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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Reading Books


This year we are focusing on developing ‘Love of Reading’ and ‘Storytelling’ across the whole school. Daily reading for children in Reception can include any of the following activities:

  • Sharing stories together (adult reading and child joining in)
  • Telling a story by looking at the pictures and deciding what is happening
  • Re-telling a familiar story by recalling key characters and events
  • Practising known sounds (phonics book)
  • Using pictures and initial sounds to work out new words
  • Using known sounds to decode words
  • Beginning to use high-frequency words to read sentences

All the children are beginning with books that encourage them to discuss pictures and tell the story themselves.

Home reading books will be sent out on Wednesdays. Please also use any books you have at home to complete the activities described above.


Thank you for your support.

Miss Leeman, Oak Class Teacher 

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  • Whole School 94.8%
  • Nursery
  • Foundation 92.9%
  • Year 1 100%
  • Year 2 94.2%
  • Year 3 96.8%
  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
  • Year 6 95.2%
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