all well have been enjoying time in your garden! 


Over the next few weeks we will be exploring our new topic of ‘Animals’. This week, I would like you to think about animals we may keep as pets. One of your Literacy tasks is to write about any pets you have at home. Don’t worry if you don’t have any, you can tell me what pet you would like to have.


This week you will be busy doing the following:


Being helpful- Tidying up! You could use our tidy up song to help you- see the link on the home learning grid.


Keeping Active- I have set a different physical activity for you to complete every day this week!


Explore and investigate- Explore colours using skittles.


Maths- Learn how to share even amounts of objects between two.


Phonics- Recap your learning on the phoneme ‘igh’


Please see the Home Learning Grid below for lots of fun tasks that you can complete.

Don’t forget to keep sharing photos on Tapestry.


Have a super week,


Miss Leeman

Monday 13th April 2020


Hello Reception!


I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! This week, your RE challenge is to write a sentence to tell me how you celebrated Easter. Remember to use your Phonics and Fred Talk to segment the sounds in each of the words. Don't forget your finger spaces! Have a go at doing this all by yourself. I would love to read your sentences once they are finished- maybe an adult could upload it to Tapestry too?


This week I have planned lots of exciting activities for you to complete:


Being helpful- Can you make your bed every day this week?


Keeping Active- Join in with Joe Wicks on youtube at 9am.


Science- Can you create a bubble snake? You’ll need an adult to help with this one!


Maths- Set up your own snack shop and use real coins to buy your snack! Can you add together 1p and 2p coins to make an amount? 


Literacy- Rhyming games- Remember that rhyming means “words that sound the same.”


Please see the Home Learning Pyramid below for lots of fun tasks that you can complete.


I have really enjoyed seeing your photographs on Tapestry!  


Have fun and stay safe,


Miss Leeman

Home Learning Pyramid 13.4.20

Home Learning Pyramid file download 13.4.20

Week commencing 6th April 2020


Hello Reception!

I hope you are all well and have mastered washing your hands! This week I have planned lots of fun activities that you can complete independently or with a grown up.

Being helpful- Can you learn to set the table for dinner? Make sure you put the knives and forks in the correct place!

Keeping Active- Join in with more Cosmic Kids Yoga!

Go on a bug hunt in your garden!  

Being Creative- Can you create a rainbow using objects from around your house?

Maths-Search around your home and see what coins you can find. Can you identify what coins you have? Maybe you could have a go at coin rubbing too!

Literacy- ‘ee- what can you see?’ Can you teach a family member all about the ‘ee’ digraph? Maybe you could create your own green word flashcards? You could also hunt for ‘ee’ words in your home story books!


Please see the Home Learning Pyramid below for lots of fun tasks that you can complete.


Keep sharing on Tapestry, it’s wonderful to see your home learning adventures! 


Stay safe and have a wonderful Easter!


Miss Leeman

Home Learning Pyramid 6.4.20

Home Learning Pyramid file download 6.4.20

Week commencing 30th March 2020


Hello Reception🙂

I hope you are all having fun at home with your families. A big thank-you to everyone who has uploaded pictures of home learning onto Tapestry. It has been lovely to see your smiley faces!


Please see the Home Learning Pyramid for lots of fun tasks that you can complete this week. Don’t forget to use your activity book to practise your writing and numbers.


Have a wonderful week and keep washing your hands!

Take care and stay safe,


Miss Leeman

Weekly Home Learning Pyramid 30.3.20

Home Learning Pyramid file download 30.3.20

Week commencing 23rd March 2020


Good morning Reception smiley

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. Please see the Home Learning Pyramid for lots of fun tasks that you can complete. You can complete as many tasks as you like in your new activity book! You could also ask a grown-up to upload pictures on to Tapestry so that I can see all your wonderful home learning adventures.


Don’t forget to keep washing your hands!

Take care,


Miss Leeman

Weekly Home Learning Pyramid 23.3.20

Who's who in Reception?

Week commencing 16th March 2020

Updated 19.03.2020


All about the number 17.

We have enjoyed using NumberBlocks to support our understanding on 17.


Addition- We have also been focusing our learning on addition. The children have recapped their understanding of using part, part whole models to support addition calculations. We have also used ten frames to explore addition and have created our own addition sentences.




This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

oi- coin, join, point, foil, boil

earhear, fear, year, spear, appear



We have enjoyed reading ‘The Tiger who came to tea’ by Judith Kerr. The children have made tiger masks and have enjoyed writing about the story.


We have also enjoyed using Makaton to tell the story. Please see the link below:

Week commencing 9th March 2020

Updated 12.03.2020


All about the number 16

Can you think of different ways to make the number 16? Can you draw the number 16 Numberblock?


We have also been busy making number stories!



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

ur- hurt, fur, nurse, purse, burn

owcow, brown, clown, down



We have continued to think about the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and have used pictures from the story to infer and predict.


Here is some of our fabulous work:

Here are some of the other activities we have been busy exploring this week:

Week commencing 3rd March 2020

Updated 06.03.2020


All about the number 15

Can you tell an adult how to make 15?


We have also continued our learning of 3D shapes.



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

ar- car, star, start, part, sharp

orfork, short, sort, pork, horse


World Book Day

We had a fabulous day celebrating our love of books! Here are some of our costumes and favourite books J

Week commencing 24th February 2020

Updated 27.02.2020


All about the number 14

What do you know about the number 14?


We have also been thinking about the properties of 3D shapes and have match 3D shapes to everyday objects. We have also explored whether 3D shapes can roll down a ramp.



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

oo- poo at the zoo- food, moon, spoon, too, poo

oolook at a book- cook, foot, wool, look, soot



On Thursday we were lucky enough to have a visit from the King of Mangrovia and his assistant Charles Brown. We planned a welcoming ceremony for the King, which included curtseying and singing to the King. The King explained how the country of Mangrovia didn’t have any stories. The children discussed their favourite stories and explained to the King where they enjoyed reading stories. We also learnt that the children in Mangrovia don’t listen to their grown ups! The King told us about his worries of the path that goes into the deep dark forest. He was worried what would happen to the children if they didn’t stay on the path when entering the forest. He asked the children if they knew of any stories that involved walking along a path in the forest, which he could share with the children in Mangrovia. The children knew of a story called ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ which involved walking along a path in the forest. Unfortunately, the King had not heard of the story before so the children helped to retell the story.


We had a wonderful time with the Charles Brown and the King. We hope they too had a great time!

Week commencing 10th February 2020

Updated 14.02.2020


We have enjoyed exploring the WEIGHT of objects this week using balancing scales. Miss Leeman set he children a challenge-

Can you find something heavier than an apple?

Can you find something lighter than an apple?

How many cubes are the same weight as an apple?



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

ighhigh, night, light, sight, fright, bright

Red words: you

Week Commencing 3rd February 2020

Updated 06.02.2020


We have focused our Maths learning on capacity. The children have enjoyed using the water tray to explore how much is in a container.

Our key words have been




This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

oa- goat, coat, boat, toast

Red words: he, she, we, me, be



We have been reading the story of ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. The children have used their VIPERS skills to infer, predict and explain. On Thursday, the children enjoyed creating boats using the open ended resources from the Scrap Shed.


We have also learnt facts about emperor penguins. The children have created wonderful information sentences in their Literacy books.

Week Commencing 27th January 2020

Updated 31.01.2020


All about the number 12!

Can you think of different ways to represent the umber 12?

We have also thought about the size of objects this week and have started to place items in size order.



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

ai- paid, rain, snail, train

Red words: he, she, we



We have focused our learning on the video of Lily and the Snowman. The children have used their inference skills to inspect what is happening in the video. The children have then helped to write the story to go with the video.

On Friday the children followed instructions to create their own melted snowman biscuit.

  1. Get a biscuit
  2. Mix the icing
  3. Put the icing on top
  4. Put a marshmallow on
  5. Put the eyes on
  6. Put the buttons on
  7. EAT IT!

Number 7 was by far the favourite step!

Next week we plan to create our own instructions.

Week Commencing 20th January 2020

Updated 24.01.2020


All about the number 11! We have explored ways of making 11 using Part, part whole models. We have also been busy working with partners to find the answer to addition sums. 



This week we have learnt the following phonemes: 

ai- snail in the rain 

ng- thing on a string 


Red Words: he, she 



This week we have learnt all about Chinese New Year. We especially enjoyed our special noodle snack on Monday! 



Week Commencing 13th January 2020

Updated 17.01.2020


All about the number 10! We have continued to explore the number 10 and have learnt our number bonds to 10!

NumberBlocks links:



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

sh- shut, shop, ship, fish, wish

th/ th- thin, thick, path, bath

Red Words: I, the, to, no, go, into



We have been thinking about items of clothing we wear in the winter. The children have been writing labels for items of clothing.

Week Commencing 6th January 2020

Updated 10.01.2020

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a new term.

Updates: This term our PE session will take place on a Thursday. Please ensure all children have a t-shirt and shorts on their pegs.

Homework: This term I have introduced homework books, as well as reading books. Homework is optional- please see inside the front cover for more information.


All about the number 10! The children have learnt to represent the number 10 in different ways. We have enjoyed exploring the Numicon to find two amounts that make ten.

NumberBlocks links:



This week we have learnt to read and write the following sounds:

qu- quit, quiz, quick, quack

ch- chip, chop, chin, much, lunch

Red Words: I, the, to, no, go



We have been busy practising our segmenting skills this week! We have also started to have a go at writing sentences.


Week Commencing 16th December 2019

Updated 19.12.2019


What a busy week we have had! A HUGE well done to all the children who took part in our Nativity. You were all fantastic! 


I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I very much look forward to seeing you all in the New Year! 


Week Commencing 9th December 2019

Updated 13.12.2019


Reminders: We are all very much looking forward to our EYFS and KS1 Nativity- Don’t forget your tickets!


Wednesday 18th is PARTY DAY! Any contributions to our buffet will be greatly appreciated. Don’t forget your party clothes!!



We have been busy creating Repeating Patterns.   


We have enjoyed exploring out Christmas Post Office


Christmas has definitely arrived in Reception Class! Come and visit our Gingerbread House

Week Commencing 25th November 2019

Updated 28.11.2019


Reminders: On Monday 2nd December we will be decorating the school Christmas Tree. Don’t forget to bring in your own Christmas decoration.


Please can all Nativity costumes be returned to school by Monday 2nd December. All Reception children need a white t-shirt and black trousers/ leggings.



Number of the week focus: Number 9


Number 9 Number Block song: 


We have started to explore one less. The children have used a ten frame to work out one less than a given amount. We will continue to focus on this over the next few weeks, using concrete resources to support our understanding.



Many thanks to the parents who joined us on Wednesday morning for our Writing Workshop. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing the grown-ups their reading and writing.


This week the children have focused on their ‘segmenting’ skills. We have all had a go at writing CVC words.


We have continued to read our ‘Leaf Man’ story, written by Lois Ehlert. The children have enjoyed sequencing the pictures and have talked about their favourite part. As a class, we have created our own Story Map to help with our story-telling.

Week Commencing 18th November 2019

Updated 21.11.2019



Number of the week focus: Number 8


Number 8 Number Block song:


We have continued with our ‘addition’ focus this week. The children have all used part, part whole models to count the total of two amounts. On Wednesday the children worked in pairs to use a part, part whole model and counters to work out the answer to various addition sums. Miss Leeman was very proud of everybody’s independence and team work!



l- “down the long leg”


j- “down the jack-in-the-box and a dot for his head”


v- “down a wing, up a wing”


The children have also learnt to read two red words. These are words that the children learn to sight read.

Red words:





This week the children have continued to embed the skill of reading words containing three letters. We have played various games to support our blending.


We have started to read the story ‘Leaf Man’ written by Lois Ehlert. The children have thought about the structure of the story and have started to develop their own actions to support story retelling.


Week Commencing 11th November 2019

Updated 14.11.2019


Update: Please can all children bring their PE kits to school for our Thursday morning PE session.


Reminder: Please can all reading books be returned to school on a Wednesday morning.



Number of the week focus: Number 7


Number 7 Number Block song:


We have also started to focus our learning on addition. The children have learnt to identify the addition sign and have used Part, Part Whole Models to add two amounts together. We will continue to focus on this next week.



r- “down the robot’s body and over his arm”


h- “down the horses neck and over his back”


b- “down the laces and around the toe”


l- “down the long leg”



This week we have continued with our reading journey and have started to read words containing three graphemes. The children have done so well!

In class we have enjoyed playing the following game:


Can you blend the phonemes together to read the word?

Is it a real word or a nonsense word?


Please see the document below for information on how to support reading at home: 


Anti-Bullying Week 2019

Most importantly, Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!


This week we have celebrated Anti-Bullying week across school. In Reception we have focused on the words FRIENDSHIP and KINDNESS. The children thought about the importance of being a kind friend and identified ways to show kindness. Here are some of the children’s ideas and responses:

“We have to share the toys”

“We have kind hands and smiley faces”

“We can help people if they fall over”

“No pushing at school”

“We tell Miss Leeman if someone is being unkind”

“We play with our friends”


Week Commencing 4th November 2019

Updated 7.11.2019


Welcome back! I hope you have all had a wonderful Half Term.


Update: Please can all children bring their PE kits to school next week as we will begin getting changed.




We have learnt to identify, recognise and write the number 6 this week. The children have used Part, Part Whole Models to explore different ways of making 6 using two numbers.


Number 6 Number Block website:


We have also learnt to identify one more than a given number. The children have learnt a song to help find one more to a given number:


“Have you seen my adding one machine?

This is how it goes.

I put a number in my ear,

Then the answer will appear,

When I beep my nose”


Can you sing the song to an adult to help identify one more?



f- “down the stem and draw the leaves.”


e- “slice off the top and scoop out the middle”



Week Commencing 14th October 2019

Updated 17.10.2019



We have been thinking all about SHAPES this week. The children have been busy describing the properties of shapes and have enjoyed using the Feely Bag to describe shapes for others to guess. We have also been Artists this week and looked at work by Kandinsky. The children have then created their own shape pictures.


Can you find any objects around your home that are the following shapes:

Circle, square, rectangle and triangle.



o- all around the orange


c- curl around the caterpillar


k- down the kangaroos body, round the tail and kick the leg.  


Can you find any objects around your home that are the following shapes:

Circle, square, rectangle and triangle



This week we have read ‘SUPERTATO’. The children have enjoyed creating vegetable puppets to act out the story and have also enjoyed using tweezers to destroy the evil pea! On Friday we will be creating our very own Supertato in the Messy Area.

Week Commencing 7th October 2019

Updated 10.10.2019


Reminder: Please can all children bring coats to school for outside play.



All about the number 5!


We have learnt how to represent the number 5 in a variety of ways. We have also explored different ways of making the number 5 using a Part, Part, Whole Model.


What is one more that 5?



m- Maisie, mountain, mountain


d- around the dinosaur’s body, up his tall neck and down to his feet.


g- around the girls face and down her hair.



This week we have continued to focus on initial sounds. We have been on a trip to the zoo and have sorted animals according to their initial sounds.

Week Commencing 30th September 2019

Updated 04.10.2019

Reminder: Please can all toys stay at home!


This week the children have learnt to identify and recognise the number 4. The children have used Part Part Whole Models to create stories to show how to make the number 4.

“2 and another 2 makes 4!”

“3 and a 1 makes 4”

“4 and zero makes 4”


Can you use Lego to build the number 4? How many different ways can you make 4?



We have spent the week consolidating our knowledge and understanding of reading the sounds: s a t p i n.

On Friday the children had a go at reading words containing these sounds. The children were very excited to hear that they were becoming readers. One child commented that is was “The best day ever!”



This week we have started to think about initial sounds. We have enjoyed playing I-Spy.

We have also started our name writing focus.


Can you copy the letters in your name?

Can you write your name?

Week Commencing 23rd September

Updated 26.09.2019


We’ve had a very busy week in Reception!  


The children have learnt to identify and recognise the number 3 and have continued with our Numberblock adventure to support our learning. The children have used Part Part Whole Models to create stories to show how to make the number 3.


Can you show that 2 and 1 make 3?

Does 1 and 2 make 3?



We have learnt to read and write three new phonemes-

p- up, down the pirates plait and around his face

i- up, down the insects body and a dot for its head

n- up, down Nobby and over his head.


Can you show an adult how to write the phonemes?



This week we have continued our learning of Rhyme. The children have explored which word is the ‘odd one out’ and have had a go at creating their own rhyming strings.

Which word is the odd one out?

Cat, mat, fox, bat

Week Commencing 16th September 

Updated 19th September 2019


Reminder: Don't forget to bring a pair of wellies to leave at school on the wellie rack.

We have enjoyed lots of Water Play this week! 


Don't forget to return your Tapestry consent form.


We’ve had another great week in Oak Class!



The children have learnt to identify and recognise the number 2 in the environment. We have also enjoyed watching the Numberblocks to help with our learning and understanding. Some children have enjoyed creating their own Numberblocks using the Multi-link cubes.

Number 1 song-

Number 2 song-


Can you tell a story about the number 2?



We have learnt to read and write three new phonemes-

s- slither down the snake

a- around the apple and down the leaf

t- down the tower, across the tower.

Can you find an object that starts with one of our sounds?



This week we have been thinking about Rhyme. The children enjoyed making some Silly Rhyming Sound and have been busy playing Rhyming SPLAT with Mrs Slater.

What rhymes with…




16.09.19- Our week

Week Commencing 9th September 

Updated 12th September 2019


Reminder: Don't forget to bring a pair of wellies to leave at school on the wellie rack.

The Mud Kitchen has been extremely popular this week! 


Don't forget to return your Tapestry consent form! 


WOW! What a busy week we have had in Reception. It has been lovely to welcome you all into our class and I hope you have all had fun exploring the Inside and Outside Areas. 


Everyone has surprised me with how quickly they have settled into the new routines. We have focused on our 'listening ears' this week and Listening Ears Bunny has been very busy choosing who has had he best listening ears each day. 


The children have enjoyed sharing their Treasure Boxes with their friends in small groups. It has been lovely to hear about everyone's interests and adventures! 



This week we have been learning all about the number 1. 

Can you tell an adult something about the number 1?



This week we have been focusing on our listening skills and have been identifying sounds we can hear in the environment. 

What sounds can you hear?


Roald Dahl Day- Friday 13th September

Week Commencing 2nd September 2019

Updated 6th September 2019


          What a wonderful week we have had visiting our new class! Thank-you to everyone who invited myself, Mrs Slater and Mrs Hough for a Home Visit. It was a really valuable opportunity to meet your children and learn about their current interests.

On Friday we enjoyed our Stay and Play sessions. I hope the children enjoyed visiting their new classroom to explore both the inside and outside environment.


Miss Leeman, Mrs Slater and Mrs Hough are all very excited for welcoming our new starters on Monday and Tuesday next week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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