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Church of England Primary School

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Weekly Class Updates

Friday 24th June 2022


This week it has been full steam ahead with the play. It is a testament to all the hard work that has been done that all lines have been learnt and that it is already really funny. Next week, we will focus on the music side of the production, as we need to add some extra volume. Well done everyone!


We have also spent some time learning the basics of triple jump and will look to hold a competition next week. Don't forget the Year Six Leavers' Meal on the 21st of July - it would be great to see everyone there!


Have a nice weekend and enjoy the weather.

Friday 17th June 2022


It has been a warm one! 


Everyone in year six has been brilliant this week given the scorching weather. Sports Day was a resounding success and was made fantastic by all the help provided by Year 6, and in particular the Team Captains - thank you. Congratulations must also be shared to the winning team: Kiddal.


Now that Sports Day is over for another year we can now turn our attention fully to Peter Pan. I am so looking forward to the production and ask that people please return their availability slip as soon as possible. 


Have a great weekend and thank you to all the support.

Friday 10th June 2022


It has been really great to start of Summer 2 with a bang. We have combined starting our new curriculum focus with Peter Pan! Whilst we have been very bust, the work the children have put in have been first rate. In particular, it has been incredible to see how well people have learnt their lines and really got their heads down. These next few weeks will see more focus and starting to transition to taking our hard work on to the stage.


Keep up the good work and keep practicing over the weekend! 

Friday 27th May 2022


It has been another fun week, culminating in the jubilee celebrations. The class got a chance to try six different activities and have a snoop around their old classrooms! 


In other news, we have had a focus on History this week. We have been learning all about the Viking invasion of Britain and how it has shaped the world we live in. This has produced some excellent writing which will stand us in excellent stead.


Finally, we have conducted auditions for the school play. A massive congratulation to everyone - you were all brilliant. It was such a hard job to cast!


Have a great week.



Friday 20th May 2022


Another fun ending to a week! This time, we produced the Friday Collective Worship. Ten minutes of learning and fun, which required everyone to focus and do their best. The chance to public speak has been limited by events out of our control recently. However, today was a brilliant learning experience which we will continue to build on.


Aside from public speaking, we have also made excellent progress with our writing. We are currently inviting fellow Viking warriors on a saga to one of the nine realms. It's a really good chance to let the imagination run wild - I can't wait to see the end result. 


Have a relaxing weekend.

Friday 13th May 2022


What a week! 


Well done to everyone on such a massive effort. You have been brilliant and deserve a weekend of fun a relaxation. Managing to attack each day with enthusiasm and positivity is no small feat. We are all really proud of you and your achievements. 


Following SATs, we have taken some time to enjoy the weather and celebrate our achievements. 


Well done one and all. 

Friday 6th May 2022


It has been a whirlwind of a week - full of hard work and so much positivity! I just want to take the chance to say how proud I am of each and every one of you for how much hard work you have put in to this year. Just do your best, that's all anyone can ask.


Remember that the SATs Breakfast runs from 8:20 and all Y6s are welcome. Have a brilliant weekend and remember to relax, eat well and get plenty of sleep.


See you on Monday morning!

Friday 29th April 2022


It was been a very busy week, full of lots of hard work and improvement. It is so nice that we have been able to punctuate our hard work by enjoying the sunshine during breaks and PE. 


In maths, we have just been finishing off some statistics and honing our arithmetic skills. It was been really exciting to see everyone's scores leap up as we head toward the end of the year. 


I have also seen a real jump in the level of maturity amongst the group as a whole. People have been taking ownership of their work and I have seen some really supportive and kind behaviour. As we come to a time of transition, it augurs really well that they are growing so well into their role at the top of the school.


Please get some rest after a hectic week and come back with a spring in your step on Tuesday.

Friday 22nd April 2022


Well done for a fantastic week! It may have been only four days, but we crammed an awful lot in! The main focus has been on history, and we were lucky enough to be visited by a real-life Viking! It was so brilliant to be taken back in time and to create our own sagas. We will use the experience to create some exciting bits of writing - I can't wait!


In other news, we have been learning more about angles and specifically, those of a triangle. It was been brilliant to see them do so well! They really have taken to the subject like a duck to water.


Finally, we have got the tennis nets out in PE and been able to spend some quality time practicing on the court. More next week, hopefully in the sunshine again!

Friday 1st April 2022


Well done to everyone for another brilliant term. So much progress has been made and we have crammed so much in. It was really great to see all the photographs in our Residential celebration and the Easter activities have been a really nice way to end the term. We took part in egg rolling, a tombola and an egg hunt.


We have also found time to finish our unit on ratio in maths and our independent write focusing on suspense. It was certainly our best bit of writing so far. Make sure to have a relaxing break and recharge the batteries ahead of a jam-packed summer term.

Friday 25th March 2022


Wow - residential was absolutely brilliant! Everyone came back happy, tired and having had a fantastic time. It was made even better by the incredible weather - we were very, very lucky. There will be a chance to see the photos we took on Friday afternoon, please check out the school news letter for more details.


In other news, it is the school photo on Wednesday, so as a result our PE day will be moved to Monday (for one week only). As such, please ensure PE kit on Monday and normal school uniform on Wednesday.


Workwise, we have been pushing on with maths and have now started to tackle ratio, leaving area and volume in the rear view mirror... for now.


Have a nice weekend.

Friday 18th March 2022


Another really good week completed, and in the sunshine! Science Week culminated in a seeing a miniature steam engine in full working order - this was brilliant given our work on the industrial revolution. We have also learnt the formulas for calculating the area of a triangle and am now learning all about measuring volume.


In English, we continue to learn how to writing a story full of suspense and will be embarking on writing our independent story when we return next week. We will be using our toolkits to really push ourselves.


In PE, we have been learning some more tennis skills, however, due to Science Week, we had to play some football on Friday - which went down very well!


Residential next week, have a good weekend and get some rest. 

Friday 11th March 2022


The week's main news revolves around the class starting to use ReadingPlus, a programme designed to help our readers excel. The children have really enjoyed it and can't wait for next week. However, please login at home with the details provided - this will really aid progress. 


In other news, we have been practicing our tennis skills and have been recapping our understanding of perimeter and area. Next week, we will be learning the formulae for calculating the area of a triangle!


Finally, in English we have planned our Guided Write to imitate our model text 'kidnapped'. This has gone very well, I can't wait to see the results.


Have a good weekend.

Friday 4th March 2022


Well done to everyone who this week competed in the pancake races and World Book Day. They were both fantastic chances to let get out of the classroom and share some laughter with different classes. It was great to see.


We have been discussing Charles Darwin in science and learning all about the Theory of Evolution. It's such an interesting topic and one which I hope will be really enjoyable - we have some fun planned for next week.


In maths, algebra is in the rear view mirror for a few weeks, with our next challenge relating to converting between different forms of measurement.


Please look at the Home Learning section of the website to find a scheme of work to really improve our grammar.


Have a nice weekend.

Friday 18th February 2022


Well done to everyone who made the final week of half term such a success. It culminated in the 'Upside Down Day', which was really good fun for everyone involved.


In maths, we have been working on our algebraic understanding. This is such an interesting part of the curriculum and people have really thrown themselves into it. Next stop, a refresher on perimeter and area.


In addition, we have managed to finish our independent write - a report on our own mythical creature.


We have also spent some time with our buddies; making the most of the odd pocket of sunshine.


Have a great half term.

Friday 11th February 2022


Another fun week in the books!


I think a real highlight for Year 6 was meeting their 'buddies' from Year 1. It was great to see everyone getting along and having a lovely time.


Slightly more mundane, we have been learning about expressions in algebra. This will stand us in good stead as we start to consider substitution next week.


In English, we have incorporated our key grammar features into our reports on dragons. This is a really fun piece of writing which has started with us creating a map of a magical land and will hopefully end with a stunning piece of writing next week. 


Next week will we be doing plenty of art in the style of Andy Warhol.


Have a nice weekend.

Friday 4th February 2022.


We have started and ended the week absolutely 'hooked' on Times Table Rockstars. The competitive spirit really came to the fore as we racked up as many point as we could muster. We emerged victorious, which is indicative of all the hard work put in at school and home!


Algebra has also been tackled head on. Despite some initial concerns, bred from apparent horror stories about the subject, everyone has really excelled. I am very much looking forward to building on this sturdy foundation next week.


In History, we have been comparing the Anglo Saxons with the Maya civilisation. Contrasting their lifestyles and ways of life is really interesting given they overlapped historically. There is more on this in this week's Home Learning.


In RE we have been learning more about the Sikh faith and in English we are starting to learn our new model text - The Ice-Dagger Dragon.


Well done and have a nice weekend.

Friday 28th January 2022


Well done on another fun week!


This week, our primary focus has been on completing our independent writing in English. The pieces created so far really highlight how individuals are understanding all the different techniques and tailoring them to meet their own unique styles. I can't wait to see how they will turn out next week.


In maths, we have turned the page on percentages for a while and move into the world of algebra. There is a PowerPoint and game within Home Learning for those who want to get a step ahead!


We have also learnt the difference between our meanders and our oxbow lakes in our rivers topic and brushed up on our Mayan Gods.


All very busy!


Have a good weekend. 

Friday 21st January 2022


Well done all on a brilliant week!


The most impressive success has been how the class have grasped the intricacies of percentages. Being able to calculate the percentage of an amount is no mean feat with a calculator, let alone with just a pencil for company. However Year 6 have taken it all in their stride and have shown real prowess. Not only that, but their application to solve tricky problems has also got to be applauded.


As for English, we have finished our Shared Write and begin to think about our own stories. We understand the form a warning tale takes and have worked hard to incorporate all the facets of our 'toolkit'. Next week will be bringing it all together to write a fantastic, independent final piece.


Geography has been all about learning the features of rivers. We can now tell our oxbows from our meanders. Much more next week!


Have a great weekend!



Friday 14th January 2022


Well done to everyone for a fantastic week. We have been working really hard and some excellent results have been achieved.


For starters, in English we have begun our shared write in which we are creating a warning tale all about being trapped in a lighthouse. We have concentrated on characterisation and ensuring that we continue to punctuate our speech correctly. Alongside this, we have enjoyed our Class Novel, The River Sea. It is a story that links brilliantly with our geography and history topics this Term.


In maths, we have moved on to studying percentages. It was a very impressive first lesson in which people understood the concepts and worked to a very high standard.


Finally, our PE focus is on gymnastics where we have been working to perfect the diving forward roll. There has been a real emphasis on safety and ensuring that the sport is one that all can enjoy.


Have a good weekend.

Friday 7th January 2021


First week back and it has been really good to catch up and start building on all the good work achieved last term. Even though the weather has been a bit 'iffy' we have tried to get outside as much as possible and this really helps improve concentration.


Learning all about decimals has been really interesting, especially as there has been a real focus on problems solving. This requires a solid understanding and the use of bar models. I have been pleasantly suprised how well people have taken to it. More of the same next week, when we will be focusing on equivalent decimals, fractions and percentages.


In English, we have started our next piece of writing, a warning tale called The Caravan. It's got a really fun, yet straightforward plot which I think will help us create some really inventive and atmospheric pieces of writing.


Given the recent Geography Launch, we have spent some time gaining some basic information about the Amazon river. This has entailed using atlases and Google Earth to really understand it's scale, location and diversity.


Finally, I am really excited to start out latest book, Journey to the River Sea. It is a real favourite and the fact it is partially set in Amazon links brilliantly with our geography topic. 


Ps. It also links well with our history topic which we will be diving in to next week.


Have a fun weekend and see you soon.

Friday 10th December 2021


So what began as a week of assessments and hard work finished with a really celebratory feel. After all the hard graft, Year 6 managed to let their hair down by organising an Elf Run for the school. The effort, kindness and maturity showed was fantastic from one and all. Well done.


The assessments themselves have done very well and we intend to sit down with individuals next week to have a chat about 'next steps'. Our main academic priorities for next week is finish writing up our discussion text and practicing our arithmetic skills ahead of a two week break.


Again, well done. A great end to the week.

Friday 3rd December 2021


Well done on another great week; full of lots of fun and hard work. It has begun to feel a little like Christmas, with Arthur the Elf making and appearance and the lights going up. We have had another week of focusing much of our attention on grammar. There is some included in this week's Home Learning about the 'passive voice' which should consolidate the understanding.


In maths, we have started off learning about decimals. Whilst the understanding was good, we have to make sure we are confident with exchanges before we can progress. We will continue to embed previous knowledge with our morning maths grids.


Also, a short maths assessment has been sent home - as already reiterated, just try your best and ask someone if you are struggling. The answers on the website (just follow the link).


Have a good weekend. 

Friday 26th November 2021


The highlight of this week has been the improvement in our tag rugby skills. We have been learning new drills and everyone has been giving it a go! The standard is remarkably high and we certainly have some players with a lot of potential. 


In maths, we have finished fractions (for a while). We will continue to regularly revert back to it due to its importance, however I think we are all ready for a little break. Next up is translation and reflection - a really nice topic which allows you to use physical resources. 


Finally, I hope everyone has received a version of the 'finding tale'. There have been some really great bits of work completed and I know so many people were incredibly proud to take their work home.


Have a great weekend - you deserve it. 

Friday 19th November 2021


The standard of writing this week has been nothing short of brilliant. Without fail, everyone has produced their best work so far this year and the enthusiasm is just great to see. We have mostly been focusing on writing in order to create suspense, which has led to some very atmospheric pieces of writing. Fingers crossed, this will translate into a fantastic final piece next week where we will be writing our own stories based on our own unique settings.


In maths, we have concentrated on understanding 'fractions of an amount'. Whilst this is potentially a tricky subject, people have worked so hard in order to improve their understanding. If a recent assessment is anything to go by, the hard work is really paying off.


In science, we have finished comparing our heart rates following different activities, created bar graphs and drawn conclusions concerning why the changes occur, linked to our understanding.


Please have a massive push to complete your home learning next week.


Have a good weekend

Friday 12th November 2021


We stepped back from our normal routines this week to mark Remembrance Day. We discussed what was the best way to celebrate such an important event and, to my surprise, there was a very positive reaction to producing poems. It is such a tricky subject to cover for people so young and requires learners to show maturity and respect in abundance. I was overjoyed to see the class show these qualities, and not a little skill, when creating their own poems to serve as a poignant reminder. The poems have subsequently been placed around the village and, in conjunction with the war memorial visit, really serve to illustrate the importance of remembering and learning from the past. Well done to everyone.  


In English, we have written a fantastic first paragraph of our story - making sure in include many of the grammatical features we have been learning. 


Fractions, fractions, fractions... we have nearly finished our fractions unit in good time. There is a very solid understanding throughout the class, however we have set time aside to continue to revisit the concepts and understanding. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


Finally, in RE we have been discussing the compatibility of science and theology with regard to the creation story. We have had some incredibly deep discussions!!


Well done on a great week!

Friday 5th November 2021


Well done Year 6! You have blown me away this week with your hard work and commitment to improvement. I think the last time I taught you was when you were all in Year 4 and I commend your increasing maturity and hugely positive attitudes. You are a wonderful Year 6 class; full of creativity and fun and I have enjoyed this week immensely!


In Mathematics we have been adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions with great success. You have all worked hard to understand and complete some complex word problems. Next week you will continue to build your knowledge and confidence when multiplying fractions.


I enjoyed sharing my ‘Finding Tale’ about the ‘Barwick Jewels’, with you all in English. Your text maps of the Model Text, ‘Adventure at Sandy Cave’ are fabulous and the next steps next week will be a guided write and putting your own ideas into practise. In PE we have started a unit of work on Tag Rugby and in Art we have been looking at Banksy.  

Friday 15th October 2021


Best week of Year 6, yet. Everyone has worked incredibly hard and the improvements have been astonishing. It is this dedication and hardwork which will continue to help drive the class forward. The week has been punctuated with many fun games and activity which add colour to the year. 


One such highlight has been the flamenco classes, which offered a great chance for people to be active and learn about different arts and cultures. This, accompanied by the Year 6 v Teachers rounders match, has really energised everyone. However, lets not talk about the end result.


In English, we have been practicing our persuasive letter writing skills and honing our usage of colons. And as for maths, this has been spent getting to grips with fractions. More next week!

Spanish Day

Friday 8th October


We have had a really good week in school, with lots of learning and really pushing ourselves. We have discussed how we can strive to achieve our goals for the year and it has been really exciting to see the way that the class is working as a team.


We have continued to learn about the Industrial Revolution, with a focus this week on it's impact on the British Empire and what the world used to look like. It has been so interesting 'busting' a few misconceptions and have group discussions about morality and the use of resources.


In science, we are starting to look at healthy eating and exercise and the impacts this has on our body. Next week, we will start to plan our own experiment to test our recovery times. 


In English, we have been finishing off our previous text and learning our next model text. It's going to be a great one focussing on persuasive writing - we can't wait.


Finally, in maths, we have worked really hard to understand BIDMAS and have started our journey into the world of fractions. This was an area that we really need to concentrate moving forwards.


Have a good weekend.

Friday 1st October


Another really fun week full of learning and fun. We have conducted experiments about the digestive system and learnt all about what it would have been like to grow up in the industrial revolution.


In English, the level of work has been fantastic and each and every person has produced a stunning bit of work - I am really proud. Next week, we start on a journey to write our next piece of work which will require us to write persuasively!


Maths has been really exciting this week, culminating in a lesson on BIDMAS which really grabbed the attention. It was brilliant to see so much enthusiasm, determination and not a little enjoyment when tackling the tasks. Well done all!


Have a really lovely weekend and see you all on Monday! 

Friday 24th September 2021


Best week of the year, so far. Despite having to do assessments, we have crammed in lots of learning and fun this week.


For starters, our English writing is looking really good. We have spent the week crafting a 'time-slip' story together, ensuring lots of good grammar is involved in our writing. Next week will be their chance to put all the hard work into practice and construct their own, independent, story. Can't wait!


It's been a week in maths which has required lots of hard-work and determination. It hasn't been easy, but many people have really given maximum effort, which is leading to some excellent work being done. Well done!


In Science we have continued learning about the circulatory system and in History we discovered the importance of coal to the industrial revolution.


Finally, we have some serious hockey players in Year 6. After only a few sessions people have really grasped the skills and are excelling. 


Have a good weekend!

Friday 17th September 2021


It has been a really fun week in Year 6. We have settled right back into good habits and the work produced has been excellent! 


In particular, the written pieces in English have been at a totally new level than those pre-summer. We have been really impressed and cannot wait to read the full independent story next week. We have also worked hard to incorporate an awful lot of Year 5/6 grammar objectives - which they've handled with aplomb. 


Maths has been spent getting the fundamentals grooved and it is really encouraging how few gaps there are. It will step up a next week, so check out the Home Learning for some tips and hints.


In history, we have continued to consider the industrial revolution and in particular the changes in agriculture. Pretending to be a farmer in 1800 has produced some great accents!


Finally, we are all enjoying our hockey and the weather has been really, really kind to us!


Have a good weekend!

Friday 10th September 2021


It has been so great to see everyone again and welcome some new faces! It has been a real whirlwind and everybody has given 100%. 


We have tried to get outside as much as possible and been using some active learning to take advantage of the nice weather. You can really tell how much the class has missed having fun together.


In maths, we have been working on our foundational knowledge concerning place value. It is so important to get the understanding embedded early and we are well on the way to achieving this.


English has been spent learning our model text and practicing our grammar skills.


Finally, in History we have started learning about the Industrial Revolution, which is just brilliant given all the local links avaliable.


Have a great weekend and see you on Monday. 

History Presentations

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