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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Updates

Peter Rabbit!


Our class rabbit Peter still needs a home for the first two weeks of the summer holidays! Please email Miss Mason if you are available to help the weeks commencing 25.07.22 and 01.08.22. Thank you!

Friday 15th July 2022


This week nursery have enjoyed lots of outdoor activities experimenting with foam and water play. We have discussed how to keep cool in the hot weather and the children are aware of ways to keep sun safe! 


In phonics this week we have continued to use our RWI cards and develop our phonological awareness through Fred Talk games. 


Next week is our final week of nursery! The children have made excellent progress this year and are now school ready! 


Parents: Please be aware that next week the weather is forecast is high temperatures. Please send children with a named bottle of suncream and a sunhat. Children will be enjoying water play activities and may need a change of clothes. Thank you.


Friday 8th July 2022


Last week we moved our Chrysalides into their hatching habitat, this week the children were very excited to discover the butterflies had emerged from their chrysalides! The children have loved watching the entire process and we ended the week releasing the butterflies!


In phonics this week the N2 children have enjoyed playing Fred's funny food amongst other Fred talk games! The N1 children have been working on their listening and attention skills through lots of fun games such as 'shark attack' and 'what bean am I?'.


The older children have enjoyed some trips to big school to see their new classroom and visit the library! We have also been preparing lots for nursery graduation this week. The children are very excited to be attending the tea party on Saturday! We cannot wait to celebrate the nursery year and all of the children's achievements. Mrs Fell and I are so proud of all of the children, you have all been superstars!


See you tomorrow!


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 1st July 2022


This week we have moved our Chrysalides into their hatching habitat ready for when they emerge as butterflies. The children have loved watching the caterpillars grow over the past week and were very excited to come in to see they had formed into Chrysalides.


We have also pulled up our very first baby carrot! We are very excited to have successfully grown a tiny carrot! 


In phonics this week the N2 children have enjoyed playing Fred's Zoo amongst other Fred talk games! The N1 children have been working on their listening and attention skills through lots of fun games too!

Friday 24th June 2022


This week we have been enjoying the warm weather and spending lots of time in our nature garden. The children have been taking excellent care of our vegetables! Peter Rabbit has been enjoying nibbling on our lettuce!


In maths this week we have been focusing on sequencing. We have sequenced the life cycle of a plant and an living creature. We have also had a go at sequencing our Talk for Writing story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children have been encouraged to use language such as 'First' 'Then' 'Next'.


In phonics we have been continuing Fred Talk activities. The children have enjoyed Fred Frog's silly games and are developing their oral segmenting and blending skills.

Friday 17th June 2022


This week we are continuing to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. We are very excited to be starting a new investigation project. We have live caterpillars in nursery and we are excited to watch them grows and change over the next few weeks. The children are expanding their knowledge of the metamorphosis process and are really excited to be able to watch the process during a first hand experience.


In maths this week we have been learning about repeating patterns. The children are now able to continue a repeating pattern. They have really enjoyed the pattern activities this week. 


In phonics we have been continuing Fred Talk in preparation for starting Reception. The children are loving using Fred Frog in phonics and are developing their oral segmenting and blending skills.

Nursery Sports Day


We are pleased to invite you to attend our class Sports day which will be held on Tuesday 21st June at 9.30am on the school field – weather permitting. Sports day is anticipated to last 30 minutes. All children and their siblings are welcome to attend. If you child attends Barwick Primary please indicate if you wish them to be released from class. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to attend – please bring your own seating.


Children who do not usually attend Nursery on a Tuesday are very welcome to join us too.

If your child does not attend Nursery on a Tuesday and you would like them to participate in Sports Day, please drop them at the nursery entrance at the usual drop off time of 9am. As Tuesday is one of our busier sessions, we cannot book children in for the whole session.



The book "There's a Dragon in your book" has been brought into nursery by mistake. If anyone has this book please return directly to Miss Mason or the school office. This is a library owned book not owned by school. Thank you.



Friday 9th June 2022


This week we have enjoyed beginning our new topic 'Who's in the garden?'. We have started learning about the metamorphosis process and have enjoyed a range of caterpillar/butterfly activities this week.


Our new Talk for Writing story is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". The children have already started to learn the actions to help them retell the story, we will be continuing this next week. 


The children have loved taking care of our vegetables this week too! The children are developing an understanding of the key features of the life cycle of a plant and beginning to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.


In Maths this week we have been exploring patterns! The children are becoming much more aware of patterns and where to find them as well as having a go at making their own!

Friday 27th May 2022


We have had a wonderful week in Chestnut class this week. We have enjoyed a range of activities in celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children have enjoyed creating sun catchers, flags and crowns this week! On Friday we enjoyed a morning full of celebrating through dressing up as a royal too! 


The children have worked extra hard this half term and we are so proud of all the progress they have made so far! Only one more half term to go! After the half term break our new topic is "Who's in the garden?". We are excited to start investigating mini-beasts and expanding our knowledge on the wildlife we have in Barwick-in-Elmet. 


Have a wonderful half term everyone! Please add photos to Tapestry of all the Jubilee fun you get up to next week and don't forget about your sunflowers too!


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 19th May 2022


In maths this week we have decided to revisit numbers from 0-10 to embed learning and understanding of numbers from 0-10. We have also revisited the counting principles. It is vital for children to understand and achieve the following counting principles- stable order, one-to-one correspondence, cardinality, abstraction, and order irrelevance.


In phonics this week we have continued to learn our Naughty Bus song! We have also continued to practice Aspect 6, 'voice sounds'.


We have enjoyed lots of water play in the sunshine this week too! Well done Chestnut class for another fantastic week full of learning through play. 


Have a great weekend everyone! Miss Masonsmiley


Friday 13th May 2022


Well done Chestnut on a fantastic week! In maths this week our number of the week was number 11! We have discussed how 11 is one more than 10. The children have got a really good understanding of 'one more'.


In phonics this week the N1's enjoyed practicing their listening skills and enjoyed going on a listening walk! The N2's have been working on Aspect 6 'Voice sounds'. We have also began learning about how to clap syllables! 


We have also planted some vegetables in our veg plot this week! We are beginning to understand the life cycle of plants and vegetables.


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 6th May 2022


Well done Chestnut on a fantastic week! We have had so much fun with the Naughty Bus this week! We have enjoyed learning the Naughty Bus song and exploring the Naughty Bus in positional language in maths. In maths this week our number of the week was number 10! 


In phonics this week the N1's enjoyed lots of sound discrimination games, squiggle while you wiggle and fine motor activities! The N2's enjoyed Alliteration games, especially Pix's Pizza game!


We have continued to watch our sunflowers grow every day and we are excited to plant some more vegetables/plants next week!


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 29th April 2022


This week we have continued to enjoy our new topic surrounding transport. As a class we created a pictogram showing how we travel to nursery. We found that the majority of children travel by car. Lots of you ride your bike/scooter and some of you walk. 


We have finished planting our sunflower seeds this week and we have enjoyed checking on them each day to see how much the shoots have grown. The children have a good understanding of how to make a seed develop into a plant.


In phonics this week we have continued to recap our RWI picture cards and alliteration. The N2 children have shown great progress in their phonological awareness this week. They are able to identify words beginning with a given sound. The N1s have also been working on forming letters from their name this week. The N1 children have been working on sound discrimination and enjoyed a range of Phase 1 games as well as working on recognising their name.


Well done Chestnut class, you have all had a fantastic week!


Enjoy the weekend and bank holiday Monday at home! See you soon!
Miss Mason

Friday 22nd April 2022


Well done Chestnut for a super first week back! This week we have introduced our new topic 'Transport'. The children have loved our new story 'Naughty Bus'! The children  received their very own naughty bus to play with too! We have started to create a big naughty bus from a cardboard box and have also created naughty bus pictures using red paint!


We welcomed some new children into Chestnut class this week, I am so proud of everyone giving our new friends such a warm welcome! I am also so proud of how well the new children have settled in too!


Some children enjoyed planting sunflower seeds this week, everyone else will get chance to finish these next week too! We are looking forward to watching our sunflowers grow this half term!


Parents: Lots of children are bringing comforters into nursery. We understand that they are an important transitional object to help support children’s emotional security during unsettling times. If possible please try to encourage children to keep comforters in their bags or at home if appropriate. Thank you for your support.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Miss Masonsmiley

Friday 1st April 2022


We have had a week full of Easter fun! The children have enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, Easter activities, made Easter cards and even had a trip from the Easter Bunny this week!


Our fairytales topic is now finished and we will be looking at 'Transport' next! Have a think about all the different types of transport we might be looking at when we return. 


Please put lots of photos all all the wonderful things you get up to over the Easter break! Have a lovely Easter everyone and I will see you in two weeks time!


Miss Mason

School Photographs


As you may have seen on the newsletter, the school photographer will be in school on Wednesday 30th March, to take whole class photographs. Nursery will be photographed at 9.00am. If your child does not normally attend this session but you would like them to be photographed, please bring them to the nursery building at 8.55am. Please could parents wait in the bandstand for children. It may take up to 30 minutes and staff will walk the children back to parent's once the photographs have been taken. 


Thank you. 


Miss Mason


Friday 25th March 2022


Hello Chestnut class! Sadly I have not seen most of you this week however Ms Stebbings, Mrs Fell and Mrs Robinson have told me all the fun things you have been doing while I was away!


Lots of you have been enjoying the warm weather this week by exploring our outdoor areas! There has been lots more messages from the fairies too this week! Well done to everyone who has been working on their mark making by writing replies to the fairies!


Our number of the week this week was number 9! We are going to recap this next week too!


In phonics this week we have continued to recap our picture cards and have enjoyed some rhyming games too! We have been focusing on writing and fine motor activities such as play dough! 


Next week for our final week of the term we are learning about Easter! Hopefully we will get a visit from the Easter Bunny!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Miss Mason

Friday 18th March 2022


It was Science week this week. We have been developing our 'Understanding the world' knowledge by exploring the outdoor area this week. We have enjoyed exploring our wildlife garden and enjoyed snack time outdoors. On Friday the children went to see a telescope and were able to look directly at the sun through a filter.


Our number of the week this week is number 8! We have enjoying the Numberblocks number 8 this week and updating our number of the week board as a class! The children enjoyed a number hunt and everyone has enjoyed learning about Octoblock number 8!


In phonics this week we have been continued to revisit Phase 1 Aspect 4- Rhythm and Rhyme! The children are enjoying making up their own silly sentences inspired by the story 'Oi Frog'. The children found matching rhyming pairs and created a sentence such as "Pigs sit on wigs".


Have a lovely weekend everyone! Ms Stebbings will be helping you learn next week. I will be back on Thursday!


Miss Masonsmiley

Friday 11th March 2022


We have had a lovely week in Nursery. We have been enjoying the warmer weather and spending lots of time in our outdoor areas. We have enjoyed exploring our wildlife garden and even enjoyed snack time outdoors.


Our number of the week this week is number 7! We have enjoying the Numberblocks number 7 this week and updating our number of the week board as a class! The children enjoyed a number hunt on Thursday and everyone has enjoyed learning about lucky number 7!


In phonics this week we have been continued to revisit Phase 1 Aspect 4- Rhythm and Rhyme! We have enjoyed exploring our new music area outdoors as well as our adult-led phonics sessions. The picture cards we have learnt this week are: Yak, Worm and Zip!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Miss Mason

Friday 4th March 2022


We have had the most magical week in Nursery this week! Our new topic this term is 'Fairytales'. We have set up our new fairy houses and the fairies have moved in! We have been finding lots of secret messages from the fairies this week hidden in our classroom and in our outdoor area! The children have all written notes back to the fairies and have loved sending secret messages by mark making on a range of resources! 


We celebrated pancake day on Tuesday as well as celebrating World Book Day on Thursday! We enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters and enjoyed a range of Gruffalo themed activities! 


Our number of the week this week is number 6! We have enjoying the Numberblocks number 6 this week and updating our number of the week board as a class! 


In phonics this week we have been revisiting Phase 1 Aspect 4- Rhythm and Rhyme! We have enjoyed exploring our new music area outdoors as well as our adult-led phonics sessions. The picture cards we have learnt this week are: Robot, Jack-in-a-box and Vulture!


Well done Chestnut on a very busy but exciting first week back! 


Have a lovely weekend! Miss Masonsmiley

Friday 18th February 2022


This week we enjoyed some Valentine's Day activities! We discussed how Valentine’s Day is a day to show people you love them.  The children were all able to share a person/people that they love!


In maths this week we have been learning all about the number 5! We have also continued to practice subitsing! We have been using the phrase "See the amount, don't count!" to help us.


In phonics this week we have been focusing on Phase 1 Aspect 5- Alliteration! The children have enjoyed creating silly sentences which contain alliteration as well as playing one of our favourite phonics games, Bertha the Bus! The picture cards we have learnt this week are: Egg, Leg and Horse. The children are becoming very confident with these now!


Well done Chestnut for completing another fabulous half term! Have a lovely break everyone! 

Miss Masonsmiley

Changes to arrangements from Monday 14th February



Start of Session 

End of session 


Parents arrive on site from 8.50. Walk around the outside of the school building via Reception outdoor area. Wait by nursery entrance. 


Children are not to play with outdoor equipment. 

Parents arrive on site no more than 10 minutes before the end of the session.  Walk around the outside of the school building via the top playground, sloped area through the reception outdoor area. Wait by nursery entrance. Leave school promptly via the route you arrived.

Children are not to play with outdoor equipment.

Friday 11th February 2022


This week we have continued our half term topic 'Under the Sea' and we have been focusing on pollution. The children have learnt how plastic can pollute our oceans. We discussed how this can be dangerous and harm our sea creatures. The children did a great job at cleaning up the polluted 'ocean' in our classroom on Monday!  


Our number of the week in Maths this week is number 4! We have been on a number hunt for number 4 and shapes! We have also looked at representing the number 4 in different ways and recognising the number 4 numeral. We have been using our numberblock friends to help us! 


We have also been learning about squares and rectangles this week. We completed some Kandinksy inspired artwork by printing the shapes!


In Phonics this week we have been continuing Phase 1 Aspect 4- Rhythm and Rhyme. We have enjoyed some rhyming games such as 'Wonky Donkey' this week. The pictures we have been focusing on this week are: Umbrella, Boot and Flower! In total we have covered 15 pictures! 



Well done Chestnut!


Please continue to upload activities you do at home on Tapestry, Miss Mason and Mrs Fell love to see everything that you get up to at home! If you are unsure of how to upload home observations to Tapestry please follow this link below.

Friday 4th February 2022


Chinese New Year! This week we have been learning about the Lunar New Year. We have learnt about how the Chinese new year is celebrated. The children have learnt about traditional Chinese food, clothes and decorations. The children especially loved watching traditional Chinese dragon dancing! Throughout the week we have explored lots of activities surrounding Chinese new year and we created our very own dragon! 


We also celebrated national storytelling week this week. As a class we have been reading 'The Gruffalo' daily in order to allow the children to join in with repeated refrains. We are now able to retell almost all of the story as a class! The children are becoming excellent story tellers! 


Our number of the week in Maths this week is number 3! We have also been learning about triangles this week. We have been on a number hunt for number 3 and triangles! We have also looked at representing the number 3 in different ways and recognising the number 3 numeral. We have been using our numberblock friends to help us!


Alongside storytelling week in Phonics this week we have been focusing on Phase 1 Aspect 4- Rhythm and Rhyme. We have enjoyed stories such as 'Oi Frog!' and 'Oi Dog!' as well as having a go at matching rhyming words. The pictures we have been focusing on this week are: Orange, Caterpillar and Kangaroo! In total we have covered 12 pictures! The children are showing great enthusiasm in phonics again! 


Finally, on Friday the children came dressed in red to raise money for Leeds Congenital Heart Unit. 


Well done Chestnut!


Friday 20th January 2022


This week we have enjoyed spending lots of time in our outdoor area again. We have been exploring our nature garden, looking for minibeasts and playing with bubbles! We have continued our topic under the sea and built an under the sea cave! We also celebrated Australia day on Wednesday! We loved learning about the Australian animals.


Our number of the week in Maths this week is number 2! We have been on a number hunt for number two! We have also looked at representing the number 2 in different ways and recognising the number 2 numeral. We discussed how 2 is one more than 1. The children have been completing numberblock related activities as well as representing numbers with numicon.


In Phonics this week we have continued dough disco daily as well as our phase 1 activities. The pictures we have been focusing on this week are: Net, Pirate and Girl. In total we have covered 9 pictures! The children have been really focused in phonics this week and everyone is showing great enthusiasm! Well done Chestnut!


Friday 4th February is Wear Red Day!


Have a lovely weekend everyone and get ready for storytelling week!


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 21st January 2022


This week we have enjoyed spending lots of time in our outdoor area. The children have been exploring water play as well as building ramps with the outdoor resources. 


Our number of the week in Maths this week is number 1! We have been on a number hunt for number one! Looked at representing number 1 in different ways and recognising the number 1 numeral. 


In Phonics this week we have continued dough disco daily as well as our phase 1 activities. The pictures we have been focusing on this week are: Dinosaur, Tower and Insect. In total we have covered 6 pictures! 


Parents: Please write your child's name in their coat, clothes, hat and wellies. Thank you.


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Miss Masonlaugh


Friday 14th January 2022


This week the children have enjoyed continuing our topic, Under the Sea.

We have also started to learn the actions to go along with our Talk for Writing story 'The Rainbow Fish'.


This week we went right back to the start in Maths and began our Number of the week with ZERO THE HERO! The children have enjoyed learning about the adventures of Zero the Hero and have even dressed up as superheros. 


The new children have all settled in and we are enjoying having so many new friends in Chestnut! 


In phonics this week we have continued with our Phase 1 activities to help us identify sounds. We have also started looking at some Read Write Inc picture cards to help us remember the sounds when we move up to Reception. This week our three pictures were, Maisie Mountain, Apple and Snake!         


Have a lovely weekend and don't forget to upload any activities you do at home to Tapestry!


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 7th January 2022


We have had a wonderful first week of term in Chestnut class. The children have all settled really quickly and have really enjoyed the launch of our new topic, 'Under the sea'.


This week we have started our new Talk for Writing story 'The Rainbow Fish'. We will be continuing to focus on this story for the duration of the half term. The Rainbow Fish story is centered around being a good friend so we have been discussing how we can be a good friend. 


The children have all been really engaged in the new topic and have enjoyed looking at photos and videos from under the sea! We discussed the different features of sea creatures and which we might like to be! The children loved the clips from Blue Planet which allowed them to discover new sea creatures they had not heard of before!


This week we were also excited to welcome some new children to Chestnut Class. Well done to all those new starters who have settled in really quickly! We also welcomed Ms Robinson into Chestnut class, our new nursery support assistant.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Miss Masonsmiley

Friday 17th December 2021


We have had an exciting final week in Nursery. The children have enjoyed lots of Christmas themed activities such as making salt dough Christmas tree decorations, writing letters to Santa, writing Christmas cards, and Rudolph themed games! We had our class Christmas party on Tuesday and a very special guest joined us!


The children have made excellent progress so far this year. Mrs Fell and I are so proud of all of the children for completing their first term in Nursery and what a wonderful term it has been!


Happy Christmas everyone! 


Miss Masonsmiley

Friday 10th December 2021


This week we have continued to learn about Christmas. We have learnt about traditions that Christians do around Christmas time.


We also thought about preparations for our Christmas party on Tuesday and decided to invite a very special visitor! The children wrote party invitations to Santa and posted them in our Christmas postbox!


On Tuesday we learnt about Christingle and had a go at making our very own Christingle orange! We have had lots of fun creating Christmas crafts!


Finally on Friday we enjoyed taking part in the Elf run and took a visit to the Christmas shop! The children enjoyed meeting some Elf helpers along the way and chose some lovely gifts from the shop!


Have a lovely weekend everyone! See you all next week for our final week before Christmas!


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 3rd December 2021


It has been a very exciting week in Chestnut! On Tuesday we were surprised with two new class members, two Elves! We checked the Elf Cam and found videos of a cheeky Elf running across our classroom! The children have enjoyed finding the Elves each morning as they come into Nursery.


This week we have been discussing why Christians celebrate Christmas and learning about the Nativity story. The children have now got a good understanding of the Nativity story and are starting to be able to retell key parts. We have also been practicing our Christmas song 'Little Donkey'.


We have enjoyed decorating our class tree this week and started our Christmas crafts!


Thank you for bringing in your tree decorations as part of last weeks home learning, they look amazing on the Christmas tree in the school hall!


Parents- Please continue to use Tapestry to view your child's learning each week. The children love to share all the amazing work they do with people at home. Thank you. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Miss Masonlaugh


Elf Cam!

Still image for this video

Friday 26th November 2021


Well done Chestnut for completing another fabulous week! Mrs Fell and I are so impressed with everyone this week! 


In topic we read the story ‘Katie and the Starry Night’ by James Mayhew. A wonderful story that introduces children to one of the most famous paintings in the world. The children were really engaged throughout the exciting story! Afterwards we looked at some images of the original Starry Night painting and discussed the painting. Next we had a go at creating our own versions of the Starry Night with paint and cotton buds. The children created some lovely paintings! 


In phonics we have been focusing on Phase 1 Aspect 1 'Environmental sounds'. We listened to a variety of sounds and identified the correlating image. This is something you could practice at home, put on your 'listening ears' and tell someone what sounds you hear. You might hear a train, phone ringing, baby crying etc.


In maths we have continued to practice counting and also explored different ways to represent a number. We enjoyed the numberblocks episode 'Stampolines' and had a go at creating our own stampoline pictures!


Please remember to check Tapestry for photos of the week and see all the fun we have been having! 


Have a good weekend and get ready to begin the Christmas fun next week!


Miss Masonlaugh



Friday 19th November 2021


In topic this week we have been celebrating World Nursery rhyme week! We have done lots of activities for all of our favourite nursery rhymes! We have also been focusing on being kind in celebration of anti-bullying week. The children have been completing acts of kindness as part as their home learning as well as in the classroom. We have been putting the children's acts of kindness on our new 'Kindness Tree' display.


In literacy we have started to learn the actions to our new talk for writing story 'Yeti, turn out the light!' We were really impressed with how quickly the children learnt the actions!


In maths we have enjoyed acting our nursery rhymes including 5 little frogs,

5 current buns and 5 fat sausages! 


Finally, on Friday we enjoyed some Pudsey bear activities to support Children in Need. The children enjoyed creating their own Pudsey faces!

15th-19th November World Nursery Rhyme Week!


This week is World Nursery Rhyme Week! The 5 nursery rhymes this year are:


Monday: Incy Wincy Spider

Tuesday: Down in the jungle

Wednesday: Wind the bobbin up

Thursday: Sleeping Bunnies

Friday: Head, shoulders, knees and toes


We will be focusing on these and many more this week! Keep practicing at home and ask an adult to video and upload to Tapestry!


Friday 12th November 2021


Well done everyone for another amazing week! 


In topic this week we have celebrated Diwali, the festival of light! We have explored a projector light, rangoli rice, mehndi patterns and we have even had a go at making our very own diva lamps! The children have really enjoyed learning about and celebrating the Hindu festival Diwali. 


In maths our number of the week is number 6! We have been working on number recognition to 6 and have also been continuing counting up to 10 and even further! 


In phonics we have been working on Aspect 4, Rhythm and Rhyme by listening to our favourite stories and singing our favourite nursery rhymes!


Have a lovely weekend everybody and get lots of rest as next week is WORLD NURSERY RHYME WEEK! 


Miss Masonlaugh

Friday 5th November 2021


Well done everyone for completing the first week back! You have all been superstars this week! 


In topic this week we have been discussing Guy Fawkes night! We have looked at images of toffee apples, fireworks, bonfires and fireworks and shared a story about 5th November. We discussed how to wrap up warm with coats and hats, how we must stay with an adult and how to keep our pets safe. The children enjoyed exploring a range of bonfire and firework activities throughout the week and are certainly all looking forward to celebrating tonight!


In maths our number of the week is number 5! We have been working on number recognition to 5 and have also been working on counting up to 10! 


In phonics we have enjoyed taking a trip to the big school and completing our squiggle while you wiggle sessions! 

Have a lovely weekend everybody! 


Miss Mason


Friday 22nd October 2021


Wow Chestnut! You have all had an amazing first half term in Nursery! Mrs Fell and I are so proud of how well you have all settled in and all the amazing work you have done this half term. You are all superstars! 


In Topic this week we have been looking at our differences and celebrating Black History Month! We have looked at three inventors: George Washington CarverDr. Patricia Bath and Garret Morgan.


This week in Literacy we started the 'Innovation' part of the Talk for Writing process. We changed the three Owls to three Mermaids! We thought about what this meant for the rest of the story and changed the setting of the story from a tree to a pond! 


In Maths our Number of the week is NUMBER 4! We have been working on recognising the number 4 and sorting 4 objects this week in maths. The children continued to use a ten-frame to help them count out objects.


Have a wonderful half term holiday everyone!


Miss Mason and Mrs Fellsmiley

Friday 15th October 2021


SPANISH DAY! The children really enjoyed Spanish day on Tuesday! We learnt how to count to 5 and also learnt the days of the week in Spanish! The children explored musical instruments that come from Spain and listened to some Spanish music!


In Topic this week we have continued to think about our feelings. The children have a good understanding of the different feelings we have and why we might feel this way.


In Phonics this week we have been playing some Phase 1 games. We played a game of noisy neighbour! The children are focusing on developing their listening skills.


We have continued our squiggle whilst you wiggle sessions, the children have all taken part in practising the movements for writing.


In Literacy this week we continued to practise the actions for our Talk for Writing story 'Owl Babies' this week, the children are getting really confident in retelling the story. 



Number of the week- NUMBER 3! We have been working on recognising the number 3 and sorting 3 objects this week in maths. The children continued to use a ten-frame to help them count out objects.


Have a lovely weekend and remember to take photos to upload to Tapestry!


Miss Mason

The magic flying bus!

Friday 8th October 2021


In Topic this week we have been looking at the story 'Colour Monster'. We have been discussing our feelings and emotions and how each feeling is represented by a colour in the story. We have done some messy play around colour and some children created their very own monster!


In Phonics this week we have been focusing on movement, we used our listening skills to listen to the actions song and complete the moves to music.


We have continued our squiggle whilst you wiggle sessions, the children have all taken part in practising the movements for writing.


In Literacy this week we continued to practise the actions for our Talk for Writing story 'Owl Babies' this week, the children are getting really confident in retelling the story. 



Number of the week- NUMBER 2! We have been working on recognising the number 2 and sorting 2 objects this week in maths. The children are now familiar with a ten-frame.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Mason


Friday 1st October 2021



This week we have continued with our topic 'Magical Me'.

We have explored our hand prints during some hand painting this week!



Magical Music- We had lots of fun exploring music this week in phonics. The children enjoyed playing a range of instruments!


We have also taken part in our squiggle and wiggle sessions, the children have really enjoyed dancing with the scarfs and drawing on the big sheets of paper! 



We finished the actions for our Talk for Writing story 'Owl Babies' this week, keep practising retelling the story at home!



Number of the week- NUMBER 1!


Well done everyone on another fabulous week! Have a great weekend and upload all your fun to Tapestry for Mrs Fell and I to see!


Miss Mason

Friday 24th September 2021


This week we have continued with our topic 'Magical Me'. We have explored colour mixing through potion making in our outdoor area. The children practiced different techniques for transporting the water such as pouring and squirting. We also talked about the importance of cleaning our teeth. We brushed the coloured teeth on a laminated sheet with a toothbrush, using the techniques we discussed to make our teeth super shiny and clean.


We also started learning our Talk for Writing story for this half term- Owl Babies


Well done to all the Nursery children for another fantastic week! 


Have a lovely weekend full of fun and remember to take photos to upload to Tapestry!


Miss Mason


Friday 17th September 2021


We started the week with Roald Dahl Day! Miss Mason came as Violet Beauregarde and Mrs Fell came as the BGF! 


We went on a walk around the school grounds wearing our BFG listening ears, we made dream jars and we even had a huge Golden Ticket on our door! The children really enjoyed seeing their teachers dressed up!


We have spent the rest of the week getting to know each other and learning our new friends' name. The children have explored inside and outdoors this week and have really enjoyed getting to know Peter Rabbit!


We also started our 'Squiggle and Wiggle' sessions! 


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Miss Mason

Friday 10th September 2021


WOW! What an amazing first week in Nursery we have had! I am so impressed with all the children this week. The new starters have been super brave and the returning children have been very helpful in making them feel welcomed. 


This week we have enjoyed 'getting busy' with all the new resources in Nursery! We have looked at some new stories and learnt some new Makaton signs. Lots of children have enjoyed painting and drawing indoors this week as well as well as doing lots of gross motor activities outdoors!


We have also welcomed our new member of staff, Mrs Fell into Nursery this week! 


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Miss Mason



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