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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'


Dear Parents and Children, 


Please note that this year, homework will be set at the start of each half-term with a sheet describing a range of tasks. In Key Stage 2, children are expected to complete 2 pieces of work each week, though these can be done in any order. I will often include a larger writing task that I class as 2 pieces of work (see the sheet each half-term). I will also usually set some work to be done through the mymaths website. Details of how to log on to this can be found on the sheet in each child's homework book. 


Each week, homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and needs to be returned for marking on a Monday. Obviously, work done on the mymaths website cannot be handed in. I shall check these pieces off online each week. 


I will explain each homework grid to the children on the day it is handed out, but if you have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to ask!


Many Thanks, 

Mr Cutler

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  • Year 2 94.2%
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  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
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