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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Date Set: Friday 16th July

Date Due: Friday 23rd July

Next week each day will be centred around a different theme. Your Home Learning this week is all linked to one of our themed days.

S- Sports Activities/ Transition Day

T- Talent Show

A- Art Attack

R- Raise Money and Bounce

S- Summer Starts- Wear your holiday gear!






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Physical Maths

Theme: S- Sports Activities!


You will need:

A ball and a stopwatch


Set your stopwatch for one minute and see how many times you can throw and catch a ball.  


Too easy? How many times can you clap when you throw a ball into the air, and the still catch it?

Can you even spin and then catch it, liked we practised at school?


Theme: R- Raise Money and Bounce!

You could also get practising for Thursday’s bounce! Set your timer for five minutes. Can you reach your target amount of bounces?

20 minutes

Monday- Sports Activities


Thursday- Raise Money and Bounce!


Fine motor -  Drawing


On Wednesday we will be spending time being creative with Art resources.


You can follow one of these ‘Draw With Rob’ videos, to create a picture with a seaside theme.




Puffer Fish


20 minutes



Wednesday- Art Attack!


Theme: T-Talent show!

What’s your talent? Is it singing, dancing, telling jokes or even juggling? It might be drawing, doing a football trick, or something totally different!


Spend time this weekend practicing your chosen talent, ready for our class Talent Show on Tuesday!


At our Talent Show you’ll be able to show a talent on your own, or with friends.

20 minutes




Tuesday- Talent Show!


Date Set: Friday 9th July 2021

Date Due: Friday 16th July 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?





As usual, try to spend 10 minutes on numbots this week.


It’s time for a time challenge!


We’ve been fantastic at telling the time in class this week: clearly lots of practice at home has helped! We’ve begun to think about the difference between seconds, minutes and hours.


You’ll need a timer to complete these activities:


First of all, close your eyes, and try to keep them closed for exactly one minute. What might you count to, to help you? Ask an adult to time the minute for you.


Then, predict how many seconds it will take you to do each of these activities. Then complete them, and see how close you were!

  • Draw a picture of your favourite animal wearing your favourite shoes.
  • Go into every room in your house and have ‘hairy hedgehog hands’.
  • Do 10 star jumps whilst singing the alphabet song.


Also, predict how many minutes it will take to complete these activities. Then complete them, and see how close they were.

  • Have your evening meal.
  • Come to school from your home.
  • Tidy your room so there isn’t a single toy on the floor.


It’d be great if you stuck in, or emailed some pictures of you completing the activities to share in our Celebration Assembly.



10 minutes










30 minutes
















This week we’ve begun to explore the difference between seconds, minutes and hours.



The suffix ‘est’ (recap)


Watch this video to remind you of the er and est suffixes.


Can you use each of the below words in a sentence. It’s an opportunity to be a bit silly if you want to! You could draw a picture to go with each sentence.






Remember to write as neatly as you can. Your grown-ups have seen how neat you can be at Parents Evening!







15 minutes.





The suffixes er/ est are part of the Year 1 curriculum. We’ve touched on them again this week.






RE: Caring for others


We have been looking at how different religions show care for each other this half-term.

This week we’ve looked at how we can show caring for each other can make the world a better place. We listened to this song from Fischy Music, and discussed ways we can care for each other and the world around us. Use today’s attached sheet, or write/ draw some ideas into your home learning book.




15 minutes


We’ve been learning about caring this half-term.


Date Set: Friday 2nd July 2021

Date Due: Friday 9th July 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?





Some regular practice numbots is really important, keep going!


Recognising numbers to 100


Just a quick warm up…. play this video, can you shout out the number before Miss Ellis does?



Counting in Coins


We’ve been practising counting in different coins in class. Can you use your skills to visit this toy shop?

Start by choosing one coin, and answer questions using 2s, 5s and 10s.


Then, if you are confident, choose ‘mixed coins’, ‘exact change’ and ‘up to £1’




10 minutes




5 minutes







15 minutes



















This week we have been learning to count different coins values, using our ability to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.


Months of the year


Can you name all the months of the year in order?

Use this song to help you to learn them!




10 minutes


Next week we will be further exploring time, including the months of the year.




Acrostic Poem: All about you!


Last week, the class wrote some wonderful acrostic poems, using the word ‘HOPE’.

This week, your challenge is to write one about….yourself. Write your name in capital letters down the side of a page of your Home Learning Book.


Then, either write one word or one sentence about yourself starting with each letter. It could be about what you look like, your personality, things you like, interesting facts. It’ll be a fascinating thing to look back on when you are older!


If your name is rather long, please feel free to use a shorter nickname if you have one!







30 minutes.





We have been writing acrostic poems in school.






Art: Sculpture


We had great fun this week following our designs to create sea creatures made out of clay.

This week, use materials at home to create your own junk model sea creatures! There are some ideas here, and many more online, or be creative and follow your own ideas.

You could stick a photo of your creation in your home learning book, or email a photo to me!




30 minutes


We’ve been making sea creatures as part of our art sculpture unit.


Date Set: Friday 25th June 2021

Date Due: Friday 2nd July 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



I’ve seen some super progress recently, keep going with numbots!


Telling the time to o’clock and half past


This week we have been learning how to tell the time to half past the hour. We have really enjoyed playing this game  in class. Have a go at home!

Recognising UK coins

We have also been learning about money and we have been looking at the different coins we use.

See if you have any real coins at home to look at and compare with each other. Can you order them:

  • from the smallest to the greatest value?
  • from the smallest to the greatest size?


Did you know that if you collect one of each coin from 1p to 50p, they create a shield in a kind of jigsaw? Scroll down to see on the Royal Mint website. See if you can make it at home!



10 minutes




5 minutes







15 minutes












We have been learning how to tell the time to half past the hour.


We have been learning to recognise different coins and their value.




Book Review


I would like you to complete a book review. You need to find and read your favourite book. Then answer some exciting questions about your book. You can use the attached sheet, or complete it directly into your Home Learning book.






30 minutes.






This shows your understanding of what you read.







Science: Materials


This half-term in science we have been learning more about materials. In this week’s sessions we looked at the difference between an objects and the material or materials from which it is made.

Go on an object hunt: see if you can find some objects at home made from the different materials we have looked at in class, and write them down on the sheet, or straight into your Home Learning book.

Then, what is the most different materials you can find used to make a single object in your home? Next Friday, we will have a look in class at who found the object made from the most materials.






30 minutes





Children have been learning about materials and objects


Date Set: Friday 18th June 2021

Date Due: Friday 25th June 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Keep going with your weekly ten minutes on numbots!


Ordering numbers to 100


We’ve been comparing, then ordering numbers all the way to 100 this week.


Remember to work out how many tens, then how many ones to help you to compare numbers. Roll up for some fun throwing coconuts to rehearse your ordering skills. Please choose numbers up to 100.


Them you can challenge yourself to apply your learning by completing this challenge on CSK.



10 mins







20 mins














We have been comparing and ordering numbers up to 100 this week.



Year 1 Common Exception Words


Thank you for your great efforts at home last week. Continue practising any ‘gap words’ you have at home, and we will keep working on them at school.


‘Guess Who?’ Adjectives


Choose another member of our awesome class. Can you write three clues to describe them? We can read them on Friday to see whether the rest of the class can guess who you are describing! Make sure you include adjectives to help you to describe them accurately.


As always, remember capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation.





Little and often






20 minutes.













When describing characters in our wishing tales, the class have been challenges to use exciting adjectives.









My Money: Want or Need?


We’ve really enjoyed learning about money so far. This week we all role-played different jobs to earn ‘wages’.


Use the attached resource, or work straight into your Home Learning Book. Look at the different things you might buy with your wages. Are they things you really need, or instead things you’d want? Can you sort them into two groups?


We’ll discuss your ideas in our next PSHE lesson.




30  mins


We’ve learned about different types of money, how we use money in different forms to buy things, and how many adults do job to earn wages so they can buy things.


Date Set: Friday 11th June 2021

Date Due: Friday 18th June 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Keep going with your weekly ten minutes on numbots!


Counting Backwards within 100


We’ve been working really hard to count down within 100 this week. It’s crossing the 10s, such as 61,60,59 which can be the trickiest.


You can use songs such as this to help you to practice counting backwards.


There’s also our favourite ‘Whack a Mole’ game, where you can set yourself the challenge of counting backwards from 20, 50 or even 100. Ask a grown-up to set the setting on the right to ‘BWD’  If you get stuck, you can use a 100 square to help you like this one.



10 mins







20 mins



















Counting forwards and backwards within and across 100 are key parts of the Year One maths curriculum, which we are also regularly practising in class.



Year 1 Common Exception Words


Before half-term, we had a go at spelling the list of Year 1 Common Exception Words, or ‘red words’. These are words that you cannot sound out, but you should aim to be able to read and spell by the end of Year 1.


In your book bag is a copy of the words. Each one that is highlighted is one you spelled correctly: well done! Please stick the list up at home and have a little practice of a couple at a time when you can. We are also working on practising these ‘gap’ spellings in class each week as part of KIPPT time. Please don’t try to learn them all at once if there’s quite a few gaps. (If all your words are already highlighted, well done, you can already spell them all!)

Suffixes – ing, ed, er


We’ve been learning about the ing suffix in class this week. Complete the activities on Classroom Secrets Kids to consolidate your learning. Read each sentence out loud to help you to choose the right word.









Little and often














10-15 minutes























Learning to read and use these suffixes is part of the Year One National Curriculum.



 Geography: The Seaside


We had great fun using compasses to explore which way is North, South, East and West in class this week.


You should find a map of the United Kingdom in your book bag.


Using either an atlas, other map, or a website such as Google Maps or Google Earth, can you label any seasides that you’ve been to on your map sheet. For each one, can you work out whether you travelled mostly north, south, east or west to get there? I wonder who has been to any unusual seasides, and which is the most popular place to go for our class. We’ll find out next week!


30  mins


We will be learning more about features of the seaside in coming weeks.


Date Set: Friday 21st May 2021

Date Due: Friday 28th May 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



It’s been great giving out lots of certificate in class over the last few weeks. Keep going with your fabulous efforts on numbots!


KIPPT time: Number bonds to 20.

We’ve been polishing our number bonds to 20 recall this week in class. Spend five minutes playing Hit The Button to brush up on them at home. Choose ‘Make 20’, or ‘Make 10’ if you are still working on your number bonds to 10.




Watch this song to remind you of how to find a quarter. Now, can you find different ways to represent quarters at home? Draw, or take a photo of examples you can find. Food is very good for showing this.





10 mins




5 mins








20/30 mins













Rapidly recalling number bonds to 10 and 20 are core Year 1 maths skills.



This week the class have been finding one quarter of a shape, object or quantity.



Keep going with your ‘fridge words’, and keep going with your fabulous book reading! I am very proud of the amount of reading at home this class does: thank you!

Learning the model text: Rumplestiltskin


I’ve put our text map and model text for Rumplestiltskin into the resources folder. Use the text map to rehearse telling the story. Use the actions we came up with as a class, and try to use lots of expression. It’s a long story, so you might need a grown-up to help you by checking them model text.









30 mins







We will be continuing to learn, then adapting this text in school next week.


 Science: parts of a plant


Choose a flowering plant to draw (or you could even press one!). Label the different main parts. Can you label the stem, roots, leaves and petals?


As a challenge, you may wish to write what each part does.

15-30 mins

The class have been learning about the main parts of flowering plants this week, and about the role of each part.


Date Set: Friday 14th May 2021

Date Due: Friday 21th May 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Thank you for another amazing week of Numbots participation. Keep going for at least another ten minutes this week.


Sharing Equally: Dinner Time!


We’ve loved chatting about how to share equally. Sometimes many of us say ‘it’s not fair!’ at home, especially if we have a brother or a sister!


Can you explain to your grown-ups how to share an amount fairly? Maybe you could be in charge of dishing out some food at dinner time? What can you do to make sure everybody gets the same amount?


To consolidate your learning, join in with the Interactive Activity game.


There’s also an optional Maths Challenge with a pirate theme if you’d like something harder! It’d be helpful to use objects to represent the coins at home to help you.




10 mins




20/30 mins













We’ve been learning to divide an amount by sharing and grouping this week.



Don’t forget to keep practising your ‘fridge words’, and keep going with your fabulous book reading! We are seeing some fantastic improvements at school.

Singular and plural


You’ve been learning about singular and plural words both through teaching in class and learning your spellings last week.


Watch this lovely clip about the ‘pluralator’ to remind you of when you add /s/ and when you add /es/ to make a plural.


Pick three of these words, and use your ‘pluralator’ of them to turn them into plurals. Then, can you use each in a silly sentence?


unicorn             lunch                       storm

grass                  wish                       beard








30 mins







We are also practising finding the plural of different nouns in school.  


Science: Be a Tree Detective


We are now learning about how to identify a trees, just by its leaves.


Make your supplied iDial at home. Then, observe leaves to see which trees you can find around where you live. Make a tally chart in your home learning book for each type of tree. I wonder which one is the most common?








30 mins









In Science, we are learning to recognise different common trees, as well as the differences between an evergreen and deciduous trees.



Date Set: Friday 7th May 2021

Date Due: Friday 14th May 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Thank you for a great response on Numbots last week. Nearly the whole class went on, and they love to see their names on the big screen at school! Try to play for at least 10 minutes this week.




To consolidate your learning, join in with the Interactive Lesson with Katie on CSK about Arrays.


Then, play the Year 1 Make Arrays Game to show how well you’ve understood them.





10 mins






20 mins
















We’ve been making and using arrays this week.



Don’t forget to keep practising your ‘fridge words’, and keep going with your fabulous book reading!

Asking, telling or yelling


We’ve been talking about selecting the right punctuation to end a sentence. If we are asking something we use a question mark, if we are telling you something it’s a full stop, and if we are showing a strong feeling, or yelling, we use an exclamation mark.


Follow this link to look at an amazing picture. Can you write an asking sentence, a telling sentence and a yelling sentence about it?


Don’t forget that lovely tall capital letter at the start of each sentence, and spaces between your words. Also remember to make your tall letters (ascenders) nice and tall!









30 mins







We continue to focus on understanding when to use ? ! and . to end our sentences.


Science: Sorting Plants


As part of our plants topic, we’ve been learning about wild plants and garden plants. Today’s home learning asks you to hunt around your garden, or a local area with plants, such as your park.


How many plants that we’ve been learning about can you spot, and can you sort them into ‘weeds’ and ‘not weeds’?


There’s a worksheet on the resources page you can record your answers on, or you could complete this straight into your Home Learning book.








30 mins









In Science, we are learning to recognise a range of common wild and garden plants.



Date Set: Friday 30th April 2021

Date Due: Friday 7th May 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Don’t forget to keep practising those core skills on Numbots. Remember that when you go up a level, you’ll receive a certificate in our class Celebration Assembly! Try to play for at least 10 minutes this week.


Counting in 10s


Practise counting in 10s by playing completing the Interactive Activity on CSK.


Making Equal Groups


Consolidate your understanding of how to make equal groups, by completing this Interactive Activity.





10 mins






10 mins



10 mins
















Both being able to count in 10s and make equal groups are building blocks towards multiplication.



Don’t forget to keep practising your ‘fridge words’, and keep going with your fabulous book reading!

The prefix ‘un’


We’ve begun to explore the meaning of the prefix ‘un’. It’s introduced after a brief phonics recap, in this video by Mr Lynn , which was recorded in last year’s lockdown.


Can you:

1) Remember the meaning of ‘un’ that we talked about in class, and how it changes a word?

2) Find any other words where you can add ‘un’ and change the meaning?


Try to find three, and use each of them in a sentence.








30 mins







Understanding the prefix ‘un’ is part of the Year 1 National Curriculum.


RE: Creation Collages


In RE, we have been learning about the Christian story of creation; looking at versions based on the start of the chapter of Genesis.


We have talked about how amazing the natural world is. We have marvelled at amazing landscapes, such as waterfalls, mountains and rivers, as well as the incredible range of wildlife that we find all around the planet.


Your task is to create a ‘Creation Collage’ of things you find amazing in the natural world. You might cut up old magazines, add natural materials such as leaves or pressed flowers, or include some of your own drawings or art work.


We’d like to add some to our display area in class. Therefore, please complete this work on a A4 sheet of paper, instead of in your home learning books. We’ve popped a sheet in everybody’s book bag.








30 mins









This is part of our RE unit, which explores the Christian story of creation.



Date Set: Friday 23rd April 2021

Date Due: Friday 30th April 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Addition and Subtraction Cover Up


I’ve put a copy of this work in the resources folder, and you should also find a copy in your book bag.


Use a method for addition and subtraction you are confident with, such as using objects, drawing images, or counting on or back in your head.


Cut out the answers, and cover use them to cover up the question they match with. Put a star over the number sentence that does not have an answer.






30 mins









It’s really important to keep recapping core addition and subtraction skills.




Learning the model text


I’ve added our text map and model text for Captain Yellowbeard into the resources folder. Please use it to practise saying each sentence out loud. Can you remember the actions to help you as well? See how much of it you can memorise?


For those of you who have them, please also keep practising your phonics ‘fridge sounds’ from before Easter.



30 mins



We will be continuing to learn, then adapting this text in school next week.




In our topic, we are learning about the Queen’s coronation in 1953, and we will be exploring what Barwick was like in 1953.


Family Tree

We had a look at the Queen’s family tree. Can you make a family tree for yourself?


Please help our learning!

Please find out if you have any family members, or family friends who can remember life in the 1950s, or even remember the coronation.


We are finding out more about this time period in the next couple of weeks. Sadly, we can’t invite visitors at the moment, but If anybody is happy to share memories of that time, any photos, or even record a little interview with you at home for us to see in class, that would be fantastic!


Please feel free to get in touch with me ( if you can help us. Thank you very much.








30 mins














We will be learning more about the coronation, and life in the 1950s over the coming weeks.




Date Set: Thursday 1st April 2021

Date Due: Friday 23rd April 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



For Maths, I have set some ‘consolidation’ tasks on Classroom Secrets Kids across different areas that we have learned so far. Please log-in to Classroom Secrets Kids to access them.


* Year 1 3d Shapes Game

* Year 1 Sort 2d Shapes Maths Challenge

* Year 1 One More One Less Game Flash Cards

* Year 1 Find and Make Number Bonds Game



20 mins









To refresh and consolidate different areas of the Year 1 Maths curriculum we have covered so far.




Writing a Character Description


For our next Talk for Writing Unit, we will be learning a model text, which is a character description of a fierce pirate named Captain Yellowbeard!


Have a go at writing a description of a character from one of your books at home. Can you include information about their personality, what they do, and their appearance?



30 mins













To provide writing practice, and to help you to consider what should go into a character description.





Phonics – Sound Gaps


In your book bags, we’ve sent home a printout of the phonics sounds you didn’t read accurately when we checked them in school. Please stick them up on your fridge, and practise them every time you walk by! I’m sure you’ll have lots of them memorised soon!


Reading – Reading Planet


I’ve assigned everybody new books to read on Reading Planet whilst you’re away. I hope you enjoy them! We’ve kept your Pupil Planners and reading books at school.


Phase 5 Sentence Reading


Practise reading sentence containing Phase 5 sounds and red words, by playing this fun game!












30 mins







5 mins




We’ll see how well you know the sounds when we are back for summer term.




I can see when you’ve complete quizzes and books on Reading Planet.


Date Set: Friday 29th March 2021

Date Due: Thursday 1st April 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?




Thank you for all the Numbot work last week, can you play for at least 20 minutes across this week as well?





Capacity investigation: how many cups?


Please ask an adult to help you with this! The aim is to develop number sense through using estimation skills. We very much enjoyed doing it at school! I’ve uploaded a simple worksheet you can use for this if you wish.


Choose a plastic cup, and a 5 containers in your house of various sizes. Label them A to E.

Estimate how many cups of water it’d take to fill A, and write this down. Then, carefully fill A up using your plastic cup.

Use the answer you get to ‘estimate’ how many it’ll take to fill container B. Don’t just guess from the top of your head! Compare the size of A and B: are they similar? Will the answer be a lot more/ fewer cups?

Continue in this way, estimating each container before measuring it with cups. See if your estimates get more accurate as you go.


Discuss with your grown-up: did any surprise you? Are some shapes easier to estimate than others?




20 mins









30 mins










Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.



This will consolidate your child’s class learning about different forms of measure.



Spring Description


This work will go alongside your Science work, as explained below.


When you go on your Spring walk, use your senses. What can you see, hear, smell and touch? Can you write a sentence with one idea for each of those senses? Try to include an adjective in each sentence.

Today’s focus is letter height. Can you remember which letters are tall letters, and make sure they are taller than the rest?


Don’t forget this week’s spellings are uploaded to resources, and also in your Pupil Planner.


Here is a very amusing video to help you to learn the ‘ould’ spelling pattern!



30 mins












We’ve had a big focus on trying to make our letters the right size this week.







Science: Convince Me!


Maxwell, the cheeky orang-utan, is far from convinced it is spring yet. We need to convince him!

Go on a Spring hunt around where you live. Can you share with your grown-ups at home what signs you might look for?


You could take some photos, make a video, write a sentence, collect some outdoor materials, or draw what you find.


Let’s see if we can convince Maxwell!




30 mins








We are following the changing of the seasons throughout the year.



Date Set: Friday 19th March 2021

Date Due: Friday 26th March 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?




We want to give Numbots a real ‘push’ again, now we are all back and can celebrate when our classmates finish a level. Try to play for at least 20 minutes across the week.


Measure: mass and capacity.


Complete the interactive activity on CSK to answer some questions on measuring capacity.


As an extra challenge, there’s also a weight and mass challenge to try.



20 mins









20  mins










Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.


This will consolidate your child’s class learning about different forms of measure.



Verbs with ‘ed’ endings.


We played this game in class, and really enjoyed it! Look at these verbs. Can you act out all of them in some way? Have some fun, but stay safe!








Now you’ve finished, all of that happened in the past! Can you explain out loud what you did for each verb?


Choose three of the verbs, and write a sentence about what you did for each of them. Think carefully about how the verb will have changed.


Remember, super sentences need:

  • A capital letter at the start of a sentence.
  • Finger spaces.
  • Punctuation at the end (. ! ?)



30 mins












We spotted lots of verbs with ‘ed’ endings in our Talk for Writing story, so we’ve been exploring read and writing these verbs in class.
















Science: Materials


We’ve been learning all about different types of materials, and exploring what different objects are made from. We’ve begun to notice that different materials are used for different things because of them having suitable properties. For example, glass is great for windows because it is transparent.


Investigate at home which materials would be the most suitable for making an outdoor shelter. Follow the activity on page 1 of this link, under ‘Scavenger Science’.




30 mins








We’ve been learning about materials in Science.



Date Set: Friday 11th December 2020

Date Due: Friday 18th December 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



3d Shape Hunt


Using the sheet in the resources folder to help you, go on a shape for 3d shapes around your house. Can you find at least one object for each 3d shape?



Spent at least 10 minutes playing numbots this week.




30 mins







10 mins











The class have been learning to recognise common 2d and 3d shapes this week.


Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.


Counting in 5s

Join in with this remarkably catchy song to help you to count in 5s!



We’ve already been practising counting in 5s to help us to count the tally on the Home Reading chart.


Phonics: Sound hunt


We’ve now learned three ways to spell ‘ur’ sound: er, ir and ur.


Go on a hunt around your house. How many things can you find that contain this sound. Can you draw and label them? Ask for help from a grown-up to find out which ‘ur’ spelling to use.




Super Sentence

Thank you for some amazing questions last week! This week, please write a sentence about what you are looking forward to the most at Christmas. You could draw a picture as well.


Remember, super sentences need:

  • A capital letter at the start of a sentence.
  • Finger spaces.
  • Punctuation at the end (. ! ?)



10 mins










5 mins



Your child has been learning the ‘ir’ sound at school this week.


















Sing along to this version of Feliz Navidad, ready to perform it in Spanish next week!


15 mins








The class have been learning this song as part of their Spanish lessons.



Date Set: Friday 4th December 2020

Date Due: Friday 11th December 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Comparing Statements

Play the Year 1 Comparing Statements game on Classroom Secrets Kids.


Then, can you use something you have at home to make some statements. Fruit is great for this, as are toys:

For example:

my number of bunnies + my number of monkeys < my number of teddies. 


Extra Challenge!

If you’d like an extra challenge, I’ve attached a Comparing Statements Discussion Problem.



Spent at least 10 minutes playing numbots this week.







15 mins












10 mins












The class have been comparing statements using numicon and images to help them in class.









Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.


Listen to this song to help you to become a ‘3d shape expert’:




We are going to be learning about 2d and 3d shape next week.


Phonics: ‘ea’


Play the ea Phonics sound game on CSK. You can also watch Geraldine the Giraffe finding out about the phoneme here:




Super Sentence: Adjectives

Thank you for some amazing questions last week! This week, please write a sentence about this picture.



Try to include at least one adjective (a describing word) in your sentence.

Remember, super sentences need:

  • A capital letter at the start of a sentence.
  • Finger spaces.
  • Punctuation at the end (. ! ?)



10 mins








5 mins











Your child has been learning this sound at school this week.


















Research to find out what each part of your Christingle represented. Draw a picture of a Christingle in your Home Learning book and label the different parts. There's a template on the Topic sub-page if needed.


30 mins








The class have been learning about advent and the importance of Christmas to Christians.



Date Set: Thursday 26th November 2020

Date Due: Friday 4th December 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Counting Backwards

Play Whack A Mole again. 

This time set it to counting backwards. How high can you count backwards from: 10, 20, or even 50 or 100?


I’ve also assigned the Counting Back Year 1 Lesson Slides to Classroom Secrets Kids (CSK), if you want to practise subtraction using this skill.


Extra Challenge!

If you’d like an extra challenge, I’ve attached a Discussion Problem, where you can apply your subtraction skills to solve a problem.



Spent at least 10 minutes playing numbots this week.






15 mins








10 mins











Becoming fluent counting backwards supports learning to subtract mentally.











Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.






Phonics: ‘ay’ and ‘ou’


Play the ay and ou phonics sound games on CSK. You can also watching learning videos about each sound if you wish.





Writing Questions

Watch this short clip to recap what a question mark is:


Complete the question activity on CSK, to see if you can recognise different question openers.


Super Sentence:  Question Time!

Every week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. This week, I’d like you to write at least one question about the weather.


You’ll need to use:

  • A capital letter at the start of a sentence.
  • Finger spaces.
  • A question mark at the end.



10 mins








10 mins





5 mins









Your child has been learning these sounds at school this week.













In Year 1, children learn to write questions and use a question mark.










  • Go on a light source hunt. How many light sources can you find around your house? Draw and label them in your Home Learning book.


30 mins













This will reinforce your child’s understanding of light and shadows.



Date Set: Friday 20thNovember 2020

Date Due: Friday 27th November 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


  • We’ve all received numbots log-ins today.


Go to, Click Schools > Pupils > and enter ‘Barwick’ as the school name. Type in your username and the animal ‘pin’. This is on the letter sent home today, and also stuck into your Pupil Planner.


Use the ‘Story Mode’ for 30 mins across the week: good luck and enjoy upgrading your robot!


30 mins










Numbots will help your child develop fluency with counting, number bonds, addition and subtraction, and more.






Phase 3 Phonics revision


We’ve now finished learning/ re-capping the Phase 3 sounds. To check how many you know, I’ve attached a set of Phase 3 flashcards to practise with at home.

You can check any you are not sure of, by watching this video:


Super Sentence:

Every week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week please write a sentence about anything that has made you laugh this week.


Optional: Story Writing

Some members of the class asked for a copy of the five-part story mountain we’ve used in class. It is attached if anybody wishes to plan and write their own masterpieces at home.





20 mins










5 mins











Learning all the phonemes (sounds) is a necessary step towards reading fluently.





Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.








Watch a weekly weather forecast, such as the BBC ‘Weather For The Week Ahead’ programme. Discuss with an adult what you see.

  • Do you notice any weather words that we have been learning, such as ‘temperature’ or ‘degrees’.
  • Do you know what all the types of weather spoke about are?
  • Do you think we’ll have any wet break next week?


Optional: Make a Seasons Dial


In class, the children each made a season dial for one of the four seasons, then worked in groups of four to compare what it showed about how day length changed. Again, many of the class wishes to be able to make them at home, so I agreed to provide it an optional home learning.



30 mins















We are learning about different types of weather in class.











As part of the science curriculum, Year One children should learn how day length varies across the seasons.


Date Set: Friday 13th November 2020

Date Due: Friday 20th November 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


  • Log into your Classroom Secrets Kids account, and play the Year 1 Add By Counting On game.


(Lesson slides for ‘Add Together’ and ‘Add More’ are also available on there, if you wish to review some of the key learning from this week. The ‘Add More’ slides will help if you find the Counting On game difficult).


  • For an optional challenge to really stretch you, pit your wits against the Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Problems Maths Challenge!


30 mins










Learning to add by counting on (not ‘counting all’), is a core strategy in developing fluency in addition.






Be a Handwriting Hero!

This week we have had big daily focus on ‘One Armed Robot’ letters:

r n m b h p k

To begin all these letters, we go ‘down the robot’s body, and up his arm’.

Make a poster on a page of your Home Learning book with these letters: they can be as small or large as you like. You can make it colourful, and could even draw the robot to help you remember how to form them!


Super Sentence:

Every week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week please draw, then write a sentence about what you can see out of your window.





20 mins











5 mins



Letter formation continues to be a class focus.










Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.






Weather: make a rain gauge


With an adult, use the instructions in the resources folder to make your own rain gauge, and record how much rain we have every day, just like we are doing at school.


If you have an outdoor thermometer at home as well, then you’ll have the beginnings of your own weather station!


30 mins

We observe and record the weather as part of our Science and Geography topic.


Date Set: Friday 6th November 2020

Date Due: Friday 13th November 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


  • Log into your Classroom Secrets Kids account, and watch the video tutorial about Number Bonds to 10.
  • If you can, make a coat hanger abacus as shown in the tutorial to practise learning all the number bonds. It’s great for learning addition, and seeing the numbers can be added in any order.


For fun, play ‘Hit the Button’ (number bonds – make 10).

We love this game in class! See how many you can get in a minute.

30 mins









5 mins

Fluently recalling, and using number bonds is one of the foundations of Year 1 maths.


Explore addition on Hit The Button: within 10 or 20. It’s really good for developing your calculation speed, and it’s also really good fun!

10 mins



Use the Story Map in the resources folder to practise our new story: Monkey See – Monkey Do. See how much of it, and how many of the actions you can remember!


The ‘Model Text’ has the written version to help


Super Sentence:

Every week, try to write at least one super sentence in your Home Learning book. To be super, it has to start with a capital letter, include finger spaces, and end with a full stop. Remember to say your whole sentence several times before you try to write it.


This week please draw your favourite toy, and write a sentence explaining what it is.


30 mins








5 mins


This is the ‘imitation’ phase of our story learning.





Being able to orally rehearse and write our own sentences is a key building block of Year 1 writing.






Play close attention to when it becomes light in the morning, and dark at night across the next few weeks.


Do you notice anything changing?


A few moments every day!

Understanding how day length gets shorter is part of the Year 1 Science curriculum.

Date Set: Friday 23th October 2020

Date Due: Friday 6th November 2020










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Log in to your Classroom Secrets Kids account, and try the games I’ve set for you, to practise some of your learning from this half term!

  • Year 1 One More and One Less Game.
  • Year 1 Ordinal Numbers Interactive Animation.


10 mins

Consolidating place value learning from the first half-term.


I’ve also set a 2d and 3d shape challenge: this is not easy! It may help to look at some real 3d shapes in your home to help.

  • Year 1 2d shapes Maths Challenge

10 mins

Our next block after addition and subtraction will look at 2d and 3d shapes.


Just like our friend Geraldine the Giraffe, how many objects can you find around your home that have the ‘air’ sound? IF you're stuck, Geraldine has some tips:


Challenge yourself further by labelling them, or even writing a silly sentence about them!


Watch this video to remind you about curly caterpillar letters: (c o a d g q e s f)

Now, how many can you form correctly? Remember to always start with the curl! Use rainbow writing to practise the letters this week: go over the same letter shape with as many different colours as you can! For example:


You can use anything you have at home such as pencils, crayons, chalks, felt-tips. You can write on scrap paper at home and unwanted mail.



10 mins







10 mins

air has been the focus sound in phonics.






Letter formation is a big focus for the class. We’ve been practising this letter family across the half-term.



Try the Classroom Secrets Kids Rhyme Matching game on your account.


5 mins




Date Set: Friday 16th October 2020

Date Due: Friday 23rd October 2020






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you draw a part-whole model and show your grown-ups where to write numbers that represent the part and numbers that represent the whole?


Can you form all of your numbers correctly?



5 mins






                 5 mins


This week, we have been learning about how two parts make a whole and how to represent this mathematically



We are learning to write all numbers correctly.



Can you find objects around your home that have the ‘or’ sound?


How many words with the ‘or’ sound can you remember?  


Write them down.


Can you write a sentence explaining what you did this weekend?


Can you use punctuation and a capital letter correctly?


Can you write all the lower-case letters of the alphabet?



10 mins











This week, we have focused on the ‘or’ sound.


We are learning to write sentences correctly.

Being Independent




















Practise taking your coat off carefully in order that the sleeves do not turn inside out. This is tricky when you come to put your coat on again and takes time away from your playtime. Can you do it independently? Can you pull the sleeves out if your coat is inside out?


Can you hold cutlery properly and use it to cut up your food?


Can you locate your house using Google Earth?


Can you look on a paper or online map and locate your village?

10 mins











Each mealtime





10 mins




We are learning to take our coats off carefully and put them on independently.




We are learning to cut our food independently, hold and use cutlery independently.





We are learning about the location where we live and the surrounding area.


Date Set: Friday 9th October 2020

Date Due: Friday 16th October 2020







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you line up some of your toys at home in order of ‘first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth?


Can you draw some blocks and label them according to their size, such as tallest, smallest, same as?


Can you write your numbers 0-9 the correct way around?


Can you practise writing your ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th?


Mrs Brough

2 minutes



               2 minutes



2 minutes



2 minutes



We have looked very carefully at real towers of blocks and images of blocks, counting which block is the highest, lowest or the same.


We looked at images of blocks, which were labelled 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.











Watch The Three Billy Goats Gruff on the Books Alive Series:


Can you tell your grown-up the story in your own words? Can you use some ‘ordinal number’ words?



Phonics Challenge: Think of as many words as you can that contain the sound ‘ar’. Write them down to show your friends!




5 minutes






2 minutes





2 minutes





We have listened to the story in class and sequenced the story verbally, using the language of ordinal numbers. For example, ‘First, the little goat crossed the bridge, second… then…’


We have practised the ‘ar’ sound in our phonics lessons.

Being Independent

Can you put your belongings away in the correct place when you get home? 


1 minute


We are learning to keep our shoes and wellies tidy when changing for break time and lunchtime!

Date Set: Friday 2nd October 2020 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you show you can order numbers to 10 by throwing coconuts? (Go up to 20 for a challenge!)

Can you explain what ‘fewest’ means to your grown-ups?

10 mins

This week we have been ordering objects and in lots of different ways, using dominoes, numicon and numerals.






We’ve begun to explore capital letters. Play this game to match capital letters to lowercase letters.

There’s also a matching worksheet in the resources folder if you’d like further practise.


10 mins

Learning to use a capital letter to begin a sentence.


Following instructions sound easy, but can be tricky.

Watch the video to see how it can go wrong! Think about why it’s important to listen carefully to instructions. You could try following instructions this week by following recipes or playing board games at home.



5 mins



We will be learning about instruction texts in English. We need to trap a troll!


Look at the painting we looked at in Art this week: ‘The Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh and ‘Pioneering The Space Frontier’ by Robert McCall. (resources folder). Explain to your grown-up which was your favourite, and why.


There’s lots more work by both artists online if you’d like to see more.



5 mins

We are looking at how artists can show similar things in different ways, before starting our own starry painting work.


Date set: Friday 25th September 2020 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Watch this song about alligators to help you remember the greater than, less than, and equal signs:

Make two groups of objects at home. Then show how you can be a greedy alligator, and always eat the greater number! Or, can you ask a grown up to be the greedy alligator, and put toys on either side of them, so they are eating the greater number?


10 mins

This week we’ve begun to compare objects and amounts.


Another favourite game of mine. Play ‘Range Arranger’ to order the numbered planks of wood. Set minimum to 0, and maximum to 10. Or go higher for a bigger challenge!


5 mins

Next week we’ll begin to order objects and numbers.


Oh dear! Mr Lynn is in a muddle!

In the resources folder, he’s tried to write two super sentences from our class story, but it’s all gone wrong. Can you write them properly in your Home Learning book?



10 mins

In class we’ve learned that Super Sentences need capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.







Date Set: Friday 18th September 2020 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Play the ‘Whack a Mole’ game, to practise counting backwards from 10 (or 20 as a challenge).



5 mins

This week we’ve practised lots of forwards and backwards counting, and have begun to link this to finding more or less or a number.


Play ‘Chopper Squad’ (one more/ one less to 20)

5 mins

Next week we will learn how to find one less of a number by counting backwards.



Look at the Billy Goats Gruff class story maps. How much of the story can you remember? Use the actions to help you!



10 mins

We’ve been learning the Billy Goats Gruff as part of ‘Talk For Writing’ as a class. We’ve learned special actions for key words to help us to remember them.


Practise the ‘Curly Caterpillar’ letters c o a q d g

in your Home Learning book




5 mins

We are practising our letter formation. First we are learning all the ‘curly caterpillar’ handwriting family.

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