If your child is learning from home, please visit our Remote Learning page to see your daily activities.
Summer Homework
Over this half term, you are expected to complete the following homework:
Reading - Reading your reading books at least five times a week.
Maths - To log onto Times Table Rockstars
Spelling - To practise your weekly spellings for your spelling tests.
Date set: Friday 11th February 2022
Date due: Friday 18th February 2022
| What is my Home Learning task?
| How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Interpreting Pictograms
Complete the interactive activity on CSK , to show you can understand the information that a pictogram shows.
After completing the interactive activity, why not collect your own data. You could do a survey of your family and friends of their favourite food, colour, football team, or something more inventive!
Display your work as a pictogram, write some questions about your data for the rest of the class to solve. We can then show them in Celebration Assembly.
30 mins |
We have been learning about tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams at school. |
Consolidation | Times Tables Rock Stars Make sure you spend at least 30 minutes working on your times tables of TTRockstars this week. I can already see some big improvements in the speed that many of the class can recall their tables.
Please drop me a line if you are having any issues logging in, and I’ll have a look for you.
Try to go on for at least 30 minutes across the week.
We have been learning our times tables at school. |
Consolidation |
Grammar Sheet – Tenses
As a class, we found recognising, completing and changing sentences to the correct tense one of the more challenging parts of our recent Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling checks in class.
We will work on them at school, but please do also have a go at this week’s questions.
30 mins |
We will continue to look at tenses in English lessons. |
Preparation | Science: Habitats Diorama (2-week project)
This week, please complete your Habitat Dioramas. I’ve already seen some great examples begin to come in. You can bring your work in to display in class, or could send a photo/ video of your work to my email address.
Remember, you can use the link from DK Find Out to discover more about different habitats, and the animals that are suited to living there.
These videos on BBC Bitesize may also be useful.
Good luck, I hope you enjoy this project.
60 mins (across 2 weeks) |
We’ve explored different habitats from across the globe this week.
Date set: Friday 4th February 2022
Date due: Friday 11th February 2022
| What is my Home Learning task?
| How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Times Tables Rock Stars Times Tables Rockstars will be an ongoing target for Year 2. To continue to give it a real push in the class, I am not setting any other Maths homework this week.
In Year 2, children aim to master their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables, as well as the associated division facts. For example, 5x2=10, and 2x5=10, so 10÷5=2 and 10÷2=5. Some children can go onto further tables as well.
Please go on for at least 30 minutes across the week, and have some fun spending your coins on your avatar!
Try to go on for at least 30 minutes across the week.
We have been learning our times tables at school. |
Consolidation | Learning the model text: Why Seagulls are a Nuisance.
For this week, practice learning the model text at home, to consolidate what you’ve learned at school. Remember to use the actions we’ve learned together.
I’ve uploaded both the text map and model text in a single document, so you can check the text if you get stuck.
30 minutes.
We have begun to learn this model text this week. |
Preparation | Science: Habitats Diorama (2-week project)
This week we began to learn about microhabitats, and further explored microhabitats in the school. Next week we will begin to look at other habitats around the Earth, and how they are suited to different animals.
Use this link from DK Find Out to discover more about different habitats, and the animals that are suited to living there.
Pick one habitat that particularly interests you. It may the African savannah, or something entirely different! Use the information you find to create a box diorama (3d model) of the habitat. Can you add labels to explain the animals you put into your diorama?
This Google search gives lots of examples to give you some inspiration.
60 mins (across 2 weeks) |
We are moving onto looking at different habitats next week.
Date set: Friday 28th January 2022
Date due: Friday 4th February 2022
| What is my Home Learning task?
| How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Times Tables Rock Stars: Battle of the Bands! Each year group is going head-to-head in a Battle of the Bands on TTRockstars!
It’s a perfect time for Year 2 to enter a Battle of the Bands. We’ve been learning how to multiply for the past few weeks, and some of us have learned some tables off by heart.
Across the week, please log-in to TTRockstars, using the username and password in your Pupil Planner. It’s the same as the one used for Numbots. Every correct answer you get contributes to our score.
Go for it Year 2!
Try to go on for at least 30 minutes across the week.
We have been learning our times tables at school. |
Consolidation | Grammar Sheet – Functions of Sentences
This week we have learned about four different types of sentences: commands, exclamations, questions and statements.
Today’s grammar sheet focuses on these different types of sentences.
(These are from old ‘SATs’ papers for Year 2, so it’s really useful to practice and get used to the way the questions are presented.)
30 minutes.
We have been learning about these types of sentences this week. |
Consolidation | Science
Watch the video we watched in class to remind yourself about things that are living, not living, and have never lived. Then pick one of these options:
1) Go outside and find three examples of each of the above categories. Can you remember which materials may have once been living, and which have never been alive?
2) Make a mind map to help you to remember all of the things that all living things do. I know some of you love to get really creative with this tasks!
30 minutes |
We’ve been learning about these three categories in our Science learning.
Date set: Friday 21st January 2022
Date due: Friday 28th January 2022
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Two times table
You know this song very well I’m sure: 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness
Now, complete the interactive activity to consolidate your understanding of the two times table.
Bonus Challenge As an extra challenge, see how quickly you can finish this Memory Card challenge! |
Up to 30 mins
We have been practising the two times table at home. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are learning these times tables at school. |
Consolidation | Grammar Sheet – Word Classes
Today’s grammar sheet focuses on different word classes, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. You could either print out the sheet, or write your answers into your home learning book.
(These are from old ‘SATs’ papers for Year 2, so it’s really useful to practice and get used to the way the questions are presented.)
30 minutes.
We learn and revisit different word classes through Year 1 and 2. |
Consolidation | Geography: Making A Balloon Globe!
This activity was so popular at school, the class asked to have another go at it at home. You’ll need a balloon to blow up (ideally blue).
Then, either print the sheet, or draw your own continents to stick on. Can you include all seven continents and all five oceans? Then, add the equator in the correct place. It’d be great to see a photo of your finished work!
30 minutes |
We’ve been recapping the key locational knowledge of the continents and oceans – what they are called and where they are located in relation to each other.
Date set: Friday 14th January 2022
Date due: Friday 21st January 2022
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | The multiplication symbol
Show off your understanding of what multiplication is by completing this interactive activity on Classroom Secrets Kids: you can do it!
Bonus Challenge
Now, can you use your understanding of multiplication to find who has won the game of bingo. You may need to draw the multiplications using images, just like you did on Thursday in class.
For example: |
Up to 30 mins
We have been learning about multiplication as repeated addition of equal groups. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | Grammar Sheet – Punctuation Focus
Complete the attached Grammar Sheet. All the questions have a punctuation focus. You could either print out the sheet, or write your answers into your home learning book.
(These are from old 'SATs' papers for Year 2, so it’s really useful to practice and get used to the way the questions are presented.)
30 minutes.
We use punctuation when we write, and interpret its meaning when reading. |
Consolidation | PSHE: Setting a goal
We reflected on setting goals, and what it feels like to be successful.
This week, why don’t you set three goals that you want to achieve over the week. Ask your grown-ups to help you plan how to achieve them.
For example, you might think about helping with dinner across the week, practising a sports skill, or remembering to keep your room tidy.
You can share how it went in class next Friday, and how you feel when you achieve goals. Good luck!
30 minutes |
We have been talking about succeeding in our goals in PSHE. |
Date set: Friday 7th January 2022
Date due: Friday 14th January 2022
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Maths – At The Toy Shop
Making An Amount To consolidate our money learning from before Christmas, please go to the toy shop. Choose ‘mixed coins’ and ‘up to £1’. Remember partition the amount into 10s and 1s. For example, 86p is 80p + 6p. Make the tens amount first, then make the ones.
You could change the difficulty to over £1 to have a greater challenge.
Giving Change Then, try the giving change part of the game. This is harder, so I’d recommend trying ‘up to 20p’ to begin with. If you are really confident with this, please try a higher amount.
Remember, to find the change, you can either: Subtract the cost of the item from the 20p Find the difference by counting on from the cost of the item to the 20p.
Up to 30 mins
Being able to make an amount using coins is a key requirement of this part of the Maths curriculum. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | Your Favourite Book! We are discussing how wonderful reading is in class! Could you send a photo of you reading your favourite book to joshua.lynn@barwickprimary.co.uk, to go on our class reading display.
Learning The Model Text: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch
This week, we have begun to learn our new Talk For Writing Story. It’s called The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, and involves some very pesky seagulls! We haven’t finished learning the model text at school or in remote learning, so please practice as much as you can. Remember to use the actions you’ve learned at school, and plenty of expression!
30 minutes.
We will finish learning the text on Monday. |
Consolidation | Geography: African Safari When writing things that we’d like to find out about Africa, most questions involved African wildlife.
First of all, have a look at these fantastic wildlife live streams. Can you spot your favourite animal right now? Then choose one animal to find out about. Draw/ or stick a photo of it, it in the middle of your home learning book, and label it with three fantastic facts.
You can share the most amazing one with the class next week: can you get any ‘wows!!!’?
DK Find Out is a great online children’s encyclopaedia to start with. National Geographic Kids has also got some great information on it. |
30 minutes |
We will learn more about Africa through our new topic. |
Date set: Friday 10th December
Date due: Friday 17th December
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? |
Activity 1 | Ho Ho Ho! Santa has decided to give the reindeer a break this year. Design a new Santa mobile. Draw your new festive mode of transport, give it a name and add labels to explain its different parts. | Up to 30mins
Activity 2 | Story Starter… Write a story using this sentence starter… It was the night before Christmas, I was about to set out my reindeer treats and cookies for Santa when all of a sudden the lights went out… What writing skills can you include in your story? Think about what we’ve been using in class to write your Discussion Text.
| Up to 20mins |
Activity 3 | Creative Cards Create a 3D pop up Christmas card for a friend or someone in your family. https://www.redtedart.com/diy-christmas-pop-up-card/ This link has some great ideas for you to explore! | Up to 30mins |
Activity 4 | Festive Wordsearch Can you create a festive wordsearch linked to key words we think of at Christmas? You may choose a specific theme, such as Christmas dinner or you may just use everything in one huge puzzle! I look forward to having a go at them! | Up to 20mins |
Date set: Friday 3rd December
Date due: Friday 10th December
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Subtraction – using images
I’d like to consolidate this area that we’ve recently covered. There are many methods we can use to subtract, but we’ve been focusing on the one shown below. As with addition, if you are able to subtract mentally to find the answers, please using images to check if you are right.
Method 1) Draw the number you will subtract from, in tens and ones. 2) DO NOT draw the second number! Instead, subtract it from the first number by ‘crossing out’. Subtract the ones, then subtract the tens. 3) Count the tens and ones remaining to see how many are left.
Use this method to answer these questions: 15 – 4 36 – 5 44 – 21 67 – 32 58 – 18 55 – 44
Extra Challenge Can you remember how to represent exchanging using this method? See if you can answer these: 23 – 7 36 – 18 62 – 43 63 – 36 |
Up to 30 mins
Being confident with the four operations is a core area of learning in maths. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Preparation | Invasion of the Apostrophes!
Watch this very exciting video about apostrophes. Yes, such a video exists! It shows how ‘apostrophes for contraction’ work.
Can you draw a picture or even a comic strip about one of those terrible invading apostrophes? Show how it sneakily removes some letters, and turns two words into one!
30 minutes.
We will be exploring more about how apostrophes are used. |
Consolidation | Science: The importance of exercise
Research how exercise affects our bodies. You could choose to find out how it affects our hearts, our bodies or our bones and muscles.
Then, make an activity diary across the week in your home learning book. Make a list of how many hours of exercise you do each day across the week. Remember you can include break time and lunchtimes, and activities like walking to school. I wonder who our most super active children are?
A few minutes each day across the week. |
We will be exploring the effect of exercise on our bodies next week. |
Date set: Friday 26th November
Date due: Friday 3rd December
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Money: recognising coins and notes Ask your grown-ups if you can borrow some real money to help you today. Some of us in class are more familiar with the different coins, but others need a bit more time to familiarise themselves with them. Explore the colour, size and shape of the different coins. Then, with a grown up, play ‘I’m thinking of a coin’. Take turns to use the value, shape, size and colour to describe the coins. For example: ‘My coin is silver and has seven sides. It is worth more than 10p.’ (It can be fun to award any pocket money given through guessing which coin your grown-up has, but that’s up to them!) If you have one of each of the design, you could have a go at making the shield again, which was an activity we set in Year 1.
Up to 30 mins
We have been recapping the value of different coins and notes in class, before moving on the counting in different values of coins and notes. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | Should Cat, Bramble and Heron Hire a Monster?
Our new Talk for Writing text is a discussion text. We had lots of fun role-playing monsters to determine whether they’d make good treasure guards! Use the text map to see how well you can remember the text and the actions. I’ve also attached the model text if you get stuck!
30 minutes.
We’ve been learning this discussion text in school. |
Consolidation | Christmas Tree Decoration
Can you make your own decoration for the Christmas tree that is going up in the school hall?
We will be decorating the tree on Wednesday 1st December!
Up to 30 mins |
Next week, our Christmas tree is going up in school! |
Date set: Friday 19th November
Date due: Friday 26th November
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Number Bonds to 100 In class, we’ve learned about the relationship between number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 100. Can you demonstrate this by completing these number bonds to 10, and then writing the equivalent number bonds to 100.
8+? = 10 5 +? = 10 ? + 3 = 10 1 + ? = 10
Bonus Challenge – You can do it! In class, we took this one step further. We used 100 squares and our knowledge of place value to find number bonds to 100 using 10s and 1s. An interactive 100 square like this may help you. Remember:
67+___ = 100 78+ ___ = 100 45+ ___ = 100 |
Up to 30 mins
We have been learning how to find number bonds to 100 in class. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables: 10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | But…… We have been exploring how to use different conjunctions. We found that we can use the conjunction ‘but’ to join two contrasting clauses together. Think of the ‘thumb up… thumb down’ or’ thumb down… thumb up’ sign we used at school. Can you copy and complete these sentences? (You could even sneak in an expanded noun phrase if you wanted to blow some teacher socks off!)
I didn’t win the Privilege Card but…. My best friend fell in a muddy puddle but… The burger was delicious but…. I’d love to have a pet duck but….
Up to 30 minutes.
See left
Consolidation | Art – Taking a mental picture
I saw some wonderful work when you did this at school recently. Go outside to a familiar spot, such as your garden, or a local park. ‘Take a mental picture’ with your mind – try to remember as much detail as possible. Ask a grown up to take a picture on their phone of what you want to draw, so you can compare it when you’ve finished. Have a go at drawing your picture purely from memory when you are inside. See how much detail you can remember. Consider how you can show light and dark, and represent texture on your picture.
Up to 30 mins | The class have been developing their observational drawing skills at school. |
Date set: Friday 12th November
Date due: Friday 19th November
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation | Adding Two 2-digit numbers. Use the strategy you have learned at school to add these numbers. 1) Draw the number using tens and ones. 2) Add up the tens. 3) Count on to add the ones. For example: If you can do it mentally, use the strategy to check you have definitely got the right answer! 15 + 6 = 7 + 25 = 34 + 23 = 43 + 29 = 60 + 25 = 73 + 35 =
Number Bonds to 20 We need to be really secure with our number bonds to 10, and 20. Revisit, our old favourite Hit The Button to practice again this week!
Up to 30 mins
We have been exploring strategies to larger numbers this week. |
Preparation | Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables: 10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | Adverbs Dice! This week’s homework involves a little bit of crafting. Download, or draw out two dice nets.
On the first dice, write a verb on each face, for example: run, dance, sleep, hop, laugh, shake
On the second dice, write an adverb on each face, for example: angrily, explosively, silently, suspiciously, slowly, rapidly
Then, roll both dice, and act out what the dice tell you to do! I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun! Can you explain to your grown up what an adverb is? Can you put your three favourite combinations of verb and adverb in sentences? For example, I run silently when I am being a sneaky ninja. |
Up to 30 minutes.
We are have been exploring the use of adverbs in Cat, Bramble and Heron
Consolidation | Anti-Bullying Week
Can you complete 4 acts of kindness this week? Have a look at the Acts of Kindness Table I have put up for ideas. Has anyone acted kindly towards you? Can you think of 5 occasions when someone has acted kindly towards you? Choose an emotion to describe how it made you feel.
| Up to 30 mins | Next week is Anti-Bullying week. We will take part in assemblies and activities during the week linked to Anti-bullying’s theme One Kind Word. |
Date set: Friday 5th November
Date due: Friday 12th November
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
10 More and 10 Less
As a warm up, play this Year 1 counting in 10s matching game.
Now, complete the interactive activity. Remember what we learned at school: the tens digit changes, the ones digit stays the same. It would also be useful to represent each number with items from home e.g. spaghetti for tens and pasta pieces for 1s, before finding 10 more or 10 less.
Bonus Challenge
Try this problem solving activity!
30 mins
We’ve used our understanding of place value to explore 10 more/ 10 less this week. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | Cat, Bramble and Heron
Use your Home Learning time to learn as much of our story as possible? Use the text map to help you. I’ve also uploaded the model text so you can check how well you remember it!
Bonus Challenge: Commas in a List We’ve briefly explored how to use commas to make a list. Remember we need to use a comma after each item, but use ‘and’ before the final item. For example: Flavours of Crisps I Like Pickled Onion, Prawn Cocktail, Roast Beef and Ready Salted Firstly, watch this very popular video and enjoy the dance. Then, write a list of everybody you know who makes you laugh. Remember to use capital letters for names!
30 minutes.
20 minutes
We are learning this story at school.
Consolidation | Science: Different Types of Animals We’ve been recapping the different types of animal that we learned about in Year 1. Can you write a ‘what am I?’ about a type of animal. This BBC Bitesize page is an excellent starting point. For example, you might write: I have feathers but do not have fur. I have two legs, two wings and can usually fly. I need to breathe air, so I have lungs. (Birds) If you want to make it harder for others in your class, you could go for reptile or amphibian! |
15 minutes |
See left |
Friday 22nd October 2021
Half Term Whole School Challenge!
As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related.
Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher (joshua.lynn@barwickprimary.co.uk).
Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November.
We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Comparing Number Sentences
Step by step is the way to go with this! Watch Katie’s video tutorial explain how to compare number sentences, and answer her questions as you go through.
After this, complete the interactive activity. You’ll need a pencil and paper to help you to work out each answer.
Bonus Challenge
Can you write a step by step guide to how to answer this question? Then, teach a member of your family how to do it. 4 + 3 ____ 7 – 2
30 mins
We’ve been applying our understanding of <>= to compare number sentences. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation |
Adding Punctuation
Mr Lynn was in a rush. He wrote this website update with no punctuation at all! Can you spot where the punctuation should go? Remember to read it out loud to help you to spot the end of the sentences.
spanish day was very cool we really enjoyed playing a blow football game unfortunately the goals were a bit wobbly we were all super dancers and had a great time all day long what was the best bit for you
Bonus Challenge Can you draw a picture of your favourite activity during Spanish day, and write three sentences about it: don’t forget your punctuation!
30 minutes.
We are working hard to improve our ‘checking skills’. When we write more, it can be very easy to forget punctuation.
Preparation | RE: Rules and making good choices Across this half-term, the children have been exploring rules, such as those used in school, and those that Christian and Muslims follow as part of their religion. Talk to your grown-ups at home. Is there a rule you already all follow in your home, which helps you to make good choices? Or, could you decide a new one together? Split a page of your home learning book in half. Write your rule at the top. On the left draw what would happen if people in your house follow the rule. On the right, draw what would happen if people didn’t.
15 minutes |
See left |
Date set: Friday 8th October
Date due: Friday 15th October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Fact Families
We’ve worked hard to understand fact families in class this week. They can take some time to understand, but are core to understanding inverse operations, and solving missing number questions.
Watch this video tutorial with Katie from CSK to consolidate your understanding. As Katie shows her examples, it may be really useful to represent the numbers with small objects you have at home, such as dry pasta or buttons.
Then, watch and answer the questions from the interactive animation.
Bonus Challenge
Use things you have at home to represent a part whole model, then write the addition and subtraction number sentences to go with it.
30 mins
We’ve been exploring fact families in class using concrete resources, children, and a carrot. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Continue to practise your times tables:
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation |
Vowels and consonants This week we remembered that a,e,i, o, and u are the vowels. We used the phrase ‘An Elephant In Orange Underpants’ to help us to remember them!
1) Can you think of a different acronym to help you to remember the vowels? Draw a picture to go with your idea: the sillier, the better!
2) Popularity contest. ‘e’ is meant to be the most commonly used letter in English. Let’s see if that’s true when you write. Write at least four sentences about your favourite things to do at the weekend. Then highlight and count up how many a, e, i, o and u’s have been used. Don’t forget to ‘keep it neat’, use capital letters, and punctuation.
Another activity you may wish to do is to go on a ‘vowel walk’ – how quickly can you find all five vowels on local signs? Can you spot ‘y’ being used as a vowel in any of them? |
30 minutes.
We’ve refreshed our understanding of vowels and consonants this week.
Preparation | Spanish – where in the world? On Tuesday, it’s Spanish day in school. As budding Spanish experts, did you know that Spanish is not only spoken in Spain? Can you find out which other countries speak Spanish? I wonder if you could find out how many people speak Spanish across the whole world? What a useful language to know! |
15 minutes | Spanish Day is on the 12th October. |
Date set: Friday 1st October
Date due: Friday 8th October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
We learnt to count in 2s, 5s, and 10s in Year 1. Can you apply this knowledge to solve answer these questions? Consider carefully how to count on from a different number, just like we have done this week. Discuss question 2 and 3 with a grown-up: work through each possibility carefully.
Bonus Challenge
Investigate different number patterns with this week’s challenge. Think about the patterns you know. You may need a pencil and paper to work these out.
30 mins
We’ve been consolidating our understanding of counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. |
Preparation |
Repeating Task: Learning your times tables
Begin to learn the 2s, 5s and 10 times tables with some catchy songs, and energetic songs from BBC Supermovers!
10 Times Table with Webster the Spider 2 Times Table with Bridget The Lioness 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch
Any spare five minutes |
We are transitioning from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, to learning them as times tables. |
Consolidation | Thank you for your excellent explanations of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Maxwell now feels like a very clever orang-utan indeed!
Expanded Noun Phrases
Now, use what you’ve taught Maxwell to explore expanded noun phrases. Watch the video, and read the information below it.
Instead of completing the activities, look at this Charlie Brown picture. How many sentences containing expanded noun phrases can you write about things you can see in it?
30 minutes.
We’ve written expanded noun phrases about the papaya from our Talk For Writing Story.
Preparation | Science: Use of Materials Walking Water Experiment At school, we’ve been hunting for materials outside and seeing how they are used. We’ve discussed how some materials are more suitable for particular jobs than others, depending on their properties. One property of paper towels is that they are very absorbent. Why might that be a useful property? They are used very regularly at my house! If you can, have a go at this experiment. It demonstrates how absorbent paper towels are, along with some colour mixing! You could try it with different types of paper, to see if any are as absorbent. Please email in any photos if you have a go! |
15 minutes (then leave overnight!) | See left. |
Date set: Friday 24th September
Date due: Friday 1st October
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Comparing Numbers to 100
Watch this video to show how to compare numbers up to 100 using practical equipment.
Now, have a go at this interactive activity, to show you can compare numbers to 100 in different representations. Please explain your answers out loud.
Four example: “42 is greater than 27, because 42 has 4 tens, but 27 only has two.”
30 mins
We have been compare objects and numbers up to 100 at school. |
Consolidation |
Word Classes
Poor Maxwell has spent too long in the stock cupboard guzzling bananas this summer, and is now all confused about the difference between nouns, verbs and adjectives. He’s in a real muddle!
Please could you explain it to him in your home learning books? You might make a poster explaining it, include some example sentences, or write an explanation of each type of word. How you present it is up to you. Let’s see if we can help the mischievous orang-utan to brush up his grammar!
If you need to brush up yourself, you can watch these BBC Bitesize videos. They go into a bit more detail than you may know so far, but should really help!
30 minutes.
Understanding these word classes is a core building block from Year 1, that we now need to build upon.
Adverbs are coming soon!
Preparation | History – Nelson Mandela Research Next week we are going to learn about a very famous person from recent history. See if you can find out about the life of Nelson Mandela. Which sources might you use?
You might find some information or a picture you may want to bring to school, however you do not need to write anything down, unless you wish to. Instead, you may wish to share something verbally when we find out more about him in class. |
30 minutes |
Next week we will begin to learn about the life of Nelson Mandela. |
Date set: Friday 17th September
Date due: Friday 24th September
| What is my Home Learning task? | How long should it take me? | Where will it fit into my learning at school? |
Consolidation |
Counting Keep practising counting to 100!
Warm up Can you represent these two-digit numbers as tens and ones. Can you find anything at home to represent them, such as string and buttons, or playdoh sausages and blobs?
73 92 13 60
Main Learning
Now, try this mix of questions to help you to consolidate your learning this week. You can write your answers straight into your Home Learning Book.
30 minutes
We’ve been learning about the value of each digit in a two digit number. |
Preparation |
Comparing numbers to 100.
Refresh your memory. What do > < and = mean? Can you create your own number sentence using any of them? |
5 minutes |
We will be comparing using these symbols next week. |
Consolidation |
The Papaya That Spoke!
All week, the children have been learning ‘The Papaya That Spoke’, our new Talk For Writing story.
Use the text map and model text to practise recalling the story. As a class, you were amazing at this last year!
30 minutes.
We will begin to ‘innovate’/ change the text next week.
Consolidation | History – Rosa Parks ‘Face Facts’ biography This week we’ve been learning about the life of Rosa Parks. Click here for an outline drawing of her face, or use your own. Use what you’ve already learned, and the resources below. can you write some key facts that you’ve learned about her in the different parts of the image? Useful resources: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkj382/articles/zkhknrd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iQVMWGE3_s
30 minutes |
We have been learning about the life of Rosa Parks this week. |
Preparation | Online Safety – Smartie The Penguin This PowerPoint is aimed at Year 2 children, and teaches children how to stay safe on the internet. Please read through the PowerPoint with your child. It has ‘time to chat’ points, for you to discuss the issues it raises. You may wish to look through it yourself first, so you are aware of the areas covered.
n/a |
We will be discussing the story and learning about how to stay safe online in class. |