Hello Nursery!
It's hard to believe it is almost the end of the school year. It has been an unusual year, but Mrs Smith and I have enjoyed every minute of the time we have spent with you. We know that you never stopped playing, learning and exploring and we treasured being part of your journey. This week we have planned some activities to help you look forward to September, when you will all start a new set of adventures.
Hope you have lots of fun this summer. Stay safe!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 29th June
Hello Nursery!
I am really excited about our learning jobs this week: we are going to celebrate all our learning about minibeasts with an Ugly Bugs Ball! I hope you have fun dancing and eating minibeast snacks!
Monday is Sports Day - you can take part at home by sending in a photograph of your best event. Don't forget the parents' race!
Take care and keep washing your hands
Mrs Jameson
Hello Nursery!
How did you get on with your worm hunts? Which method was the best for finding worms? At Nursery, we found very few worms. But in my garden at home, I found lots of worms and lots of millipedes.
This week, we're learning all about snails. Have fun, and don't forget to wash your hands!
Mrs Jameson
Hello Nursery!
This week we are going to learn about worms! We are going to be scientists and find out the best way to get worms to come out of the soil so that we can count them. I can't wait to hear the results from your investigations.
I hope you are all having fun and remembering to wash your hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 8th June 2020
Hello Nursery!
It has been lovely to see some Nursery children back in school this week. Mrs Smith and I have had very happy hearts! We hope everyone is still enjoying home learning activities: we have even more minibeast fun to share with you this week.
Take care and keep washing your hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 1st June 2020
Hello Nursery!
Mrs Smith and I are really looking forward to welcoming some Nursery children back to school this week. We are all going to continue learning about minibeasts in Nursery and at home and this week we are going to be learning all about bees.
Don't forget to wash your hands! Our black pepper experiment this week helps us to understand why it is so important to use soap.
Have fun and stay safe.
Mrs Jameson
Monday 25th May 2020
Hello Nursery!
Here are some fun activities for you to do during half-term. Miss Leeman and I planned them together for all the children in Nursery and Reception. We hope you enjoy going on bear hunts and eating Teddy Bear Toast. Let us know if you find any bears with your bear-spotting binoculars!
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 18th May 2020
Hello Nursery!
I hope you are all enjoying your minibeast activities. Here are some photographs from my minibeast hunt. I found a bumble bee, a shield bug, a pond skater and some water snails. I had to be very careful when I was looking at the minibeasts near the pond because I did not want to fall in! I also saw some orange-tipped butterflies, but they were too quick for me to get a photograph.
I wonder what minibeasts you have found?
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 11th May 2020
Hello Nursery!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make the class video! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see so many of you smiling and dancing and having fun. Mrs Smith and I both miss you all so much! Your video inspired me to make a video of my own to share with you. I hope you enjoy it!
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 4th May 2020
Hello Nursery!
How did you all do with your mini beast hunts? How beastly is Barwick? This week, we have the story of The Very Quiet Cricket to share... shh!
Please keep sharing photographs of your home learning on Tapestry: Mrs Smith and I love to see them. And don't forget to keep an eye on the home school greetings section of the website... who can you spot in the videos?
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 27th April 2020
Hello Nursery!
I hope you are all enjoying learning about minibeasts. I know that the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a great favourite for many of you. This week, I would like you to retell the story in your own words, using the animated story I shared with you last week. There are lots more activities linked to caterpillars and butterflies on this week's pyramid.
Please keep sharing photographs of your home learning on Tapestry: Mrs Smith and I love to see them. And, if you look at the World Book Night section on the website, you can see some of our home learning, too!
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 20th April 2020
Hello Nursery!
I am very excited about our new activity pyramid! We always have so much fun learning about minibeasts at Nursery. You will see that I have added a new box to the top of the pyramid: each week this will have a key resource or activity that can be used throughout the week to support learning. This week, it's the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which links to minibeast research, model-making, the days of the week and the number seven. There is even a Cosmic Yoga Adventure based on the story!
Please keep sharing photographs of your home learning on Tapestry: Mrs Smith and I love to see them. If anyone is having trouble logging onto Tapestry, please let me know by emailing the school office.
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Monday 13th April 2020
Hello Nursery!
I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend with your families.
Here are some more activities you can do at home with your grown ups or siblings.
You can do the activities as many times as you like and you can change them by using different resources indoors or outdoors. Facecloths or tissues make good 'flipper-flappers' for Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle dances. 🙂
Please keep sharing photographs of your home learning on Tapestry: Mrs Smith and I love to see them. If anyone is having trouble logging onto Tapestry, please let Mrs Jameson know by emailing the school office.
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Mrs Jameson
Hello Nursery!
Here are some more activities you can do at home with your grown ups or siblings.
You can do the activities as many times as you like.
I have really enjoyed seeing photographs of your home learning on Tapestry.
Keep being good and washing those hands.
Happy Easter!
Mrs Jameson
Hello Nursery!
Below are some activities you can do at home with your grown ups this week.
You can do the activities as many times as you like.
I would love to see some photographs of your home learning on Tapestry.
Be good and don't forget to wash your hands.
Take care,
Mrs Jameson
Scroll down for our weekly updates!
Welcome to all our children and families. Please use the links below to access key information about Nursery.
Our weekly updates will help you to chat with your child about their activities in Nursery. If you follow up any of these activities at home, please do let us know! Remember, you can always upload your own photographs to Tapestry.
You can speak to us any day in Nursery, or contact us via email: joanne.jameson@stf.barwick-in-elmet.leeds.sch.uk
Nursery staff:
Mrs Jameson - Nursery Class Teacher
Mrs Smith - Nursery Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hart - Lunchtime Supervisor
This week, the favourite author we chose was Julia Donaldson. Do you have any Julia Donaldson books you could read together at home? The Gruffalo is one of our favourites!
This half-term, we are enjoying stories by some of our favourite authors. We started with Oliver Jeffers and this week we have been reading "How to Catch a Star." The children have had lots of ideas of ways in which they would catch a star: space rockets, ladders, bouncy castles and even hitching a ride on a reindeer!
We had a wonderful day talking about our favourite characters and sharing some of their stories.
The highlight of our week was a visit from Mr Charles Brown and His Majesty, the King of Mangrovia! The children (and staff!) enjoyed every minute of this incredible drama workshop, during which our Nursery children taught the King the story of Little Red Riding Hood so that he could teach the children of Mangrovia to stay on the paths when they walk in the woods. Many thanks to our talented friends from Alive and Kicking!
This week we had a special visitor in Nursery. Leslye, from All Saints' Church, brought us a wonderful book of Bible Stories. The children were very excited and enjoyed showing Leslye our Reflection Area. ("That's where God is!")
Storytelling week - The Ugly Duckling
This story has helped us to talk about making sure no-one feels left out at Nursery.
Here are some of the animals we have encountered reading stories set in cold and snowy places. How many of the animals can you name?
The children are still really enjoying the story of Lost and Found and we have created a story table for small world play inspired by the story. Alongside this, we have begun to think about other animals that live in cold and snowy places - and finding out where those places are! We have set up an explorers' den in the classroom, where children are able to look at the globe and atlases. In the outdoor area, some of the children built a boat to sail to the South Pole. They even added extra-special shark 'smashing' and catching equipment!
Our focus story this week has been Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Pop into the classroom to see our display and read the children's retelling of the story.
We have added one more to lots of different groups of four - objects, people and the marks we make in the outdoor area. We discovered that adding one more to four always makes a group of five.
In our daily Phonics sessions, we worked on instrument sounds. The children are very good at discriminating between the sounds made by drums, bells, castanets, maracas, the glockenspiel and the cabasa. At the end of the week, we practised playing the instruments together as a band.
Welcome back to Nursery! It has been lovely to see everyone after the holidays.
It’s been a very festive week in Nursery. We don’t want to show off our seasonal arts and crafts just yet, but we have been working very hard to get them all ready in time for Christmas. We also had a wonderful morning watching some of the children in big school practising their Nativity play. The Nursery children even had a turn at standing on the stage to see how it would feel.
We are learning the story of the Nativity and thinking about preparing ourselves for Christmas. Since reading, "It's a no money day" the week of Martinstag, we have been very keen to be the kind people who help when others are in need. We are putting food into a box every day in Advent, to donate to a food bank.
On Friday, the children celebrated St Nicholas' Day and found a special surprise in their newly cleaned shoes when they came back from playing out in their wellies.
This week, we have been reading stories that helped us to learn how animals are preparing for winter. Many of the children have been talking about squirrels hiding their nuts, bears and hedgehogs going to sleep and geese flying away "on holiday".
As part of our work on the number three, we have been hunting for triangles in the outdoor area, with some children taking on the teacher's role and helping their peers find the shapes.
We celebrated National Nursery Rhyme Week by learning a new traditional rhyme each day. Can you guess from the photographs which rhymes we learned?
During Anti-Bullying Week, the focus in Nursery was all on being kind. We learned about St Martin, who was a good, kind man, and we made our own lanterns to celebrate Martinstag with a traditional parade. See the links below if you are still struggling to follow the song! It is a very catchy tune!
We would like to say a special thank you to Mrs Smith's brother who sent a fabulous book and some very fancy lanterns all the way from Germany.
At the end of the week, we talked about some of the ways Pudsey Bear helps to raise money for families who are struggling. Our children had some lovely ideas for helping others.
It has been lovely to see all our children back in Nursery after the half-term break. Everyone quickly settled back into familiar routines and enjoyed catching up with friends and favourite activities. We haven't let the weather dampen our spirits!
Now that all the amazing artwork has been on display, we can share a few photos of Nursery children working hard to complete their masterpieces. We hope everyone enjoyed viewing the pictures on Wednesday evening. If anyone missed the show and would like to see their child's work, please let Mrs Jameson know.
Supertato stories are always super-popular at Nursery! This week we have squished the evil peas who invaded Nursery and retold the Supertato story through pictures. The children really enjoyed 'reading' their versions of the story when we displayed them in the carpet room.
In amongst all this super-excitement, we still found plenty of time for creative play, role-play, singing and digit hunts in the indoor and outdoor areas. What a busy week!
Following on from discussions about being 'super-helpful' at Nursery and at home, this week we thought about all the people who help us. We read stories about characters with different professions and the children voted for the story they wanted to hear (by placing a counter or pebble). We also made cards for some of the people who help us every day in Nursery.
This week, we have moved on to learning all about the number two. And with all the rain we have been having, it seemed a very good week to focus on the story featured on our reflection table this half-term! Our activities including performing a body percussion rainstorm, finding two of all the animals in our small world basket and retelling the story indoors and out. Our children were very good at hopping like rabbits, slithering like snakes and snapping like crocodiles. By the end of the week, we had an ark in the outdoor area, which featured ramps, toys ("We need something for the animals to play with!"), a table, a door mat and a swimming pool!
After sharing these stories, the children could all talk about the vegetables they can eat to help them stay super-healthy.
At Nursery we are super-kind to each other. We have kind hands and friendly faces!
Congratulations to all our new starters, who have had the most amazing week in Nursery!
We have a lovely week meeting lots of new Nursery children and enjoying some 'Stay and Play' sessions to support transitions. Mrs Jameson and Mrs Smith are very excited thinking of all the fun we will have together this term.