In science, we have been learning about states of matter. We looked at some materials that can change state, and explored reversible and irreversible change.
After this, we planned our own science experiment to explore what makes water change from a solid to a liquid the quickest. We explored different variables that we could change and keep the same, and decided upon this investigation question:
If I change the temperature of the surroundings, what will happen to speed of melting?
After undertaking the investigation that we planned, most of us realised that we could have made it loads better. We already knew which ice cube would melt the quickest, so we didn't really find anything out that we didn't already know. However, it was a very valuable learning experience and we spent a lot of time writing up ways in which we would do it differently next time. The best way to learn is from our own mistakes!
Extending our learning on aspects of the water cycle, we decided to prove that water does indeed evaporate, even though it is difficult to see. We wanted to explore the various conditions that cause water to evaporate, so we planned a thorough investigation as a whole class. We discussed variables that we could change and keep the same, as well as variables we could measure/ observe, before choosing two of these to form our investigative question:
"If we change the location of the water, what will happen to the weight of the water?"
We decided that this would help us to accurately measure the rate of evaporation in each area, whilst minimising human error.
Check out some of the photos below, and look out for the results in our science books!
...Which location do you think will result in the most water evaporating?
A huge thanks to Andy Warner for coming in to educate us on the human anatomy alongside a crash course in first aid.
As well as extending our learning on the vital organs and their functions, we learnt how to save lives through CPR and the recovery position. If in need, Hawthorn class are on call!
I wonder if your child can explain the functions of each organ?