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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 2 - Rowan

Week ending 05.07.2019


What an exciting week! Burning our London buildings, transition, meeting Miss Wood and getting a sneak peak of the Year 6 production - Wow!


Year 2 had a superb time watching the buildings they created burn on Monday. They learnt what fire needs in order to burn well and watched how the fire spread easily from one building to the next. Miss Taylor ensured that there was a fire break so that the children could see how the fire was stopped when people pulled down houses in 1666. After they had seen this and understood how a fire break worked they voted to burn Big Ben too!


Later in the week, the children moved into Year 3 for the day. They had a fantastic time with Miss Wood and I know they are looking forward to September. 


A big thank you to Mr Daly who helped Year 2 burn their buildings safely and taught the children lots of useful information about how fires start, why fire can spread easily and what can cause a fire to die out.

Burning Bonanza

Week ending 14/06/2019


This week the children have enjoyed delving deeper into our hedgehog mystery. They have been creating their own hedge hog fact files to let others know lots of information about hedgehogs and how to treat them. We hope Norman will be released next week but we are waiting to hear from the vets next week.


In Maths, the children explored all the angles within the crime scene as the vets reported that they think Norman had sustained a bump to the head from a corner. We made right angle finders and then created maps of the scene and used hedgehog bots to travel around it. We used the language of forwards, backwards, clockwise and anti-clockwise.


Next week has lots more surprises to come, get ready detectives!

Week ending 7/06/2019


ALERT THE ANIMAL POLICE THERE HAS BEEN AN ACCIDENT! This week Miss Leeman and Miss Taylor discovered an injured hedgehog in our wildlife area. They rushed him to the vets and taped off the area so the children could help discover how he had injured himself.


The children expertly searched the area for clues on how he hurt himself and found lots of evidence. The vets reported that Norman (the hedgehog) is doing well and they would like to help Year 2 out with their investigations so the children wrote a report of the crime scene and questions to find out more about Norman's injuries from the vet.


Hopefully next week he will be able to return home. We will wait to hear from the vets and see if we can finally solve this mystery.


In addition to our hedgehog dilemma, we have also been exploring Yorkshire and how fabulous it is to live here. Please find some time to discuss different place you have been with your child around Yorkshire so they can add it to a piece of art work we are working on.

Hedgehog Crime Scene

Week ending 17/05/2019


All I can say this week is WOW! Year 2 have really stepped up their writing! The skills they are independently showing me are superb! I cannot praise them enough! This week we have written a diary following our virtual reality experience last week. As well as this we have started to create our own Newspapers reporting for THE LONDON EXAMINER all about the disaster!


The children are really excited about their cardboard city of London. They have been getting sticky and slimy in the sunshine whilst completing their paper mache sculptures. Next week, paint and decorate! They will be spectacular and hopefully they will burn well too!


This week we also learnt to peer mark, spotting things we liked in each others work and praised each other for the fabulous efforts we are seeing! The children have really enjoyed this so we will continue to include them in the marking and feedback process.


Another great week, Miss Taylor and Miss Goodison know we really do have the best class in school!

(Pictures to follow shortly, we don't want to spoil the surprise)

Week ending 10/05/2019


Tragedy struck at the beginning of this week when Vlad and Boxton went missing! It turned out they had been kidnapped by a mystery thief! Year 2 had to solve lots of GPV problems to uncover letter clues. Once all our letters were collected we had to sort them out and discovered Mrs Sanderson was our culprit! Bad Mrs Sanderson! Year 2 were very cross and instantly went to get him back!


We have dived head first into our topic this week, we used 2D and 3D shape to build famous buildings in London then we had a fabulous virtual reality experience where we re-enacted the morning of the Great Fire of London. 


We have started our diary entries to tell others about what we experienced!


Wait until our open afternoon... you might get the opportunity to read it too! 

Week ending 03/05/2019


I hope you are all enjoying your 4 day weekend but are working hard on your GPV and spellings skills as suggested. This week had a running start with the children enjoying a Maths Marathon! Everyone worked so hard to earn their miles and achieve their marathon medals! Well done Year 2, you are superb athletes. 


In History, we have explored more about the Great Fire of London. Vlad and Boxton have enjoyed having sleepovers at the children's houses and learning all about 2019! They say it's much nicer than 1666.

This week we learnt about how smelly London was and what the living conditions were really like - let's just say - YUCK! 


In Science, our plants are starting to grow but we are watching them closely!


See you next week Year 2 - what will we get up to next?

Week ending 26/04/2019


Another successful week Year 2! I was so impressed today with your progress reading the time! Keep testing yourself with o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to! 


In English/History we have been learning about The Great Fire of London with lots of fantastic facts! We are also extremely lucky to have 2 new class members - Vlad and Boxton. They have already spent some time at home with Samuel who had a fantastic time showing them all the plants he is growing at home! A great job Samuel!


In the up coming weeks we will explore this fascinating time in History some more and we can't wait to share our learning with you all at the end of the half term!


A reminder to parents: We have completed week 1 and 2 spellings from the homework grid in class over the last 2 weeks so please start learning week 3's spellings - station,fiction, motion etc. All the children have a MyMaths password and need to make sure they log out correctly or their scores will not be logged. The activities set are all booster sessions for the children's up-coming SATs so will be beneficial practise.

Welcome back to the 4th half term. I can’t believe it is Spring 2 already. Year 2 need to be prepared for a half term filled with the tiny terrors that are the Mr Men and Little Miss!


In English, we are going to put our favourite characters from Mr Hargreaves books (and some of our own mystical creations) into a magic cauldron, stir in  some traditional tales and HEY PRESTO create our own twisted tales! You may have read Mr Nosey and the Beanstalk but wait for our fabulous creations!


In Maths, we will be consolidating our operation skills and exploring new objectives like this week when we have been reading different scales to measure temperature and capacity. We now know that we measure capacity in millilitres (ml) and Litres (l). It might have been a bit wet but it was worth it!


Further into the half term we will be exploring the world of Julia Donaldson and all her fantastic stories.


I am very excited! I hope you are too Year 2!

smileynoWelcome to Year 2 Class Page! nosmiley


*Scroll down for weekly updates*


I feel very lucky to have such a fantastic class! Already in their first week they have impressed me so much! Let's make Year 2 the BEST year group ever and have a superb year loving to learn and progress.


Please visit this page as the year progresses for updates, and to find out a little more about what we have been learning about in class.


Communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns, plays a principal role in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents/guardians, please do not hesitate to contact me on the school number, or via email:


Alternatively, feel free to arrange a meeting- or simply catch me for a quick chat in the morning or after school.


Many thanks,

Miss Taylor 

Week ending 18/04/2019


Welcome back everybody to a new exciting half term. The sun is out and proving that it is well and truly coming into Summer! Over the next few weeks we are going to be exploring the Great Fire of London! I am so excited to enjoy this fabulous topic with Year 2 and see all the fantastic things we are going to learn.


Get ready Year 2, it's going to be a great half term!

Week ending 29/03/2019


Wow, the term has come to and end. The improvement in Year 2 has been superb this half term. They are AMAZING! Thank you Year 2 to yet another lovely half term! 


We have brought the term to a close with our fabulous Mr Men books and we were introduced to our Fraction Friends. We also enjoyed writing back to Stanley Sheep telling him all about the activities we got up to during Faith Day! The children could tell me so much about the religions they explored.


A big well done to our Year 2 violinists who played beautifully in assembly this morning.


Myself and Miss Goodison wish you all a fantastic Easter, eat lots of chocolate and bounce around like the Easter Bunnies you are! See you after the holidays. 

This week has gone so fast Miss Taylor thought today was still Thursday! We have been involved in so much learning this week that the days have flown by. Not only has it been Shakespeare week but we also had an AWESOME visit to church on Wednesday as well! A big THANK YOU to Rev. Bob and all his helpers Year 2 had a fabulous time.


In English this week, we started to turn our Mr Men Stories into actual books. We are going to prove that Year 2 can write just as good as Roger Hargreaves and not only that but we can illustrate our own books too! 


On Tuesday we went on a hunt around school to locate lots of facts about Shakespeare himself! Year 2 are experts and can tell you all sorts of facts! I was so impressed! Using a story whoosh we told the plot of Twelfth Night, it's very confusing with character disguises and everyone falling in love with everyone, but Year 2 thought it was really funny. The children really enjoyed learning some lyrics from one of Twelfth Nights songs too.


In Maths, we finally tackled division and know all the tricks of the trade with all four operations! There's no stopping us!


As a kind reminder to parents please ensure your child is completing their MyMaths homework, it has 2 activities set each week and they are linked to the work we have done in class.


Can't wait for next week!

Did you know? Mr Sleepy lives in Sleepyland. His house is called Yawn Cottage and the trees in his garden are soooo lazy that they lean over and rest their heads on the ground!


Year 2 have been creating new settings for the Mr Men characters. We have been very creative and clever with our imaginations and have started to plan in a twisted traditional tale linked to Goldilocks and the 3 bears. Get ready Year 2 as at the start of next week we will be writing our stories and turning them into our very own book.


In Maths, Year 2 are now experts at subtraction on a number line. We can take away 2 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers and find our answer brilliantly. I am very proud of all your hard work Year 2! Well Done.


As it was Science week this week, most afternoons have been dedicated to our science understanding. We have met Material Monster who needed a new menu of all the materials and their properties. Then we explored how certain materials are suitable and unsuitable for specific roles. We explored words such as transparent, opaque, translucent, rigid and flexible. Sadly, Material Monster missed his friends so he asked use to design him a boat so he could travel to America. We tested lots of different materials to check if they would be suitable or not! Great, but very wet work Year 2!



In Maths, this week we have been exploring pictograms and tally charts. We used our new maths knowledge to answer a question Mr Roycroft asked us to explore, Which Mr Men character is Year 2's favourite?


In English, we used out drama skills to act out the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We are planning to explore the Mr Men and Little Miss character to twist this story and create our own version. look out Adam Hargreaves Year 2 want to be as famous as you!


In Science we met Material Monster, we have been exploring new materials, their names and properties so we can create a menu for Material Monster to enjoy!



Mr Men Day

Drumming video

Still image for this video


Week ending 01/02/2019


Brrrr it's chilly outside! Year 2 have been blamed for the wintery weather onslaught this week with the arrival of the Winter Wonderland cafe! Mission Snow, our class project this week was a roaring success! The grand total raised will be announced in next weeks website after it has been fully calculated! A huge thank you to all of Year 2 who worked extremely hard all day and were superb hosts! Another massive thank you to everyone who came to the cafe, we hope you had a super time, your positive feedback to the children really did raise their enthusiasm and love of Maths even more.


Our work in Maths with money and measures definitely impressed everyone! 


Next week we will have our African Drumming - another exciting week for Year 2!

Week ending: 25/01/2019


Maths: With the Winter Wonderland cafe just around the corner Year 2 have been learning about mass. We have learnt all about the measures, reading scales and tested our skills making peppermint creams. Next week, we will be exploring money so when we open on Thursday we will be experts at giving change and solving money problems.


English: This week we have started to develop our Non-Chronological report skills. Learning about key features and creating our own research questions to build our own texts next week. We have also been concentrating on up-leveling sentences using our ARMS and COGS and looking at how to achieve the best standard we can.


Other: We have been visited by the Floogals and the Go-Jetters to help them learn about scientific and geographical issues. Miss Taylor is waiting for our next email - I wonder who it will be from?

Weekly Update:  18th January


English: This week Year 2 have been learning all about poetry features, such as rhyme and alliteration in order to write our own winter themed acrostic poem. We had to match Penguins with their fishy dinner rhyming words and noticed that even though the spelling might be different, words could still rhyme if they had the same phoneme.


We also started to explore what it takes to write at a Year 2 level and we will be looking at this in the upcoming weeks. 


Maths: We have been exploring shape, both 2D and 3D! We even got to help out the Inuit people who are trying to come up with new designs for their igloos using snow and wood.

The highlight of the week was definitely TT Rockstars day - the whole class looked fabulous and have really rocked out with their new characters! So far we are beating Year 1 - keep it up Year 2!


More exciting things that happened this week: We are really looking forward to our next art lesson, this week we practiced our sculpting skills ready for our candle holders! We also learnt all 7 continents in Geography and we were shocked to discover the Arctic is not a continent in the world - we are hoping our lesson on oceans clears up our confusion next week.


Week ending 18th Jan

Welcome Back!

A huge ‘Happy New Year’ to all Year 2 children and their families.


I am so happy to be back and have an action packed half term full of winter delights and tasty treats for Year 2! OOooo are you ready?


This half term is all about the journey and I wonder where Year 2 will end up? - Get wrapped up for a snowy adventure but also make sure you pack your sun glasses and shorts as there is more than ride to take.



Weekly updates


Wk Commencing 07/01/2019


This week, is not only action packed but Maths packed too. We have had a Maths art day, Maths Quiz and lots of fun outside having hands on fun with numbers!


In English, we have been exploring Acrostic Poems describing things we might find in the Winter – and from this we found a country called the Arctic which has the harshest winters in the world. We want to find out more about it so will be exploring it further next week.


We’ve started are journey around the globe learning the continents that make up our world and how they were formed – and learnt a great song!


What an exciting first week – bring on the next 5!

Weekly Updates

Week Commencing 26.11.18


I have been really impressed with the children's homework this week; their letters to Father Christmas are polite and well written and I have enjoyed reading the facts about Louis Pasteur.


I have set mymaths homework with plenty of completion time so children can access the homework as and when required. Please let me know if there are any problems with this.


Mrs Durbin 


Weekly Updates

Weeks Commencing 05.11.18 and 12.11.18


Thank you to Year 2 parents and carers for helping your children learn their Nativity lines; I can tell that many of you have already made a start on this and it is much appreciated. The children, as usual, have approached this task with enthusiasm and it is a joy to see how fast they improve and add their own personalities to their characters.


During the last two weeks in Mathematics, we have worked on Statistics; the children collected data about themselves and their classmates and looked at different ways of presenting this information. They have also been exploring the relationship between multiplication and division and impressing me with their times tables knowledge.


In English we have explored Bonfire and Firework poetry written by other authors before using our senses to write our own poems. I am impressed by how readily the children have included onomatopoeia, alliteration and expanded noun phrases. Our work has been very cross curricular as we have also used our empathy and writing skills in History lessons to write a letter to Guy Fawkes. We attempted to persuade him, not to take part in the 'Gunpowder Plot'.


I look forward to more great work next week!


Mrs Durbin





Week Commencing - 15/10/2018


Year 2 are starting to get extremely excited about their superhero day in school next week and all the tricks they will learn to become superheroes themselves. Our uniforms are almost complete and we have been using our computing skills to take photos ready for our flying shots next week! We will soar through the air... is it a bird, is it a plane.. NO it's Year 2!


In Maths this week, we explored repeating patterns and directions using the points of a compass. The children were superb at this and directed each other to different superhero hide outs around a town.


A busy week next week Year 2 getting the final things done ready for our final day! To Sky High my little heroes!


Week commencing -  8th October 2018


There was a burning start to our week when Year 2 heard about Witch Green Eyes, a fabulous character who could make our super hero potions for us. We learnt how a witch gets her mail so we sent her a letter politely asking for her to make a potion for each person in our class. We instantly got a response, although she did send it to the wrong room. It turned out she was off on holiday so asked us to write our own instructions and then she will create them when she returns. Following this, we thought we better learn how to write good instructions so have been exploring the features of the texts to make sure the ones we write are clear.


In Maths, we have been helping out the character THE CALCULATOR to help him re-learn his subtraction skills after Number Cruncher stole his fantastic powers. Children have use a range of resources and key words to solve and explain a range of problems including some secret word problems.


Lots of other exciting things have been happening this week, including our road safety lessons - Remember THINK, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Check out our jam packed week below.

Wk Commencing 01/10/2018


This week we have been exploring text maps in English, we learnt an ingredients poem through the use of pictures and actions and we were experts!!! We could act out and recite the whole poem. Then we used post-its to adapt the text maps and create our own potion poem! They were fantastic and Year 2 really got to grips with the structure of the text.


In Maths, THE CALCULATOR (a superhero mathematician) had been the victim of the Number Cruncher who had stolen his powers of addition. Year 2 worked with lots of different resources to solve 1 and 2 digit problems.


I am really looking forward to next week - Super school day is getting close and our uniforms need to be made! get ready Year 2!



Other fun things happening in Year 2

Weekly Updates 

Wk Commencing 24/09/2018


There are no other words to describe Year 2 other than SUPERB! They have been excellent this week!

In English and Reading, the children have explored the text SUPERTATO . They even interviewed to be his sidekick writing questions and answering them in full sentences. They have also been introduced to their second reading skill from our VIPERS which is Inference! They have really embraced this skill looking for clues and answering using higher level sentence starters.


In Maths, we have been measuring length. we have used both standard and non-standard units of measure.


The whole class have settled in brilliantly and now confidently know their routines. I can't wait for next week to challenge them further. Have a lovely weekend Year 2! Thank you for all your hard work.



Wk Commencing 17/09/2018


What a busy busy week! We have started our English this week learning all about nouns and and expanded noun phrases. We can put lists into sentences using commas to separate items and we have written our superhero fact files ready for our super school visit.  We even had a visit from Mrs Marvel the Head Teacher of Sky High the school we will be visiting.


In Maths, we have worked with some new superheroes DECAGON and KAPOW practicing our understanding of number and partitioning into tens and ones! Year 2 are super experts in this now.


Another big thank you to all the hard work being done at home - there were over half the class who completed their spelling and times tables with no mistakes! I am VERY impressed!


Get ready for another challenging week next week Year 2 - we need to achieve our superhero goals to get to Sky High on the 25th October!


Weekly updates


Wk Commencing 10/09/2018


This week, in Maths, there has been a buzz of excitement in Year 2 after we helped a superhero out i by counting forwards and backwards in tens. Shortly after, he left us a surprise somewhere in school…

We followed some tricky clues and found a secret present left for Year 2 and a secret invite for the end of this half term.


Our superhero set us a challenge but shhhh, we can’t tell you what we are doing as we signed an oath of secrecy! All you need to know is Year 2 will be changing and we have lots to get ready!


In English, we have been exploring sentence writing, using commas in lists and understanding what a noun is.


Thank you to all the children and parents for the fabulous response to our Roald Dahl Day. The children looked fabulous and the props that were brought in were amazing. I think Year 2 brought more in than any other class!!

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