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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Home Learning

Summer Homework

Over this half term, you are expected to complete the following homeworks:


Reading - Reading up to 5 times a week either your reading book or using Reading Plus.

Maths - To log onto Times Table Rockstars

Spelling - To practise your weekly spellings for your spelling tests.

Spring 2022 Home Learning Update


For the next two half terms, we will be trialling the use of the CS Kids grammar tailored programme in place of the current home learning approach, as part of our blended learning strategy. Our aim is for home learning to be impactful on the children, therefore we ask that all children participate.


Every Friday, by 5pm, the next week’s learning should automatically appear on your child’s account. Pupil logins are stored in your child’s planner. 


To access their account, please visit:  

Date set: Friday 4th February

Date due: Friday 11th February












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Adding Fractions

Have a go at the game I have found that involves adding fractions!


There are 6 different levels!


Up to 20 mins






This week we have been adding fractions.


Subtracting Fractions


Have a go at the interactive activity I have set for you on Classroom Secrets Kids.


Up to 15 mins.

We are moving onto subtracting fractions next week.


Is the sentence punctuated correctly?

During assessment week, lots of children lost marks because they didn’t use basic punctuation.

Look through the 6 test based questions and answer them either in your book or on the sheet.


Up to 15 mins

Feedback from assessment week.


Art – William Morris


William Morris was a campaigned for environmental change. His art work was inspired by the environment. Can you take some photographs of natural things or things linked to the environment that you could include in your own piece of work inspired by William Morris?


Send your pictures through to Mrs Fox.


Does an adult at home have a favourite flower?

Does someone you know keep bees? You could take picture of the hive to include in a pattern.

Do you and your family have a favourite walk? What can you see on the walk?


Up to 20 mins

This links to our Art work.



Date set: Friday 28th January

Date due: Friday 4th February












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Add fractions within 1

This week we have been adding and subtracting fractions.

Log into Classroom Secrets and have a go at the game I have set you.


Up to 20 mins






This week we have been adding and subtracting fractions.


Times Tables Rock Stars!

Log into TTRS and have a go at Battle of the Bands!

Each class is playing against each other!



Up to 15 mins.

Whole School Challenge.



What is a Modal Verb?

Log into Classroom Secrets Kids and work through the slides that tell you all about Modal Verbs.

Write down some notes in your Home Learning book to help you remember what they are.


Up to 15 mins

You might be asked about modal verbs within a test.


Learn the Model Text

You will need to know the model text from memory to help you when we start our guided write.


Up to 15 mins

Our next writing unit is about discussion writing.


Geography – Saving Resources!

Did you know that making small changed can make a BIG impact to the environment?


Have a look through the list of things you could consider doing to help save resources.


Up to 20 mins

This links to our Geography work in class.



Date set: Friday 21st January

Date due: Friday 28th January












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Number Sequences


Have a go at the Classroom Secrets Kids activity linked to number sequences.


Up to 20 mins






This week we have found number sequences a challenge.


Adding and Subtracting fractions


Watch the video to help you remember all about adding and subtracting fractions.

Write down some notes (including examples) in your home learning book to help you remember what to do when you add and subtract fractions.


Up to 15 mins.

Next week, we will be moving onto adding and subtracting fractions.


Edit and Improving Sentences

Can you improve my sentences? You might want to rearrange them or add in your own ideas.

Think about all the grammar we have covered during guided write.


Description (expanded noun phrases, adverbs, similes)

Subordinating conjunctions

Fronted Adverbials

Brackets for Parenthesis


Sid the Yellow Sac Spider lived in the forest. He lived in a hut in the middle of a clearing. He lived on his own.



Up to 15 mins

As part of our English, we edit our writing.



Look at the discussion title below.


Should school holidays be made shorter so we have more time for learning?


Make a list of 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against before you then write a conclusion.


Our next writing unit is about discussion writing.




Have a look in your cupboards and in the fridge at home. Find 5 items.

Can you find on the packaging where your food has come from?


Use google maps to help you to estimate how far your food has travelled to get to the UK.



Up to 20 mins

Our focus this half term is Geography.

We will be discussing how far food travels next week.



Date set: Friday 14th January

Date due: Friday 21st January












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Equivalent Fractions


Find the fractions cards in the resources. Can you match up the equivalent fractions?

Up to 20 mins






We have looked at equivalent fractions this week in Maths.



Compare and order fractions greater than 1


Log into Classroom Secrets Kids and look through the presentation all about comparing and ordering fractions.


Up to 15 mins.

Next week we will be moving onto comparing and ordering fractions in Maths.


Recognising Parenthesis


Log into Classroom Secrets Kids and have a go at answering the questions linked to parenthesis to see what you can remember from what we have learnt.

Up to 15 mins

Can you include parenthesis in your writing?


Science – Life Expectancy


Can you find out what the life expectancy is in the UK?


Can you find out about the UK’s oldest people? How old did they live to?




Up to 20 mins

This half term we are learning about animals, including humans.



Date set: Friday 7th January

Date due: Friday 14th January












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiplication and Division


Create 3 multiplication (4-digits by 2-digits) and 3 division (4-digits by 1 digit) calculations using the numbers below.


3     5     6    9    2    4    8


Up to 20 mins






We have almost come to the end of our unit on multiplication and division.



Learn the Model Text from Memory


As part of English this week we have been learning to model text from memory.


Spend some time practising the model text to see how much you can remember from memory.


If you have time, you could try to write one of the paragraphs from memory.


Up to 20 mins

We have started a new unit of writing this week.


Generating ideas


Next week we will be planning our guided write. Generate some ideas for your quest story.


Choose an animal or create your own creature that will be needed to solve a problem.

Where would you like your story to be set?

Write down some notes ready for our boxing up lesson.

Up to 15 mins

Next week we will move onto our guided write.


Geography – What do we need?


Think about the things you might need if you were to settle somewhere new.


Follow the questions on the worksheet.



Up to 20 mins

This half term we have a Geography focus.



Date set: Friday 10th December

Date due: Friday 17th December







What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Activity 1

Ho Ho Ho!

Santa has decided to give the reindeer a break this year. Design a new Santa mobile. Draw your new festive mode of transport, give it a name and add labels to explain its different parts.

Up to 30mins






Activity 2

Story Starter…

Write a story using this sentence starter…

It was the night before Christmas, I was about to set out my reindeer treats and cookies for Santa when all of a sudden the lights went out…

What writing skills can you include in your story?


Up to 20mins

Activity 3

  • Creative Cards
  • Create a 3D pop up Christmas card for a friend or someone in your family.

This link has some great ideas for you to explore!

Up to 30mins

Activity 4

Festive Wordsearch

Can you create a festive wordsearch or crossword linked to key words we think of at Christmas.

You may choose a specific theme, such as Christmas dinner or you may just use everything in one huge puzzle!

I look forward to having a go at them!

Up to 20mins


Date set: Friday 3rd December

Date due: Friday 10th December











What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?




Have a go at the discussion problems linked to the work we have been doing this week.

Up to 20 mins






We have started our new unit of work linked to multiplication and division this week.



Can you answer these questions?


  1. 5637 = 1289 + _______
  2. 6748 = 12,904 - _______
  3. 6²
  4. 12 x 4 x 7 =
  5. 789 x 23 =
  6. 89,864 ÷ 7 =
  7. 6,783 + 12,937 =


Up to 20 mins

In our arithmetic you can be asked to find the inverse.


Year 5 and 6 Spellings

Choose 10 spellings you know you spell incorrectly from the Year 5 and 6 Spelling list to practise this week.


Up to 10 mins

By the end of year 6 you need to be able to spell these spellings.


Brackets, Dashes and commas


Watch the silly video that explains about brackets, dashes and commas for parenthesis.


Use the explanation below the video to help you explain in your own words what is meant by using brackets, dashes and commas for parenthesis.

Up to 15 mins

Can you use brackets, dashes or commas for parenthesis in your persuasive writing?



On Tuesday, we will be making Christingle’s but why do we make them and what do they represent?


1. Can you find out about the History of Christingle?


Can you answer the questions below?

2. What does the orange represent?

3. What does the red tape or ribbon represent?

4. Why do we place sweets or dried fruit around the outside?

5. Why do we place a candle into our Christingle’s?


Up to 20 mins

Next week, our Christmas tree is going up in school!



Date set: Friday 26th November

Date due: Friday 3rd December












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Log onto Classroom Secrets Kids and have a go at the game and challenge linked to area of compound shapes.


Ultimate Challenge!

If you have time, measure and cut out nine squares with the following measurements.

1cm x 1cm

4cm x 4cm

7cm x 7cm

8cm x 8cm

9cm x 9cm

10cm x 10cm

14cm x 14cm

15cm x 15cm

18cm x 18cm


Can you fit together (with no gaps or overlaps) all 9 squares to make one rectangle?

What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Up to 20 mins







30 mins

We have been working on area this week.


Modal Verbs

Can you answer the test style questions linked to modal verbs?

Up to 10 mins

Spellings last week were Modal verbs.


Edit and Improve


Up level and expand this sentence to create a paragraph of up to 5 sentences.

Oscar ate a chocolate cake.


Think about…

  • Fronted Adverbials,
  • Subordinating conjunctions,
  • Description (expanded noun phrase, adverb, simile),
  • Brackets for parenthesis

Up to 15 mins

Applying your grammar is very important. How many of the things listed can you include in your writing?


Christmas Tree Decoration


Can you make your own decoration for the Christmas tree that is going up in the school hall?


Bring your decoration into school on Wednesday 1st December in order to decorate the tree.


Follow the link for inspiration!


Up to 30 mins

Next week, our Christmas tree is going up in school!



Date set: Friday 19th November

Date due: Friday 26th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Times Table Rockstars

Log onto Timestables Rockstars.

Spend some time practising your times tables using garage, jamming and arena.


Once you have practised, have a go at Soundcheck. Make a note of your score out of 25 in your home learning book. If you have time, repeat Soundcheck multiple time during the week to see if you can improve your score.


Up to 15 mins

You need your times tables in multiplication and division work in class.



Last year we calculated area by counting the squares inside a rectangle.


Can you find the area by counting squares or multiplying the length by the width?


Up to 20 mins






Next week will be looking at area.


Modal Verbs

This week’s spellings are modal verbs.


In most cases, modal verbs work with another verb to describe the possibility of something happening or to describe to what degree of certainty something is known.


Create a poster to describe what a modal verb is to help you remember.

Can you put your spellings into sentences to show examples of modal verbs on your poster?


Up to 30 mins

Spellings this week are Modal verbs.


Fronted Adverbials


Spin the fronted adverbial wheel 3 times to choose 3 fronted adverbial.

Use each fronted adverbial to start a sentence. You can write about anything that comes into your mind.



Can you add any other grammar into your sentences?

  • Subordinating conjunction
  • Adverbs
  • Expanded noun phrase
  • Simile

Up to 15 mins

You could try to use brackets or dashes in your guided write or independent write to add extra details.


Science – Air Resistance


Can you compare the speed at which a parachute falls based on its size?


Think about how gravity and air resistance are working when the parachute is dropping. The best parachute will drop slowly.


Construct your parachutes using a sheet of plastic or card. Tie or tape string to the corners, and tie or tape the four pieces of string to an object such as a toy figure, paper clip or piece of modelling clay.


Up to 30 mins

In science we have been working on forces.



Date set: Friday 12th November

Date due: Friday 19th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000

Have a go at the classroom secrets puzzle I have found for you. Can you find more than one answer?


Challenge – if you have time, can you create your own puzzle linked to multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000?

Up to 20 mins

This week we have recapped multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000.



Can you write a definition for perimeter? Include a diagram to help you explain.


You might remember building your own rectilinear shapes using this game from last year…

Up to 20 mins






Next week will be looking at perimeter.



Similes compare 2 things in an interesting way.

Can you write 5 similes?



As fast as a car.

as silent as…

as clean as…

as soft as…

as tall as…

as loud as…

as fast as…

as dry as…

as long as…


Up to 20 mins

You could use similes in your guided write and independent write to add description.


Using brackets and dashes for parenthesis

Watch the 4 minute video from classroom secrets kids all about brackets and dashes for parenthesis.


Up to 10 mins

You could try to use brackets or dashes in your guided write or independent write to add extra details.


Anti-Bullying Week


Can you complete 4 acts of kindness this week? Have a look at the Acts of Kindness Table I have put up for ideas.


Has anyone acted kindly towards you?

Can you think of 5 occasions when someone has acted kindly towards you? Choose an emotion to describe how it made you feel.


Up to 30 mins

Next week is Anti-Bullying week. We will take part in assemblies and activities during the week linked to Anti-bullying’s theme One Kind Word.




Date set: Friday 5th November

Date due: Friday 12th November












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Common Factors

Have a go at the questions from classroom secrets linked to the work we have already done this week on common factors.

Up to 20 mins

This week we have been on multiples and factors.


Square Numbers and Cube Numbers

Can you square and cube the numbers below?

  1. 3
  2. 7
  3. 9
  4. 12
  5. 23

Up to 20 mins






Next week will be continuing with prime numbers, square numbers, cubed numbers and inverse operations.


Uplevelling Sentences

Use the checklist below to improve these sentences.

The leopard stalked its prey.

It had trekked through the jungle for hours.

The water from the river cooled its paws.


  1. Begin your sentences with a fronted adverbial.
  2. Use modifying verbs and adjectives to create expanded noun phrases.
  3. Add a relative clause beginning with who, which, that or whose.
  4. Add a subordinate clause to give extra detail.

Up to 20 mins

Can you apply the grammar we have learnt to these sentences?


Reading as a Reader

Read through the model text. I have highlighted some words in red that I would like you to make sure that you understand.

Use a dictionary or the internet to find the meaning of them.

Make sure you write your definition in your own words.

Up to 30 mins

We will be learning the model text next week to help us with our guided write.



This half term we are learning about forces.

In our first lesson we discussed forces being pushes and pulls.


Choose one of the activities below:

  1. Complete the forces crossword
  2. Create your own word search using the key vocabulary.

Up to 40 mins

Our focus in Science this half term links to forces.



Friday 22nd October 2021

Half Term Whole School Challenge!


As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related.

Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher.

Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November.

We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!

Date set: Friday 15th October

Date due: Friday 22nd October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Problems linked to Line Graphs


Following our work on line graphs. Have a go at the 2 discussion problems linked to our work from this week.


Up to 20 mins

This week we have been working on line graphs.



Use the bus timetable for the 64. You will need the green timetable (Monday to Saturday, excluding bank holidays).


  1. If I get the bus from Barwick on a Monday at 7:20am. What time will I get to Leeds, King Street?
  2. If I get the bus at 8:57am from Barwick. How many minutes does it take to get from Barwick to Crossgates? Explain how you worked it out.
  3. After 8pm, how often does the bus travel through Barwick towards Leeds?

Up to 20 mins






Next week will be finishing our statistics unit.


Modal Verbs

What is a model verb? Watch the video from BBC Bitesize.

Then scroll down and have a go at the  quiz.

Up to 20 mins

We need to understand what a modal verb is as part of out grammar.


Learning the Model Text

Come up with your own actions to help you to learn the first 3 paragraphs of the model text.

Up to 30 mins

We are moving onto our guided write next week.


Solar System

This half term we have been learning about Space. We discussed what Geocentric and Heliocentric ideas were. We discussed the names of the Planets.


Now we are nearing the end of our unit. Have a go at creating your own Solar System Mobile. You might want to use materials you already have at home or you could print the sheets I have put online.


Take a photograph of your mobile and send it to me via email.

Up to 40 mins

Our focus in Science this half term links to Space.




Date set: Friday 8th October

Date due: Friday 15th October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Multi Step Problems


One of our objectives we found challenging this week was solving problems with more than one step. Log into Classroom Secrets Kids and have a go at the challenge cards I have set for you.



Up to 20 mins

This week we have been working on inverse operations and multi-step problems.


Read and Interpret Line Graphs


Choose one of the sheets (developing, expected or greater depth) to see what you can remember about reading and interpreting line graphs.


Up to 20 mins






Next week will be starting our unit on statistics.


Relative Clauses

Last week you worked on Relative Clauses with Mrs Gall.


Follow the link to Classroom Secrets Kids to have a go at the Relative Clause Game.


I will be having a look to see what you score.

Up to 20 mins

We have worked with expanded noun phrases in our guided write. Have a go at the questions I have set for you.


Monster Defeated!

Now you have a finished writing your defeating a monster stories, can you create a poster to tell people that your monster has been defeated!

You could choose to add a comic strip of the main events as part of your poster!

Up to 40 mins

We are moving onto a new unit of writing next week.


Time Zones


Watch the first 3 minutes of the video that explains all about times zones to make sure you understand.


Once you have watched the video, then have a go at the activity linked to time zones.


Up to 20 mins

Our focus in Science this half term links to Space.



Date set: Friday 1st October

Date due: Friday 8th October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?



Mark is thinking of this 5-digit number.



Mark asks, “If I add 42,041 to this number, what number will I make?”



A pirate ship is loaded with 41,942 gold coins, and sets sail.

A storm hits 20,568 gold coins are swept into the ocean. 10,938 gold coins are then stolen before the pirate ship manages to reach its destination.


Pirate Paul says, “By the end of the journey, there will be less than 10,443 gold coins left!”


Is he correct? Explain how you know.



Up to 20 mins

This week we have been working on addition and subtraction.


Inverse Operations

In order to check your answer is correct, you can do the inverse which means opposite and see if your answers match.


Use column method for the inverse operation (opposite operation) to check these answers.

  1. 34,542 + 23,874 = 58,516
  2. 78,492 + 65,431 = 133,923
  3. 89764 – 17981 = 71,783
  4. 158,497 – 39168 = 119,331


Up to 20 mins






Next week will be having a look at inverse operations to check our answers.


Expanded Noun Phrases

Select one sheet to complete linked to expanded noun phrases.


Can you apply your knowledge of expanded noun phrases in questions instead of in your writing?

Up to 40 minutes

We have worked with expanded noun phrases in our guided write. Have a go at the questions I have set for you.



In science this week, we were looking at the planets.

We discussed Geocentric vs Heliocentric.


Follow the link below to take you to Solar System Scope where you can investigate Heliocentric Model further.


Up to 20 mins

Our focus in Science this half term links to Space.



Date set: Friday 24th September

Date due: Friday 1st October












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Column Multiplication


This week we have been working on using column multiplication to multiply a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number.


Have a go at these questions below.


1. 3462 X 24 =

2. 7821 X 35 =

3. 1902 X 27 =

4. 6732 X 29 =

5. 2364 X 76 =

Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working on our column multiplication in KIPP.


Negative Numbers

Jiang writes the following statements:

  • Negative nine is thirteen less than four.
  • -23 +17 = -40
  • 34 more than -12 = 22
  • The temperature inside is 15 °C. Outside it is 22°C colder, so outside the temperature is 7°C.


Giving reasons, explain whether each statement is true or false.


Up to 20 mins






We will finish this unit of Maths next week by working with negative numbers.


Teaching Live with Pie Corbett


As part of the live session we did with Pie Corbett on Thursday, you were asked to write a report based on the Goblin’s you created.


Have a go at typing up your reports and publish them onto the Teaching Live Website.


Don’t forget Pie’s top tips…

  • Type your report up on word first before you copy it onto the website so you don’t lose it!
  • Only use your first name followed by Barwick so that they can see which school you are from.

Up to 40 minutes

We joined Pie Corbett on Zoom for a live Talk for Writing session.


Inverted Commas

Copy out the paragraph below. Make sure you add the missing punctuation as you write it out.

Question Mark ?

Ellipse …

Comma ,

Inverted Commas “”

Full stop .


Can dog sleep in the tent with us tonight Dad I asked grabbing Dog around the belly so that he can’t run off after a frenzied squirrel

We can’t have that Bee Dad says The tent is for humans Dog wants to sleep outside where the air is fresh

If any dog deserves to sleep inside it’s him I say Plus it’s raining

Dog loves the rain says Dad Gloop brain, gloopy brain he sings Dad is always singing to himself He’s that sort of dad

No Dog hates the rain I say defiantly as Dog breaks free and trots off cheerfully through the hammering drops into the underbrush



Up to 20 mins

We have been working on year 4 and year 5 grammar to help us with our guided write.



Complete your own research about Henri Matisse’s artwork.

Which is your favourite piece of art by Matisse that you have come across and why.


Up to 30 mins

Our focus artist this half term is Henri Matisse.




Date set: Friday 17th September

Date due: Friday 24th September












What is my Home Learning task?

How long should it take me?

Where will it fit into my learning at school?


Place Value


Can you write down the value of each digit that is underlined?

  1. 45,893
  2. 293, 902
  3. 283, 791


Can you round these numbers to the nearest 10,000?

  1. 34,893
  2. 128,654
  3. 29,670


Can you write these numbers in words?

  1. 349,374
  2. 109, 380
  3. 200,672


Can you calculate the answers to these questions?

  1. 567,892 + 120,478 =
  2. 734,673 – 284,835 =
  3. 45,392 + 289,759 =
  4. 170,302 – 15,200 =


Up to 30 mins

This week we have been working with numbers in the 100,000’s.


Compare and order numbers to a Million


Can you order these numbers in ascending order?













Can you insert the correct symbol to make the statements correct (<,>,=)?


345,893  ___  289,894

1,278,742  ___  1,546,783

7,453,103   ___   7,405,103



Up to 20 mins






Next week we will be working with millions!


Expanded Noun Phrase


Can you improve these sentences by adding expanded noun phrases?

Can you include any other grammar objectives we have used in year 4?


The sun shone across the meadow.

The boy walked into the forest.

The bird built a nest in a tree.


Up to 20 mins

We have been working on year 4 and year 5 grammar to help us with our guided write.



Check the meaning of this week’s spellings.

Then, if you have time choose one of our spelling stars’ activities to help you practise your spellings ready for our test on Friday (24th September).


Words with endings that sound like /shuhs/

(Spelt with –tious or ious)












Up to 20 mins

Our Spelling Test will be on a Friday this half term.




Can you create your own sun dial at home?

If there is a sunny day over the next week, can you create your own sun dial to see what happens to the sun and shadows over the course of a day.


Up to 30 mins

In Science, we are looking at space.



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