Child line provide advice and support around a range of needs.
Kooth is an online mental health service for Children, young people and adults
MindMate has lots of useful resources and ideas to support mental health
Useful contact details:
Restorative Early Support Team:
0113 535 1523
East Early Help Hub:
0113 5351899
Felicity Nichols – EPOSS Cluster Leader/Targeted Services Leader:
07873 568533
Caroline Yelland - EPOSS Cluster Family Support Worker:
07711 369838
Michelle Shortland – EPOSS Cluster Counsellor:
07526 172934
Cheryl Robson – Childrens Centre Manager
07545 604311
Please only call if you have a child under 5 Years
Children's Social Work Services:
0113 222 4403
Please only call if you have a child protection concern.
0800 1111