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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Nursery - Chestnut

Welcome to Nursery!

Teddy Bears' Picnic

We had great fun at our Teddy Bears Picnic on Wednesday. Unfortunately it was raining so we couldn't go outside. Instead, we went into the school hall for our yummy picnic. We played lots of games and then ate some delicious food. Thank-you Mrs Warrington for the yummy buns :) 

Everyone was very well behaved, including our teddy bears! I hope everyone had fun :)

Please see Tapestry for more photographs of all children. 

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Summer 1

This half term we are learning about the Local Area. During circle time, the children have discussed where they live. You will see some pictures of the children's houses on the Mark Making display board. 


We have also talked about different types of houses. The children have been introduced to the following; Detached, Semi-Detached, Terraced, Flats, Bungalow and Caravan. We have looked at different pictures of houses and have used our new vocabulary to identify the type of house. During Circle Time, the children then identified what type of house they lived in. 


The children have used their knowledge of shapes, to make pictures of their houses. Please see our fabulous Maths display to look at our Shape Houses. 

Shape Houses

Building Challenge

Miss Leeman set the children a building challenge. The children had to work in groups to build a house using the Construction resources in the Outside Area. The children chose their own materials and worked well together in their groups. Miss Leeman then had to choose a winner, but she decided that all the children were winners, and gave them all a special prize!

In our class we have looked at different pictures of buildings in Barwick-in-Elmet. The children have identified where the photographs were taken, and have talked about their own experiences. The children have painted pictures of different buildings in the village and we have made a display of our village. 


We have then used our knowledge of Barwick-in-Elmet, to draw maps. The children have used A3 pieces of paper to make meaningful marks of buildings and houses in the villages. Please have a look in our special red books to see our super drawings!  


To extend our knowledge, we have compared photographs of buildings in our village, to photographs of different villages and buildings. The children have talked about similarities and differences in the photographs. 


We have also enjoyed using the Bee-Bot on a village mat. The children have explored how to direct the Bee-Bot from one location, to another. 



Tour de Yorkshire

We have been getting very excited in Nursery about the Tour de Yorkshire! The children have helped make a display board in Nursery by making bunting. Please can you bring a photograph of your child riding their bike, for our display- Thank-you! Other activities have included:

- Making bunting

- Fine motor bike pencil control

- Weaving material through a bike wheel

- Barwick Nursery bike race! 


Bike Race


In Nursery we have been learning about Spring. We went on a Spring walk around the school grounds, and noticed lots of new flowers. We spent some time looking at the different colours, and learnt how to care for flowers. We also spent some time looking in the Active Learning Zone, where we explored the pond area. When we got back to our classroom, we decided to plant some flowers of our own. The children took it in turns to water the seeds. 


This week we have been learning about the Easter story. We have talked about the different events in Holy week. We enjoyed eating Hot Cross Buns for our snack on Thursday. We learnt that the cross on top of the bun represents the time when Jesus died on the cross. After our snack we said a prayer and spent some time thinking about Jesus. 

Hot Cross Buns

Egg Rolling 

We enjoyed egg rolling on Thursday morning. 

Easter Egg Hunt

On Thursday when we arrived at Nursery, we found footprints in our outdoor area. The Easter Bunny had been to Nursery! We were all very excited. We found a letter with the listening ears bunny. The letter said he had hidden our eggs and left us some clues all around the school. The children had to find the clues by identifying the rhyming words. We finally found the eggs under the trees on the school field. We had great fun! 

Thank-you for our eggs Easter Bunny!



Easter Egg Hunt

World Book Day

We have had a very busy World Book Day! All the children came to Nursery dressed as a character from a story. The children enjoyed standing up and telling the class who they were dressed up as. Here are our fabulous costumes: 




We then split into 5 groups to read a tradditional tale. 


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Some children joined Mrs Warrington in the Resources Room. They read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and made some porridge. Almost everyone ate the porridge. 


The Gingerbread Man

Some children joined Mrs Jameson to read the story of The Gingerbread Man. Then they solved clues in rhyme to try and catch the Gingerbread Man. They didn't find the real Gingerbread Man, but they did find some gingerbread men decorate and eat. 


Snow White

Mrs Slater's group read the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Then they worked hard digging for precious jewels like the dwarves in the story.


Little Red Riding Hood

Miss Leeman read the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The group red the story and decorated some biscuits to take home and eat. They all looked delicious! 


Jack and the Beanstalk

Miss Hurst's group read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They then planted some bean seeds. I hope your beanstalks don't grow too big! 

Spring 2

This half term we will be learning all about SPACE!

Week 1

This week we have been reading the story 'Whatever Next'. We have been learning to retell the story in our own words, and have been acting out the story in our Role Play. 

Week 2

This week we have been learning about Space. The children came up with their own ideas of what they would like to learning out. We have started to talk about the Planets, the Moon, and rockets! 

Week 3

This week we have been looking at rockets. We have started by labeling the different parts of a rocket and have had a go at making our own rockets using cardboard boxes and other junk modelling materials. Please come and visit our Space display in the classroom! 

 Spring 1

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week we have started our new topic of Bears. We have started by reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have really enjoyed reading this story and have enjoyed joining in with the repeated refrains. Our Focus Activities have been based around our focus story. We have been busy;

- Playing in our new Role Play Area- The Three Bears Cottage.

- Playing in the messy tray- transferring oats into bowls, using spoons

- Ordering bears according to their height- large, medium and small. 


On Thursday, we had porridge for our snack. It was very yummy!


On Friday we went over to the school hall for Squiggle and Wiggle. We used our flipper flappers to make large movements, such as circles and bumps. We then used our large movements to make marks on paper. This helped up to write the numbers 1,4, 7 and 3. We were all very pleased with or accomplishments

Squiggle and wiggle

Autumn 2

Bonfire Night

This week we have been learning about Bonfire Night. The children have really enjoyed listening to the story of Guy Fawkes and King James. The children were very keen to make a Nursery bonfire in the outdoor area, along with a Guy! We also pretended to roast marshmallows on our bonfire- they were delicious. A lot of the children’s imaginative play has been based on Guy Fawkes and bonfire night- it has been lovely to observe! We have also been busy with glitter and chalk to make firework pictures. Please have a look at our fantastic bonfire display in the classroom.

Bonfire Night


We have been learning about Winter in Nursery. We have learnt about the different seasons and talked about changes in weather. The children have noticed a change in the tress over the last few weeks and have identified that the leaves have all fallen off! We have been for a Autumn/Winter walk and had fun crunching in the leaves. We have had fun making ice art using glitter, leaves and other materials. We then explored what happened to the ice as it melted. 


The children have helped to make a winter igloo using bits of material and our new den building kit. The children have had lots of fun in the Role Play Area! 


We are very excited for Christmas in Nursery! We are all very busy making special Christmas gifts for our friends and family. Our special Christmas gifts will be sent home on the last week of term. 



This week a Christmas Elf has moved into Nursery and has left us a special letter from Father Christmas! Father Christmas has said that he has sent the Elf to see if the children are being good boys and girls. The Elf is watching to see if the children have kind hands, listening ears, and to see if the children help at tidy up time. However, Father Christmas also told us that his Christmas Elf can sometimes be a little bit mischievous! So far he has hidden the children's names, pushed Rudolph on the floor, and put shoes in the fridge! He has been very cheeky! The children helped to write a letter back to Father Christmas, telling him that they are always well behaved in Nursery. They also told Father Christmas about all the mischievous things the Elf has done! The children said that they'd have to put the Elf on the time out mat if he continued to be cheeky!


Later in the week, we received a letter from the Elf. He said he had been watching the children very closely and was very happy with them. He also asked if the boys and girls could think of a name for him, as Father Christmas hadn't given him a name. After a lot of thought, we decided to call him Jingle the Elf. Our Elf was very happy with his name and sent Miss Hurst an Elf outfit to wear in big school! When Miss Hurst came back she was full of mischief and sprinkled glitter everywhere! Some even went in our hair! 


Reminder: On Wednesday 16th December it is the Nursery Christmas party 1pm-3pm. If you would like your child to attend please can you let Miss Leeman know. If this is an additional session, you will be charged. Following the party, we will be singing a few Christmas songs. Please come along to join in with our singing. 

Christmas party

Santa visits nursery

Christmas jumper day

Christmas lunch

Welcome Back 

Welcome back and welcome to all new starters! I hope you all had a very relaxing and enjoyable summer break and are now ready for the start of Term. We have had a great first week at Nursery with very few tears! The children have all settled in well to new rules and routines, and have started to make new friends. 


Please have a look on the notice board in Nursery for up to date information regarding our 'Super Work'


This half term our topic is Super Me! We will be learning about different Superheroes and their super powers. This week the children have had fun dressing up as different Superheroes in the Role Play Area. The children have all tried really hard at getting themselves changed. 

Week 1

We have had a very busy first week in Nursery! The children have enjoyed exploring the environment and toys. We have briefly talked about class rules, and the children are beginning to learn new routines. Next week we will be starting our topic of Super Me! We will be learning about Superheroes and their superpowers, along with Superheroes in our community, and how to keep our bodies Super! If your child has a favourite Superhero toy or book, they are invited to bring it in and share with the class.

In Maths we have started playing various number games. The children have been counting to ten, and are beginning to count a group of objects.

We have also made a start on Phonics, where we have been looking at identifying different sounds in the environment.



Week 2

This week we have started our Super Me topic. The children have been learning about different Superheroes, and we have started to think about their different powers. The children have also been busy dressing up in different superhero costumes. We are encouraging the children to become more independent at getting dressed and putting their own shoes on. They have all tried really hard!


On Tuesday we had our first PE lesson in the hall. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the children listened and followed instructions. Well done everyone!


On Wednesday a group of children worked with Mrs Warrington to do baking. This week they made orange flavoured buns. The children did some super mixing and got to lick the bowls clean when they had finished!


On Thursday we have a special snack. This week we made toast. The children got to choose what they put on their toast- butter, jam, peanut butter, or all three! Everyone had a go at spreading their own topping on their bread.


Next week we will be looking at more Superheroes. We will be talking about why we are super and will design our own Superhero capes!



Week 3

We have had a very busy week in Nursery. The children have made self-portraits and enjoyed telling each other what they are good at or what super power they would like to have. The children’s pictures are displayed in the classroom so please have a look! We have also made our own Superhero capes! The children enjoyed choosing their own materials and resources. These will be displayed very soon, but we just need to make a few finishing touches!!


The children have thoroughly enjoyed our special snack! This week we had crumpets with butter, jam and peanut butter. The children showed better control when using their knife.


We have also been focusing on counting skills this week. The children are becoming very confident at counting to 10 and are learning to identify ‘how many.’


Next week we will be learning about keeping healthy. We will be trying some super foods (healthy foods) and will be making fruit kebabs. 

Week 4


This week we have been learning about good food and bad food. We have been reading a story called ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ by Vivian French. The children are beginning to understand what a good food is (healthy food) and are learning to identify different types of fruit and vegetables. We have learnt that good foods make us grow big and strong (like superheroes).

This week for our special snack we had some good food! The children got to choose what vegetables they would like to eat, and then had a go at cutting up their own cucumber and carrots. They then got to try some hummus and cheese dip to eat with their carrots and cucumber.

Next week we will continue to learn about healthy foods. We will begin to look at different types of fruit along with making a fruit salad to eat. 

Healthy snack

Week 5

This week we have continued to learn about good food and bad food. Most children have a good understanding that good foods are fruit and vegetables, and bad foods are sweets and chocolate. We have been busy making healthy food plates- please have a look at our ‘Super Food’ display in the classroom.

During Topic Time, we have been reading ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’. The children have enjoyed learning about the different fruits that Oliver eats. On Thursday, the children helped to make a fruit salad and tried lots of different fruit during snack time.

Our focus activities this week have included:

  • Growing cress- we will hopefully get to taste the cress when it is fully grow
  • Food sort- The children have enjoyed sorting the food into two categories- good food and bad food
  • Designing a healthy plate- The children had to choose healthy food for their plate
  • On Wednesday 14th October, parents are invited to Nursery between 9am and 10am for a stay and play session. If you would like to attend, please let me know.

Good food and bad food

Rainy days - we had lots of fun splashing in the puddles!!

Week 6

Thank-you to the parents who came to our Stay and Play session on Wednesday. The children really enjoyed playing with their mummy and daddy’s, as well as making vegetable pizzas!


This week we have started to think about ‘People who help us.’ We have started to learn about the different people who help us such as a fireman, policeman, doctor etc. Everyone has really enjoyed playing the fire engines and police cars in the Small World Area.

This week all the children had a turn at making pizzas. The children chose their own toppings and helped Mrs Warrington to put their pizza on the tray. I hope everyone enjoyed eating them!


In Maths we have been learning all about the number 2. The children have learnt to recognise the number 2 in the environment, and some children have had a go at writing the number 2, using chalk.


In Phonics, we have been using different instruments. It has been lovely to see the children using our Phonics games in their role play.


Next week, on Thursday, the children are invited to dress up as their favourite Superhero. We will also have having some special visitors visiting Nursery and Reception Class to fit with our ‘People who help us’ topic. 

Making Pizza

Going to the Dentist

We have also been learning about the importance of cleaning our teeth. We have been reading a story about going to the dentist and have learnt that if we eat too many sweets, our teeth will go bad and we will need fillings. The children enjoyed sharing their own experiences of going to the dentist. Their favourite bit seemed to be getting a sticker at the end! In our outdoor area, Miss Hurst drew lots of teeth on the ground. The children had to use the large brushes to clean the teeth, and identify what number they had chosen. The children also enjoyed jumping along our teeth number line. 

Number teeth

Superhero Day!

Real Life Superheroes!

This week we had a visit from Ian and Stuart, who are real life superheroes. 

Ian came in on Monday to visit Nursery and Reception. Ian is in the Army- the Royal Tank Regiment. He told us all about how he helps people in the UK, and in other countries around the world. Ian also told us about the importance of eating healthy food and doing lots of exercise. 


On Wednesday, Stuart came to visit Nursery and Reception. Stuart is a firefighter, and he told us all about his job. The children were very excited to try on his firefighter gear! We learnt about fire safety, and keeping safe on Bonfire Night. 


Thank-you for coming into our School. We had lots of fun and learnt loads! 

Learning about our bodies

Thank-you to Emma who came into Nursery to show us some x-rays. The children were very interested in the different images of our bones, and asked lots of questions. 

Ambulance visit 

We had a great time exploring the ambulance at Nursery! 



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