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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

PE & Sport Premium Funding Statements

Curriculum Enhancement Days

Many curriculum enhancement days have been taking place throughout the year. These days have allowed pupils to participate in more physical activity outside their P.E slots, and continue to help pupils improve on fundamental skills such as balance, coordination, stamina, agility and more. Please see below at some of the curriculum enhancement days that have taken place so far. 


Balance Bike Day!

Reception and Year 1 took part in  Balance Bike Day led by former Olympian, Phil Bateman. The pupils spent much of their time learning the basic skills of how to ride a bike, and by the end, the majority of pupils could ride a balance bike, with all making exceptional progress.

"All pupils made excellent progress and you could see them becoming more confident as time passed." (Phil Bateman)

"This is the best school day ever!" (Year 1 pupil)

"It was amazing to see how well the pupils performed. One of the pupils was nervous before they started and y the end, they were gliding around and not wanting the session to finish." (Year 1 Teacher)

"All of my pupils picked up some valuble skills from Phil. They were riding over platrorms and ducking under obstacles on their bikes. I also picked up some valuble caoching techniques for when we use our new balance bikes in Reception." (Reception Teacher)


Circus Skills Day!


All pupils at school took part in a Circus Skills Day. There were many workshops that took place throughout the day, with each class being dedicated to at least 45 minutes. Workshops included: walking tight ropes, spinning plates, dance routines, hoop movements and juggling. The aim of the Circus Skills Day was to enhance and develop pupils fundamental skills such as: balance, coordination and stamina. All pupils thoroughly enjoyed it and it was clear to see progression in their skills throughout the workshops. 

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  • Whole School 94.8%
  • Nursery
  • Foundation 92.9%
  • Year 1 100%
  • Year 2 94.2%
  • Year 3 96.8%
  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
  • Year 6 95.2%
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