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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Class Updates

Friday 22nd July 2022

End of Term

A huge thank you and well done to all the children for their amazing performances of Peter Pan! You all worked hard to learn the words to all of the songs and to make sure you knew when you were on. Amazing work!

This week, we rounded off our Learning Means The World by making sculptures out of recycled materials. Everyone created a structure that linked to something we had learnt about during our unit of work. Some children made animals that we would find in the sea to remind us of sea pollution. Great work everyone.

It has been a pleasure teaching you all over the last two years and I hope you all have a well earnt rest over the summer holidays in preparation for year 6!

Finally, I wish to say a massive thank you to everyone for your cards and generous gifts. Enjoy your summer holidays!

Friday 15th July 2022


This morning, the children enjoyed time with Mr Portch in year 6 in preparation for September!

Next week is our KS2 Production, which we are all very excited for! The children have worked extremely hard to make sure they know their lines and where they need to be when! Great work everyone!

Friday 8th July 2022

Year 5 Car Wash!

A huge well done to everyone for their hard work cleaning all the staff cars!

Friday 1st July 2022

Young Leaders Award – Community Action Project

This week we have been planning our Community Action Project for our Young Leaders Award. The children have made posters to advertise our Staff Car Wash, which will be taking place next Friday. Watch out for an email asking for help with some resources to support us with our car wash.

Friday 24th June 2022

Super Singing!

This week we have begun our daily singing practice for Peter Pan! Everyone has worked hard to begin to learn the song lyrics by heart… if only Mrs Fox could learn them as quickly as everyone else has!

As part of our Learning Means The World this week, we have been writing our own poems linked to the different environmental issues we have discussed within our other lessons.

Friday 17th June 2022

Sports Day!

A massive well done to everyone who competed in Sports Day! The sun shone and everyone had fun!

Check out all the photos from Sports Day on the highlights page!

Friday 10th June 2022


Global Warning!

This week we have launched our new curriculum, Learning Means the World. Our first topic is a conservation unit that is called ‘Global Warning’!

So far, we have looked at…

What is pollution?

Oodles of Nurdles!

And we have started to look at a song called Global Warning.


Do you know what a nurdle is?

Friday 27th May 2022

Jubilee Day!

As part of our school celebrations, each class moved around the school to have a go at different activities.

Monday 23rd May 2022

Alive & Kicking Workshop

We had a fabulous day off timetable to conclude our unit of work on the Ancient Egyptians. Have a look at the photos below!

Friday 20th May 2022

This week in Maths, we have begun work on angles. We started the week making knowledge organisers for the vocabulary we need for this unit of work. As part of our maths, we have learnt how to use a protractor. We have all measured and drawn angles successfully this week.

In English, we have been writing poems. Keep your eyes peeled for our poems appearing around the village over the next few weeks!

We are excited to welcome Alive & Kicking into school on Monday to work with us. We will be off timetable all day learning and exploring the world of Ancient Egypt. Find below the letter Martin sent to us to introduce our day.

Friday 13th May 2022

Class Collective Worship

A massive well done and thank you to everyone for their contributions in our class assembly. You all were all fantastic!

Friday 6th May 2022

Wonderful Writing!

This week we have completed our guided write. I have been so impressed with everyone’s determination and perseverance in writing this week. The writing this week has been brilliant – well done everyone!

In History, we looked at Tutankhamun; we looked at sources of evidence that tell us about who he was. We will continue our work on Tutankhamun next week.

As part of our Young Leaders Award this week, we have been thinking about inspirational leaders. We made ‘Top Trump’ cards using information about many different leaders, some we knew about and others that were new to us.

Friday 29th April

Young Leaders Award

This week we have completed our first lesson as part of our Young Leaders Award. Over the next five weeks, we will continue to complete lessons before we launch our Community Action Project. Yesterday, we discussed the characteristics of a good leader.


Can you guess which good and bad characteristics we were representing in the drama we completed?

Friday 22nd April 2022

Time Travel!

This half term we have a History focus. On Monday, children brought in pieces of their own personal history to share with the rest of the class. We also launched our own History topic of the Ancient Egyptians. We discussed who they were and we discussed what jobs were popular during this period.

In Maths, our unit is all about adding and subtracting decimals. This week, we have been adding and subtracting decimals within 1.

Our English unit is all about building suspense. We have started this week by creating drawings of settings as part of our Hook lesson. We have also familiarised ourselves with our model text called Trapped!

Friday 1st April 2022

Happy Easter!

This week has been all about Easter!

On Tuesday, we made our lovely Easter Cards. The children used drinking straws to create a pattern which they arranged into a cross.

Friday was an action packed fun day! We started the morning with our Egg Hunt. This involved searching around for eggs hidden around the school grounds. Each egg had a letter on it. Once they had found all the eggs, they then had to unscramble to message!

After break, it was our turn for the Egg Roll Competition. Carefully, we rolled our eggs through the tube and onto the playground. Despite a few cracks, everyone’s eggs rolled out of the tube! A big well done to Taylor – this egg rolled the furthest!

To finish our fabulous Friday, we had our assembly with parents to celebrate our residential. Thank you to Mr Roycroft for making a video of all the photographs! What a lovely way to remember such a brilliant trip.

Friday 25th March 2022


The week we went on residential…


What a fun filled few days! On Monday, we set off for Weardale Adventure Centre. After our first briefing it was time for lunch before we started on our first activities.

Our activities included, Bush Craft, High Ropes, Night Line, Team Challenges, Crazy Olympics and Bingo!


Here are some of our favourite bits…


“My all-time favourite activity was high ropes because even when I was stuck to the ground with fear the instructor (Monty) helped me to see that if I slipped I wouldn’t get hurt.” – Jasper


“I enjoyed bush craft because I like den building, fire lighting and toasting marshmallows!” – Ethan


“I really enjoyed all the activities that we did but my favourites were high ropes and night line. I liked high ropes because of how high it was!” – Bethany


“The funniest part for me was watching the teachers do the welly wanging competition at the Crazy Olympics because I could watch the teachers fail!” – Jacob


“I loved the High Ropers. I made it to the top twice in a row on Jacob’s ladder and I was really proud of myself.” – Taylor


“My favourite activity was the Night Line because I really enjoyed making everyone laugh and watching everyone have a go!” – Kara


“My favourite activities were High Ropes and Night Line. High Ropes was great because I felt brave and encouraged by Dan. At first, I thought I could not do the leap of faith but I got up there and jumped! It was scary!” – Felicity


Don’t forget to check out some of the photos on the school website!

Friday 18th March 2022

Science Week!

This week as part of science week we have had Energy Heroes in to talk to us about renewable and non-renewable energy. As part of their visit, our own Energy Heroes went around school monitoring our use of energy!

On Friday we also got to go outside to see a

The Library has also reopened this week! On Wednesday it was lovely to see lots of children in the library reading at lunch time.


See you all on Monday morning from 8:30am with all your luggage for residential!

Friday 11th March 2022

Happy Friday!

We have had another busy week in Year 5!

In Maths, we have finally finished our unit on fractions and we have moved onto decimals and percentages. We started by working with decimals that have up to two decimal places today.


This week we have launched Reading Plus this week. Everyone has had an opportunity in school to complete a baseline assessment to make sure that the texts they read are at an appropriate level. Children have begun to also explore other areas of Reading Plus that involve vocabulary. Children can choose to use Reading Plus as part of our Home Reading Challenge if they wish to. Please just write in the name of the text they have read and state in the comments that it was read on Reading Plus.

Friday 4th March 2022

Welcome back!

I can’t believe how much we have fitted into our week! We have had Pancake Races for Shrove Tuesday; an Ash Wednesday Service and World Book Day all in one week! We have also managed to fit in some English and Maths too!

Here are a few photographs to sum up the highlights from this week!

Friday 11th February 2022

This week in PE we have looked at counter balances and counter tensions.

Friday 28th January 2022

This week we have started a new unit of writing. Are new unit is on discussion writing. As our hook lesson, we linked our work with our Geography unit. In Geography, we have looking at what resources we take from the world so we looked at the arguments for and against deforestation. Different pairs took on the role of different stakeholders and argued their points for an against. As a class, we concluded that we didn’t agree with deforestation due to the loss of species of plants and animals.

In Maths, we continued our fractions topic. We have been adding and subtracting fractions. We are nearing the half way point in this unit!

In PE we have been creating sequences in gymnastics. Each group had to use the space and equipment they were given to create a sequence that had 2 jumps or leaps, 2 ways of travelling, 1 roll and 1 balance. 

Friday 21st January 2022

In Maths, we are currently working on fractions. We have been converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, as well as thinking about ordering them and comparing them!

In English, we have moved onto our independent writes. We carefully planned our stories out using our boxing up before moving onto our writing. Next week, we should finish our independent writes.

In Science this week we compared data. We looked at the growth of babies and compared whether there was a difference between the height and weight of boys and girls. We put the data onto line graphs.

Friday 14th January 2022

This week we have begun our unit of fractions. I have been so impressed with how much everyone has remembered from last year! Next week, we will be building on this unit of work.

In English, we have been writing our guided write. Each day we have had a different grammar focus and then moved on to writing our individual paragraphs. Well done for your hard work in writing. I have been very pleased to see children applying their grammar to their writing without prompting.

In science, we have started our unit which is all about animals, including humans. We have begun this unit by discussing the human lifecycle.

Friday 7th January 2022

Happy New Year!

We started our week with the launch of our Geography topic. This half term our topic is “What do we take from the world?”

During this unit of work, we will investigate different resources that we take from the world as well as looking at renewable and non-renewable energy. Our focus place is the UK.

We have also started our art this week. We have looked at our BIG Picture which is a print of John Lennon by Andy Warhol. We learnt about who Andy Warhol was and what kind of an artist he was.

We have had a fabulous first week. Well done Year 5!

Friday 17th December 2021


Merry Christmas!


We have had a busy final week before the Christmas holidays including Alive & Kicking’s Panto on Monday, our Christmas Party and FOBS Christmas Film just to name a few things.

I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year and I look forward to coming back in the New Year refreshed and reading for the Spring term… including the residential in Spring 2!

I massive Thank You to those who have sent such generous Christmas gifts.


Best wishes,

Mrs Fox

Friday 10th December 2021

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!


Today, we have had the FOBS Festive Friday! We started our day with the Elf Run which involved 4 different activities around school! After the Elf Run we decorated strips of paper to make our classroom feel more festive! As Elves, we have worked away completing our Christmas cards and we have started our calendars today too! It’s been a busy day!

Friday 3rd December 2021


Can you believe that December is here already?


This week we saw the arrival of a new naughty student in Year 5 who goes by the name of Jingle! She has been having “snow ball” fights in the classroom and left a mess, as well as getting herself stuck in our jewel jar! I wonder what mischief she will get up to next week?

This week in English, we have been working on our guided write. We have been writing persuasive arguments why children should buy the ‘Homework-Helpers’ we have designed! In grammar, we have worked on rhetorical questions, as well as learning about using commas for parenthesis.

In Maths, we finished the work we needed to cover in the Autumn term. We have been consolidating this work and looking for the areas we still need to work on. We will be going back over some areas over the next few weeks before the holidays.

Friday 26th November 2021

In Maths this week our focus has been on area. We have looked at finding the area of rectangles, compound shapes and irregular shapes.

In English, we completed our independent writes. Everyone wrote a story where their main character found something! Some children also wrote diary entries pretending to be their main character from their stories.

In Art this week we have been continuing our work on shading. We all had a go at using different pencils to draw our school water bottles! It was fantastic to see how much everyone has improved in their drawing skills since we started this half term. Well done everyone!

Friday 19th November 2021

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week. We started off our week on Monday with a collective worship online before we joined in the CBBC Online Live Lesson. During the live lesson they discussed who you could talk to if you were worried about anything.

They discussed what bullying is and how we can define it. They also discussed the different types of bullying and we saw children demonstrating through drama what you should do if you suspect someone is being bullied.  

In Maths, we have moved onto perimeter. We found it a real challenge to work accurately to measure each side of the 2D shapes to the nearest millimeter! Next week we will continue our work on perimeter and move onto area.

Today was Children in Need. Children paid 50p to break a school rule! We had lots of children with non-uniform, trainers, colourful hair, as well as some children wearing hats and sunglasses inside!

Friday 12th November

This week has flown by!

We are coming towards the end of our unit on multiplication and division. This week we were challenged to use what we have learnt last week about multiples and factors in order to work with common factors and prime factors! Everyone worked really hard and pushed themselves to have a go at reasoning and problem solving questions.

In English, we have completed the imitation stage of this unit. We have looked at the model text and spent time trying to learnt it. We have also planned our guided write which we will be completing next week.

In Science, we have been discussing Gravity. We discussed the difference between Mass and Weight and how they are both measured.

In Art, we learnt about our focus artist for this half term who is Albrecht Dürer (a German artist).

Friday 5th November 2021

This week has been a busy one!

In Maths, we have been working on multiples and factors. We have had to use our times tables during this work. Next week we will be working on square numbers and cube numbers.

In English, we have started our new unit of writing. We have been discussing the main components of a finding tale. This week we have also completed our hook. We worked in teams to answer questions and find coded letters around the classroom.

This week we have also started our science and art work. In Science we will be learning about forces and in art, our focus this half term is pencil drawings.


Reading Awards are give on a Friday. Today, we saw the first group of children coming into school in their own clothes to celebrating reading 25 times so far this year! Well done everyone!

Friday 15th October 2021

This week we have been working with line graphs. We found drawing line graphs challenging during the week but we all managed to successfully represent data on a line graph we had drawn in our books.

On Tuesday, we had Spanish Day. During lesson time, we had a go at a range of Spanish activities linked to numbers, colours and comparing Spain to England. We also got the opportunity to have a go at some Spanish Dancing! In the afternoon, we were inspired by Picasso. We had a go at painting in his style.

Friday 8th October 2021

This week we have finished our unit in Maths on addition and subtraction. As a class, we pushed ourselves to work on challenging multi-step problems. Well done to everyone for their perseverance!

In English we have completed out independent writes. Next week we move onto our new writing unit which is to write a recount.

Well done to everyone on their progress in PE. It is fantastic to see everyone building their skills and confidence when it comes to passing, attacking, defending and intercepting. Great work.

Friday 1st October 2021

In Maths, we have started a new block which focuses on addition and subtraction. We have been working with bigger numbers in both addition and subtraction. As well as being challenged with the number of exchanges we have had to make.

As a class, we completed our guided writes this week. We had different grammar focus’ with different paragraphs to help us when we complete our independent writes.

This week in Art, we practiced mixing powder paint. We recreated our own versions of one of Henri Matisse’s works. We also used oil pastel in our design. We were amazed that the water based paint did not cover the oil pastel and we discussed why.

Friday 24th September

Yesterday was a very exciting day in year 5! We were invited to trial a taster session with Pie Corbett! The session involved different interactive activities linked to Talk for Writing. We all loved being able to post our ideas online as we came up with them and interact with Pie himself! Mrs Fox was particularly excited when her sentence was read out, although Pie did pronounce Barwick incorrectly which made us all laugh!

This week has been assessment week in school. Everyone has worked really hard to work through their assessments. Well done everyone for your hard work this week.

Friday 17th September

It has been another very fast week in Year 5!

We started this week all dressed up as characters from Roald Dahl stories. Have a look at the photos below from Roald Dahl Day.

In Maths this week we have continued our work with place value. We have worked with up to 7 digit numbers! We are now working with millions!

In English, we have planned our defeating a monster stories based on the model text. Next week we will look at key grammar and we will work together to write our own stories.

Welcome Back!

Friday 10th September

This week has flown by!

In Maths, we have started work on number and place value. We have worked with numbers to 10,000 as well as having a go at using Roman Numerals to 1,000.

In English, we have introduced our first unit of work and started to learn our first model text called Krak the Cobbler and Smok the Dragon which is all about an unexpected hero.

We have also started our History unit which is all about the Gunpowder plot. In PE this half term we will be having a go at Tag Rugby.

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