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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Year 2 - Rowan

Welcome Back to our new Year 2 Class!

I hope you have had a fantastic break and I'm certainly looking forward to the year ahead. We have many exciting things coming up in the first half term. Our theme for Autumn 1 is 'Heroes and Villains!' We will be looking at how Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place. 


Update 30/6/17


Thank you to all parents! You helped made our class assembly a special one!





In English, we have been looking at the book 'Silly Billy'. After reading the book, we made some of out own worry dolls and wrote instructions on how to make them. We had to mark our own work to show that we had included all of our objectives.



In maths, we have been revisiting the 4 operations. We made board games before playing them with other children in the class. 



In music, we have been performing our own songs using a variety of instruments. We then listened to other groups and have to give them constructive feedback. 


Update 29/5/17


In English, we have been looking at the local area and writing reviews on Barwick. We went on a local walk to the church, shops and park where we gathered as much information as possible. We are now preparing to write advertisements to try and persuade children to come to our school. We were looking at all of the great things the school had to offer and collaborating to gather as many ideas as possible. 



In maths, we have been revisiting many of the objectives we have learnt over the year. We are currently looking at time, in particular o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. Test your child by asking them certain times throughout the day. 



Please be aware that your child is now taking part in P.E lessons on a Tuesday and Friday. The must have the correct kit to minimise risk of injury. Thank you! 



Update 21/4/17

Welcome back for the start of the Summer term! We will be starting with a bang, with many activities coming up. Please look back at this page next week for some updates and photos on what the children will be learning about. Our theme for this half term is, 'What was Barwick like when the Queen came to the throne?'.


Spellings will be sent home from 24/4/17 on a weekly basis and homework grids have been sent out already.  



Update 23/3/17


In maths, we have been learning all about 3-d shapes and their nets. We've been looking at specific 3-d shapes and how many vertices, edges and faces they have. We have been asked to carry out an investigation for Cadbury's Chocolate World to see how many different nets we can make that form a cube for them to use for their Easter egg packaging.


On Wednesday morning, we were lucky enough to have the Royal Society for Protection to Birds visiting us. We had an adventurous morning as we were looking around the school grounds to identify different forms of wildlife. We recorded our findings and found out lots of information. 


In English, we heard the news of a dragon infestation in England and found a dragon egg on the school grounds. We got permission from the RSPCA to plant a trap, therefore we looked at their instructions before building traps around the school. We still haven't caught it so we will have to think about writing some new instructions for another class to try.


In science, we have been carrying out an investigation on seed dispersal. The children have planted cress seeds on different materials including cotton wool, felt, soil, plastic and tissue paper. We wrote down predictions and we are currently observing what is happening. After day 9, we observed the growth of the cress and recorded our results in a table and bar chart.


Update 9/3/17


In maths, children have been continuing to look at addition and subtraction. They have had many practical lessons, which they have all really enjoyed. The have also been applying their knowledge to impact on their reasoning skills.


In science, we have been carrying out an investigation on seed dispersal. The children have planted cress seeds on different materials including cotton wool, felt, soil, plastic and tissue paper. We wrote down predictions and we are currently observing what is happening. Please see the pictures below:


This weeks focus in spellings is adding -es to verbs and nouns ending in 'y' and common exception words.










All of your child's spellings are sent home on a Monday. Please ensure you are practicing these spellings with them regularly. Thank You!


Update 4/3/17

This week has been a very busy week. We've had pancake flipping races, dance workshops and World Book Day. Please have a look at our photos below! Parents' evening was extremely positive and it was great to have the opportunity to sit down with you to discuss your child's progress. May I take this opportunity to thank you all. It is great to see that you are very supportive and working hard with your children at home in order for them to continue in their development and progress.  


500 Words!

Congratulations to our 500 words story winner......

Mia Harris!



In maths, children have been learning all about volume and capacity. They have had many practical lessons, which they have all really enjoyed. Please have a look on Monday for more photos.

English and History

We have been learning about the bus boycott that came off the back of Rosa Parks refusing to move seats on the bus. We have learnt about the importance of treating everybody equally and we have planned to write newspaper articles on the event next week. The children have been writing newspaper reports about the events that took place.




This weeks focus in spellings has concentrated on how to use 'their', 'there' and 'they're'. All of your child's spellings are sent home on a Monday. Please ensure you are practicing these spellings with them regularly. Thank You!


Update 24/02/17


In maths, children have been learning all about multiplication and division. They have also been learning how to problem solve and now realise that sometimes, there can be more than one right answer. Take a look at the photos below!



English and History

This week in history and English, we have been learning about the bus boycott that came off the back of Rosa Parks refusing to move seats on the bus. We have learnt about the importance of treating everybody equally and we have planned to write newspaper articles on the event next week. 



In P.E, children continued to work on their tennis skills by striking the ball correctly with a tennis racket. Next week, they will be starting a different unit of work. Watch this space for photos and more!



Spellings for this week are:














Update 26/01/17


In maths, children have been learning all about money. The have been playing shop keepers where they have had to use the correct coins to make certain amounts. They have also had to work out how much change to give to their customer. 



In English, children have been learning all about suffixes and expanded noun phrases! They watched a video on a stranded passenger and are now planning on writing him a letter to tell him how to survive.


In P.E, children are continuing to work on their tennis skills by striking the ball correctly with a tennis racket. 



This week in science, the children have learnt all about being healthy. They now understand how much of each food group to eat and what makes a healthy lunch box. 



Spellings for the week commencing 30.1.17 are:











Focus: The 'r' sound spelt 'wr' and common exception words.


Update 20/01/17


In maths, children have been continuing to learn how to add and subtract 2-digit numbers. They have also learnt a new game to learn their times tables called 'splat'. Next week, they will be learning fractions.



In English, children have been writing reports and making documentaries using the Ipads. Next week, they will be learning about the life of Tom Crean!



In P.E, children are working on coordination and balance while using different ball techniques. This will lead in to them learning how to play tennis in the up and coming weeks. Please note that P.E is now taught on a Tuesday afternoon along with 3 DeTurf sessions a week.



In Science, children have started a new topic on animals including humans. They have learnt about a butterfly and frog life cycle and will be concentrating on healthy eating. 



Spellings for the week commencing 23.1.17 are:

shine     shiny

scare     scary

smoke   smoky

bone      bony

stone     stony

shake    shaky

The rule is 'adding the ending '-y' to words ending in '-e' with a consonant before it.

Update 12/01/17


In maths, children have been learning how to add and subtract 2-digit numbers. They have used many resources including 100 squares, number lines and bar models. They made some brilliant board games involving addition and subtraction and worked out clues to find the size of the Antarctica ice sheet.



In English, children have been acting out scenes from whale/ penguin spotting boat scenes. The children had to make sure they were well equipped and were able to use adjectives to describe the Antarctic landscape. They are also writing a report on Antarctica so watch this space...



In P.E, children are working on coordination and balance while using different ball techniques. This will lead in to them learning how to play tennis in the up and coming weeks. Please note that P.E is now taught on a Tuesday afternoon along with 3 DeTurf sessions a week.



In Science, children have started a new topic on animals including humans. They have learnt about a butterfly and frog life cycle and will be continuing to learn more about this topic in the next few weeks. 



This week, children have been sent home a copy of their spellings, which include apostrophes for contractions.

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Spring 1

All of the Pupils have had a great first term. They have already learnt many new things, and will continue to do so during Spring 1. The theme for this half term is 'can you survive in an extreme environment?'


Writing and Reading

The pupils will be covering lots of different genres in writing including setting descriptions, instructions and report writing. They will continue to have a daily guided reading lesson and a weekly individual reading lesson. There are many texts we will be looking at this half term including non-fiction texts about Antarctica. 




The pupils in Year 2 will bring spellings home to practise every week. They will practise the same spellings in class, through quality spelling lessons. Some of the rules they will be learning/ recapping include common exception words and phase 5 GCP's.



This half term, we will be covering many objectives in maths including the size comparison of two digit numbers, place value, capacity, mass, multiplication and division.



This half term, the children will be learning how to be tennis stars. They will be using all of the skills required to develop their tennis ability while working as individuals and part of a group. Please ensure that you child has the correct P.E kit including footwear. P.E lessons will take place every Wednesday with DeTurf lessons taking place 3 times a week. Thank You!



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