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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Class Updates

Friday 15th July 2022


In Learning Means The World this week we have been busy working on some Drama and Music. We have been thinking about different animals and how we can use our bodies to become different animals. We listened to some African music and talked about the tempo and the beat of the music. We used a variety of different instruments and thought about how we can use our instruments to represent certain animals. Could we think about the volume of the sounds we are making based on the activity an animal might be doing?

In Maths we have been thinking about the days of the week and months of the year. We have been practising some songs and having a good dance to help us remember what order they come in.

In Talk 4 Writing we have been writing our group storyings based on Billy's Beetle; we have been writing our stories based on our innovation as a group. There are some wonderful stories with some very creative ideas!

On Friday afternoon we started looking at patterns in nature, and some of the children got to create their own repeating pattern using printing techniques. Those children who didn't quite finish these will get the chance to next week.


On Friday, the children spent a wonderful transition morning with Miss Munro and Mrs Firth. They were very excited to tell me all about it at lunch time!


Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Tumber

Friday 8th July 2022

What a busy week we have had in school this week!

In Learning Means The World this week we have started to think about endangered animals. We have thought about the things we do as humans that can cause damage to the habitats of other animals. We looked at lots of different animal habitats and what we might do to protect them, such as not dropping litter and not chopping down trees. In groups, we all chose a different endangered animal and we made posters about what we could do to raise awareness of the threats to that endangered animal.

In Maths we have started to think about money and we have been recognising the different coins and notes that we use in this country.

In Talk 4 Writing we have been innovating our story map for Billy's Beetle. The children have loved coming up with their own ideas for their losing tale.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Tumber

Friday 1st July 2022


This week in Learning Means The World, we have focussed our learning on wild animals living in captivity. We have thought about whether we agree with animals being kept in places such as zoos and aquariums and what the benefits or harm might be to those animals. We thought about why we keep animals in those places and took a class vote at the end as to whether we agreed or disagreed with them. 

We also looked further at how we classify animals into mammals, fish, birds, reptiles or amphibians. The children learnt a song to help them remember how to place the animal in each group, then they wrote their own verses to the song including more animals. They were fantastic and they had some really lovely ideas.


In Maths we have moved onto counting up to 100, learning how we can partition numbers into tens and ones.

In Talk 4 Writing we are starting to innovate and change our story. We have created our own story maps in groups and we have started changing the characters and animals in the story.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Tumber

Friday 24th June 2022


This week in Learning Means The World we have focussed on survival and what things, as animals, we need to survive. We thought about the kind of items we might need to put in our own survival kits should we decide to go off on our own adventure and which items, understanding what we need to survive, would be the most important for this.

We also learnt about different types of physical activity and how important it is to our health. We thought about the amazing things it can do to our bodies and how we should aim for 60 minutes each day. We love working with 'Jump Start Jonny' and completed one of his sessions. Whilst doing this we thought about how the exercise impacted our heart rate, and we thought about whether our heart rate gets faster or slower during exercise.


In Maths we have continued our fractions work but this week moved onto quarters. We worked out that a quarter is a half of a half and we folded paper in lots of ways to help us find both halves and quarters of shapes.


In Talk 4 Writing we have worked on the actions for our current story 'Billy's Beetle'. The children love acting out all the animals in the story and were very inventive trying to come up with the actions for them!


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Tumber


Week 20th June 2022

Friday 17th June 2022


What a sports day! 

It was fantastic to see all the children and their families enjoying such a fun-filled day. The children all did such a wonderful job, despite the heat.

The children enjoyed Peter the rabbit visiting us last week so they were very excited when I told them we were keeping him for the week. He has been staying with us in the classroom and the children have done a great job looking after him and taking care of all his needs.

We have been practicing our speaking and listening skills this week, working on different activities where we have to work together and communicate effectively. We have been thinking about different body parts and thinking about which parts are linked to our senses. We have also been considering whether animals use their senses in the same way that we do.

In Maths we have started to look at fractions, looking at halves of different shapes and introducing how we might work our half of a given number.


Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Tumber

Friday June 10th 2022


What a first week back after the holidays!

This week the school launched its new curriculum called Learning Means the World. Our topic for this half term is a conservation topic with a Science focus called 'Going Wild'.  This week within our Learning Means the World lessons, we have focussed on our pets and how we care for the different types of pets people may have. We have worked in groups and created posters to share with our classmates about how we look after them. We have thought about habitats and practiced our questioning skills to work out which animals are likely to be found in which habitat. We have discussed what it means to be alive; what is the difference between something living and something non-living? 

On Friday afternoon Miss Mason came to visit us with Peter the rabbit and she talked about how she helps to take care of him in school; the children loved spending time with him!

In Maths this week we have been focusing on equal groups and how we share amounts between different numbers of groups. This will lead on to us thinking about sharing to work out a half in the coming weeks.

In PE we have been getting ready for Sports Day next week. The children are all very excited about participating and we are hoping for lots of sunshine on the day!

Over the coming weeks our spellings will practice the prefix or suffix we are focussing on in our Grammar session that week. This week it is the prefix un-. The children will have their spellings for next week in their book bags today, any problems please do let me know.

Finally, I just wanted to say how amazing your children have been with their phonics screening checks this week. They have all worked incredibly hard on their phonics this year and each one of them truly deserves to be proud of their achievements. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Tumber


Friday 27th May 2022


What a wonderful way to end a lovely half term.

The children did amazingly well in their class assembly and I am so proud of each and everyone of them. Even those children who didn't want a talking or acting part, they all sang the national anthem so beautifully and I couldn't be prouder to be their teacher!


I know some parents have been asking about any final preparations they can help with at home before the phonics screening the first week back. I have attached a booklet below that contains the sounds the children have learnt, as well as some games the children may enjoy playing. It would be wonderful if you could help the children practice their sounds over half term.


I hope everyone has a well deserved rest and a wonderful break.


Mrs Tumber

Friday 20th May 2022


This week with Mrs Smith, we have been continuing to practice our sewing skills. We have moved onto using fabric this week and we have started to create our jubilee bookmarks.

In Maths we have been looking at equal and unequal groups, and what we need to do to change groups to make them equal. We have also started to understand what rows and columns are and how they can help us understand arrays.

In Literacy we have been continuing to focus on our non-chronological reports, however this time we have been writing them about ourselves. The children have been practicing writing in the 3rd person which can be very tricky when writing about yourself, but they have all been superstars practicing this in their writing.

In History we have been looking at what life was like for children in the 1950's; we looked at the different clothes they wore, what toys they played with and we looked at computers and telephones in the 1950's.


Have a lovely weekend.

Week 16th May 2022

Friday 13th May 2022


In Art, we are currently practicing sewing with Mrs Smith. This week we started practicing with some needles and wool, it was very tricky! We will be moving onto fabric sewing and making some bookmarks in the coming weeks. 

In Science, our beans have started to grow shoots. This week we have updated our planting diary and we started measuring our shoots. We have been thinking about the different trees we have growing in our school ground and we have been looking at the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees. 

In the mornings, we have continued our focus on phonics and we have been practising in many different ways; through games, writing sentences, practicing alien words etc. I have really been impressed with everyones hard work in phonics this week!


Unfortunately, again this week we have had several jumpers and coats lost around the school grounds. If your child has accidentally taken someone elses jumper/coat etc home by mistake, please return them to school so we can ensure they are returned home to the correct children. I have several of the purple school jumpers in the classroom with no names in, so please let me know if your child has lost one.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Tumber

Friday 6th May 2022


In Science this week we have been continuing to look at plants and flowers. We have been thinking about the difference between wild and garden flowers. On Wednesday we went on a wild flower hunt to see what wild flowers we had around school. On Friday afternoon we designed our own gardens and picked which flowers we would love to see in them.

In phonics and reading, we are gearing up for our final push before the phonics screening check, which is the first week back after half term. All of the children are working so hard at the moment on their phonics and we are doing as much practice as we can to ensure the children are ready for the assessment. 

In maths we have been looking at capacity, we have been using words such as full, half full, empty, nearly full etc. The children loved playing in the water this week as we were showing how well we understood these terms.

In literacy we have been practicing writing questions; we are currently planning our letters to write to the Queen which will include some questions for her. 


We have had lots of sports jumpers go missing recently, as the children take them off due to the warm weather. If you could please do a quick name check in the jumper you have at home to see if you have someone else's by mistake, I would be most grateful. If you do have someone else's, please just bring it into school next week so that we can return them. I currently also have four of the purple school jumpers in the classroom with no names in; again, please let me know if they are your childs, so we can return them. Thank you!


Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Tumber

Friday 29th April 2022


This week we have been continuing our Literacy and History topics on Queen Elizabeth ii. We have been talking about her coronation, as well as working towards understanding the features of a non chronological report. We have been thinking about the vocabulary used in the report, and thought about any words that we didn't know.


In Science we have started to look at flowers and plants. On Friday we planted our own beans so that we can see how they grow. We focussed on the parts of a plant and we thought about what our beans need to grow successfully.


In PSHE we have been working out what it means to be a good friend. We all thought about a friend in our class and talked about what makes them a good friend. It was lovely to hear the wonderful things they all came up with!


Just a quick note to say the audiologist is in on Tuesday afternoon with Year 1.


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Tumber

Friday 22nd April 2022


This week has been very busy back at school. It has been lovely to hear what the children have been up to over the Easter holidays!


On Tuesday the children had Messy Church in school, they created a beautiful Easter garden in the school grounds which looks fantastic. The children really loved making it!

Our History topic this term is the Queen, especially based around the early 1950's when the Queen was crowned. This fits in with the Queens Jubilee which we will celebrate in a few weeks time. This will also spill over into our literacy work, where we will start looking at some non- chronological reports and we have started working towards finding out some facts about the Queen this week.

I have asked the children to see if they have any relatives (grandparents etc.) who can remember the real coronation and see if they have any stories or memories that they would be happy to share. It would be really lovely to hear some first-hand experiences or see any photos anyone may have of the celebrations during this time. If you can send anything in this would be very helpful.

Today we concluded our current Science topic looking at materials, and we spent the afternoon making houses for the three little pigs to see which material we thought would be best to make our house out of. First, we considered which we thought would be the best material before then trying to build our own. 

I have put some photos below for you to see what the children have made. 


Quick note: the children's library day is a Friday so if the children could bring their books in on a Friday to be changed this would be great. They can not take out another book until they have returned their previous book. We do have some books which are now overdue so if you have one at home, please just send it in next week.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Tumber

Week Ending 22nd April 2022

Friday 18th March 2022


This week was Science week so on Monday we watched a live lesson all about lifecycles where we learnt about the life cycle of both cows and sheep. We watched a talk given by a farmer and got to see a beautiful lamb and calf be born!

On Friday we had a lovely day with visits to see a telescope and a steam engine. The children really loved it!

In Maths we have moved onto looking at height and length. We enjoyed exploring different things around our classroom and outside area and finding things that were taller, longer or shorter than them. 

In Talk 4 Writing, we continue to explore our model text and have created story maps. Next week we will move onto innovating our story when we will come up with our own version!

In Art we are currently looking at the artist Henri Matisse; we have been looking at collage and have been practicing our skills by making our own version of his piece 'The Snail'.

Well done to our class Science superstars this week; Abigail and Max.  Scarlett also celebrated with our handwriting award.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Tumber

Friday 25th March 2022


The children have all been fantastic this week and have enjoyed being outside in the beautiful weather.

In Maths we have started looking at measurement; we have been measuring different things around our classroom. Today we have started using rulers and we have started to measure different items in cm.

In English we continue to innovate our story, the children had some fantastic ideas about how they can change different parts.

In Science we are continuing to look at materials and the difference between an object and a material. The children wrote some songs about the properties of different materials and gave some wonderful performances to the class!

Well done to our class superstars this week; Alannah and Kendall for being wonderful friends to all the children in our class.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Tumber

Friday 11th March 2022


On Monday this week, we had a wonderful visit from Alive & Kicking who held an exciting Drama workshop with us based on the story 'Where the Wild Things Are'. The children went sailing the seas, met a sea monster and learnt about how they can use their bodies and imagination to help them tell stories.

In English we have been continuing with our 'Nadira and the Cruel Pirate' model text. We have learnt all the actions now for the story and we know the story really well. We all got some time pretending to be the Cruel Pirate and we came up with lots of questions to ask him.

In Maths we are focussing on counting in 2s and 5s. We have started our own washing line for socks and gloves which help us to remember them as well as singing lots of songs!

In PE we are practicing our throwing and catching; we have been practicing how to bounce pass and chest pass the ball.

Well done to our class Maths superstars this week; Emelia and Mara. Layla also celebrated with our handwriting award.


Have a lovey weekend.

Friday 4th March 2022


What a wonderful week back in school!

The children have been very busy this week with a trip to messy church, pancake races and World Book Day.

We have resumed our Friday afternoon achievement assembly where all classes come together to celebrate this week's successes; well done to our class superstars this week Charlie S. and Francesca W. Three other children from our class also celebrated wins with other awards available; well done to Jaxon, Ella and Louie!

This week we have started looking at our new model text for T4W which is Nadira and the Cruel Pirates. We have started to learn both the text and actions and we will be using the story over the coming weeks in literacy. We made some amazing pirate hats and came up with our own pirate names to help us get into character!

The children have started working in their new phonics groups this week and so have brought home a reading book this evening, ready to continue on their reading journey at school/home. 

We have assessed the children on their spellings and so the children may have different spellings to one another. This is so that the children are focussing on the spellings that they find tricky. Some of these spellings may be spellings they have done previously and they need further practice with, or they may be new spellings we have yet to cover.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Tumber

Friday 18th February 2022


It's been another busy week in Year 1, we can't believe we're half way through the year already!


In Maths we've started working on numbers up to 50. We have been focussing on place value, and working practically with different ways of making numbers within 50. The children are really starting to understand the concepts of 10s and 1s and have enjoyed representing this in lots of different ways.


In English we have started thinking about fact-files and thinking about how we can create our own fact-file on Emperor Penguins. We have been researching facts and reading all about these special penguins ready to write our own.


In Art we have been learning all about printing;  the children have been busy making beautiful prints with Mrs Smith of Penguins


There is no homework or spellings over half term so have fun and relax!


Mrs Tumber


Friday 11th February 2022


What a lovely end to a busy week!


This afternoon the children have spent some time with their Year 6 buddy; a child they have been paired up with to help them and look out for them should they need. It was lovely watching all the children get to know their new buddies and play with them - I'm pretty sure the Year 6 children weren't expecting them to be so fast at running!


In English we have been finishing off our own stories; we are writing them up in our best handwriting so that we can make our own storybook with them all in.


We have been thinking about how climate change affects our planet, especially in terms of Antarctica. We have built our own little house and made our own iceberg to see what happens when the iceberg melts. We are going to be talking about this more next week.


In Science we are continuing our learning on what animals eat; we have made venn diagrams to help us group the animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children's knowledge on what animals eat was fantastic!


If you haven't noted in your parents evening appointment response whether you would prefer a face to face or online meeting can you please drop me a quick email to let me know. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Tumber

Friday 4th February 2022


This week we have been busy focussing on maths assessments. All of the children have tried really hard. Towards the end of the week we have been consolidating our addition and subtraction skills using numbers up to 20, ready to move onto the next part of our learning.


In Literacy we have been continuing to innovate our story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been changing the characters, the setting and who the ‘monster’ is within our own version of the story. We have looked at story mountains and created our own, to help us plan out our writing. We have had everything from chickens, to unicorns, to pandas and even dinosaurs! Next week we will be writing our own stories including the characters and ideas we have come up with.


The children are really working hard on their handwriting at the moment. We are asking the children to really think about how they form each letter as well as thinking about which letters are tall and which letters go under the line.


In PE we have been practicing our throwing and catching. We have been working on different types of passing and the different types of catches we can do.

Friday 28th January 2022


This week in Talk for Writing, we have been thinking about how we can innovate our story 'The Three Little Pigs'.  The children have worked in groups and thought about how they could change the characters, setting and the 'monster' of the story, ready for when we start to write our own stories next week.


In Maths we have moved onto subtraction using numbers upto 20. We are recapping the skills we learnt for subtraction within 10 and are using this knowledge with bigger numbers.


We have been discussing this week what it is like to live or stay in Antarctica; we found out that no-one actually lives there! We considered what it would be like to stay there as a Scientist or Researcher and compared it to living in Barwick-in-Elmet. We thought about what we might wear based on the weather, where we might stay, what animals are there and how we might travel around. We looked at aerial photographs of Antarctica and talked about human and physical features that we could spot in these photos. 


In PE we used our bodies to make the shapes of different letters. We worked with a partner or in small groups and had a go at spelling some words!


Just a quick note on smart watches; we have had a couple of children in school this week with smart watches that can take photos or connect to the internet. Unfortunatly, this poses a safeguarding risk and therefore these watches are not allowed to be worn by children during school time. Can you please ensure your child does not come to shcool with one. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Tumber

Friday 21st January 2022


What a lovely week it has been.


This week the children have been learning how to write questions. We have been busy writing questions to the big bad wolf and the three little pigs and on Thursday they got to ask their questions when they popped by for a visit. They also did some fantastic group work creating story maps; all of the children can recite the story and act out the actions really well now. I will attach some pictures of our fantastic story maps below. We have read some alternative versions of the story which have made us giggle, we will be thinking more about these in the coming weeks.


On Wednesday we went for a walk around the school grounds to see what animals we could find. In Science we are looking at how we can group animals; we managed to spot some mammals, birds and some insects. We talked about the features of each different animal group and what other animals we might find in that group. 


In RE we have been thinking about special places and what makes a place special to us. It was really lovely to hear about all the different places the children feel safe and special, be it at home, at their grandparents or the swimming pool! They drew beautiful pictures of their special places and we talked about why they are special to us.


In phonics the children are still very busy learning their new sounds and practising their writing. I am so proud of how all the children are progressing with their reading and their writing. They are all trying so hard and are real superstars!


Mrs Tumber

Friday 14th January 2022


This week has flown by so fast! 

In Maths this week we have continued to deepen our understanding of numbers up to 20. We have ordered groups of different sizes and used our fantastic knowledge of the <, > and = signs to help us compare these groups. 


In Talk 4 Writing we have started looking at our new story 'The Three Little Pigs'. We talked about traditional tales and how many stories have been handed down by parents to children, who then tell the stories to their own children. We talked about how sometimes, this can change the story and we realised we all knew different versions of 'The Three Little Pigs'. 

On Wednesday we received a letter from Mummy Pig, who was worried about where the two little pigs would live now the wolf had destroyed their homes. The children set about designing their own houses for the little pigs and how they could best deter any wolves from coming close in future. We were very inventive with our designs! 

We have been learning the Talk 4 Writing actions to help us remember how the story goes and Friday saw us acting out the story to our friends.


In Geography we have continued our learning on the continents. On Friday we made our own globes to help us remember the names of each continent as well as the oceans, the Equator and the North and South Pole. 

In PE we enjoyed some Yoga and pretended to be polar bears and penguins.


Thank you to those who have already sent through, but another appeal for any pictures of your child enjoying their favourite book at home. We are currently making a display in our classroom about the books we love to read and our favourite books at home. It would be lovely to share them with our class.

If you can email them to me at:


Have a wonderful weekend, Mrs Tumber

Pictures from week 10th January 2022

Friday January 7th 2022


What a fantastic first week back! 

The children have all come back into school beautifully, and have already been busy producing some fantastic work.


This week we have started to look at our Geography topic for this half term which is based around Antarctica. We have looked at the continents of the World and where Antarctica can be found on a map. We have looked at how we might travel to Antarctica, what we might wear if we were there and we went for a virtual tour around Captain Scott's expedition hut, where he and his companions based themselves during their expeditions.

We read the book 'Lost and Found' and thought about the adventure the boy and the penguin embarked on to travel to the South Pole, as well as the oceans they travelled through to get there.


In Art the children used pastels and other materials to draw Antarctic scenes focussing around penguins - I have shared some pictures below, the children loved working with the pastels and came up with some lovely artwork.


In Maths we have started to look at the numbers 11-20, using different apparatus to show different representations of the numbers. We have been practising reading the number words up to 20 and we have been playing lots of games to encourage this. We have started to introduce the concept of tens and ones and how teen numbers are represented with a ten and a number of ones; 14 for example being 1 ten and 4 ones.


Can I please just ask that if the children have them, can they please ensure they bring coats/hats/gloves/scarfs into school whilst the weather is so cold. Lots of children have really struggled with the cold this week and these would certainly help keep the children warmer outside at play and lunch time. Please ensure they have your childs name inside where possible.


If you could please send in a picture of your child enjoying their favourite book at home then this would be really helpful. We are currently making a display in our classroom about the books we love to read and our favourite books at home. It would be lovely to share them with our class.

If you can email them to me at:


Thank you, have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Tumber

Friday 17th December 2021 - Merry Christmas Everyone!


This week has been such a busy week! It has been so lovely to be back in school at the end of the week with the children, I have missed them all!

They have had a lovely time watching the Alive & Kicking Panto, our Christmas Nativity, various Christmas activities, our Christmas Party and our Christmas Movie afternoon.


All of the children have been so excited about Christmas this week, they are all tired out and truly ready for a break. They have worked so hard this term and I am so proud of them all!


I would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you all next year.

I would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent in such thoughtful cards and gifts - they are very much appreciated and it was very kind of you all.


Enjoy your Christmas break and stay safe!

Mrs Tumber

Friday 10th December 2021


What a fabulous week you have had Year 1! You have been working really hard to make Mrs Tumber proud. In Science, we have been thinking about why we have day and night and sharing what we know about the sun and the moon.


Our repeating shape patterns in mathematics were excellent and we enjoyed solving shape puzzles independently and using the smart board. We have worked our socks off in phonics and demonstrated some wonderful reading. 


In PE we have learnt about using our 'w' shaped hands to catch a ball and moving our feet in order to adjust our body positions. Well done Year One!


Mrs Durbin

Friday 3rd December


This week a cheeky elf has been getting up to lots of mischief in our classroom! 

We have been busy learning about advent and getting in the Christmas spirit, not only did we make some beautiful tree decorations at home for our school tree which we then helped to decorate, we also spent some time making decorations for the Christmas tree in Barwick Village Hall.


We have focussed our maths learning on 2D and 3D shapes and we have been thinking about their properties and how we could sort them based on these properties in different ways.

In Talk 4 Writing we are innovating our own story; we have decided on our own character, setting and plot line ready to write our stories next week!

We have also been busy learning the songs for our Christmas Celebrations, as well as the makaton signs to go with them.

Friday 26th November 2021


This week we have been consolidating our Maths learning so we have been practicing all our addition and subtraction sentence skills in different ways.


We have started to think about how we can use story mountains and how they can help us when writing stories. We are currently planning our own versions of our class story 'Monkey See Monkey Do' and we have been thinking about the characters and the settings we would like our stories to take place in.


We are getting into Christmas mode and have been practicing our beautiful singing for our Christmas performance. We are looking forward to sharing it with you all soon!


In PE the children have been working on dodging and changing direction. They absolutely love playing dodgeball so we have been using our new skills in the games we have been playing.


Have a great weekend.

Friday 19th November 2021


This week the children have been subtraction superstars in Maths and have been busy using different methods to help them work out their subtraction number sentences.

We have started our new Geography and Science topics looking at the weather and the seasons. We thought a lot this week about how the weather and the seasons affect us each day: by how they make us feel, what clothes we wear, how we might travel and what activities we can do either in school or with our friends. We also thought about what celebrations happen at different times of the year.

The children are continuing to be amazing in their new phonics/writing groups and have settled really well.


We had fun celebrating Children in Need and the children were all fantastic rule breakers!


The children should mostly have their Classroom Secrets logins stuck in their reading diaries however some children didn't have them with them today. This is not a problem, they were given a piece of paper with it on. If anyone has lost or can not find it then please just let me know and I will send it through again.

Have a lovely weekend.



Friday 12th November 2021


In Maths we have been practising our addition number sentences. The children have been busy understanding how to write these in different ways. We have also been using part-whole models to help us solve missing number sentences; the children were particularly fantastic at these!

In Phonics we have started our new Read Write Inc programme. The children have really embraced this new approach and they have already learnt so many new sounds in just one week. A letter has been sent out to parents in regards to reading at home so hopefully you will have received this today (Friday). Please let me know if you haven’t received this by Monday. There is also a video recorded by Mr Lynn to answer any questions you may have; again if you do need anything further please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Science we have been looking at how we can group animals in different ways. We have started to learn about what different animals eat and whether they are herbivores, omnivores or carnivores.

In PE we have been mastering how to move backwards safely and practising these skills alongside our balancing skills. The children really enjoyed playing dodgeball with a twist, as we were only able to move backwards!

We started our new Geography topic focussing on the weather, and we talked about the different types of weather we have encountered. We looked at a weather forecast and thought about how different the weather can be in different parts of the United Kingdom.

This week we reflected on remembrance day and discussed the importance of the day. We made a poppy display for our classroom and focussed our thoughts on this during our two minutes silence.

Saturday 6th November

There seems to have been an issue with some of the website photo and uploads this week so I do apologise, I have been made aware and hopefully everything should be available now.

Many thanks and have a lovely rest of your weekend.

Friday 5th November

The children have had a fantastic first week back! All of the children have worked really hard.

In 'Talk 4 Writing' we started looking at our new story 'Monkey See Monkey Do'. We looked at many different types of hats and made our own for when we act out the story next week. On Friday we started to create our story map and have started to practice our actions to help us to remember.

In History this week we have been finding out what it is like to live on the International Space Station. We looked at how astronauts do every day tasks in space and then thought about whether we would like to live in space like astronauts do.

In Maths we have been looking at number bonds and how numbers can be made up of different parts. We have been practicing our representations of number and then comparing them with each other. 


On Friday several children in the class celebrated reaching 25 reads at home with a non-uniform day. Well done! There are several children who are really close to achieving this milestone so they will get the opportunity to come in non-uniform as soon as they do.

As our outside area is now starting to get very muddy, can I please ask that all children who have not yet brought in wellies please do so. Please let me know if there are any problems in relation to this.

Also, we have lots of children bringing in toys and things from home at the moment, which is causing a lot of upset when they get lost or broken. Can we please ensure children are not bringing anything but school items into school. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 22nd October 2021

Half Term Whole School Challenge!


As part of our topic launch for autumn 2, you are challenged to conduct a science experiment at home, or to take a photograph of something science related. 

Please send either a video (up to 3 minutes long) or photograph(s) to your class teacher. 

Please make sure you send your videos and photographs via your school email address by 9am on Monday 1st November.

We can’t wait to see all your amazing efforts!


Friday 15th October 2021


The children loved celebrating Spanish Day on Tuesday - they all looked fantastic dressed up in their Spanish inspired costumes. We enjoyed learning about Spain, made Spanish fans with Mrs Smith and practiced our Spanish phrases. We also had a Spanish themed lunch and in the afternoon learnt some Spanish Flamenco dancing! The children all really enjoyed taking part.


In Literacy this week we have learnt all about instructions and what goes wrong when we don't follow them in the right order or miss some instructions out. Next week we are going to use our new understanding and skills to design our own trap to catch our troll!

In Maths we have been learning about part-whole models and how we must add all the parts together to make our whole.


On Friday afternoon we were thinking about our senses and we started to think about how they can help to keep us safe. We did some tasting, smelling, listening and some feeling - the children all really loved trying and smelling the different things!

Spanish Day 2021

Friday 8th October 2021


The children have had such a lovely week this week. 


In Literacy we have been looking at the importance of capital letters at the start of our sentences. We have been thinking about describing words and we came up with so many fantastic words. Unfortunately, our monkey went missing so the children made some wanted posters to help see if we could find him. They used their amazing describing word skills to make these posters and we are all hopeful he will come back soon!


In Maths we have looked at ordinal numbers and how they are important in a sequence. We will continue to work on these skills in the coming weeks.


The children were telling me about how excited they were building their rockets and models last week. I have some amazing ones in class and we have put the photos up in the classroom of those children who sent them in. It was lovely to hear how the children made them.


Some of the children got to attend Messy Church this week which I know the children really enjoyed. Half the class were lucky enough to go; the other half will go next time so no-one misses out. 


All the children are looking forward to Spanish Day on Tuesday!  Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 1st October 2021


This week the children have had a very busy week!


In Maths we have looked at greater than and less than and compared numbers and objects using these terms. We used lolly-pop sticks to help us eat up the bigger numbers which the children really enjoyed.


In Literacy we have moved onto writing our shared story; we changed the characters and some of the details in our Billy Goats Gruff story to different ideas. The children voted and our story now involves unicorns, cheeky monkeys and eating lots of bananas! The children have now started writing their own versions of the story which we will continue on with next week.


This afternoon we enjoyed Messy Church, the children learnt about creation and how the Earth was created in 7 days. They really enjoyed making their models to show what was created on each day, I'm sure they will show them off to you at home!


Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 24th September 2021


This week has been assessment week in school. The children have been absolute superstars taking part in their quizzes. They have all worked really hard.


We started our new phonics programme this week which the children have really embraced. We are currently consolidating some of the sounds we learnt in Reception before moving onto new sounds over the next few weeks.


We have continued with our story maps in Talk for Writing and we have been busy learning all the actions for our story. We have made puppets for the different characters and we have acted out the story for our friends which the children really enjoyed. We have some children who clearly love being on the stage!


Reading books were sent home last week and I am really happy to see the children enjoying their books (and others!) at home. The way we send home reading books will change in the coming weeks but information in regards to that will be sent out in due course.


Stamps in diaries for reading have also started this week, so those children who have read at home and brought their reading diaries in have had them stamped. If your child has not sent their diary in so far, then please just send them in and we can catch them up with their stamps.

Friday 17th September 2021


This week we have had a very busy week in year 1; I'm sure there are lots of very tired children this weekend.


We have had so much fun this week and all the children have really settled back into their learning. We have been counting forwards and backwards in lots of different ways, learning the actions to our class story the 3 Billy Goats Gruff for literacy, perfecting our colour wheels whilst mixing our primary and secondary colours, exploring our senses and what we would do if we didn't have them to help us understand the World and trying to decide whether we think Neil Armstrong or Christopher Columbus is braver!


Reading books have been sent home this evening for the first time this academic year. I can not stress how important reading is in primary school so it would really help if you could ensure your child is reading as much as possible at home. A minimum of 3 times a week if possible. I appreciate we all have busy home lives but even 5 minutes a day makes such a huge difference at this age. I really appreciate your continued support with this.


Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 10th September 2021


What a wonderful week! The children have been busy catching up with their friends and they have had fun exploring their new classroom.


This week we have focused on our class routines, how we stay focused on our learning and how we play kindly with our friends.

We have practiced our phonics through games, started to learn about our bodies and our senses in Science and we have been busy thinking and writing about our dreams for Year 1. The children have really blossomed into their new learning environment and I am sure we are going to have lots of fun!


The children were fantastic coming in PE kit this week, but just a reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.


A little note:  our outdoor area is wonderful, but is definitely best experienced with wellies. If your child hasn't sent any in so far, please do so as soon as you can.


Thank you and have a lovely weekend!

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