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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 2 - Rowan

 If parents would like to email a photo of what their child has been doing during the past two weeks, please send them to and we will upload them on the website to share!


Monday 6th July 2020


Hi everybody,


I hope you enjoyed this week’s transition tasks with Mrs Furbank in school! It was so lovely to see you all in uniform smiling away!


Your learning grid looks rather different today as it has some fun tasks for you to enjoy ready for Year 3. Just to remind you all, any completed tasks are for September so please don’t bring them into school before then, take your time with them, get creative and ‘wow’ Mrs Jameson on your first day in Year 3!


I cannot believe it is nearly the end of the school year! It baffles me! As I may not get another chance I just want to say-  Year 2, you have been an AMAZING class! I have loved every minute with you! You are brilliant individuals, each and every one of you! Please continue to be the fantastic learners you have been this year! We will all miss you!


Have a brilliant week!


Best wishes,

Miss Taylor, Mrs Furbank and Miss Goodison


PS: Mrs Jameson is very excited to get going in September, she’s been sorting things for your new room and collecting superb stories for you to read!

Year 2 Transition Grid 06.07.2020

Monday 29th June 2020

Hello again everybody,


I cannot believe we are moving through our final half term of year 2! You are all so fabulous and I am so proud to have been your teacher this year! With only a few weeks left I hope that you can still find the energy to keep working as hard as you have been with the tasks on your learning grids. From the photos I have seen of your work I have been so incredibly proud of each and every one of you, I understand it’s not easy working at home without your friends and teachers!

I was also proud of your efforts in the TTRockstars challenge – lots of practice and improvements seen from many of our Rowan class members.

This week, you will be completing your work on word problems and calculations, as well as working determiners and homophones in English. As usual there are lots of other tasks on there for you to have a go at.

Best wishes,

Miss Taylor

Monday 22nd June 2020


Hello Year Two’s!


I hope you enjoyed last week’s learning grid and are ready for your next challenge. It was really nice to see some of you on our Microsoft teams meetings last week. Lots of haircuts and teeth missing! 


Just like last time, the boxes for your topic and wellbeing boxes are together.


I’ve enjoyed getting a few emails showing your work at home, and I have been sharing them with staff in school who have been really impressed and have really enjoyed seeing such fabulous work, so please keep sending it on our class email.


Have a super week!


Miss Taylor


Monday 15th June 2020




It’s been great to hear from so many of you by email, as well as seeing lots of smiling faces on our class video chats. I know it can be strange that our class is learning in different ways, and in different places but it’s brilliant to know that our friends and class all doing so well! I am very proud of you all!  I hope you are staying in touch with each other as much as you can, and don’t forget to share the amazing things you are getting up to with me as well via email and photos!


Your learning grid looks the same as last week and it will stay this way from now on. This week you have lots of stories about a particular character who is a bit of a ‘monkey’!

In Maths this week you need to scroll down your learning page to find the topic – Measures, capacity and volume. Get ready for lots of statistics and word problems!


I know for some, missing school, your friends and your routine is becoming harder the longer you are asked to stay at home but try not to worry, hopefully we will be together soon and this will all become history.


I miss you, stay safe, keep washing those hands and smiling!


Have an amazing week.


Miss Taylor


Monday 8th June 2020


Good Morning Year 2!


This week your Learning Grid looks a little different as some boxes have now been put together. This week you will be exploring lots about the food you eat.


In Maths, you will be continuing your Fractions activities, exploring equivalent fractions and fractions of quantities. Think carefully about your questions in the quiz and remember you can write things down or collect things to help you solve problems, it’s not all about doing it in your head.


In English, at the beginning of the week, you will be exploring instructions and recipes and later in the week you will move on to poetry. Did you know aliens can hide anywhere?


I’ve made sure you get to be creative this week with some Art and Design Technology tasks too. There is lots to do and I hope to get some emails or pictures to show me what you have been up to.


Looking forward to seeing you again soon.


Best wishes,


Miss Taylor

Monday 1st June 2020


I hope you had a lovely half term! We played in the garden and watched Harry Potter (my favourite) and just enjoyed being a family. 


This week, I am taking you to some different countries around the world with your learning grid. You will experience some stories from far off lands and Information texts from 'Down Under'. 


It was so lovely to see so many of you before the holidays on our Microsoft meeting, I do miss those smiling faces!  Keep working hard I have been so impressed with all the photos I have been sent.


Stay safe and keep smiling!


Miss Taylor

Friday 22nd May 2020 


Hello Year 2!


Thank you for all your email responses! I have really enjoyed reading them, finding out about all the exciting things you have been up to at home. I even saw some fabulous pictures of birthday cakes and bike rides. It has been lovely.  


This week you have a bit of a change to the usual grid. This week, I want you to take a slight break and concentrate on having fun and making sure you are keeping safe and happy. I have set lots of fun activities and challenges to just ENJOY. Laugh, smile and cheer, try as many as you can – let me know your results – I’ll see if we have any Year 2 champions that I can email to you all!


So this week, stay safe, stay happy and HAVE FUN!!!


Best wishes,


Miss Taylor

Half Term Wellbeing Pyramid 25.05.2020

Monday 18th May 2020


Hello again Year 2! Welcome to another week of home learning- please find this week's Home Learning Grid below.  You will find lots of fun tasks to keep you busy and active this week – I think you will especially like the wellbeing section! Once you have tried out your Carnival activities please send in some photos; I’d love to see what you created! I know without our class together, and help from Miss Goodison, Mrs Furbank or myself, some things could pose some challenges but don’t feel worried by any work I am setting- I am asking you to try – remember you will never know what you can achieve unless you try! Just get as much done as you can.


Jax has been learning to ride his bike this week and he has been out riding with his daddy! He’s doing really well. Albus the new puppy is crazy, as you can imagine – running, chasing, barking and- as all puppies do- weeing and pooing!


Scroll down to see this week's tasks. In writing this week, you will be exploring instruction texts and verbs and in Maths, you have your final instalment of Faces, Shape and Pattern. I’ve seen some amazing work through the photos link on our website – keep it up! Put your work in your Home Learning Activity Book.  Work through at your own pace and enjoy it as best you can. 


Stay safe, Keep smiling!


Miss Taylor

Monday 11th May 2020


Happy Monday Year 2!


I hope you've had another good week , keeping your brain and body busy!. Within the Homework Grid this week there are lots of new activities, ranging from your weekly spellings to some photography and computing! I hope you learn some really cool and fun skills and get creative with some of this week's challenges. I especially like the task where you get to design the inside of your own castle! In mine, there would have to be an ice cream parlour just for me!


Thank you to all the children who sent me their 'Story shares' task - as you will see we are using them this week! I can't wait to see everything you are getting up to! I know they will be brilliant! Enjoy getting colourful this week and be brave on the 'SPIDER hunt!' Oh yes, I said SPIDER hunt!


Keep your faces smiling, stay positive and be active. 


Finally, continue working hard!


Stay safe and be happy.


Miss Taylor 

Monday 4th May 2020


Hello Rowan Class!


I thought I’d start by saying a big thank you to all the children I saw on the video that was emailed, as well as ones who have been in touch with updates. Our class is definitely AWESOME!


I hope you’ve had a great week and really enjoyed the fabulous sunny weather by getting outside and having some fun in your gardens. It’s certainly been more fun for Jax being able to get outside. He’s planted some flowers and is loving watching them grow each day!


I also hope you are finding our Learning Grids more engaging with structured activities for you. Have a good go at the activities on there and keeping trying your best. Remember your neat presentation.


For English, some of your reading and writing activities are linked so look at both carefully before you start.


For Maths work, there has been a change. We are working with a new website so look carefully on your learning grid. The activities start with a quiz to assess your learning prior to the activity, then a video and an activity! This week the focus is all about shape – both 2D and 3D! Try it out, it’s great!


Have a super week! Mrs Furbank, Miss Goodison and I really miss having you all in class!


Miss Taylor

Monday 27th April 2020


Good morning, Year 2!


Another week has started. I hope you are all doing well and keeping those faces smiling! I can’t wait to see those grins again.


I have been on the website and I’ve been really excited to see you enjoying the challenges you have all been doing while at home. The photos are fabulous, please keep sending them in, I am always so proud to see how hard you are working. I think it's brilliant that you are all trying, because remember… You just have to give something a try, to enjoy it and learn something new!


This week, there are lots of activities for you to try, as well as maths, English and Reading for you to do each day. Hopefully, this will help you structure your day like we do at school. I’ve even included a story share – If you send them in on a photo, we can put them online and others can finish your story in their own way and you can choose someone else’s to continue.


Please don't panic about anything on there, just try your best and give it all a good go!


Keep up the good work, stay safe and challenge your learning!


Miss Taylor

Monday 20th April 2020


Howdy My Year 2 Team!


I hope you all had a fantastic Easter at home, and enjoyed finding lots of Easter Bunny’s treats. Jax was posted a note from the Easter Bunny in the shape of a rabbit. It told him that his eggs were too big to fit through the letter box so he had to go on a hunt outside for them. He found so many he needed a bucket to bring them in with.

I know from the pyramids over the last few weeks you will be showing your parents how much you know. I’ve always told you… your cleverer than them… They don’t know what co-ordinating conjunctions are, and you do!!!

In Maths, this week you will be revising some of Fraction Fox’s work and then challenging your measuring skills with length – remember L..L..Length is how L..L..Long something is!

This week’s writing challenges come from your reading tasks that can be downloaded from this week's resource pack.  Each has a Year 2 writing skill focus that you already know and can practice. Remember to read each sentence you write and check they makes sense! Have you challenged your vocabulary, sentence opener and conjunctions? If you are describing a character, think about their personality as actions as well as what they look like.

In your resource pack are extra resources that you may not need for the task I have set but if you want to complete them at some point throughout the week you can.

Have a great week, you never know what you can achieve unless you TRY!


Miss Taylor

Monday 13th April 2020


Hello everyone! I hope you're all well. I really am excited to see your home learning activities when we return to school. I know you are all really creative so will have completed some superb activities.


This week, I have planned lots of activities for you to have a go at. Many of them are about your local area and journeys further away. Even though your feet can’t travel right now doesn’t mean your brain can’t!

Enjoy your Geographical learning – making maps, interviewing adults about trips and creating an imaginary journey in your rocket ship story… where will you go?


For Maths, I would like you to have a go at White Rose Hubs Home learning activities for Year 2. They have created a video for you to watch and then questions for you to answer – don’t worry if you can’t print the worksheets as you can just write the answers in your home learning books. I have also included some fact family creations and some partitioning work for your tens and ones.

A mix of geography and maths for you is a bird watching challenge, tally chart and even a pictogram to show your findings! Get those binoculars out!


When reading, make sure you can explain those ‘why’ questions using the golden word ‘because’ – Can you remember our chant? Maybe start your reading with our chant and teach it to your parent.


Mrs Nicholson has asked you write her a letter telling her all about your Easter crafts. Remember to add all your details but don’t forget to concentrate on each sentence at a time using capital letters and full stops.


I have also included some artist activities as I know how much you all love arts and crafts!


To keep healthy, I have added a task me and Jax did last week – make your own crazy golf course. We used tins from the cupboards to get between and even a bridge with cereal boxes! I let Jax win of course!


Keep safe and remember using your manners at home will help you and improve your parents' day a little too!

Home Learning Pyramid 13.4.20

Home Learning Pyramid file download 13.4.20

Good morning Year Two! I hope you are all well and have been exercising with Joe Wicks each morning, I think he’s fantastic and I’m getting rather good at these sit ups! Jax is starting to get involved each day but it can be hard with Eve bouncing around and barking!


I have enjoyed spending a little more time than usual with Jax and all our animals. The axolotls Lumos and Knox are swimming around happily, the eel and fish are bubbling away nicely and Monster- our pet Lobster- shed his shell last week! It was very interesting to see!


Please scroll down to see this week's tasks. The tasks are aimed to keep challenging you but online resources, mums and dads can always help when needed. Make sure you are presenting your work neatly in cursive script and are proud of each piece you complete.


I am missing you all very much; I look forward to seeing you again when we can.


Stay safe,


Miss Taylor

Home Learning Pyramid 6.4.20

Home Learning Pyramid file download 6.4.20

Hello Year 2! I hope you are all well and enjoying your home tasks. Keep an eye on your cursive handwriting, spelling and presentation! My family and I are making sure we are keeping very busy and all of our animals are enjoying having people at home to entertain them. You know me: I will probably have a new pet before we return - I'm thinking about a snake or a hedgehog!


This week, I have made lots of your activities all about colour: bright, beautiful colours! Get creative and enjoy your learning. Use your knowledge of shape to build interesting pictures and even design your own modern day maypole festival - I'll be interested to hear all about your choice of music and the girls and boys outfit designs!


Have a fabulous week!

Weekly Home Learning Pyramid 30.3.20

Home Learning Pyramid file download 30.3.20

Weekly Home Learning Pyramid 23.3.20

Week commencing 9th March 2020


This week, the children have been continuing their work on our Traditional Tale for this half term: Cinderella. We have been focusing on creating our introduction for our modern version of the story. The children became architects in English and Science when they were asked to create their own version of a setting from Cinderella. They had to choose what they would have and what objects they could use (based on the material’s properties) from the Scrap Shed to bring it to life.

In Maths, the children have been developing their knowledge of place value and bar graphs. They helped Cooky to find out which cupcake she should bake for Cinderella’s ball by creating their own tally chart and presenting the data on a bar graph. They continued to practice this by finding out what Year 2’s favourite song was so that the palace would know what songs to play at the ball.

On Thursday, the children took part in The Great Palace Bake Off. They were given a series of challenges throughout the day which they worked on in their teams. Their first task involved creating the cupcake mixture and sharing it equally into 6 cupcake cases. For their second task, the children had to show good communication skills to ensure that their cupcake wrappers all looked the same. In the afternoon, the children completed their final task of decorating their cakes, making sure they worked well as a team so that they each had enough of the frosting and the decorations. Once the children had completed these tasks, we awarded Star Baker!

The children worked really well together and it was an extremely fun and educational day for all!

The Great Palace Bake Off

Week commencing 2nd March 2020

Week Commencing 2nd March 2020


In Maths this week, the children have been focusing on capacity. We started off by investigating what capacity means and how we can measure it. We also found out that the amount of liquid you have doesn’t change even if you pour it into a different shaped container!

In English, the children have been developing their speaking and listening skills by discussing what ingredients they would need to create a potion for the perfect ball! The children were able to voice their ideas to the King when Alive and Kicking visited us this week. They had lots of fun with the drama and we can’t wait to get started on our work about Cinderella.


The children also dressed up in fabulous costumes for World Book Day and they enjoyed telling each other about their character and their favourite books.

This week has been a very exciting one and we look forward to next week!



Welcome back to school! It was fabulous to hear all about the exciting holidays the children enjoyed.

This week, in Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of addition, subtraction and multiplication, the symbols, language and steps to solve these operations with confidence.

In English, we are privileged this half term to be working with the Alive & Kicking drama team to engage and enhance the children in a sideways look at Cinderella! Today the children travelled into the story from a different perspective. First we met the people of the kingdom and entered the castle to meet a very grumpy King whose son, the Prince, really needed a girlfriend but he had no idea how to organise a ball! – Step in – Year 2! Let’s see what Year 2 feel a perfect party needs over next week, get your disco balls at the ready!

The children’s homework will be released tonight including their first MyMaths and spelling. Please work from ‘Week 1’.

A great start Year 2! Let’s rock this half term!

Week commencing: 10.02.2020


A fantastic half term Year 2 with lots of outstanding achievements like our Winter Wonderland Cafe, our African drumming workshop, the hand hygiene nurse and our Great Pet Sale writing!


We finished off our topic with a superb celebration assembly where we got to learn all about the different environments other classes had learnt about!


There are lots of new surprises in store for next half term so make sure you keep learning throughout your holidays! Miss Taylor and all your staffing team look forward to seeing you when you return! 

Week commencing: 03.02.2020


Once upon a time, there was story week in Barwick-in-Elmet Primary school! Year 2 loved meeting all the different teachers in their school and taking part in lots of different stories. To finish our week we made our very own sock puppets to help us tell stories and next week we will be using our new friends to tell our own tales of wonder and delight.


Our African drumming session was amazing! the children loved meeting Dave and learning new songs and beats from the African culture! 


In English, we have been building our plans to write a superb story all about The Great African/Arctic Sale! We can't wait for next week to start to write our creations.


Have a fabulous weekend - see you all on Monday!


Week commencing: 27.01.2020


A great finish to a very busy week! Year 2’s assembly was brilliant! Super informative, excellently executed and brilliant team work! The Year 2 staffing team are extremely proud of each and every one of the children!  Each and every piece of work that was shared was written by a Year 2 child and the knowledge that they wanted to share could have lasted an entire hour!


Thank you to all the parents who visited our Winter Wonderland café, we hope you had a fabulous time! The children have enjoyed the day, handling money, calculating change and the whole experience of responsibility and hosting an event! Their team building skills and communication progression really shone through to lead such a big event. We now look forward to our African drumming workshop next week.


I can't believe we are in February already next week - get ready fro an illuminating hand-wash session, The Great Africa Sale, a sock story special  and of course your African Drumming!

Week Commencing: 20.01.2020


Time is passing and time is constant - This has been a focus of Year 2's this week. We have been learning all about time. We have been focusing on o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. 

In writing, we have been planning and creating the introduction to our Museum of Untold Stories challenge using who, what, when, where, why and how questions. Our focus has also been on using our capital letters and full stops correctly before adding in our adjectives and powerful verbs! The children have worked extremely hard and their writing is fantastic - Miss Taylor is looking forward to continuing these stories next week! Superb work!

The children are flying in PE with their ultimate frizbee lessons, their technique and accuracy has increased greatly.

Next week get ready for cakes and hot chocolate when Year 2 open their Winter Wonderland Cafe and show off their learning with their class assembly!

We hope to see lots of you joining us to celebrate our achievements laugh

Our Learning

 Week commencing: 13/01/2020


Year 2 have journeyed to the Arctic and back this week and what a trek! We dived into the frozen sea, tiptoed through caves and used our trusty picks to scale huge mountains. After a snowball fight at the top, we made our way to base-camp and made hot chocolate! It was yummy! The children had a fantastic time and created some brilliant writing from their experience! 


In maths, we have learnt all about 3D shape, their properties and nets. We used snowballs and sticks to create 3D shapes to help Inuit people make new igloos! Another achievement Year 2!


Thank you to all your support with the reading at home with nearly all the children returning their book everyday. It is also key to ensure your child completes their weekly 'my math' homework and spellings as Year 2 need to consolidate all their learning in and outside school to become confident at new skills. Just to remind parents - homework is sent out on a Friday to be returned Wednesday please. 

Spring 1 

Welcome Back!

A huge ‘Happy New Year’ to all Year 2 children and their families.


I am so happy to be back and have an action packed half term full of winter delights and tasty treats for Year 2! OOooo are you ready?


This half term is all about the journey and I wonder where Year 2 will end up? - Get wrapped up for a snowy adventure but also make sure you pack your sun glasses and shorts as there is more than one destination on our trip!

Our first week back

What a ram-packed week! The children are ready for their fantastic nativity and... even if I do say so myself... IT IS AMAZING! Anyone coming will love it I'm sure. We have had a few dress rehearsals and the costumes really do bring the show to life! A huge congratulations to all the children! I am very proud of you. 


This week Year 2's brains have been pushed to the limit with lots of assessment and tasks that took some extra concentration so another BIG well done! Because of this we have not completed our weekly spelling and times tables check but don't panic we have done them in class as part of our learning. For next week the children need to learn their final week's spelling which is the Year 2 common exception words.


As our class has had a number of children off school ill please make sure you take extra special care of yourselves this weekend, especially with our show coming up next week. 

Week commencing: 25th November 2019


This week Year 2 have immersed themselves into their history topic. We have teleported ourselves back into the sixteen hundreds with Guy Fawkes and his band of plotters.

Using our PE dance we have been building up different parts of the story of Guy Fawkes. This week we started to put the pieces together and re-enact historical events using dance.


We continued our stance of Guy Fawkes through our writing. We created postcards and letters to his fellow bandits and loved to show our parents everything we have learnt so far this year during our shared writing experience morning.


In Maths, we have loved learning about Fraction Fawkes. He loves fractions and has taught us all about fractions of shape and number. We finished the week with Fraction Fawkes party!


As well as all this fun, the Nativity is coming on nicely! We can't wait to show you.

Week commencing: 14/11/2019

This week has been a week full of events! It has been Anti Bullying Week and our Odd Sock Day! We've had the Glow Disco and Children in Need! Thank you for all your support the children really do benefit from the learning aspect of these important day and it is a valuable part of their curriculum and experiences.


In Maths, we have been working on Tally charts and pictograms. We can now read and write our own tally charts and create pictograms from the information we gathered.


In English, we have been exploring the features of acrostic poems and co-ordinating conjunctions to challenge our writing even further! I would like to say how proud I am of the progress we have seen so far with the children's reading and writing skills! Keep it up year 2.


In topic, we have investigated Guy Fawkes through the media of dance! Our routines look fabulous!

Useful documents for parents - Reading

Week Commencing: 04.11.2019


A new half term begins and we were very exciting following our super school day before the holidays! The week started with a bang as the children enjoyed bonfire day. We created our own Guy and built a bonfire inside with fake fire and listened to all the fantastic sounds, tested our sense of smell and tasted lots of different bonfire foods. The children developed their language skills throughout the day and together we built a word bank of adjectives, nouns and verbs that the children can use in their writing this half term. An amazing start to our new half term and we can't wait for what comes next.


The children's homework will be released on Monday, with spellings and times table checks being completed every Friday. Please encourage your child to learn their lines for our brilliant Nativity as this really does make our rehearsals run smoothly.


There are further learning activities in our parents area in class if you would like any extra learning for your child. 


Any concerns or questions do not hesitate to speak with Miss Taylor, before or after school or email 

Welcome to Year 2!


Following our busy first week, the staff and children in Year 2 are looking forward to diving into lots more fun learning this half term.


Please find information below on a variety of subjects and details that you might like to know about this half term. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to speak with Miss Taylor before or after school or email


Reading Books

Please read as often as possible with your child. If your child’s reading record has been signed then their book will be changed each day. Ideally aim to read with them at least three times a week.

Homework Pyramids 2019/20 – Guidance

Homework will be sent out on a Friday and can be brought back each Wednesday.


In Year 2, we understand the importance of regular spelling practice, with an extension of phonic knowledge and spelling rules being introduced. Please ensure your child finds time at home to practice in preparation for their Friday spelling tests.

There are extra Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheets in class for parents to access at any point so please just ask.

Your child is starting to access a range of fun spelling strategies in school during new Spelling Stars sessions- please encourage them to employ these strategies at home. Have a look through the document below for some more ideas!



This half term, Year 2 PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Independence and organisation are two key areas of focus in class at the moment, so please have your child’s kit in school on these days. It can often be useful to leave the kit for the whole week for other active learning sessions as they will be sent home every Friday afternoon.

Please ensure children are in the correct School kit and have appropriate footwear. Other useful items could be, a plain (or  school logo embossed) black hoody, joggers as well as shorts and a thin raincoat as PE is unlikely to be cancelled in the event of a light shower.



As a school, we utilise Bloom's Higher Order Thinking Skills within every single lesson. Teachers use the spectrum of thinking skills to plan for a broad and balanced curriculum, offering the pupils complete clarity not just around what they are learning, but precisely how they are learning.


We call these our 'brain skills':

Week commencing: 7th October 2019


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NOOOOOO it's Year 2!


This week we have flown into our own art work adding our pictures to our fabulous comic strip themed pictures! We look fantastic! 

In Maths, there has been a focus on learning our number bonds and common addition skills we need to know throughout this year!

In English, we have now explored most of our cursive handwriting skills, applying it into our writing is putting lots of smiles on Miss Taylor's face! We know we need to concentrate on our phonics and checking we have used the correct phoneme and graphemes for our words.


Spellings - over the next few weeks please focus on the words we have been learning this half term as children will have a spelling check on your learning across the half term.


The children have 1 more week to complete their homework pyramid to achieve the capture the flag treat! All your support at home is greatly appreciated and our Year 2 staff team would like to express our thanks for all your support at home.


Have a fantastic weekend!

Week Commencing: 31/09/2019


Addition has been our focus this week in Maths. We have explored adding 2 and 1 digit numbers using resources, drawings and even mentally adding numbers. 


In English, we have been focusing on our letter formation and sounding out of words. It is important to ensure we complete our 'High Five'.

1. Capital letters - Larger than other letters and starting sentences.

2. Sounding out our words carefully, using the correct phonemes 

3. Clear finger spaces between words 

4. Cursive letter formation with clear ascending letters and each letter standing on the line.

5. Finally - that we can read our work and it makes sense!


In Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary we have been learning about Proper Nouns! We know that proper nouns need a capital letter and they are special names for people, places, titles and companies.

Remember every Friday we have a spelling check and a times table check. Congratulations to all those children who achieved one of their times table certificates this week.

Also reading books will be changed each time you return the book signed.

Paint here, paint there… paint everywhere! This week Year 2 have started some SUPER artwork. They have learnt what ‘tone’ is in art and how we create it and explored the art of Roy Lichenstien the famous comic strip artist.

In Maths, we have been looking at our < > and = symbols and how we can apply them in lots of different ways, even measuring length. Check out our fabulous photos of investigating how we measure length using non-standard units. We have now started to explore centimetres and metres

In English, we have started to write our ingredients poem and adapt our text map to create our own versions so we can send it back to Witch Green Eyes for our own potions.

Please remember that your child’s reading book will be changed everyday if the reading record is signed and homework books are to be in school from Wednesday. The children have their spelling and times table test on Fridays!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Spellings for this week:

Group 1 – gem, giant, magic, giraffe, energy, jacket, jar, jog,  join, adjust, could, because

Group 2  -  chip, chick, catch, fetch, kitchen, notch, hutch, rich, much, such

Week commencing: 16th September 


This week we have started to get ready for our visit to Super School. 

In English, we have learnt our ingredients poem by heart using actions and pictures. We call this a text map. Next week, we will be challenging ourselves to write the poem ourselves. Can we use the poems features in the right places?


In Maths, we have been learning all about place value. We can now talk about a digits tens and ones, even some hundred numbers! We can draw our own numbers showing the value of each digit. At the end of the week the evil Number Cruncher set her pet crocodiles loose. They were eating all the numbers! We had to learn 'greater than' and 'less than' symbols to destroy her evil plans and rescue our superhero friend Decagon!


In Topic, we started to design our superhero selves and decide what super powers we want to get. We also explored some historical evidence to discover a real life superhero who we will be learning more about. The children were FANTASTIC and we uncovered Florence Nightingale.


Get ready Year 2 for another exciting week next week!

Week commencing 9th September.


What an exciting start to the year. This week we have been visited by 2 special guests!!Decagon (a superhero) had his powers stolen by the evil Number Cruncher. We had to help him get his powers back by learning all about ascending and descending number patterns. He was so happy with our hard work he gave us a special present... He gave us a Superhero Handbook and invited us to a day at Super school at the end of the half term.


Then in English, we read a story all about Witch Green Eyes. We heard how Witches get their letters so we wrote to Witch Green Eyes to ask for a super potion for ourselves.


We are very excited to see what we need to do next to get our super powers for super school.


The children's costumes for Roald Dahl day were fantastic, please see the fabulous photo below! 


Thank you for all your hard work at home so far. Miss Taylor is really impressed with the reading and homework that she has seen. As a reminder to parents, reading books will be changed everyday if the children's reading records are signed. We encourage as much reading as possible.

The children also need to be practising their 10 times tables for their test on Fridays and their weekly spellings.


Group 1 spellings for this week: s sound made with a c

race, ice, cell, city, fancy, face, space, bicycle, circle, spicy - great, eye


Group 2 spellings for this week: well, pull, full, wall, buzz, fizz, back, stick, flick, pal




Roald Dahl Day

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