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Church of England Primary School

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Bobby bears birthday

Birthday Maths!

To celebrate Bobby's birthday we had a week full of Birthday themed Maths. 


We started by discussing when our Birthdays are. This lead to a discussion about the Months of the year. Miss Leeman taught the children a song to help remember the names of the Months. 


When is your birthday?

Miss Leeman then set up different challenges in the areas of learning.


Can you create a birthday cake for Bobby Bear? How many candles will you need? Can you find the number? 

Maths Challenge:


Can you fill the numbered party bags with the correct number of toys? 

Washing line:


Can you put the birthday cards in order?

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  • Whole School 94.8%
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  • Foundation 92.9%
  • Year 1 100%
  • Year 2 94.2%
  • Year 3 96.8%
  • Year 4 92.7%
  • Year 5 93.1%
  • Year 6 95.2%
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