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Church of England Primary School

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This week's Phonics

Summer 2, Week 4

This week we are revising phonemes f and th, as the children often mix them up when they are writing.

Our tricky word of the week is 'what'.

Summer 2, Week 3

Our phoneme of the week is 'ure' (as in 'sure').

Our tricky word of the week is 'said'.

Summer 2, Week 2

Our phoneme of the week is 'ear'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'her'.

Summer 2, Week 1

Our phoneme of the week is 'er' (as in 'letter').

Our tricky word of the week is 'all'.

Summer 1, Week 6

Our phoneme of the week is ('ow' as in 'cow').

Our tricky word of the week is 'they'.

Summer 1, Week 5

Our phoneme of the week is 'oa'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'are'.

Summer 1, Week 4

Our phoneme of the week is 'nk'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'my'.

Summer 1, Week 3

Our phoneme of the week is 'ay'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'was'.

Summer 1, Week 2

Our phoneme of the week is 'oy'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'you'.

Summer 1, Week 1

Our phoneme of the week is 'ou' (as in shout).

Our tricky word of the week is 'be'.

Spring 2, Week 6

Our phoneme of the week is 'ir'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'we'.

Spring 2, Week 5

Our phoneme of the week is 'air'.

Our trick word of the week is 'me'.

Spring 2 Week 4

Our phoneme of the week is 'or'. 

Our tricky word of the week is 'she'.

Spring 2 Week 3

Our phoneme of the week is 'ar'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'he'.

Spring 2 Week 2

Our phoneme of the week is 'oo' as in 'book'.

Our tricky word of the week is 'go'.

Spring 2 Week 1

Our phoneme of the week is "oo".

Our tricky word of the week is "no".

Spring 1 Week 6

The phoneme of the week is "ow" as in "snow"

The tricky word of the week is "into".

We are reading and writing labels and captions to match pictures..

Spring 1 Week 5

The phoneme of the week is "igh".

The tricky word of the week is "to".

We are reading and writing words, phrases and simple sentences.

Spring 1 Week 4

We have begun to use Read Write Inc materials for Phonics and the children are really enjoying working with 'Little Freddie Frog'. 

The phoneme of the week is "ee".

The tricky word of the week is "the".

Spring 1 Week 3

Our new sounds are 'ng' (as in sing) and 'ai' (as in rain). We are continuing to do lots of work consolidating segmenting and blending sounds.

Words on the wall this week:


Spring 1 Week 2

 We are learning the soft 'th' sound (as in 'think'). Many of the children are confusing 'th' and 'f' when they hear it in words, so we are playing games to address this. 

These are the words on our wall this week:


Spring 1 Week 1

We are revising all the phonemes and graphemes taught last term. 

These are the words we are practising:

Autumn 2 Week 5

This week our new sounds are 'qu' and 'sh'.


Here are our words of the week:

Autumn 2 Week 4

Our new sounds this week are x, y and z.

These are the words we have been reading together every day:

Autumn 2 Week 3

This week we are learning j, v and w.


Here are our words of the week:

Autumn 2 Week 2

This week we have looked at the graphemes 'll', 'ff' and 'ss'. We have thought about words ending in these sounds, e.g. 'will', 'off' and 'pass'.

We have been using our known sounds to decode some new words of the week:

Autumn 2, Week 1

This week we have been revising the Phase 2 letters and sounds covered last half-term. We have been using the sounds to read and write cvc words. Here are our words of the week:

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