What is Cyber Bullying?
Cyberbullying is any form of bullying which takes place online. This can be done over smartphones, tablets, online gaming, chat forums, social and other media. Cyberbullying itself is not against the law but if the content is threatening then it could be illegal.
Online harassment is the act of sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages and being abusive. If someone purposefully keeps sending you offensive messages that make you feel scared, it could be illegal.
Concerned about online bullying or harassment? What people call 'bullying' is sometimes an argument between two people. But if someone is repeatedly cruel to you, that's bullying and you must not blame yourself. No one deserves to be treated cruelly.
Children in Y6 live in a digital world: most of them have access to sites such as Instagram. Knowing what is and is not acceptable in terms of posting comments that may be intended as a 'joke', but are in fact hurtful and defamatory, is essential. We will be exploring this topic during anti-bullying week, as often children believe the anonymity of being behind a screen somehow excuses their unkind and bullying behaviour.
All children are encouraged to screenshot any hurtful comments and bring the screenshot straight to Mrs Evans, where it will be dealt with. Bullying, of any form, is not tolerated at Barwick, and those responsible for causing upset to others will receive serious consequences.