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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'



Thank you to all the pupils who handed in their homework books on time to me this week - I was disappointed to find less than half of the class had done so. 


It is very difficult for me to track who is completing homework if books are not handed in on time. Homework is set to support and challenge work covered in class; please ensure your child is completing it!


Obviously, we were on residential last week, so missed a week of spellings, which were tested today. I have sent the most recent Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheets home, for practising over Easter. We will test these words on the first day back.

Due to school closure, pupils were unable to hand homework books in on Wednesday, with many forgetting to bring them in on Friday. 

For this reason, I will collect them in on Wednesday 7th March and will expect to see evidence of two weeks' homework.

As it has been difficult to track who has been completing the weekly minimum homework, who has been completing additional homework, and who has not completed any homework, in Willow Class we are changing the way homework is reported.


Please hand in homework books every Wednesday. There must be evidence in your book of the HW completed, with any scores if applicable. 

Mrs Evans will return books to you on Friday. All homework will be checked, and children who have spent time on optional written tasks will receive verbal or written feedback from Mrs Evans.


At present, the minimum expectation for homework is:

  • weekly spelling practice (spelling rules and statutory word lists) In your HW book, please write out the list in your homework book / stick in your LSCWC sheet / ask a parent to confirm practice has taken place
  • weekly reading practice (combination of online comprehension, fiction and non-fiction) In your HW book, please confirm what reading you have done: e.g. '22.2.18 ReadTheory - gained 150 KP' or '3.3.18 Read for 15 mins'
  • weekly maths practice (MyMaths and TT Rockstars) In your HW book, please state what you have done, along with any scores if applicable, e.g. '4.4.18 MyMaths Translating Shapes 76%'


Ideally, you will also be completing the writing tasks (linked to topic work), and additional reading, spelling and maths fluency tasks, as well as the top tier of optional homework, such as tidying your room! As you are in Y6, try to find ways to make the tasks more complex - e.g. a nature walk could turn into research on different types of trees in the area, or a maths problem using collected conkers.


You may be given additional home-learning tasks to do, especially if Mrs Evans feels you are at risk of falling behind due to an extended absence. 


If possible, please avoid handing work in on USB sticks for Mrs Evans to print off; too often the printer has a problem and the work is lost, or an email is unseen. 



As we approach SATs, practice papers and questions will form part of your homework, to ensure you are used to the style of questioning, layout etc of the test papers. 


Any questions, please do just ask. 

Spring 1 Homework

Autumn 2 Homework

Autumn 1 HW

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