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Church of England Primary School

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Home Learning Challenge

We have been using pictures and photographs to tell a story.

Use the pictures below to create your own exciting stories. 

Will your story be happy or sad? Scary or exciting? 

Will your story have a happy ending?


You could also record your child's story telling on Tapestry. 



Who is the girl in the picture?

Where has she come from?

What stories have been told in her village for centuries?

What do you think she hopes will be inside the house?

What will she actually find inside?

Why is she all alone?

What are the golden specks of light that appear at the front of the picture?

How has the girl found this place?


Taken from: 


Question time!

Has the giant seen Jack?

How might Jack feel at this moment?

Would you rather be the giant or Jack?

Would you rather be a giant in a land of humans, or a human in a land of giants?

What/who else lives in the land of the giants?

Why do giants live apart from humans?


Taken from:



  • How are the bears related? How old are they?
  • What are they doing?
  • How are they feeling?
  • Is this a special moment?
  • Why are there stars around them?
  • Share a special memory between you and a parent/carer. Why do you think that time was special?


Taken from:

Credit: Ramona Kaulitzki

12.01.2018- Arctic Challenge

We have used this picture in our Guided Reading this week. 

What is happening in the picture?

What animals can you see?

Where do they live?

Where are they going?

What might happen next?

How will the story end? 


Spring Term- Week 1


  • Where is the hedgehog?
  • What is it doing?
  • How is it feeling? How do you know?
  • Why is the hedgehog here? Why is it alone?
  • The title of this illustration is, ‘Hedgehog Needs a Hug’. Why does the hedgehog need a hug?
  • Tell/write this hedgehog’s story. Will it ever find someone to hug?


Credit: Jen Betton

Autumn 2

Week 4- 11.12.2017

First Flight


  • How are the owls related?
  • Which owl is about to take its first flight? How do you know?
  • How does the young owl feel about flying?
  • What might it be thinking? Add a thought bubble to the picture.
  • Is the older owl worried?
  • What advice might the older owl give to the younger one?
  • Think of the first time you did something new. How did you feel about it? What emotional journey did you go on? Plot your feelings on a graph.
  • If trying new things is scary, does that mean you should never try them?



Credit: Goro Fujita

Taken from:

Week 3- 04.12.2017

Stanley and Clive


  • Which one is Stanley and which one is Clive?
  • What kind of creatures are they?
  • Have they just met or did they already know each other?
  • How do they feel about each other? How do you know?
  • How do you feel about them?
  • What are they saying? Add speech bubbles to the picture, then write this scene with dialogue.
  • What do Stanley and Clive have in common? What are their differences? Is this a bad thing?
  • What makes you different?
  • Would the world be a better place if everyone was the same? Why/why not?
  • Why are Stanley and Clive friends?
  • What is friendship?
  • What makes a good friend?


Credit: Matt Dixon

Taken frome:

Week 2- 27.11.17

  • What can you see?
  • Who is the Invisible Man? Why is he invisible?
  • Why is he carrying someone in his briefcase? Who is that? How did he get there? Is he trying to get out? Does the Invisible Man know that he’s there?
  • Where is he going?


Credit: Franco Matticchio

Taken from Once upon a picture:


Week 1- 20.11.17

  • What happened before this picture?
  • How did the house get on top of the dragon? Who tied it onto the dragon’s back?
  • Is the dragon happy about this?
  • How do the girl and the dragon know one another?
  • Why is the girl sitting on top of the house and not inside it?
  • Is anyone else inside the house?
  • Where did the kites come from?
  • Where are the girl and the dragon going?
  • Why are they travelling in this way?
  • What is the title of the story? 


Taken from: Once Upon a Picture


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