Chair of Governors Nick White Vice Chair of Governors John Swift Clerk tba
The constitution of the governing body is:
1 x Local Authority (LA) governor, recommended by the LA and approved by the governing body
2 Diocese Foundation Governors recommended by the diocese
2 Parent Governors, formally elected through a ballot of parents unless the election is uncontested
1 Staff Governor, formally elected by staff employed at school
7 x Co-opted governors, nominated and appointed by the governing body
2x Associate governors, nominated and appointed by the governing body
The governing body currently operates with a single committee:
The committee meets every half term and works collaboratively to cover the following responsibilities;
Resources: responsible for staffing including the appointments of senior staff, equality and diversity, finance, property management, health and safety and nutritional standards.
Teaching, Learning & Pupil Support: responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, SEN (including reporting annually on the success of the SEN policy), monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing body is represented at school improvement discussions. Also responsible for behaviour, safeguarding, attendance, children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, children, parent and staff voice, extra-curricula activities, cluster and other partnerships.
Chair of Governors
Nick White
Vice Chair of Governors
John Swift
Parent Governors
Sally Briston (term of office 07/02/2024 - 06/02/2028)
Ryan McDonough (term of office 07/02/2024 - 06/02/2028)
Foundation Governors
Rev Jonathan Brennan (term of office tbc)
Nick White (term of office 10/11/2020 - 09/11/2024)
Co Opted Governors
Caroline Gunning (term of office 15/05/2022 - 14/05/2026)
John Swift (term of office 09/11/2021 - 08/11/2025)
Local Authority Governor
Staff Governor
TBA (term of office 20/09/2023 - 19/09/2026)
Associate Governors
Darryl Roycroft (term of office 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2024)
The Governors of the school have a range of duties and powers determined by Government legislation. Working in partnership with the Headteacher the Governors meet as a full committee or in sub committees to discuss key issues, and make decisions. Members of the Governing Body are unpaid volunteers who have varied backgrounds and educational experiences. They are all committed to working together to ensure the children at Barwick-in-Elmet Church of England Primary School receive a full, balanced and enriched education. They are responsible for promoting high standards of educational achievement; managing the school budget; appointing staff; establishing and reviewing performance management of staff; setting targets for pupil achievement and monitoring progress on the School Development and Improvement Plan. The school appreciates the support and hard work of all our governors.