I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
Thank-you for all your lovely kind words and gifts. We look forward to seeing you all in September!
Enjoy the break,
Miss Leeman
20.07.2018- Summer Tasks
There are also countless opportunities to incorporate maths into the summer break. Here are some tips for parents that may prove useful:
What an exciting end to the week! The children thoroughly enjoyed our Football Friday celebrations! Reception have enjoyed playing football in the Outdoor Area, creating their own goals with the tyres and making their own red and yellow cards.
We started the morning with our final achievement assembly of the year. Well done to everyone who has received achievement and sporting certificates throughout the year. It is wonderful to see the excitement!
A big well done to Annabelle for winning the EYFS and KS1 homework competition. Your 'UNO' alien was fabulous! I hope you have fun with your prize.
The children have all worked so hard this term and are very nearly ready for the Summer break.
3 more days to go!
13.07.2018- Transition Week
This week the children have visited their new classroom and their new teacher every morning. They have all had a wonderful time exploring the resources in their new classroom and have had a great time with Miss Richards. I know Miss Richards is just as excited as the children about September! Miss Richards has sent the children home with a transition letter with photographs of the adults working in Year One next year.
This week, the children's interests have taken us back to exploring the 'Tap-a-shape' kit. The children love this game and it is a fantastic aid to develop out fine motor skills.
To help with the hot weather, the children decided to set up their own shop! Items for sale included; sweets, ice-cream and milkshakes!
Maths- Number bonds to ten.
This week we have been busy exploring different ways to make ten using then Numicon.
The time has come to sadly say goodbye to our butterflies! They have been a wonderful addition to our classroom and will be missed! On Thursday afternoon, we sat in a circle and waved goodbye. Some of the children were lucky enough to have a butterfly land on their hand.
Caterpillar update-
02.07.2018- we were all very excited on our return to School on Monday morning:
This week we have been learning about Ladybirds. As well as learning a few interesting facts, we learnt about the life-cycle of a ladybird.
Our play-based challenges have all focused around ladybirds this week.
Finger Gym- Can you use the resources to make your own ladybird?
Phonics- Can you sort the words? Are they real or nonsense?
Maths- Read and Roll- Roll the dice, and find the number.
Writing- Can you write a WANTED poster for Heft Hugh and Lanky Len?
Minibeast Investigation Station- Can you order the life cycle of a ladybird?
Focus book: We have been reading the story; 'What the Ladybird Heard'. We have been reading the story for a few weeks and are beginning to complete some Literacy work based around this story.
Caterpillar update!
On Monday, we noticed that all of the caterpillars had climbed to the top of the cup, and were beginning to form a 'j' shape under the lid. On Tuesday, the caterpillars began to form into chrysalides; we learnt that we should keep the caterpillars very still as this is a very delicate time for them.
Wiggle, Wiggle, Shake!
We noticed that the chrysalides would often shake and wiggle dramatically. We found out, through the information booklet, that the chrysalides will often do this as a defence mechanism to warn off potential predators.
Butterfly Habbitat
On Thursday, we carefully transferred the chrysalides into the butterfly net. We are hoping by next week that we will have some butterflies in Reception!
22.06.2018- Village Walk
This morning we went on a village walk to visit the owl in the Community Orchard. We had a lovely time visiting the owl and learning about how it was made. A huge thank-you to Barwick-in-Bloom for showing us!
The children have thought of some wonderful names for the owl- we will be writing a letter to Barwick-in-Bloom on Monday with the chosen name.
Thank-you to Year 6 and all of the adults who came with Reception on the walk.
Caterpillar update:
The caterpillars are doing well! Look how much they have grown...
This week we have started our new topic- Minibeasts!
We started the week by going on a mini-beast hunt in the Outdoor Area. Mrs Slater also took the children to visit the Bug Hotel in the Active Learning Zone.
The children have learnt to retell the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and have each written about the story in their Literacy books. Miss Leeman is busy putting together a video- look out for this on Tapestry!
We have been tasked with a very special job! On Wednesday we had a very special delivery of caterpillars! Our job is to look after them to help them grow. Please feel free to come and visit our Minibeast Investigation Station!
The children have been very excited to explore our new Space themed Role Play Area.
Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful half term. This half term we have been joined by 6 aliens! Each week we will be learning about a different alien so watch this space...
This week we have been settling back into routines before starting our new topic of Minibeasts!