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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Activities/games to extended your child's learning. Links below:

Friday 15th July 2022


1. Fred's Fridge! Watch the video below and see if you can find out what Fred is hiding in his fridge!


2. Home made water wall! Make a water wall out of old containers and bottles for children to experiment using water! A great way to keep cool in the sun too!


3. Being independent!


Going into reception means you have to be much more independent!

  • Getting yourself dressed
  • Making your own bed
  • Feeding a pet


Read Write Inc. - Fred Games - The Fridge Ep2

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Friday 8th July 2022


Your home learning this week is to think about what job you would like to do when you grow up! I would like you to come dressed as whatever you choose to nursery graduation! I can't wait to see all your wonderful costumes and to have a fabulous time at nursery graduation and the Tea Party! See you on Saturday!

Friday 1st July 2022


1. N2 children (Children moving into reception)- Play a game of Fred I spy! Ask an adult to 'Fred Talk' words and see if you can spot the object they are Fred Talking! Parents- Use consonant-vowel-consonant words (CVC) or CCVC words for example:


M-u-d     S-ou-p

D-a-d     B-oo-t

M-u-m    F-ee-t

Pan        Road

Pop        Coat



'oo' 'ee' 'ou' 'oa' are all vowel digraphs and together make one sound.


1. N1 Children- Go on a listening walk, what sounds can you hear? Can you hear the birds? What bird do you think it might be?


2. Play a game using a die/dice to help with faster subitising skills! (the ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many objects there are without needing to count).


3. PEGS! Pegs are a great form of fine motor! Help peg out the washing or practice using pegs onto something else like in the images below!



Friday 24th June 2022


1. Watch the video Fred's toy box below. Can you blend the words that Fred talks? Ask an adult to pause in between if you need more time!


2. Baking! Have a go at a simple baking recipe, use language such as 'first' 'next' 'after that'. 


3. Get crafty! Have a go at creating your own caterpillar or butterfly craft. 

Read Write Inc. - Fred Games - The Toy Box Ep1

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1. Collect two groups of items from outside, for example 5 sticks and 5 stones. Make a repeating pattern that goes, stick, stone, stick, stone, stick. Can you complete the pattern? You could paint stones to make a coloured pattern too!


2. Fred’s wardrobe- Fred talk items of clothing and see if children can retrieve them.
Scarf s-c-ar-f; hat h-a-t; coat c-ow-t; socks s-o-c-s; shorts sh-or-t-s; dress d-r-e-ss; skirt s-k-ir-t


3. Keep practicing the Talk for Writing story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' at home! Enjoy this animated film to help you remember!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

In the internationally acclaimed The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a tiny caterpillar eats and eats...and eats his way through the week. Taken from The Very Hungry ...

Friday 9th June 2022


1. Read our Talk for Writing story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' at home. See if you can retell parts of the story, use the actions to help you!


2. Go on a hunt around your home to find different types of patterns! You might find a pair or stripy socks or a spotty cushion. Take photos for Tapestry!


2. This week in phonics the N2's have been introduced to 'Fred Talk'. Fred talk helps children understand the sounds in words by pronouncing each sound in the word one at a time. This is a key skill that children will need when they beginning reading in reception. Play this game to help develop children's phonological awareness.


Fred’s fridge

During snack or dinner time ask children to help you prepare meals. When you ask them to retrieve an item split the word into sounds. Split the word into the sounds and see if children can reply with the whole word .Adult- "Can you pass me the m-i-l-k?" Children should respond "Milk!". Help your child by speeding up the sounds. Here are some examples:


Milk m-i-l-k, juice -j-oo-s; cream c-r-ee-m; eggs e-g-s; corn c-or-n; grape g-r-ay-p; pear p-air; peas p-ee-z; leek l-ee-k

Friday 19th May 2022


1. After cleaning your teeth, use the bathroom mirror to watch your faces as you make funny noises and words e.g. ‘blobalobalob’ ‘brrrrr’ ‘mamamamama’ ‘shhhh’. Observe your faces, lips, teeth and tongue as you make different speech sounds.


2. Use the inside cardboard tubes from kitchen roll as a megaphone to experiment with different speech sounds and their volume.


3. Watch the numberblocks 'How to count' episode. Can you practice counting at home? Remember to always repeat the last number. Test children by asking 'How many?' after they have finished counting to check they repeat the last number rather than starting the process again.


4. Naughty Bus song! Thank you to all the children who practiced at home and uploaded a video to Tapestry, we loved hearing your wonderful singing voices!

The Naughty Bus Song!

'Naughty Bus' is a beautiful children's book by Jan Oke, showing a child's eye view of playing on the floor with a toy bus. This song tells the same story in...

Friday 13th May 2022


1. In phonics we have been learning how to clap syllables! Watch the video below to help you practice!


2. Watch the number 11 Numberblock video then see if you can collect 11 objects! Does that look like a large amount of objects? Remember to discuss 'one more'. Ask an adult to build a tower of 10, can you add one more? How many do you have now?


3. Some children have enjoyed looking at different flowers this week. Can you can on a nature walk and see what you can find? Use the tick sheet to help you!

Syllables! | Scratch Garden

Learn about dividing words and counting syllables as we explain what is a syllable in the English language. Our 2ND CHANNEL is on Patreon! ►► https://www.pat...

Friday 6th May 2022


1. Our number of the week this week is number 10! Go outside and find 10 sticks, stones or any other outdoor material! Can you order them from smallest to biggest?


2. We have been focusing on different types of transport. Can you use lego or building blocks to create your favourite type of transport? A car, train, plane or boat?


3. Lots of you have shown an interest in the music area this week. Have a go at creating your own musical instrument. You could try putting rice into an old container or using a cardboard box to create a guitar! 


4. Our Talk for Writing this half term is the Naughty Bus song! Keep practicing at home! (Video below)


5. Being independent! Have a go at some of these independent skills:


-doing up and undoing buttons

-zipping up your coat

-using cutlery to eat

-pouring milk/water into a cup

-getting dressed 

-putting on shoes

Friday 29th April 2022

1. Mark making messy play! Mix a little cornflour and water in a tray and use your finger to explore mark making. Can you form letters from your name? How does it feel? Encourage your child to use words like ‘gloopy’ ‘smooth’ and ‘silky’.


2. Next week in maths we are focusing on prepositions and positional language. Watch 'We're going on a bear hunt' and then put your teddy bear at home in different places. Use the language 'On' 'Under' 'Behind' 'In front of' 'On top of'. Take photos of your teddy too!


3. Keep practicing your RWI picture cards. We are beginning to talk about sounds and develop our phonological awareness. Can you go on a hunt around your home and find an object beginning with each letter of the alphabet! Remember to reinforce the initial sound in words 'a- a- apple!' 'sssssnake'. 


1. Go for a walk with a grown-up. What letters and numbers can you see on the number plates of parked cars? Can you see any letters of your name? Can you spot numbers 1 to 9?


2. Can you make a model of your favourite type of transport? You could use empty cardboard boxes or building bricks. What model will you make? You could make a car, bus, train or hotair balloon!


3. Talk to an adult about how to stay safe near the roads. What road safety tips do you know?


4. In phonics we have been revisiting alliteration. Can you come up with a silly sentence containing some alliteration? - "Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep".

Friday 25th March 2022


1. Next week we are celebrating Easter. Watch the video below to prepare for our learning next week.


2. Have a go at one of these Easter crafts-


3. Nature Numbers! Go on a spring walk and have a go at creating some nature numbers! 




4. Continue to check you know the names of the RWI picture cards. Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'.

CBeebies | Celebrating Easter | Let's Celebrate

CBeebies - Watch Toby celebrate Easter as he goes to church with his family and goes on an Easter egg hunt. Visit CBeebies at t...

50 things to do before you're 5!

Friday 18th March 2022


This week as home learning I would like you to start ticking off this of 50 Things to do before you're 5!

Friday 11th March:


1. This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple, Snake, Dinosaur, Tower, Insect, Net, Pirate, Girl, Orange, Catterpillar, Kangaroo, Umbrella, Boot, Flower, Egg, Leg, Horse, Robot, Jack-in-a-box, Vulture, Yak, Worm and Zip. Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'.


2. Rhyming pairs! We have been focusing on Aspect 4 Rhythm and Rhyme. Can you find a rhyming pair of objects from around your home. You might find a hat and a mat or a sock and a rock.


3. We have been loving our fairy garden in Nursery! Can you make your own like this one below?


4. Cosmic Yoga with a Dragon! 

PLAY | Fairy Garden Activity!

Ford and I had so much building this gender neutral, super scrappy (read: cheap yay) Fairy Garden! Subscribe to WUM for new vids! Than...

Friday 4th March 2022


1. We have loved receiving and writing messages to the fairies this week. Can you write a secret message at home and bring it to nursery on your next session?


2. This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple, Snake, Dinosaur, Tower, Insect, Net, Pirate, Girl, Orange, Catterpillar, Kangaroo, Umbrella, Boot, Flower, Egg, Leg, Horse, Robot, Jack-in-a-box and Vulture. Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'.


3. Nature wand- Can you make a nature wand like this one? What can your wand do? Does it give you magical powers?



4. Being independent: Independence skills are a key area of development across the EYFS and is something we focus on daily. Please continue to practice the following at home:

  • putting on coats
  • putting on shoes (no laces if possible!)
  • going to the toilet independently
  • getting changed independently
  • Beginning to zip up coats up independently
  • turning clothes from inside out

How to put on your coat independently:

Still image for this video

Friday 18th January 2022


1. We celebrated Valentine's Day this week! Can you do something kind for someone you love?


2.This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple, Snake, Dinosaur, Tower, Insect, Net, Pirate, Girl, Orange, Catterpillar, Kangaroo, Umbrella, Boot, Flower, Egg, Leg, Horse. Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'.


3. This week we we have been focusing some more on subitising Watch the Jack Hartman Subitising song below! You can also practice subitising White Rose Maths App- 1 Minute Maths and select 'subitising 1-5'. 


5. After half term we will be starting our new topic 'Fairy tales'. Read a fairytale/story every night over the half term. What is your favourite story tale? Who is your favourite character and why?

Subitize Up To 5 (soo-bi-tize) | Math Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

Jack Hartmann's website: www.jackhartmann.comRemember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks:Facebook: w...

Friday 11th January 2022


1. We have been focusing on understanding sea pollution this week. Watch this animation of 'A Whales Tale.' What can you do to help? Help by recycling at home this week. Can you sort the rubbish into recycling bins? Count how many different bins there are.


2. This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple, Snake, Dinosaur, Tower, Insect, Net, Pirate, Girl, Orange, Catterpillar, Kangaroo, Umbrella, Boot and Flower. Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'.


3. Next week we will be focusing some more on subitisingSubitising is when you are able to look at a group of objects and realise how many there are without counting. This skill is an essential part of developing number sense in early years children by helping them to relate numbers to actual items or groups of items. You can practice subitising with a board game that uses a dice or download the White Rose Maths App- 1 Minute Maths and select 'subitising 1-5'. 



4.Wonky Donkey! Can you guess the rhyming phrase that goes with the picture below? 'A _____ eating ____!'


A Whale's Tale | Hope Works

A whale helps smaller sea creatures who are trapped in plastic waste. On land a young boy seeks support to clear the sea in his area. Fishermen come to his a...

Friday 4th February 2022


1. This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple and Snake, Dinosaur, Tower, Insect, Net, Pirate, Girl, Orange, Catterpilla and Kangaroo. Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'. If you do not have access to a printer ask Miss Mason for a printed version. An an adult to mix up the pictures and see how quickly you can say the name of each one.


2. We have been focusing on Phase 1 Aspect 4 this week- Rhythm and Rhyme. Listen to this rhyming story 'Oi Duck-billed Platypus!' by one of our favourite authors Kes Gray. (Video below) In the story the animals cannot find a word to rhyme with their species so they use their first names instead. This time you make the rules like the frog in the story. Can you have a go at finding an object/word that rhymes with your name? You might even have a go at finding a rhyming word for everyone in your home! You might tell mummy to sit on a dummy or tell your cat to sit on a hat!


3. We have been focusing on the number 3 this week in maths. Alongside the number 3 we have been learning about triangles. We discussed the properties of a triangle and how they can come in many different forms. See if you can spot a triangle somewhere in the environment and post them on Tapestry! Here are some examples:


4. Story telling! Ask an adult to read to you your favourite story, see if you can join in with any repeated refrains. The story we have been focusing on at nursery is 'The Gruffalo'. You might choose to continue this one at home! 


5. Chinese new year! Have a go at one of these Chinese new year crafts! Link below:

Oi duck billed platypus - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for kids

Books Alive! Read aloud Oi duck billed platypus by Kes Gray and Jim Field. These Oi books just bet better and better they're brilliant! This one deals with a...

Friday 28th January 2022


1. This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple and Snake, Dinosaur, Tower, Insect, Net, Pirate and Girl.


Scroll to the top of this page to find the picture cards named 'RWI Picture cards'. If you do not have access to a printer ask Miss Mason for a printed version or view the images on an Ipad or tablet.


Parents: Please note children are not expected to know the sounds or the letter names, we are just focusing on the image. This is to help the children remember the sound the letter makes and avoid confusion when they begin learning the sounds.


2. Number 2! We have been focusing on number two this week! A pair is a set of two things. Can you find a pair of something in your home? Your challenge is to find a pair of as many objects as you can and upload all of them to Tapestry! 


3. Listen to one of our favourite stories 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson. Make predictions and talk about the main events, characters and setting as you watch it together. What do you think of the characters? Why? How would you save the whale?  What do you think of the snail and whale’s friendship? 


4.Once you have listened to the story have a go at creating your own Whale craft. You could use this link below of think of your own idea. 


5. Go on your own Minibeast hunt and look for a snail! We love looking for minibeasts in our nature garden at nursery, can you do the same at home?

Friday 21st January 2022


1. This week we have continued to learn the names of the RWI picture cards! 

Continue to check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple and Snake, Dinosaur, Tower and Insect!


If you do not have access to a printer ask Miss Mason for a printed version or view the images on an Ipad or tablet.


Parents: Please note children are not expected to know the sounds or the letter names, we are just focusing on the image. This is to help the children remember the sound the letter makes and avoid confusion when they begin learning the sounds.


2. Miss Linky loves to move like sea creatures! Can you join in? 

    Which is your favourite?


3. Paper roll octopus! Get crafty and try this paper roll octopus! 


4. Our number of the week this week was number 1! We have now revisited zero and one! Go on a walk with an adult and see how many 0's and 1's you can see! Take photos of all the numbers you see and upload them to Tapestry!


Friday 14th January 2022


1. We have really enjoyed learning the names of the pictures on our phonics flash cards. If you have a printer at home you could print off the picture cards below and check you know the names of each picture, so far we have looked at: Maisie Mountain, Apple and Snake. Next week we will be looking at Dinosaur, Tower and Insect! If you do not have access to a printer ask Miss Mason for a printed version or view the images on an Ipad or tablet.


Parents: Please note children are not expected to know the sounds or the letter names, we are just focusing on the image. This is to help the children remember the sound the letter makes and avoid confusion when they begin learning the sounds.


2. Underwater counting! Have a go at this Top Marks underwater counting game! Challenge yourself and count up to 10! 


3. Foil Fish! Have a go at creating a Foil Fish! Bring it to Nursery to go on our Rainbow Fish display!

Friday 7th January 2022


1. Start off your weekend with some Saturday morning Cosmic Kids Yoga! Go under the sea with squish the fish!


2. If you could be any sea creature which would you be and why? Have a think about all the different sea creatures we have looked at this week, which do you think you would like to be? Ask your family members which one they would be too!


3. Have a look around your home and find two objects you think might float and two objects you think might sink. Test your predictions with an adult, were you right? Post your results on Tapestry!


4. Ask an adult to help you make this ocean sensory tray and create some mark making. Can you draw a secret symbol? You might even begin to start writing letters from your name!

Friday 10th December 2021


1. Have a go at baking some of these yummy treats!


2. The Three Wise Men followed a star to find the stable where the baby Jesus lay.

Have a look at the stars with a grown-up. Can you find the brightest star? What else can you see in the night sky?


3. We have been counting in Nursery. Can you count the baubles on your Christmas tree? Can you count 5, 10 or more?

Friday 3rd December 2021


1. Little Donkey- Please practice our Christmas song 'Little Donkey' at home. I have added the link below. Upload a video of your singing to Tapestry!


2. Discuss with an adult why Christians celebrate Christmas. Can you remember any of the names of people from the Nativity story? How did Mary travel to Bethlehem? Who was born on Christmas Day? 


3. Christmas Wreath! Christians decorate their homes at Christmas time. Have a go at one of these Christmas wreath crafts.


4. Lots of Christians will be putting up their Christmas trees this weekend, if you have a tree in your home ask an adult to take a photo and upload it to Tapestry!

Friday 26th November 2021


1.  Next week, our Christmas tree is going up in school! Can you make your own decoration for the Christmas tree that is going up in the school hall? Follow this link for inspiration:


2.  In preparation for beginning Christmas activities next week, please watch this video of the Nativity story to help understand why Christians celebrate Christmas.


3. During Christmas time we have lots of yummy food! Have a go at baking some gingerbread men of your own! Link below.


4. Put on some 'listening ears' (Link below) and tune into environmental sounds. What sounds can you hear? 


5. Make and play with the numberblocks! Link below

Friday 19th November 2021


1. How many nursery rhymes do you know? Following World Nursery Rhyme Week, see how many nursery rhymes you can sing!


2. Have a go at one or several of these nursery rhyme crafts!


3. We are still working on counting skills, have a go at one of these counting games! We are trying to count to 10 or even 20!


Challenge: If you can already count beyond 20 have a go at this online maths game!


Have a good weekend everyone and remember to BE KINDheart


Please share any home learning activities or activities of your own on Tapestry for Miss Mason and Mrs Fell to see! Thank yousmiley



Friday 12th November 2021


1. Anti-bullying week is next week, in preparation I would like you to do an act of kindness. This could be for a family member, a friend or even a neighbour. Please share your act of kindness on Tapestry and I add it to our 'Kindness Tree' display.


2. Our new Talk for Writing story is 'Yeti turn out the light!'. Have a go at this yeti counting activity.,%20support&title=Count%20the%20Yeti%201%20to%2010


3. Our topic this half term is 'light or dark'. Have a go at exploring this through shadow hand puppets! Here is a link to help you-

Friday 5th November 2021


1. Topic- Tonight is Guy Fawkes night! Ask an adult to share photos on Tapestry of any fun you have had at home to celebrate! Remember the top tips we learnt at nursery!

  • Listen to an adult and follow instructions carefully
  • Keep pets indoors
  • Where gloves when holding a sparkler
  • Check under leaves for hedgehogs 


2. Have a go at one of these firework crafts!


3. Maths- Number 5! Can you spot the number 5 somewhere in your home? Once you have found it give a family member a high 5! Lots of nursery rhymes contain the number 5! Can you think of any? My favourite is 5 fat sausages! Have fun playing this online game to help you while you sing the song.



Friday 22nd October 2021


Half Term Whole School Challenge!


As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related. 

Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher or upload them to Tapestry by 9am on Monday 1st November.

We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!


Friday 15th October 2021


1. In Maths we have been focusing on number 3! Lots of traditional stories have sets of 3 characters in them, such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and the Three Little Pigs. You could read some of these stories with a grown-up. Can you join in with the repeated phrases?


2. Mark making in flour! Mark Making is essential in the Early Years, create a mark making activity using flour! Can you write a secret symbol?


3. Helping at home! This week your helping at home task is to sort the recycling! Talk about what recycling is and why it is important. Lay out a range of clean recycling and talk about the different materials that the different items are made from. Sort them by type. Explain the different categories your local recycling requires the materials be sorted into.

Friday 8th October 2021


1. Number hunt! We have been focusing on the number 2 this week. Can you go on a number hunt in and around your home to find the number 2 on household items, in books or anywhere you can think of! Take photos and upload to Tapestry!


2The Colour Monster. One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour. Your task is to talk about the things which make you feel happy, sad, angry, fearful and calm and loved. Choose one of the emotions and take a photo of something that makes you feel that way, upload it to Tapestry.


3. Helping at home! This week your helping at home task is to make your own lunch! Have a go (with adult supervision) at making your own lunch. Think about what things you need to prepare and the best order to carry out the task. Don't forget to discuss hygiene when preparing food! 




What must we always do before cooking
and eating? Wash hands!
What things will we need?
What do we need to put on the table?
What do we need to do first, next and last?

Friday 1st October 2021


1. Make your very own rainstick! Continue practicing making music at home by mkaing your own rainstick! Does it sound like real rain?


2.Helping at home- We are becoming more independent now and I would love to see you helping at home. This week I would like you to help tidy! 


Adult Prompts:

Talk about how breaking up tidying into little jobs can make them easier and more fun. If everyone helps, jobs are finished much more quickly. Challenge children to tidy a room for the length of a song. You will need to allocate and specify the task/s, e.g. Put as many toys in the basket while the music is playing, or pick up as many Lego pieces as you can until the music stops. Celebrate your achievements made in the time one song took to play.


3. Can you be creative and create an egg box bird feeder?


4. Be imaginative! Can you create a cafe in your home?

You can lay a table, add tableware and finishing touches like flowers.  Use play items, make things or use imagination for food, placemats, a kitchen area etc. 

Friday 24th September 2021


1. Listening walk- During Phase 1 phonics it is important to tune in and listen to environmental sounds. You could go around your house or an outside area with an adult and practise listening carefully to all the different sounds you hear. Talk about what you heard. Did you recognise all the sounds? Were they loud or quiet? Were they long or short sounds?


2. We have been talking about the days of the week. Can you recite the days of the week in order? Use this song to help you!


3. Have a go at this Cosmic Kids Yoga! Go on a magical adventure with Cracker the Dragon!

Friday 17th September 2021


Topic: Magical Me!


Have a go at one or all of these activities, take photos and upload them to Tapestry for Miss Mason to see!


1.Magic Milk!


2.Magic Playdough! 


Once you have made the play dough watch this video of a DOUGH DISCO!


3. Go on a walk with someone from your family, collect a stick and turn it into a magic wand! What can your magic wand do? Can it turn you invisible?


Friday 10th September 2021


Remember Monday 13th September is Roald Dahl Day! Please come dressed as a Roald Dahl character or bring a prop in to show and tell. 


Our topic this half term is 'Magical Me!' 


This weeks home learning is to have a think about what makes you magical. Take a photo of something that is special to you and ask an adult to upload it to Tapestry with a description of why it is special. 

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