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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'


Summer 2

Our topic this half-term is:



Our key questions are:

  • What did dinosaurs look like?
  • What did dinosaurs eat?
  • Where did dinosaurs live?
  • Why are there no dinosaurs now?    


You can help by:

  • Sharing books at home – information books as well as stories
  • Talking about the key features of different dinosaurs
  • Learning tricky dinosaur names along with your child
  • Identifying some of the foods you eat as plant-based or meat-based

Summer 1

Our topic this half-term is "Building Barwick". We will be doing lots of building and thinking about the different buildings we see in our village. We have a 'Healthy-Eating Cafe' in our role-play area and we are enjoying the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar.


Our key questions are:


  • What buildings do we see in our village?
  • What is this building used for?
  • Can we talk about the different parts of a building?
  • Can we build a…?


You can help by:


  • Talking about the buildings you see when travelling to/from school
  • Visiting different types of buildings e.g. homes, shops, cafés, churches, castles etc.
  • Taking photographs of buildings – please upload to Tapestry!
  • Construction activities and den-building – e.g. using blocks, sticks, cardboard boxes, any household/garden items


Spring 2


Our topic this half-term is:

“I’m a celebrity!”

Our key questions are:

  • What do you look like when you are happy? What makes you happy?
  • What did you look like as a baby?
  • Who is in your family?
  • How can you help your body stay fit and healthy?



You can help by:

  • Looking at family photographs together
  • Bringing a baby photo into school for our ‘Celebrity’ portrait gallery
  • Sharing rhymes, songs or games that name parts of the body
  • Exploring physical skills e.g. climbing, jumping, running, throwing or catching
  • Talking about healthy food choices


Spring 1

Our topic this half-term is:


Our key questions are:

  • What is the same?
  • What is different?
  • Why do these things belong together?
  • What is the opposite of…?



You can help by:

  • Describing things you see and hear.
  • Commenting on opposites in the world around you, or in stories.
  • Playing odd-one-out, sorting or matching games.
  • Playing preposition games involving on/off, in/out etc.

Autumn 2


Our topic this half-term is:

Once upon a time…

Our key questions are:

  • What is happening in the picture?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Why do you think that?
  • What is the character like?
  • How do you know?


You can help by:

  • Sharing traditional tales at home
  • Encouraging your child to anticipate and join in with repeated phrases
  • Talking about pictures in books
  • Talking about what happened in the story and wondering what might happen next

Autumn 1


Our topic this half-term is:


Our key questions are:

  • What can we see in Autumn?
  • What can we hear in Autumn?
  • What can we smell in Autumn?
  • What can we feel in Autumn?
  • What can we taste in Autumn?

You can help by:

  • Talking about the things you see and hear when walking to Nursery.
  • Playing outside with your child. 
  • Enjoying seasonal foods together.
  • Collecting leaves, conkers, acorns or other signs of Autumn.
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  • Whole School 94.8%
  • Nursery
  • Foundation 92.9%
  • Year 1 100%
  • Year 2 94.2%
  • Year 3 96.8%
  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
  • Year 6 95.2%
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