Welcome to Rowan Class page. We thought it would be a good idea to put some key information about Year 2 on this page for parents to keep updated on our class routines.
Homework is given out on a Wednesday evening and must be returned to school by Monday morning. The children will also be given a home reading book which they can change independently as long as the teacher or teaching assistant has read the comment in the child's reading record to show that they have read the book. Remember that there is a competition each week for the child that puts the most effort in their homework. The winner gets to go to Friday cake club with Mrs Sanderson!
We have introduced Deturf in school this term and the children do this daily for 20 minutes but do not change into their PE kit. This means that the children are only having one class PE lesson a week as deturf amounts to more than another sessions worth of physical activity. This term our PE slot is on a Thursday afternoon. For outdoor PE the children will wear the same polo T-shirt but they must have long bottoms or leggings (black or navy) and we now have a black PE sports jumper to wear during outdoor PE lessons. If you do not wish to purchase a school hoodie for outdoor PE, they must still wear a black sweatshirt. Trainers or pumps must be worn for outdoor PE lessons although I would recommend trainers in the winter months. For indoor PE lessons the children have bare feet. Please could you ensure that girls have long hair tied up on PE days and no jewelry must be worn.
If you have any questions about any of the above then please pop in and speak to one of us.
Thank you,
Mrs Kimberley (Teacher) and Mrs Schofield (Teaching Assistant)