A gift from Barwick...
As an avid lover of all literature, I believe the key to everyone's success lies in reading books. Any books. All books. Books about anything and everything - stories of suspense, tall tales of terror, hardcovers of horror, manuscripts of mythical quests, volumes of ventures into fantasy worlds, westerns, graphic novels, romance, history, comedy, tragedy...there is a genre to suit everyone.
Be it fiction or non-fiction, just read. Read every category, field, genre, type and sort of book there is.
To help you on this journey, the staff would like to present each child with a book of their choice from the Booktrust's 100 Best Book Lists, as a gift to say thank you for everything they have contributed to the school during their time here. Why not take the quiz and see how many of the books you have read, and choose your book from the ones that you have yet to discover?
Let me know your choice as soon as possible.
Mrs Evans
http://www.booktrust.org.uk/books/children/have-some-fun/quizzes/15 - (Age 9-11)
http://www.booktrust.org.uk/books/teenagers/have-some-fun/quizzes/14 - (Age 12+)
19th May update
SATs - I want to say how proud I am of every member of Willow Class during SATs week. All of the children were focused, engaged and committed to doing their best in each one of those difficult tests. Unfortunately we can't now sit back and relax; there is much of the curriculum still to cover, and the deadline for Teacher Assessments in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science need to be completed by Tuesday 21st June.
Results are available to schools on Tuesday 5th July. Once school has downloaded the results, we will contact parents and also tell the children. More information on how this year's results will be published can be found in the link below, as this differs to previous years.
Wow! What a thrilling and exciting few days we have had at Robinwood! Huge thanks to Mrs Roberts and Miss Goodison for helping make the trip so memorable, and a big, big thankyou to all the children. I am so impressed with how everybody supported each other during any wobbly moments, and how the children overcame any fears to try the new and often very challenging activities. On several occasions my eyes were filled with both tears of laughter and tears of pride. The many, many photographs are being sorted through - a selection of them can be found below, with the remainder to be enjoyed in the assembly.
Normally, we would invite parents in to a special assembly in the week following the residential, to enjoy the video clips and photographs, as well as watch their children receive a special certificate for taking part. However, Willow class will be on a Bikeability course (please return the consent form for this if you haven't already done so), so we are postponing the assembly to Friday 10th June. It would be great if you could be there.
Whereas most Y6 classes around the country were having a chilled out day in class on Friday, Willow class (never to be accused of missing a learning opportunity!), were exploring the Magna Science Adventure Centre. What a fabulous day! On arrival, we participated in a very interactive workshop, learning all about how electricity and circuits work before embarking on a team challenge to prove that they could wire up a circuit.
Following the workshop, we explored the four pavilions of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. As always, the children were a credit to the school, and fully engaged with the exhibits, demonstrating what wonderfully inquiring minds they all have. We could have stayed there for hours more, and I hope you get the opportunity to visit this marvellous place as a family. The history of the British Steel Industry was fascinating, and we all enjoyed 'The Big Melt', when the massive furnace was brought to life, hinting at just how drastically different the building would have been when in working order.
As part of our exploration into Yorkshire tourist attractions, Magna is definitely up there on our 'must see' list!
(Photos below)
The Circulatory System - Learning how nutrients and water are transported around the body via the digestive system
Today, we made poo in class!
16th March 2016 - Pond Day!
Willow Class have had the most fabulous (and exhausting!) day, digging up well established plants from in and around the pond and garden of Mrs Horkan (Harrison's Grandma). Mrs Horkan is moving house so has (with the permission of the new owners), kindly donated a wide variety of plants to continue their life at Barwick Primary School.
The children learnt how to correctly dig up the plants without upsetting the roots, and how to best re-plant them in their new home so they have the best available chance of survival. Children worked incredibly well as a team, ensuring the (quite honestly, very large!) task was completed in just one day.
There is still a bit of tidying up to do, and we look forward to seeing the plants thrive and grow in their new environment.
Not only did we bring new plants to Barwick, but we now also have a whole family of frogs, and (providing they survive the trauma of being moved), goldfish.
Huge thank you to Mrs Horkan for giving up her day to teach the children all about the names of the plants, what they look like in the summer when in bloom, how best to transport them and where to position them for maximum effect. We could not have done this without her.
Have a look at the photos below to see how hard we all worked!