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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Date set: Friday 16th July

Next week is STARS week! Here are some activities to do at home, to help you prepare.





What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?




The Olympic Games start on Friday 23rd July!

Have a look at this list of all the sports that take place as part of the Olympics.


Which sport would you like to try? Draw a picture to represent the sport and write a sentence or two to explain why you would like to try it.



10 mins






Talent Show


Tuesday is talent day! We all have our own unique talents. Can you choose one of your talents that you could share with us this week? Take a little time to think about it, and maybe have a quick rehearsal at home.




What would you like to ask your new teacher about being in Year 3? Prepare one or two questions ready for your online transition meeting with Miss Munro.




10 mins







10 mins


Art Attack


Wednesday will be our arts and crafts day. Can you prepare for it by taking photographs around your home or garden? You could photograph food, objects, nature or even people. You might look for interesting shapes, colours or textures. We will use the photographs as inspiration for our work next week.




10 mins


Raise Money and Bounce


What training can you do at home to ensure you are in peak condition for Thursday? Perhaps you can send photos or a message to our Y2 with Mrs Jameson team and we can all inspire each other.


Have you managed to ask anyone if they would sponsor you?




10 mins



Summer Starts!


Write a wish list of things you would like to do over the summer. Where would you like to go? Who would you like to spend time with?




10 mins





Date Set: Friday 9th July

Date Due: Friday 16th July






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Use the division facts from the 2x, 5x and 10x tables to solve these word problems on Snappy Maths.

15 mins

We have been practising instant recall of the division facts linked to these times tables.



Watch this video demonstrating place value. Look out for numbers with three digits around your home and when you are out and about.


5 mins

Next week, we are going to make a start on some Year 3 place value work in Maths!



Write an acrostic poem about Bear Grylls. The first letter of each line should spell out his name. You can watch this video to remind you how to create an acrostic poem.


20 mins


This week we used different texts and video clips featuring Bear Grylls to retrieve, infer and explain in VIPERS.




Make a habitat for an animal of your choice. You might use toys or art/craft materials. You could make a model, a picture, or even decorate the inside of a shoebox.


20 mins


In Science, we have been learning about different habitats.

Date Set: Friday 2nd July

Date Due: Friday 9th July






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Sing along to the Todd and Ziggy videos to practise your 2x table, 5x table and 10x table.

10 mins

We are working on using known tables facts to answer associated division questions.



Play the Maths Train game. Choose the multiplication truck and then choose mixed tables, 2x, 5x and 10x. Repeat, choosing the division truck and the same tables.


10 mins

We are working on using known tables facts to answer associated division questions.



Write a short letter to someone at home, suggesting an activity that you would like to do over the weekend.


10 mins


This week we wrote letters to share our ideas for celebrating the end of term together.



What fun things did you and your family do during the covid lockdown? Chat about them at home – perhaps you will even have photographs you can look at together. 

10 mins


This will help us with a special writing task we need to complete next week.




Practise throwing and catching a small ball (e.g. tennis ball). You can practise with someone at home or by throwing the ball against a wall.


20 mins

This will help with your fielding when we have our rounders re-match next week!


Apologies for not setting homework last week. I wasn't feeling very well. Much better now.


From Monday 21st June until Friday 25th June 2021, children can practice their new spellings and finish their reading books.


Set Friday 25th June 2021

Due Friday 2nd July 2021










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Maths: Water sort puzzle



See how far you can get- It's a really fun game, but Maths related so even better!



20mins or as long as you like

We have been focusing on Mass, temperature and capacity in our learning this week. This links to capacity and reasoning skills.



Write some sentences, about your creature, using interesting adjectives and conjunctions




20 minutes

This week we have been looking at writing our own instruction texts



Pick 3 animals. Research the habitat that they live in. Try and pick 3 completely different animals with varying habitats. You can also collect extra information about them if you wish.



15-20 minutes or as long as you like


This week we are designing our own pond and adding creatures and plants that we think would like to live there.

Date set: Friday 11th June 2021 

Date due: Friday 18th June 2021











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Maths: Hold two different objects in both of your hands. Make two sentences like this:   _____ is heavier than ____. _____ is lighter than _____. 


Do this with 5 more objects.



20mins or as long as you like

We have been focusing on Mass, temperature and capacity in our learning this week.



Think about your instruction text. Write out what you will do to catch your creature. Try and act it out once you have done it.




20 minutes

This week we have created our text maps to help us to learn our Instruction texts.



Explore the park or garden. Write a list of animals, creatures and things that are living, dead and never been alive.



15-20 minutes or as long as you like


This week we went exploring in the school grounds and found some interesting things. What else can you find?

I hope that you have a lovely half term break! We aren't setting homework this term. 

Children can read an option of 2 home reading books and practice any spellings they have given to extend themselves if they wish. It has been a really successful term and the children have worked extremely hard. Enjoy the well deserved break,


Miss Manners

Date set: Friday 21st May 2021 

Date due: Friday 28th May 2021











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Maths: Here is a table to show data that has been collected for the different chocolate bars that some children in a school like.




Draw a tally chart and a pictogram to represent the information in the above table.


20mins or as long as you like

We have been focussing on tally charts and pictograms this week in our Maths sessions.


English: Practice writing your diary entry out in full. Make sure that you use your character and setting. Use your conjunctions to link your sentences together. It must be in first person.

E.g- 'I started walking...'




20 mins

This coming week we will be writing out our diary entries in full.


Science: Create a poster telling people how to help a plant to grow. Can you remember what a plant needs to grow?



15-20 mins or as long as you like

We have been observing some of the seeds that we have planted.


Date set: Friday 14th May 2021 

Date due: Friday 21st May 2021











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Write a timetable to show what you did in your school day today. Show durations of time.


For example:


8:45-9:00- Reading

9:00-9:15- Morning Maths

And so on…


10 mins  (or as long as you like)

We have just finished our subject of time in our Maths lessons.


Using conjunctions write a diary entry based upon ‘Lila and the Secret of rain’. Remember to use ‘I’- you are Lila.




10 mins

This coming week we will be focusing on our diary entries and using conjunctions to link sentences together.


Science= Take a walk in the garden or in the park. What different wildlife can you see? Do you know the names of any plants or trees that you come across? Make a list



10-15 mins

 We have done an investigation this week and will be looking at the different seeds have already started to sprout.


Date set: Friday 7th May 2021 

Date due: Monday 10th May 2021













What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


To practice telling the time using your own clock that you made in Art on Friday.


10 mins  (or as long as you like)

This week, we have just finished learning how to tell the time.


To write a diary entry after for Saturday from your point of view.




10 mins

The next few weeks we will be focusing on a diary entry for our English learning.


Write a list of all of the things that a plant needs to grow. 



10-15 mins


This is linked to what we have been doing this week in Science and what we will be investigating over the next few weeks.

Date set: Friday 30th April 2021 

Date due: Tuesday 4th May 2021







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Answer the following reasoning questions

If you left home at 13:00 to go to the shop and it took you ½ an hour to walk there, what time would you get to the shop?

Your bus leaves at 15:15. It takes you about 10 minutes to walk to the bus-stop. What time should you leave?

What other way can you say quarter past 5?


10 mins (or as long as you like)

This week, we have been learning all about time. We have been telling the time in class and now we are linking it to reasoning.


Write down a conversation that you have had this week using speech marks

For Example:

Miss Manners: How are you doing today?

Mrs Furbank: I’m very well thank you. How was your weekend?

Miss Manners: It was lovely thank you. I got out into the sunshine. Di you have any extra birthday celebrations?

Mrs Furbank: I did




10 mins

This is linked to the speech mark work we have done in class.


Using North/South/East/West and some of the recent Maths vocabulary that we have covered, write some directions from your house to school, once you have done that, see if you can write directions from school to your house. (Door to door)




10-15 mins


This is linked to both our Maths from last week and our Geography from this week.



Date set: Friday 23rd April 

Date due: Monday 26th April











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Can you direct your adult from one side of the room to the other using the vocabulary words we have been learning this week in Maths?

left/ right/turn/clockwise/anti-clockwise/forwards




10 mins (or as long as you like)

This week, we have been learning all about position and direction in our Maths lessons.



Think about our story 'Lila and the secret of rain'. What could your story be about? Who is your character? What happens in your story? What is the weather/thing going to change from to? eg) hot sun to cold rain

Write a title for your story

Lila and the secret of rain





10 mins

This is the story that is our focus for the next few weeks in English.  


Look up 3 facts about your historical person.

From the picture on your class webpage, what other historical people can you see. Find one fact about one other person.





10-15 mins


This will increase the children's history knowledge linked to our historical day.

Date set: Friday 26th March

Date due: Thursday 1st April 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Find items around your house and sort them into whether you would measure them using cm or m.




10 mins


This week, we have started work on measurement.



Practice writing some sentences about yourself, as if you are writing a report. Try to link your sentence using conjunctions, e.g. also, first, next…





10 mins


This week, we have been practising using conjunctions and we will be using them in our report writing next week.



Rounders – Watch this video from Rounders England:

Which positions can you spot? (Batter, fielders, bowler, backstop?) What do you notice about the way they play? Think of a top tip, from watching!




10 mins


This half term, we have been learning to play Rounders so this will support our development of the positions and the rules.

Date set: Friday 19th March

Date due: Friday 26th March






What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Can you find things around your house to measure? Think about what length and height might mean.

10 mins

Next week, we will be starting a new topic all about measuring length and height.



Can you write a paragraph which creates tension? Think about: you character being alone in the dark, short sentences, threatening language e.g. ‘teeth like daggers’.




15 mins

This will help to consolidate your learning this week on writing a meeting tale.


Art – Can you find some facts about the type of Art called ‘Collage’. You might want to look at our target artist: Mondrian.  


5-10 mins

This half term’s art focus is collage.

Date set: Friday 11th December 

Date due: Friday 18th December 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Using objects from around the house, can you make groups of…


E.g. 2 groups of 3 Lego pieces.

10 mins

This week, we have been starting our learning on multiplication.




Can you create another nonsense poem, a little bit like the Quangle Wangle ones we wrote in class?


Option 2 – Create a new creature like the Quangle Wangle and think of rhyming words which could describe it.





15 mins

This will help consolidate our knowledge of poems learnt this week.


Spanish – Here is the link for ‘Feliz Navidad’ which the children will be performing on Monday in Spanish. Try to practice singing the song:  


5-10 mins

This will help with the children’s Spanish performance on Monday.

Date set: Friday 4th December 

Date due: Friday 11th December










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Log into Classroom Secrets Kids and complete the activities on money.

10-15 mins

We have recently been doing lots of work on money in class.


Log into Classroom Secrets Kids. There will be some grammar and spelling activities for you to have a go at!



10-15 mins

This fits into our long term English plan for the year.


Science – Can you keep a food diary over the weekend of all the yummy things you eat?


10-15 mins

In Science next week, we will be thinking about healthy eating and talking about different types of food.

Date set: Thursday 26th November

Date due: Friday 4th December 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Practice your times tables (2s, 5s and 10s). You might want to use TT Rockstars for this, Hit the Button or even create your own game

10-15 mins

We are constantly returning to our times tables to help with retrieval. We are also moving on to looking at multiplication in the next couple of weeks.


If you have any cash (notes or coins) at home, could you practice a “shop keeper” game where you think about giving change?


10 mins

Next week, we will be moving on to looking at giving change.


Log in to Classroom Secrets Kids and complete the tasks on commas in a list!


Challenge: Can you write some of your own sentences using commas in a list?



10-15 mins

In our losing/finding tale, we have been using commas in a list when talking about the main characters.


Log in to Classroom Secrets and have a look at the new Florence Nightingale quiz. There might be a few facts on the quiz which you may wish to research more about!


5-10 mins

In our History lessons, we have been learning all about Florence Nightingale.

Date set: Friday 20th November

Date due: Thursday 26th November 










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Log in to Classroom Secrets Kids (log ins in reading diaries) and complete the tasks linked to money!

10-15 mins

This week, we have been introducing money; counting pence, pounds and combining notes and coins.




Practice writing some sentences using commas in a list (with adjectives) – like we did in class with the cat.


E.g. The cat is furry, cute and funny.


When the cat walks, it is sneaky, stealthy and quick.







10-15 mins





In English (Talk for Writing), we have been practising using adjectives, as well as commas in a list.


Start to have a think about what you might change some of the characters to in our Cat, Bramble and Heron story.


You might want to make a list if you have some interesting ideas.


(You will find the story, as well as the text map in the ‘Writing’ section in ‘Resources’ on the class page).






10 mins



Next week, we will be starting the ‘innovate’ stage of our writing. We will be thinking of new characters and places in preparation for writing our own losing/finding tale.


Log in to Classroom Secrets Kids and complete the quiz all about Florence Nightingale?


5 mins

In History, we have been learning all about the life and work of Florence Nightingale.

Date set: Friday 13th November
Date due: Friday 20th November










What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Can you practice your 5 and 10x times tables? You might want to use TT Rockstars, Hit the Button or even make your own times tables game?





10 mins (or as long as you like)

This week, we have been practising our 5x and 10x tables!



How many different things can you think of which you need money to buy?

10 mins

We are moving on to learning about money next week.



Sentence dictation! Ask a parent to say a simple sentence, e.g. The cat sat on the mat. Then you write it PERFECTLY, remembering: full stops, capital letters, finger spaces…





10 mins

This will help with our on-going writing. Any writing practice you can do is really helpful!



Science – Think about our habitat work (a place where someone or something lives). Can you create a picture of a woodland habitat and have a think/research about the types of plants and animals you might find in that type of habitat.




15-20 mins

In next week’s Science lesson, we will be completing our work on different habitats. I would love to see what you find out about the woodland habitat!

Date set: Friday 6th November, date due: Friday 13th November

Date set: Friday 23rd October 

Date due: Friday 6th November











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Use your login details for Classroom Secrets Kids (found in your reading diaries) and have a go at the tasks which have been set:


If you can’t get on for any reason, lots of practice of partitioning two digit numbers and adding 2 digit numbers!

10-15 mins

This will help to consolidate this half term’s work on place value and addition.




Create a new invention, and try to persuade your families to buy it!
Remember to use persuasive and boasting language! I would love to see some creative posters!






15 mins

This will help consolidate our work on persuasive adverts, before we move onto longer persuasive pieces of writing next half term.




The new spellings words have been set in your reading diaries. You will have two week to learn these ones; they will be tested on the first Friday back after half term!






15 mins

This will prepare the children for their spelling test after the holidays, and help them towards learning all of the Year 2 spelling words.

Date set: Friday 16th October 

Date due: Friday 23rd October











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Practice adding 2 digit and 2 digit numbers OR partitioning the 2 digit numbers.

  1. 23 + 45
  2. 42 + 56
  3. 39 + 20
  4. 27 + 12
  5. 32 + 44
  6. CHALLENGE: 45 + 36 (Can you tell me why this one is a challenge?)

10 mins

This will continue to help consolidate our work on adding and place value.



Use the story mountain template (in the resources folder) to create and tell a 3 part story to someone at home.





15 mins


Recapping how to use a 3 part story mountain, as well as using conjunctions such as: suddenly and luckily.




Watch some TV adverts and make note of what you see. What sort of things do they say? How do they make you feel? What information do you get?






10 mins

Next week, we will be starting a non-fiction English unit based on persuasive adverts.


Science – watch this video about Charles Mackintosh:

Find out who he is and what he was famous for.



10 mins

Next week, we will be testing which materials are waterproof.

Date set: Friday 9th October 
Date due: Friday 16th October 











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Practice your adding! Roll a die, or pick some numbers. Practice adding 1 digit + 1 digit, 2 digits + 1 digit and 2 digits + 2 digits.


Remember to split the tens and ones when look at 2 digit numbers.

10 mins

We have done a little bit of this and will be doing lots more in the coming weeks. If you are finding it tricky, just start off with 1 digit + 1 digit, and use things in your house to help you count, e.g. counters, Lego, pasta…



Sentence Hospital – please see sheet in resources area. Correct the capital letters.


10 mins



Think of as many characters and where they live as you can. E.g.

A witch who lived in a forest.

An ogre who lived in a cave.

A pirate who lived on a ship.


10 mins

This will be preparing for our writing sessions next week.


Can you write or draw some instructions for how to mix powder paints? (Think about: splash, dab, dip and mix).

10-15 mins

It will help to consolidate our paint mixing knowledge from Friday’s art lesson.

Date set: Friday 2nd October 2020

Date due: Friday 9th October 2020











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


How many fact families can you write for your number bonds?

E.g. 4+6=10, 6+4=10, 10-4=6 and 10-6=4

5-10 mins

This will have to consolidate our fact family learning.



Noun phrases – Can you write some noun phrases about this picture?





10 mins

This will help to consolidate our noun phrases learning, which will support future writing.


Have a look at this web page on Nelson Mandela – can you work with an adult to find 3 facts (or more) about him?


5-10 mins

This will support us in our History learning next week.

Date set: Friday 25th September

Date due: Friday 2nd October











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Practice counting forwards and backwards from different numbers, in 2s, 5s and 10s.

5-10 mins

We have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s as part of our Year 2 maths learning.


Have a look at the 3x tables. Can you find any patterns, or think of any interesting ways to remember it?

5 mins

This is the final times table that we need to know as part of our Year 2 learning.


Using your text map, retell the papaya story with your new nouns, and create new actions to show your family.


10 mins

This week, we have been innovating The Papaya That Spoke story, including new nouns.


Listen to some different pieces of music and try clap along by feeling the pulse.

5 mins

This week, we have been learning about hearing and feeling the pulse in music.

Date set: Friday 18th September 

Date due: Friday 25th September

Here are some bite size home learning activities for you to try this week! Have fun!








What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?


Choose some 2 digit numbers and partition them by drawing your tens and ones.

10 mins


Listen/watch this song: to help prepare for next week’s Maths lessons, where we will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Can you count backwards as well?

5 mins


Spend some time retelling The Papaya That Spoke, using the text map (you will find this under ‘Writing Resources’ on our class page).



5 mins


Preparation: Next week we will be starting to change the story. How many nouns (people, places or objects) can you think, which we could swap for the farmer, the dog or the papaya?




10 mins

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