6th Feb- Lost and Found Soundscapes
This morning during our Physical Literacy lesson the children were asked to create a soundscape based on our focus book: 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. The children were first challenged to create a soundscape using instruments for the calm waves. The children soon realised that the clam waves were quiet and needed to use quiet sounds to replicate the sound. The children then created a stormy wave soundscape by creating loud sounds.
The children had to work together in their group to decide what instruments they would use and how they would create their soundscape. During the stormy wave soundscape the children decided to use the drums. Miss Leeman allowed the children to have 2 drums per group, encouraging the children to think about other instruments that could be used. The group worked very well together and were able to negotiating a compromise when selecting who would use a drum.
The children then performed their soundscapes to the rest of the class. At the end of each performance we discussed what we liked about it and what could be improved.
This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We have learnt how it is celebrated and have found out about Chinese traditions.
Today we have been exploring what happens when two coloured pieces of ice melt together.
What will happen when red and yellow melt?
What will happen when blue and green melt?
What will happen when blue and red melt?
Here are some of our predictions:
- You'll get a rainbow
- They will stay the same
- The water will be a weird colour
- It will go all black
- The colours will mix together
This week we have been busy exploring Ice. The children each made an ice decoration using various resources and water. Miss Leeman places the decorations into the freezer and left them overnight. The children each made predictions as to what they thought would happen. The next day, the decorations had turned to ice. The children discussed why they had turned to ice;
"It's cos of Jack Frost."
"The freezer just did it- it's magic"
"It's too cold in there so it made it hard."
We then explored how to melt one of the decorations-
"Lets bang it with a pencil"- that didn't work
"Let's drop it on the floor"- that didn't work
"Lets put it in some water"- cold water didn't work
"How about some hot water?"- we left the ice in some hot water and it melted!
"Where has the ice gone?" one of the children asked.
"Jack Frost has taken it away" another responded.
The children soon learnt that when the ice was warm it would melt and change back to water.
The children then took their ice decorations and spent time exploring outside.
On Friday we went for a Winter Walk around the school grounds. We explored what had happened to the environment now that is is Winter.
"It's all cold now"
"All the leaves have fallen off the tress."
"There aren't many birds."
"I can't see any bees"
This week we have created Winter pictures using wax crayons and watered down paint. The children really enjoyed making 'magic' pictures!