Date set: Friday 15th July
Date due: Thursday 21th July
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
We have been learning about maps. Please create a map of your journey to school. Consider what you see on your journey to school. Do you see any shops? Do you see any parks? How many roads are there? Please bring your map into school so that we can use it for our learning. | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about maps in maths. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading As reading books have now been collect, please practise reading and writing the following Set 2 sounds:
| Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Sorting rubbishGather some recyclable waste items. Explain that recycling means turning used materials, such as paper, into new paper that we can use again. Provide recycling bins for cans, jars, paper, card and plastic bottles. Begin by sorting just a small selection of items. Recycle the correct materials and throw some of them in the bin if needed. | Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Around the World’! |
Date set: Friday 8th July
Date due: Thursday 14th July
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
We have been recapping repeating patterns this week.
Please pick one of the activities listed below:
Feel free to upload pictures to Tapestry of your repeating patterns. | Up to 15 mins | We have been continuing to learn about repeating patterns. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Play the What Am I Zoo Animal Guessing Game. Use the clues listen below to guess the zoo animal.
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Around the World’! |
Date set: Friday 1st July
Date due: Thursday 7th July
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
This week in maths, we have been using familiar stories to help us develop our problem solving skills. We have been focusing on our story Mr Gumpy’s Outing.
For your home learning, I would like you to make Mr Gumpy’s boat using different materials.
Can you predict and record how many marbles (or coins, lego etc) your boat can hold?
Feel free to upload pictures to Tapestry. | Up to 15 mins | We have been developing our problem solving skills. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic
Collect some natural materials, such as leaves, pebbles and sticks. Can you make a collage mini-beast using your collected materials?
Please take a picture (and upload to Tapestry) of your mini-beast collage, on Monday we will try to guess what mini-beasts we all created.
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Around the World’! |
Date set: Friday 24th June
Date due: Thursday 30th June
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
This week we have been learning about odd and even numbers this week.
Gather together lots of socks from around your house. Explore what happens when you group them into pairs.
Do you have an even number of socks or an odd number of socks? How do you know?
Feel free to upload pictures to Tapestry of your great sock hunt! | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about odd and even numbers. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic
This week as part of our topic, we have been beginning to learn about mini-beasts.
Take a walk around a garden, park or outside area.
What mini-beasts can you find? Try looking under plant pots or stones, looking on leaves or bushes or around some plants and flowers.
Can you find a way to record which mini-beasts you have found?
Please upload your pictures of your findings to Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Around the World’! |
Date set: Friday 17th June
Date due: Thursday 23th June
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
This week we have been learning about sharing equally and beginning to learn about halving.
Collect a group of items from around the house e.g. buttons, pasta, sweets. Can you count the amount you have collected?
Can you place the items into equal groups? Can the items be halved? Do you have any items left over? In this case- what would you need to do to make your groups equal?
Feel free to upload pictures to Tapestry, of your findings for your friends to see next week.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about sharing/halving. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic
Go on a nature walk around Barwick.
What do you see? Can you find any farm animals? What plants can you find? Is there any other kind of wildlife that you can identify?
Please upload your pictures of your findings to Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Around the World’! |
Date set: Friday 10th June
Date due: Thursday 16th June
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
This week we have been learning about doubling.
Watch Number blocks Double Trouble S2 E9.
Go around your house and go on a double hunt. Can you find any objects around your house that are doubles? Remember that doubles mean twice as many.
Feel free to upload pictures to Tapestry, of your findings for your friends to see next week.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about manipulating shapes and learning all about Tangrams. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic
This week as part of our topic, we have been starting to learn about farm animals.
Talk to your adult- have you ever been to a farm before? What was it like? What did you see?
Draw a picture of your favourite farm animal and write a sentence about it underneath.
Please upload your picture to Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Around the World’! |
Date set: Friday 20th May
Date due: Thursday 26th May
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Adding and subtracting
Last week we learnt all about adding and this week we will learnt about subtracting.
Talk to your adult about adding and subtracting. What is adding? What is subtracting?
Play the CBeebies game all about adding and subtracting. Identify the Number blocks used in the number sentence and try to solve it.
| Up to 15 mins | Last week we learnt all about adding and this week we will learnt about subtracting. This learning is still ongoing and we need lots of practise, as it can be quite tricky! |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Preparation | Topic Jubilee Celebrations
Next week we will be celebrating the Jubilee.
Talk to your adult… what is a Jubilee? Who are we celebrating?
Can you create a Jubilee banting? What colours will you need to use? What materials can you use to create your bunting?
Please bring in your bunting into school, as we will be combining them to decorate the classroom ready for our celebrations.
| Up to 15 mins | Next week we will be celebrating the Jubilee.
Date set: Friday 6th May
Date due: Thursday 12th May
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Manipulating Shapes
Listen to the story ‘A Snail Trail- A Journey Through Modern Art (
Please design your own snail. You can use colouring pencils, craft materials or even objects from your recycling bin. Can you consider which shapes will you fill the shell with? Think about what colours you would like to use.
Please send a photo on Tapestry!
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about manipulating shapes and learning all about Tangrams. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Palaeontologists
Think back to our learning over the past two weeks… What is a palaeontologist? What is a fossil?
Please do some research about Palaeontologists. Can you find the name of a famous Palaeontologist? What did they find?
You could use the internet, read a book/magazine or ask an adult.
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is all about dinosaurs! |
Date set: Friday 29nd April
Date due: Thursday 6th May
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Counting on from a given number
The children are currently working on counting on from any given numbers.
Please start by practising counting to 20.
Watch the video Practise counting on by 1s and give the answer. Try to join in the best you can.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about numbers to 20 with a focus on numbers 11-14. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Preparation | Topic Dinosaurs
Spend some time this weekend and bank holiday thinking about what we have learnt so far about dinosaurs.
What is your favourite dinosaur? Why is it your favourite dinosaur?
Please create a craft picture of a dinosaur. Use any materials you may have around your house. Please send a picture of your craft dinosaur on Tapestry. I am excited to see them!
| Up to 15 mins | Our topic this half term is all about dinosaurs! |
Date set: Friday 22nd April
Date due: Thursday 29th April
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Number 11 and 12
Please watch the Number blocks episode (Number 11)
What do you notice about the number 11?
Can you find 11 objects around your home? You could count out pasta, buttons, toys etc.
Share a photo of this on Tapestry.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning our number bonds to 10. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Preparation | Topic RE
Discuss with a family member rules that you have at home. Compare them to rules that we have in school. Why do we have rules? Why do we try to be kind to others?
Ask your parent to take a picture of you doing something kind around your home.
This could be a job/chore or just something lovely you like to do for others.
| Up to 15 mins | We learning about kindness and friendship. |
Date set: Friday 18th March
Date due: Thursday 24th March
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Number bonds to 10
Please practise your number bonds to 10. The children have watched this video throughout the week to support their knowledge and understanding of number bonds to 10. We will need to continue practising our number bonds next week, to ensure that we can recall them speedily. | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning our number bonds to 10. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Preparation | Topic PSED
What can you do to look after your body?
Discuss with a member of your family, which foods are healthy and sometimes unhealthy: -Banana -Carrot -A huge slice of chocolate cake -Mashed potato -A bag of sweets
In addition, please watch this video about looking after our bodies
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about how to look after our bodies. |
Date set: Friday 11th March
Date due: Thursday 17th March
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Counting backwards from 10 Practise counting backwards from 10. In class, we like to pretend that we are rockets, counting back from 10 until we reach 1 and then we BLAST OFF! Join in with the songs and actions for 10 in the bed. The children enjoy this version of the song (we feel very sorry for the poor little bear who is left all alone at the end)!
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning to count back from 10. We have also been comparing numbers to 10. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Preparation | Topic The Bean Dance Can you recall how to plant a bean? Talk to your adult about the steps you took in class to plant your very own bean.
Join in with the Bean Dance video This is a new video that the children have not tried yet. Have a try at home and practise ready for us to learn in school next week.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about how to plant beans- which we did last week. |
Date set: Friday 4th March
Date due: Thursday 10th March
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths
9 and 10 Ask the children to take 9 giant steps, 9 tiny steps 9 jumps, 9 hops. Now do 10. How far can they travel? Try with a family member... who can travel the furthest? | Up to 15 mins | Our number of the week this week has been 9 and 10. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Please find home learning in your child’s plastic wallet (with zip) which can be found in their book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic
Watch this video What 5 things to plants need to grow? Where is a good place to grow a seed?
How many plants or flowers can you see around you? In the garden? In the park?
Take a photo of a plant/tree/ flower that you really like!
| Up to 15 mins | We have started our topic learning all about Growth. |
Date set: Friday 11th February
Date due: Thursday 17th February
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Watch Number Bonds to 5 video by Jack Hartman Join in with the video and try to recall your number bonds to 5. We will be continuing to practise this next week. | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about number bonds to 5 and combining 2 groups. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Ant Group: Bumblebee Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. Caterpillar Group: Please practise reading your Sound Blending Book at home each night. Dragonfly Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Can you practise some of the songs we have been learning in school?
These include:
| Up to 15 mins | These are the songs that we have been learning and practising each week in our music lessons. |
Date set: Friday 28th January
Date due: Thursday 3rd February
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Go on a hunt to find the numbers 6, 7 and 8. How many different ways can you see the numbers? Can you find the numeral 6, 7 and 8? Can you spot a group of 6, 7 and 8 objects?
Please post picture of your 6, 7 and 8 hunt to Tapestry. | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about 6, 7 and 8. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Ant Group: Bumblebee Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. Caterpillar Group: Please practise reading your Sound Blending Book at home each night. Dragonfly Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Can you design an alien?
Please post your picture to Tapestry. | Up to 15 mins | This week we have been learning all about aliens! |
Date set: Friday 21st January
Date due: Thursday 27th January
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths This week we have been learning about capacity, mass and measuring. Please complete one of the following activities:
Please share pictures of whichever activity you select via Tapestry.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about capacity, mass and measuring. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Ant Group: Bumblebee Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. Caterpillar Group: Please practise reading your Sound Blending Book at home each night. Please feel free to watch and join in with the videos below to further support your child’s learning: Dragonfly Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Explore Google Earth.
Can you locate the following:
| Up to 15 mins | This week we have been learning all about our planet Earth! We have discussed what colour Earth is and what these colours represent. We have also been exploring globes.
Date set: Friday 14th January
Date due: Thursday 20th January
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths Use 2 plates to explore the composition of numbers to 5. Place some of your buttons on one plate and the rest on another plate.
How many buttons are on each plate? How many buttons do you have altogether? What if you used 3 plates? | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about the composition of numbers to 5 and explored different ways to make these numbers. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner as your child may have changed groups this week. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Ant Group: Bumblebee Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. Caterpillar Group: Please practise reading your Sound Blending Book at home each night. Please feel free to watch and join in with the videos below to further support your child’s learning: Dragonfly Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Please draw a picture of yourself as an astronaut. Think about what you would have to wear. You can also consider what would be in the background of the drawing. E.g. planets/the moon.
Please post a picture of your drawing onto Tapestry so that we can share these with each other next week.
| Up to 15 mins | We have continued our topic ‘Space’. |
Date set: Friday 07th January
Date due: Thursday 13th January
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
| Maths This week we have been comparing numbers. Listen to the song ‘5 currant buns’ at home.
Can you join in with the words? Can you show your adult the actions we have been learning? Can you explain what happens in the song? | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning this song, to compare numbers in different ways. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps.
Ant Group:
Bumblebee Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag.
Caterpillar Group: Please find home learning in your child’s book bag.
| Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic We are beginning to learn about space. Please do some research at home to prepare for our new topic.
You could:
| Up to 15 mins | This week we have starting our new topic ‘Space’. |
Date set: Friday 10rd December
Date due: Thursday 16th December
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation/ preparation
| Maths Design some Christmas wrapping paper.
Can you make a repeating pattern in your design?
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about repeating patterns. Next week we will be creating wrapping paper using 3D shapes and paint. |
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Please note that your child’s group may be given a sound they have already practised, in order to secure their knowledge. Ant Group (this group is currently working on learning their sounds)-
Bumblebee Group (this group is currently working on learning all of the sounds and beginning to orally blend e.g. c-a-t makes cat):
Caterpillar Group- You will also find sound blending books in your book bags to practise your blending with. (This group is currently working on orally blending and beginning to Fred in their head):
| Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic The Three Wise Men followed a star to find the stable where the baby Jesus lay.
Have a look at the stars with a grown-up.
Can you find the brightest star? What else can you see in the night sky?
| Up to 10 mins | We have been learning about the Christmas story. |
Date set: Friday 3rd December
Date due: Thursday 9th December
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Maths This week we have been learning about repeating patterns. We began by finding 2 colour repeating patterns and 2 shape repeating patterns. Next week we will be continuing this and advanced to 3 shape and colour repeating patterns. Please watch and join in with the ‘Pump up the Pattern’ video. We have been practising this in class and we love it!
| Up to 5 mins | We have been learning about repeating patterns.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Please note that your child’s group may be given a sound they have already practised, in order to secure their knowledge. Ant Group (this group is currently working on learning their sounds)- Bumblebee Group (this group is currently working on learning all of the sounds and beginning to orally blend e.g. c-a-t makes cat): Caterpillar Group- You will also find sound blending books in your book bags to practise your blending with. (This group is currently working on orally blending and beginning to Fred in their head): | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Can you make a Christmas themed paper chain?
Please bring this to school next week so we can decorate the classroom.
| Up to 15 mins | Next week, we will be decorating the classroom! |
Date set: Friday 26th November
Date due: Thursday 2nd December
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Maths This week we have been learning about finding one less. We have compared this to our learning of one more last week. Please play the ‘Bee More or Less’ game online You will need the support of an adult for this activity. Try to find one more and one less of numbers up to 10.
| Up to 10 mins | We have been learning about one less in maths this week.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Please note that your child’s group may be given a sound they have already practised, in order to secure their knowledge. Ant Group (this group is currently working on learning their sounds)- Bumblebee Group (this group is currently working on learning all of the sounds and beginning to orally blend): Caterpillar Group- You will also find sound blending books in your book bags to practise your blending with. (This group is currently working on orally blending and beginning to Fred in their head):
| Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Can you make your own decoration for the Christmas tree that is going up in the school hall?
We will be decorating the tree on Wednesday 1st December so please bring in your decoration for Monday!
| Up to 20 mins | Next week, our Christmas tree is going up in school! |
Date set: Friday 19th November
Date due: Thursday 25th November
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Maths This week we have been learning about adding one more. Follow this link and listen to the ‘one more song’ ( Pause the video after each number and try to work out what one more would be. We have practised this in school so the children should be familiar with how to do this. | Up to 10 mins | We have been learning about one more in maths this week. We will be learning about one less next week.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planner for stamps. Ant Group- Bumblebee Group: Caterpillar Group- You will also find sound blending books in your book bags to practise your blending with: | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic This week is Anti-Bullying Week in school and we have been learning all about kindness. Please discuss kindness with your family. How do we show other people kindness? How has someone shown us kindness in the past? Activity: Please draw a picture of how they have been kind to someone or a picture of someone being kind to them. Please upload your drawing to Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 20 mins | The children have been learning all about kindness during our Anti-bullying Week in school.
Date set: Friday 12th November
Date due: Thursday 18th November
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Maths Have a try at playing the aiming game- we played this game in school and we loved it! You will need a target (such as a hula-hoop, wash basket or even the seat on a chair) and three objects to throw (beanbags, teddies or anything soft). How many landed inside the target? How many landed outside the target? Now record your score and then have another go! Did you score more or less this time? Feel free to post pictures on Tapestry for us to share on Monday! | Up to 15 mins | We played this game at school. We really enjoyed mixing PE and maths. The children loved aiming and throwing accurately.
I was very impressed- I hope you will be too!
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading Please check your group name in your Pupil Planner. Complete the reading activities below across the week, and remember to record them in your Planners for stamp. Each link is a virtual classroom activity, which will recap your child's learning in the same way as they learn at school.
Ant Group- Bumblebee Group: Caterpillar Group: You will also find sound blending books in your book bags to practise your blending with. | Up to 10 mins each day. | This will support your child at the right point in their reading journey. |
Consolidation | Topic Get crafty! At home, please take part in a craft activity all about Remembrance Day. This could be: -Drawing and colouring poppies -Making craft poppies, using household objects -Make your own poppy wreath -Or even your own idea! | Up to 20 mins | The children have really enjoyed learning about Remembrance Day and all about poppies. At school, we discussed why it is important and made a poppy wreath as a class.
Date set: Friday 5th November
Date due: Thursday 11th November
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Numbers Compare different amounts around your home. Collect objects from around your house. This could be toys, pasta, buttons etc.
Can you use the objects to show a group that has more and a group that has fewer/less? Can you count the objects in each group to make sure?
Challenge: Can you make two groups that show the same amount? | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about comparing numbers, amounts and objects in class.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Practise some of the sounds we have already learnt about in school. Remember practise makes perfect.
Can you practise any of the sounds you do not know? Can you practise your letter formation? Always remember to hold your pencil correctly and sit firmly on the chair.
| Up to 10 mins | This week in school, we have been recapping the sounds we have previously learnt. Next week, your child will be set new phonics activities for their home learning. |
Preparation | Topic
Remembrance Day
Discuss the following with your family:
| Up to 10 mins | Next week, we will be learning about Remembrance Day. |
Friday 22nd October 2021
Half Term Whole School Challenge!
As part of our topic launch for Autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science
related. Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher. Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November. We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!
Date set: Friday 15th October
Date due: Thursday 21st October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Numbers Have a look around your house. Can you find any 2D shapes?
Try to find a: -Square -Circle -Rectangle
Challenge: Can you find a triangle in your home?
Take pictures of your 2D shapes. Upload the pictures on Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been making shapes and finding them all around the classroom.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Over the next week, please complete these sounds in your Green Speed Sounds Book on the following days.
Friday: j Monday: v Tuesday: y Wednesday: w Thursday: z
To receive a stamp for these sounds, please make sure that your children’s reading record is signed each day, stating which sound they have practised. | Up to 5 mins a day. | We have been learning about these sounds in our phonics lessons this week. |
Consolidation | Topic
This week, please practise writing your name at home.
It is very important that the children are able to write their own name and this should be practised as much as possible until they are able to write it independently.
Even if your child is able to write their own name, please practise the formation of the letters within the word and work on the sizing of their letters.
Please upload a picture to Tapestry, as I would love to see your progress! | Up to 10 mins | We have been practising writing our names at school, over the previous weeks. Lots of practise will help the children perfect their name writing! |
Date set: Friday 8st October
Date due: Friday 15th October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Numbers
Can you practise writing the numbers 1, 2 and 3?
Try to remember the correct way to form the numbers.
Can you hold your pencil correctly?
| Up to 10 mins | We have been learning about how to write the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Over the next week, please complete these sounds in your Green Speed Sounds Book on the following days.
Friday: e Monday: l Tuesday: h Wednesday: sh Thursday: r
To receive a stamp for these sounds, please make sure that your children’s reading record is signed each day, stating which sound they have practised. | Up to 5 mins a day. | We have been learning about these sounds in our phonics lessons this week. |
Consolidation | Topic
Share your favourite story at home with your family.
Answer these questions: -What is the title? -Who are the main characters?
Take a picture of you reading your story and upload to Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 10 mins | We are learning about titles and main characters at school. |
Date set: Friday 1st October
Date due: Friday 8st October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Numbers Over the past two weeks we have been learning all about the numbers 1 and 2. Go on a number hunt around your home. Can you find the numbers 1 and 2 in your house? How many different places can you find these numbers?
Take pictures of the places you find the numbers 1 and 2. Upload the pictures on Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 10 mins | We have been learning about how to identify the numbers 1 and 2.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Over the next week, please complete these sounds in your Green Speed Sounds Book on the following days.
Friday: c Monday: k Tuesday: u Wednesday: b Thursday: f
To receive a stamp for these sounds, please make sure that your children’s reading record is signed each day, stating which sound they have practised. | Up to 5 mins a day. | We have been learning about these sounds in our phonics lessons this week. |
Preparation | Topic
Next week we are reading the story The Colour Monster. The story focuses on feelings and emotions.
Discuss with your child examples of different emotions. Ask them how they are feeling? Do they know why they are feeling that way? Can they think of what makes them happy? Can they think of what makes them sad?
| Up to 10 mins | We are naming and exploring different emotions. We will be considering what makes us feel these emotions. |
Date set: Friday 24th September
Date due: Friday 1st October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Preparation | Sorting and comparing Please note earlier due date- Tuesday 28th September Please spend some time this weekend going on an Autumnal walk in your local area. Encourage the children to collect seeds, leaves and other Autumnal outdoor objects. Discuss the different ways they can be sorted or grouped. For example- colours of leaves, size of conkers.
Please bring these Autumnal objects from your walk into school- as we will be continuing to sort and group them.
| Up to 20 mins | Next week in maths, we will be encouraging the children to explore different ways objects can be sorted.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
Over the next week, please complete these sounds in your Green Speed Sounds Book on the following days.
Friday: i Monday: n Tuesday: p Wednesday: g Thursday: o
To receive a stamp for these sounds, please make sure that your children’s reading record is signed each day, stating which sound they have practised. | Up to 5 mins a day. | We have been learning about these sounds in our phonics lessons this week. |
Consolidation | Topic
Think about something that is special to you. Take a picture of something that is special to you in your home- this could be an object or a family member/pet.
Talk to your family about why it is special to you and upload the picture to Tapestry for your teachers to see.
| Up to 10 mins | This week in RE we have discussed what items are special to us. |
Date set: Friday 17th September
Date due: Monday 20th September
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Preparation | Birthdays Discuss with your child when their birthday is.
Can they remember which month their birthday is in?
Can they remember which season their birthday is in?
Extra challenge: Can you remember what date your birthday is on?
| Up to 10 mins | Next week we are learning all about birthdays and creating a lovely birthday display in the classroom.
Consolidation | Phonics/ reading
This week your child has been sent home with a green speed sounds book for our new phonics scheme.
Please spend some time recapping the sounds they have learnt this week- ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’ and ‘t’. Please do not fill in any pages further than the five sounds they have learnt about this week.
Please support your child with completing these sounds in their book. Encourage your child to hold their pencil correctly throughout the activity. | Up to 15 mins | We have been learning about these sounds in our phonics lessons this week. |
Preparation | Topic
Can you find a family photo to show for our learning next week?
Please share this photo via email or please feel free to bring in a copy to school.
Can you explain who is in your family?
Can you tell me the names of your family members?
Can you tell me what is special about your family?
| Up to 10 mins | Next week we are reading the story ‘Owl Babies’ and discussing different families. |