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Church of England Primary School

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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Amazing Authors



Happy Easter!

As a last day treat we enjoyed hot chocolate with mini marshmallows (provided by Mrs Turnbull-Thank-you) and shortbread biscuits. 


Well done Reception for another fantastic half term :) 

Easter crafts with Mrs Slater

PE with Mr Pete

A big thank-you to Mr Pete for our fantastic PE lessons this half term. We have all had great fun :)



This week we have been reading stories by Julia Donaldson. We noticed that a lot of her stories had rhyming words. The children have enjoyed listening to the stories to see if they can hear any rhyming words! 

Can you create a rhyming list?

Balance Bike Day! 


The children enjoyed taking part in a Balance Bike workshop. 



Look at our fabulous displays! 



This week we enjoyed celebrating World Book Day! The children came dressed in wonderful outfits and enjoyed sharing these with their friends! 


After an exciting assembly, we returned to class and split into three groups to read books about colour! 


Group 1 worked with Miss Leeman and continued with 'The Day the Crayons Quit'


Group 2 worked with Mrs Slater and read 'Mouse Paint'


Groups 3 worked with Mrs Warrington to read 'The Rainbow Fish'. 


After reading the activity the children enjoyed exploring a range of colour based activities;

- Can you create your own rainbow fish?

- Can you write about your favourite colour crayon?

- Can you explore the paint and mix the colours? 




This week we have enjoyed learning to retell the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs. 

In Maths we have continued to learn about shapes. We can

- name 2D shapes- square, triangle, rectangle, circle, hexagon

- talk about the properties of 2D shapes- "A square has 4 sides"

- name 3D shapes- cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere

- talk about the properties of a 3D shape- "A cube has 6 square faces" 

- tell you the difference between a 2D and 3D shape- "a 2D shape is flat and a 3D shape is solid" 


In the Maths Area Miss Leeman placed a variety of sound buttons and shapes on the tuff spot. Miss Leeman had recorded messages/clues on the sound buttons and the children had to match the clue to the correct shape.


Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful half term :)

This week we will be exploring our favourite books and stories. The children are invited to bring in ONE story or book to share with class during Show and Tell. 



We have enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with our friends. 

Chinese New Year

We have enjoyed learning about the different Chinese Traditions and how Chinese New Year is celebrated around the world. We have created lanterns, dragons and have had a go at Chinese writing! Come and see our Reflection Area! 


On Thursday we also created our own Dragon Dance to show our friends. 


We have been learning all about 2D shapes. 

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