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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Class Updates

We have had another super week in Nursery!


The children have loved having Peter Rabbit in Chestnut class. 


We have done a lot of exploring the outdoors this week and enjoyed being out in the sunshine!


We have also created some England flags for the football final! GO ENGLAND!


What an exciting week in Nursery! 


We welcomed our new class pet this week.....




The children have loved learning helping take care of Peter this week. They have shown a real interest in caring for and learning more about rabbits. We are so proud of how the nursery children have taken this rabbit into their class and it has been wonderful to see them all so interested and excited! Well done Nursery, Peter Rabbit loves his new home!

Topic- We have continued our topic 'Minibeasts' and the Minibeast Hotel is almost complete! The children loved creating different places for the different bugs to hide. We talked about the type of environment they like to live in and created a wonderful home!



Maths- We have been recapping our number rhymes to 10! We also continued looking at one less than a number using ten frames and cubes! 



Phonics- This week we have been focusing on alliteration! Bertha the bus went to the zoo she saw a whole list of animals all beginning with the same letter!

We have had another fabulous week in Nursery! The children have loved the new topic 'Minibeasts'! 


We have been very busy exploring outdoors hunting for minibeasts and have even started building our very own minibeast hotel! The children have been thinking about the different minibeasts we might find in Barwick and what these might look like! We even had a visitor come in Nursery for the children to have a closer look!


We have also been busy practicing for sports day! 


The children had a wonderful time on Friday competing in Nursery's Sports Day! We were super impressed with everyone who took part! All of the children did amazing!


Well done Nursery!

Topic- This half term we are learning about Minibeasts! This week the children went on a Minibeast hunt around the school! They loved exploring different areas of the school and found lots of Minibeasts! 


Maths- This week we continued to look at number 9! The Numberblocks compared the numbers 4 and 9 and how they are both a square. One is 2 by 2 and one is 3 by 3. The children enjoyed the square song!


Phonics- The children are now confident identifying environmental sounds. They are beginning to look at the initial sounds in words. 







Week Commencing 24.05.21

Topic- Our focus this half term is DINOSAURS! We have continued to have lots of fun this week learning about dinosaurs and exploring some new activities in our classroom.


Outdoor learning: This week the children showed an interest in exercise so we decide to put together an obstacle course! The children loved putting together the course before having a go!


Maths- We have been learning all about the number 9 this week! We have been learning some new rhymes to help us with our number recognition skills. This weeks rhyme is "Let it shine, Number 9!" 


Talk for Writing: Our TfW story is 'The Little Green Dinosaur'.  

Topic- Our focus this half term is DINOSAURS! We have continued to have lots of fun this week learning about dinosaurs and exploring some new activities in our classroom.


Outdoor learning: Despite the rain we have spent lots of time outdoors again this week! The children have loved playing in the mud and we have had some excellent outdoor role play!


Maths- We have been learning all about the number 8 this week! We have been learning some new rhymes to help us with our number recognition skills. This weeks rhyme is "Don't be late, Number 8!" We have also introduced a ten frame this week!


Talk for Writing: Our TfW story is 'The Little Green Dinosaur'. The children have continued to practice this week and the nasty old troll has made a surprise appearance! 

Topic- Our focus this half term is DINOSAURS! We have continued to have lots of fun this week learning about dinosaurs and exploring some new activities in our classroom.


Outdoor learning: We have spent lots of time outdoors this week! We have done some gardening in our back garden as well as feeding the birds on our new bird house! We have also enjoyed planting some seeds and watching them grow!


Maths- We have been learning all about the number 7 this week! We have been learning some new rhymes to help us with our number recognition skills. This weeks rhyme is "God in Heaven, Number 7!" We have also been matching amounts to the correct numeral.


Talk for Writing: Our TfW story is 'The Little Green Dinosaur'. The children have continued to practice this week and we have filmed some children and uploaded it to Tapestry for you to watch! 


Week Commencing 03.05.21

Topic- Our focus this half term is DINOSAURS! We have continued to have lots of fun this week learning about dinosaurs and exploring some new activities in our classroom.


Phonics- We have been playing lots of Phase 1 phonics games this week to enhance our listening skills! We have had a go at playing 'cross the river' and had a go at listening to words in Fred Talk.


Maths- We have been learning all about the number 6 this week! We have been learning some new rhymes to help us with our number recognition skills. This weeks rhyme is "Pick up sticks, Number 6!"


Talk for Writing: Our TfW story is 'The Little Green Dinosaur'. The children have really enjoyed getting to the end of the story this week! We are really impressed at how quickly they have learnt the story!

Week Commencing 26.04.21

Topic- Our focus this half term is DINOSAURS! We have continued to have lots of fun this week learning about dinosaurs and exploring some new activities in our classroom.


Phonics- We have been playing lots of identifying the sound games in preparation for Phase 2 phonics, we have introduced some Fred Talking skills!


Maths- We have been learning all about the number 5 this week! The children have really enjoyed this number this week, especially watching the number blocks! We have also been working really hard at practicing our number recognition skills.


Talk for Writing: Our new TfW story is 'The Little Green Dinosaur'. The children have loved this new story and have picked up the actions very quickly, we are already almost half way through the story!


Being independent- We are encouraging children to be much more independent by asking them to have a go at tasks themselves first before asking an adult. We are trying to prepare the N2's for Reception where they will need to be much more independent, please continue this at home.

Week Commencing 19.4.21

A fantastic first week back after the Easter break!


Topic- Our focus this half term is DINOSAURS! The children have absolutly loved the introduction to this wonderful new topic! We have worked together to build a Dino-Den in our classroom as well as lots of other dinosaur themed activities! 


Phonics- The children have continued practicing matching rhyming words and some children have started thinking about the initial sounds in words. We have been playing lots of identifying the sound games in preparation for Phase 2 phonics. 


Maths- Muddles the puppet has been back in Nursery, the children helped muddles order dinosaurs from 1-10! 


Being independent- We are encouraging children to be much more independent by asking them to have a go at tasks themselves first before asking an adult. We are trying to prepare the N2's for Reception where they will need to be much more independent, please continue this at home.

Week Commencing 29.03.21

Happy Easter Everyone!


What another fabulous week we have had in Nursery!


Topic- Our focus this week was all about Easter! We have loved celebrating Easter and we even had a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny!


Phonics- Phonics this week has been continuing our rhyming skills! I have been really impressed with the children's rhyming ability! We even had a game of rhyming bingo!


Library Books- Please continue to read with your child over the Easter break, the children have really enjoyed choosing their books this week and we would love for their enthusiasm to continue!


Star of the Day! - We have introduced a 'Star of the Day' in Nursery. One child is chosen each day to be the Star of the day and given a badge to wear, please can badges be returned the following session.


A special thank you! - A big thank you to Mrs Smith and Mrs Warrington who have taken the time to make our outdoor area such a wonderful place for the children to learn and explore! The children have absolutely loved being outdoors this week in the sunshine! 


A birthday message- Happy Birthday to Mrs Smith who will be celebrating her birthday during the Easter break! 



Message to parents- Please could parents write their child's name in their clothing (especially jumpers/cardigans), we often have children in very similar or the same clothing so this would be a big help! Thank you!

Week Commencing 22.03.21

Another lovely sunny week in Nursery! We have had lots of fun learning and exploring outdoors this week. We have done some gardening, played games and even had snack time outdoors! 


Topic- Our focus this week was on feelings/emotions. We started by discussing the names of the the 7 dwarfs as our topic this term is Traditional Tales! We then began looking at the Colour Monster story! The children have really enjoyed this story and we will be continuing to refer to this story in PSHE.


Phonics- Phonics this week has been all about rhyme! The children have been learning what rhyming means and playing lots of rhyming games! We have also been continuing to focus on developing those key listening skills.


Talk for Writing- In our Talk for Writing session this week the children continued to demonstrate their fantastic memory skills, remembering the whole of the 3 little pig story! Next week we will be changing some of the main events and characters in the story! Who could replace the Big Bad Wolf?


Library Books- Thank you for all your support reading at home. We feel strongly that a love of reading comes from a young age so please continue to share this time with your child as often as possible. 

Week Commencing 15.03.21

We have had yet another amazing week in Nursery! The children are all now very much settled and we are enjoying having a full and busy nursery again! I have been particularly impressed with the children's Talk for Writing skills this week and would love if they could continue to practice this at home!


Talk for writing- The three little pigs


Topic- Traditional Tales


Maths- Number recognition and Matching


Phonics- Listening skills 

Week Commencing 08.03.21

Hello! What a fantastic week it has been in Nursery! I have loved having you all back in Nursery and I hope everyone has enjoyed themselves this week! We have spent the week settling back in and playing with our friends, I am super impressed at how well all of the children have settled in! 


We have a larger group of children in Nursery now which means children are having to be more independent. Please keep working on these key independence skills at home:


  • taking off and putting on shoes (no laces if possible!)
  • going to the toilet independently
  • getting changed independently
  • beginning to put on and zip up coats independently


Please could parents send children with a spare set of clothes, this includes:


  • T-shirt
  • Trousers
  • Underwear
  • Socks


Thank you for returning Library books this week, we will be changing books each session. Please keep reading with your children at home and encouraging a love for reading!


I am very excited for another amazing week full of learning and exploring in Nursery! 

Our Christmas song! Away in a manger!

Still image for this video

Week Commencing: 14.12.20 - Christmas Parties!

Week Commencing: 7.12.2020 


Topic- This week we have been continuing to celebrate Christmas! The children are getting fantastic at retelling the Nativity story! They have also learnt the Christmas song 'Away in a manger'. Remember to keep practicing at home!


Maths- The children have been learning about number 5 this week! We have been exploring different things we can do five of, can you do five jumps? Can you do five claps? Give someone a high five! We also learnt the song 5 little elves! Can you remember how it goes?



Talk for Writing- Our Talk for Writing text this half term is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’ This week the children began learning actions for the story! They did a fantastic job at remembering the actions to the story! We will be continuing this until the end of the term.

Week Commencing: 30.11.2020 


Topic- This week we have been celebrating Christmas! We have been learning all about why Christians celebrate Christmas and read the Nativity story. The children have enjoyed learning about baby Jesus and have shown a great understanding of the story! The children also made a Christingle as well as lots of Christmas crafts!


Maths- The children have been learning about number 4 this week! Our key vocabulary this week has been the word ‘same'. Can children select the same amount as a group of objects? 

Next week, we will be continuing our number recognition of 0, 1, 2 and 3 and 4.


Talk for Writing- Our Talk for Writing text this half term is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’ This week the children began learning actions for the story! They did a fantastic job at remembering the actions to the story! We will be continuing this until the end of the term.

Pictures from week commencing 30.12.20

 Week Commencing: 09.11.2020 


Topic- This week we have been learning all about Diwali. The children know it is a festival of light celebrated by Hindu and Sikh people. They really enjoyed decorating our nursery role play area for a Diwali celebration. We learnt the story of Rama and Sita using puppets to show the children each part clearly and created our own diva lights to enjoy while we ate our snack.


Maths- The children have been counting to 3 and recognising the numeral. We linked this to our shape learning too, exploring our nursery environment for triangles, counting their sides carefully. Our key vocabulary this week has been the word ‘more’. Can children recognise which group of objects has more? Do they understand that if we ask for more of something our group gets bigger?

Next week, we will be exploring ‘fewer’, rectangles and continue our number recognition of 0, 1, 2 and 3.


Talk for Writing- Our Talk for Writing text this half term is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’ We can’t wait to explore this story with our children next week.


A big thank you to all the parents who have been working hard at home on their child’s independence. Many children are now becoming confident to put their own shoes on, coats on and even do their zips. It is an essential skill to learn that we encourage at all times. Brilliant Job!

Week Commencing: 02.11.2020 


Topic- This week we have been learning all about Bonfire Night. The children were all very excited about seeing the fireworks and playing with sparklers.

We thought it was important that children understood the history of bonfire night and exactly why we celebrate it each year. We used our role play area to act out the story of Guy Fawkes and King James. They children were brilliant actors and could retell the story when asked. There has been lots of fireworks fun, from bobbing for apples, making sparklers and even chocolate apples! It’s been a tasty week.


Maths- This week we have concentrated on getting the children settled back into nursery after the holiday so we have recapped the numbers 0, 1 and 2.

Across this half term, our main focus will be to introduce some key concepts of maths such as ‘more’ ‘fewer’ and ‘same.’


Talk for Writing- In our Talk for Writing session this week the children learnt a bonfire poem. They worked with Miss Taylor and Mrs Smith to draw their own text map and come up with actions for each picture we drew. They were brilliant!


Library Books- Please ensure you continue to bring your child’s nursery book bag each time they attend a session. As the nursery has a limited book supply please try to look after the books at home, unfortunately we have had a few returned with tears and parts missing. We understand general wear and tear however the better care we take of our books the more selection we will have to offer.

Pictures from WC 02/11/2020

Week Commencing: 12.10.2020 


Topic- We have been looking at what superheroes wear this week. The children always enjoy wearing the costumes so we thought it would be a great idea for them to create their own superhero costume this week. Following some discussions of powers and colours the children made up their own superhero name and chose which colour they wanted their costumes to be. We can’t wait to see them in action next week when they are finished.


Maths- Number of the week: Number 2. This week, we finished our work on the number 2. Many children are now showing confidence with the numbers we have met so far, reading their numeral and matching their value. Zero does like to play tricks on them still though! We are looking forward to meeting number 3 next week!


Phonics- Phonics this week has been all about discussing sounds the children enjoy listening to and sounds they dislike. Some of the answers we had volunteered were…

“I enjoy the sound of the ice cream man’s van. I like the music and it means I get ice-cream”

“I enjoy the sound of birds in the garden”

“I dislike loud bangs, they scare me.”


Talk for Writing- In our Talk for Writing session this week the children demonstrated superb memory skills, remembering every part of the Evil Pea story we created last week. On Wednesday, we extending this story with vocabulary the children generated themselves. We also found out why the King had gone to see the Evil Pea… It was because he had stolen the King’s crown!!! (Can you believe that?)


Library Books- The children are really enjoying their reading at home from our nursery library. They love to tell both myself and Mrs Smith all about the book they have shared at home, who read it to them and what type of book they want to look for next. Thank you for all your support reading at home. We feel strongly that a love of reading comes from a young age so please continue to share this time with your child as often as possible.


Week Commencing: 5.10.2020 


Topic- We have been reading the story of 'Supertato' this week. On Monday morning the children were shocked to find that the Evil Pea had been causing trouble in our nursery! He even stole Bob Bug! We worked hard all week to stop the Evil Pea’s plans and rescue Supertato from different situations!


Maths- Number of the week: Number 2. Miss Taylor was getting really worried as she couldn’t find anything nursery had 2 of. She set the children on a challenge to help her and they found lots of objects that made 2! Excellent job!


Phonics- This week, the children have been using their ears to match different sounds to pictures. The animals were super easy but some of the environmental sounds were harder to identify. They enjoyed singing ‘Supertato had a box ee-i-ee-i-oh.’ We listened to musical instruments from Supertato’s box and sang the song together.


Talk for Writing- Evil Pea is a new character in our Talk for Writing sack. We started a story together which we will extend next week. The children are learning their story actions well!


Library Books- Please continue to read daily at home with your child and bring your book bag to nursery each time you attend.


Here are some photographs from this week:

Week Commencing: 05.10.2020

Week Commencing: Monday 28th September 2020 


What an energetic week we’ve had!


Maths- This week we have been consolidating our learning about the number 1! We have found lots of objects that nursery only has 1 of, like 1 Bob Bug! We practiced writing the number 1, enjoyed watching Number Blocks and we even enjoyed a Friday challenge from the character Number 1 himself! The children did brilliantly!


Phonics-This week we have been listening to recorded sounds, from animals to those we would hear in the environment! The children had to listen closely to each sound and match it to the correct picture.


Literacy- This week, the children have been challenging their language use – we have been building word banks of exciting words we could use to describe different superheroes we have met so far.


Superhero fun – The children have enjoyed lots of physical exercise this week becoming superheroes and completing a super power obstacle course. They have also explored magnetic powers and how magnets work, the materials they attract to and explaining this to each other. A very fun week had by all!


Library Books- Since the beginning of September, the children have thoroughly enjoyed sharing our nursery library books at home. Please continue to read with your child on a regular basis and bring back their book bag to each nursery session.

28.9.2020 - 2.10.2020

Week commencing: 21.09.2020


What a busy week in Nursery! We’ve nearly got all our children in now.


Maths- This week we have explored the number 1! We really enjoyed watching NumberBlocks, meeting the number 1 and listening to his song! The children tried writing the number 1 and found lots of items we have 1 of in nursery.


Phonics- Do you know how to make different sounds? This week, we explored the different sounds objects and instruments made. Could we make a loud sound? Did scraping make a different sound to banging? It was lots of noisy fun!


Superhero fun – Nursery has had Spiderman and his friends come to visit this week. He left us a message and sent us on a hunt for super items he had lost while playing in the outdoor area! We found them all! Great work!

Week 2 Learning and Fun!

Week commencing 14.09.2020


This week in nursery the children have been demonstrating how grown up they are. All of the children, including those who have visited or started nursery this week, are starting to learn their daily routine, super sitting and lining up. A fabulous start! Miss Taylor and Mrs Smith are really impressed.

We have had lots of fun learning all about our superhero topic, what they do and why they are super!

In phonics, we have been using our super listening skills to hear lots of different things both inside and outside. We know it is important to stay quiet so we can listen carefully.

The nursery children also enjoyed some Talk for Writing games using pictures to create our own story and we even learnt some actions to help us remember certain parts.


Please continue to return your book bag each time you attend nursery and remember to check the book bag each day as we may send home letters/ forms for your attention.





Our Talk for Writing Games and Other Fun Learning!

Week commencing 07/09/2020


Welcome to our weekly update. This week in Chestnut class, Miss Taylor and Mrs Smith have enjoyed seeing all the smiling faces of our previous children as well as meeting some of our new starters. 


Everyone has settled in brilliantly and are getting used to our Nursery routines and environment. We have been building up our nursery welcome tree with our hand prints, measuring our height on our first day and painting our own superhero portraits.


We are looking forward to lots more superhero fun over the coming weeks and meeting more nursery friends!


Parent Note: Please send your children's book bag each day they are in Nursery. If you haven't had chance to read your shared book don't worry we can send it home again on your request.

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