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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Spring 2022 Home Learning Update
For the next two half terms, we will be trialling the use of the CS Kids grammar tailored programme in place of the current home learning approach, as part of our blended learning strategy. Our aim is for home learning to be impactful on the children, therefore we ask that all children participate.
Every Friday, by 5pm, the next week’s learning should automatically appear on your child’s account. Pupil logins are stored in your child’s planner. 
To access their account, please visit:  

Date set: Friday 11th February 2022

Date due: Friday 18th February 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?




Click on the guide here to refresh your memories about statistics. Then complete the activities below.




Can you go on TTRockstars and practise your times tables?

Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with statistics.


Fronted Adverbials


Can you click on the link here to refresh your memories on fronted adverbials? Then can you complete the quiz on the link. After that, can you challenge yourself by creating 4 sentences with fronted adverbials in?


Up to 20 mins

We have been working on fronted adverbials.






Can you find a picture of a volcano that you would like to use for your print?



Up to 30 mins

In Art we are learning about prints.



Date set: Friday 4th February 2022

Date due: Friday 11th  February 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?




Click on the guide here to refresh your memory about money. Then complete the activities below.




Can you go on TTRockstars and practise your times tables?

Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with money.




Can you create five sentences where you turn these words into contractions?


  • It is
  • Has not
  • Will not
  • Must not
  • He will



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on contractions.






Click on the link here to remind yourself about prefixes. Can you add the prefix –dis to these words below?


  • appear
  • cover
  • obey


Challenge: Can you create a short story where you use all three of the words above?


Up to 10 mins

We have been learning about prefixes 




Can you go on an adventure outside and find a soil sample? What can you see in the soil? Can you group it into alive, never alive and used to be alive?



Up to 30 mins

In Science we are learning about soil.



Date set: Friday 28th January 2022

Date due: Friday 4th Feburary 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?




Can you log onto TTRockstars and practise your times tables ready for Battle of the Bands! We cannot wait for you to take part in Battle of the Bands later in the week! You can find the link here and your login details are in your planner.

Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with times tables.




Can look at the link attached here and find the key features of a discussion? What are they and what do they include?



Up to 20 mins

We will be working on discussion texts.






Click on the link here to remind yourself about prefixes. Can you add the prefix –mis to these words below?


  • Spell
  • place
  • understood


Challenge: Can you create 3 different sentences using the prefixes?



Up to 10 mins

We have been learning about prefixes 




Use the guide here, can you create your own erupting volcano! You will need a grown up to help you make it.



Up to 30 mins

In Geography we are learning about volcanoes


Date set: Friday 21st January 2022

Date due: Friday 28th January 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number


Use this link to practise dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number and complete the questions below:



  • 30 ÷ 3 =
  • 20 ÷ 2 =
  • 15 ÷ 3 =
  • 18 ÷ 3 =

Use groups of to help you.



  • 37 ÷ 3 =
  • 58 ÷ 5 =
  • 97 ÷ 3 =
  • 29 ÷ 2 =


Remember to draw a place value chart to help you to work out the answers.


Challenge: Practise your times tables here.


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with division.


Edit and Improve


Can you spot any mistakes in the passage below and correct them? You will need to re write the passage in your home learning book. 


Mrs Santos needs help today. she is going grocery shopping and needs help carrying her shopping bags mum said Maria can help Maria and Mrs. Santos walk to the store. Maria helps Mrs Santos pick out her grocerys and carries the bags. mrs Santos is grateful. She says thank you! She makes Maria a treat. Helping others is nIce.


Think about:

  • Full stops
  • Capital letters
  • Spelling
  • Inverted commas



Up to 20 mins

We will be working on editing our independent write.






Click on the link here to remind yourself about suffixes. Can you add the suffix –ation to these words below?


  • Decor
  • Create
  • State


Challenge: Can you create 3 different sentences using the suffixes?



Up to 10 mins





Can research who Mary Anning was? Why is she famous? What did she do? Do you know any fun facts about her? This will help with your next Science lesson.



Up to 30 mins

In Science we are learning about rocks.

Date set: Friday 14th January 2022

Date due: Friday 21st January 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number


Use this link to practise dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number and complete the questions below:


  • 16 ÷ 2 =
  • 12 ÷ 3 =
  • 14 ÷ 2 = 
  • 10 ÷ 2 =
  • 30 ÷ 3 =


  • 49 ÷ 3 =
  • 96 ÷ 3 =
  • 21 ÷ 2 =
  • 34 ÷ 3 =


Remember to draw a place value chart to help you to work out the answers.


Challenge: Practise your division skills by pressing here.


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with division.


Edit and Improve


Can you spot any mistakes in the passage below and correct them? You will need to re write the passage in your home learning book.  


Once upon a time their was a boy called jack He lived with his mother in a tiny village and they owned a very old cow. can you go to the market and sell the cow so we can buy some food” said jack’s mother.


Think about:

  • Full stops
  • Capital letters
  • Spelling
  • Inverted commas



Up to 20 mins

We will be working on editing our independent write.






Click on the link here to remind yourself about suffixes. Can you add the suffix –ly to these words below?


  • Kind
  • Close
  • patient


Challenge: Can you create 3 different sentences using the suffixes?



Up to 10 mins





Can you go on a walk around where you live and look at all the different types of rock that have been used in buildings? These may be old homes, chalk steps, or even a church with a graveyard. What do you notice has happened to the rocks over time?


Write down your observations in your home learning book. You may like to take pictures of you on your walk.



Up to 30 mins

In Science we are learning about rocks.


Date set: Friday 7th January 2022

Date due: Friday 14th January 2022












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number


Use this link to practise dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number and complete the videos/activities. Then complete the questions below:

  • 46 ÷ 2 =
  • 66 ÷ 3 =
  • 24 ÷ 3 =
  • 44 ÷ 4 =


Challenge: Play Hit the Button here and choose the 8 times table.


Can you practise your 8 times table by clicking  here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with division.


Commas in clauses


Click on the link here to learn about using commas in clauses. Then complete the activities and quiz in your book.


Challenge: Can you create 3 different sentences where you use a comma?


Up to 20 mins

We will be working on commas in grammar.





Edit and Improve


Can you up level the sentence below and expand it to a paragraph. You must include at least 4 – 5 sentences and improve them? Use ARMS and COGS to help you.


Jack climbed the beanstalk for another adventure…


Think about:

  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Adverbs
  • Commas
  • Inverted commas



Up to 10 mins

We have been working on improving sentences.




Use a globe, atlas or digital map to show someone at home the location of Japan. Can you remember what the volcano is called in Japan?



Up to 30 mins

In Geography we are learning about volcanoes.




Click on the link here to learn more about parts of a volcano. Can you make notes in your books from the video and then complete the quiz?



Up to 30 mins

In Geography we are learning about volcanoes.


Date set: Friday 10th December

Date due: Friday 17th December







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Activity 1

Ho Ho Ho!

Santa has decided to give the reindeer a break this year. Design a new Santa mobile. Draw your new festive mode of transport, give it a name and add labels to explain its different parts.

Up to 30mins






Activity 2

Story Starter…

Write a story using this sentence starter…

It was the night before Christmas, I was about to set out my reindeer treats and cookies for Santa when all of a sudden the lights went out…

What writing skills can you include in your story?


Up to 20mins

Activity 3

  • Creative Cards
  • Create a 3D pop up Christmas card for a friend or someone in your family.

This link has some great ideas for you to explore!

Up to 30mins

Activity 4

Festive Wordsearch

Can you create a festive wordsearch or crossword linked to key words we think of at Christmas.

You may choose a specific theme, such as Christmas dinner or you may just use everything in one huge puzzle!

I look forward to having a go at them!

Up to 20mins


Date set: Friday 3rd December

Date due: Friday 10th December












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplying a 2-digit number with a 1-digit number.


Use this link to practise multiplying a 2-digit number with a 1-digit number. Then answer these questions:


  • 54 x 2 =
  • 33 x 3 =
  • 21 x 5 =


Challenge: Play Hit the Button here and choose the times table you want the most practise from.



Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with multiplication


Modal Verbs


Click on the link here to refresh your minds about modal verbs.


Then complete the activity attached.


Up to 20 mins

We will have been working on modal verbs in grammar.







We are having a big push on our handwriting in Mulberry Class, so can you practise your spellings in your neatest handwriting? Can you include your spelling in a sentence?


Challenge: Can you use a dictionary and define 5 words from your spellings?


Up to 10 mins

We have been working on our handwriting.




Look at Van Gogh’s painting called ‘Shoes’. When do you think he painted this during his life?




Up to 30 mins

In art we are learning about sketching.


Date set: Friday 26th November

Date due: Friday 3rd December












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplying and dividing by 8.


Use this link to practise multiplying and dividing by 8. You can complete activity 1 and activity 2.


Challenge: Play Hit the Button here and choose the 8 times table.


Can you practise your 8 times table by clicking  here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with multiplication and division.


Modal Verbs


Click on the link here to learn about modal verbs. This will help us with our learning next week.


Challenge: Can you use 3 different modal verbs in 3 different sentences?


Up to 20 mins

We will be working on modal verbs in grammar.







We are having a big push on our handwriting in Mulberry Class, so can you practise your spellings in your neatest handwriting? Can you include your spelling in a sentence?


Challenge: Can you use a dictionary and define 3 words from your spellings?


Up to 10 mins

We have been working on our handwriting.




Can you research who Michael Faraday was and why he was linked to magnetism? We will be sharing our research in our next science lesson.




Up to 30 mins

In science we are learning about magnets.




Can you make your very own Christmas decoration to decorate the Christmas tree in the school hall?

Up to 30 mins.



Date set: Friday 19th November

Date due: Friday 26th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplying and dividing by 4.


Can you complete the game on multiplying by 4 here? Can you show 2 different ways of how you can work out the questions below? Think of what picture representations we have used in class.


  • 4 x 5 =
  • 8 x 4 =
  • 2 x 4 =


Challenge: Choose either the red star (tricky), blue star (trickier) or the gold star (trickiest) and complete the questions attached.


Can you practise your 4 times table by clicking  here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with multiplication and division.


8 times table


Can you practise your 8 times table by clicking  here?


Up to 5 mins

Next week we will be multiplying and dividing by 8.


Expanded Noun Phrases


Read or listen to a story at home and then identify the main character(s). Write at least three adjectives to describe each character you identified.


Challenge: Can you then use your adjectives for the character as an expanded noun phrase in a sentence?  


Up to 20 mins

We have been working on expanded noun phrases this week.







We are having a big push on our handwriting in Mulberry Class, so can you practise your spellings in your neatest handwriting? Can you include your spelling in a sentence?


Challenge: Can you use a dictionary and define 3 words from your spellings?


Up to 10 mins

We have been working on our handwriting.




Can you go on a walk around your garden or where you live and find some leaves for our art lesson next week? Try and pick a variety of leaves that have fallen to the ground. Think of different colours and shades.




Up to 30 mins

In art we are learning about shading.


Text Map

Date set: Friday 12th November

Date due: Friday 19th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplying and dividing by 3.


Follow the link here and you can practise multiplying and dividing by 3. You will need to select the correct symbol and times table.


Can you practise your three times table by clicking  here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with multiplication and division.


Text Map


Can you click on the picture attached and practice the actions for our text map of Amisi and the Fig?




We are having a big push on our handwriting in Mulberry Class, so can you practise your spellings in your neatest handwriting? Can you include your spelling in a sentence?



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on speech in a new text.



We have been working on our handwriting.




Can you go on a treasure hunt around your house and find magnetic and non-magnetic objects? Can you list them down in your home learning books? If you like, you can send in pictures of you on your treasure hunt or draw images of the objects.


As an extension, can you tell me why they are magnetic or non-magnetic?




Up to 30 mins

In science we are learning about forces.

Date set: Friday 5th November

Date due: Friday 12th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Can you work out the inverse below? Write both options.

  1. 234 + 125 = 359
  2. 451 + 123 = 574
  3. 124 + 123 = 247


Can you work out the inverse below? Write both options

  1. 295 – 123 = 172
  2. 876 – 212 = 664
  3. 739 – 115 = 624



Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with estimation and inverse.


Imperative Verbs


Can you click on the link here and complete the activities online? This will help consolidate one of the key features of instructions, imperative verbs.



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on instructions and writing our independent write.




Can you practise the techniques we have been learning in art? Can you your practise:

  • Parallel hatching
  • Cross hatching
  • Woven hatching
  • Stippling
  • Tick hatching
  • Scribbling
  • Contour hatching

Here is a link to help you remember what the shading techniques look like.




Up to 30 mins

In art we have been learning about shading techniques.

Friday 22nd October 2021

Half Term Whole School Challenge!


As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related.

Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher (

Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November.

We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!

Text Map

Date set: Friday 15th October

Date due: Thursday 21st October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Adding and subtracting three digit numbers with two digit numbers using the column method


Can you work out the number sentences below? Write using the column method.

  1. 281 + 15 =
  2. 644 + 28 =
  3. 325 + 56 =


Can you work out the number sentences below? Write using the column method

  1. 249 - 22 =
  2. 156 – 33 =
  3. 295 - 47 =


Can you practise your column subtraction by clicking  here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with addition and subtraction.


Text Map


Can you click on the picture attached and practice the actions for our text map of ‘How to make nail soup’?



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on instructions and learning a new text map.




Can you choose 3 opaque objects and a torch to create shadows? Then you will need to move the object towards and away from the torch.

How did the size of the shadow change when you moved the object closer to the light source?

Did you notice any other changes to the shadow?

Were the changes in the shadow size the same, regardless of the light source or object used?




Up to 30 mins

In science we are learning about shadows and light.


Date set: Friday 8st October

Date due: Friday 15th October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Adding and subtracting three digit numbers with two digit numbers and multiples of 100.


Can you work out the number sentences below? Use a place value chart to help you.

  1. 154 + 40 =
  2. 545 – 60 =
  3. 308 + 50 =


Can you work out the number sentences below? Use a place value chart to help you.

  1. 138 + 200 =
  2. 671 – 300 =
  3. 222 + 400 =


Can you practise your subtracting skills clicking on the game here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with addition and subtraction.


Expanded noun phrases


Can you click on the link here and complete the activities on expanded noun phrases?


There is also a video to watch to.



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on expanded noun phrases in our writing.




Can you research one of David Hockney’s landscape paintings and describe what colours and tones he uses? What is the mood of the painting?



Up to 30 mins

In art, we are learning about warm and cool tones.

Retrieval Text 01.10.21

Date set: Friday 1st October

Date due: Friday 8th October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Adding and subtracting three digit numbers and one digit numbers


Can you work out the number sentences below? Use a number line to help you.

  1. 157 + 7 =
  2. 343 + 9 =
  3. 266 + 8 =


Use these digit cards to write a subtraction sentence that gives an answer between 150 and 165.


                1 6 4 5 = -



Can you practise your adding and subtracting skills clicking on the game here?


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with addition and subtraction.


4 times tables


Can you practise your 4 times tables from the song here?



Up to 15 mins






Next week we will be learning our 4 times tables.




Can you read the text  attached and answer the questions below?

  1. What did Maeve chase away?
  2. What did Maeve find boring?
  3. Where did Maeve arrive when she felt something was wrong?
  4. What appeared in a deep, slow voice?


Up to 20 mins

We have been working on VIPERS and in particular Retrieval skills.




Can you explain what you already know about shadows? Then using a torch, can you create different shapes with your hand and the torch. How many shapes can you make and what do you notice when you shine the light on your hand?


Up to 30 mins

In science, we are learning about light and shadows.


Date Set: 24.09.21

Date Due: 1.10.21











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Place Value


Can you complete the ordering numbers homework shown below?


There are three levels of difficulty. Choose the one that feels right for you, or complete more than one level if you feel up to it! The solutions are on the final page.


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working  on ordering numbers in ascending or descending order.


Inverted Commas

Rewrite the conversation below using inverted commas for speech:

Shall I tell you what we are going to do?

What? They said.

Mr Gregg looked at them and smiled. We are going to build a nest.

A nest! They said. Can we do that?

We must do it, said Mr Gregg. We’ve got to have somewhere to sleep. Follow me.

They flew off to a tall tree, and right at the top of it Mr Gregg chose the place for the nest.

Now we want sticks, he said. Lots and lots of little sticks. Off you go, all of you, and find them and bring them back here.


Up to 30 mins

We have learned how to use inverted commas in grammar lessons.




What was different about life in the Victorian era?


Come up with three fun facts about life in the Victorian era compared to life in Barwick during the present times.


Up to 30 mins

This is preparation for the following Y3 History learning objective:

Can I use different sources to understand what life was like in Victorian England?


Maths Home Learning 24.09.21

Date set: Friday 17th September

Date due: Friday 24th September












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Place Value


Can you write down the value of each digit that is underlined?

  1. 654
  2. 102
  3. 371


Can you partition these numbers into hundreds, tens and ones?

  1. 275
  2. 128
  3. 833


How many 3 digit numbers can you come up with from these numbers below?

        5     6     9     2    4


Using < or > symbols, can you complete the number sentences below?

  1. 154 ___ 153
  2. 871 ___ 961
  3. 556 ___ 551 + 4
  4. 228 ___ 218 + 12


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with numbers in the 100’s.


Compare and order numbers to a thousand


Can you order these numbers from smallest to largest?











Up to 15 mins






Next week we will be working comparing and ordering numbers




Can you think of other words that mean the same as the words below?








Up to 20 mins

We have been working on VIPERS and in particular vocabulary skills.



Choose one of our spelling stars’ activities to help you practise your spellings ready for our test on Friday (24th September).


(Words with the long ei sound spelt ey)












Up to 20 mins

Our Spelling Test will be on a Friday this half term.




Can you google search 19th century photos of Saltaire and Salts Mill. You can google maps Saltaire to see how far away it is from Bradford. What do you notice about Saltaire in the 19th century?


Up to 30 mins

In history, we are learning about Sir Titus Salt.



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