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Homophone Puzzles

Information booklet - Phonics and Spelling Evening 14th March 2016


All children will be tested on the full 5/6/ Statutory Word List before the Easter holidays, in order to identify which ones they need to learn. Please help your child use the strategies suggested to learn the words.

7.3.16 Strategies

29th Feb

-ent/-ence/-ency words. 

Test yourself on as many of these words as possible - do you know the difference between the -ance and the -ence words?


Don't forget your Statutory Words!!!! (including sentence, convenience and experience....)



-ent/-ence/-ency words

5th Feb 2016

Our spelling rule focus has been words ending in -ant/-ance/-ancy.

We have now moved on to -ent/-ence/-ency. Please test children on these words so they can practise determining which ending to use.


-ant / -ance/ -ancy words

28th January 2016

This term we have been focusing mainly on the Statutory Word Lists - ensuring we are confident with the Year 3/4 list before moving on to the Year 5/6. Please encourage your child to learn all the words on these lists as these will feature in the SATS Spelling Paper.


-tial / -cial endings

Our current board covers a difficult rule, as there are so many exceptions! Unfortunately many of these words just need to be learnt. 

NB - 'special' is on the Year 3/4 Statutory Word List so needs to be learnt, and  'especially' is on the Year 5/6 list.


-ce/-se endings

We spent a lot of time before we finished for Christmas revisiting the rules learnt so far, in addition to learning the different between homophones with  -ce ending or -se ending, e.g. practice / practise, licence / license. 


The rule to remember here involves word type.

Is the word a noun? (e.g. The choir practice will take place at lunchtime. I have lost my driving licence.) If so, the word has -ce ending.

Is the word a verb? (e.g. I am going to practise my Year 5/6 Statutory Word List until I can spell all the words correctly. I am licensed to play music at the event.) If so, the word has -se ending.


(There is a lot of confusion over the -se ending, as most computers are automatically set to US Spellcheck. In the USA they don't use the -se ending, and therefore it seems incorrect on most computers! Please check that your computer is set to UK Spellcheck in order to avoid this.)


-tial / -cial

26th November 2015

Over the last week we have investigated the -tious and -cious endings of words.

We discovered that if the root word ends in -ce, the ending becomes cious, and if the root word ends in -tion, or anything not -ce, then it is a -tious ending.

It can be quite confusing!


Here are the words children have been asked to learn:













9th-13th Nov 2015

This week we have been exploring words ending in -fer, and what happens if we add a suffix.

It's all to do with the sound of the word!

Awesome points are available for children who suggest more words for the board!

2nd - 6th Nov 2015

We are learning about the -able/-ible endings this week.

Please practise these words with your children, and encourage them to work out the correct ending.

Can they find any exception words that do not fit the rules?


19th - 23rd Oct 2015

All children have been practising the statutory words from the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 list. They all have a list of personal spellings, which are words they have been tested on and spelt incorrectly.

We have only just begun to explore the list so please regularly test your child on all of these words - it is expected that they will know and be able to spell all of them by the end of the year!


12th - 16th Oct 2015

Please see the attached photo of our Spelling board. This week we have been focusing on the 'ough' letter strand.

Statutory year 3/4 words are:

  1. through
  2. thought
  3. although
  4. though

Statutory year 5/6 words are:

1. thorough

In order to help your child, please practise spelling as many 'ough' words as you can, putting them in context by placing them in sentences. Spot them whenever you are out and about, or if you hear them on TV or the radio. Ask your child to spell them out.

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