Friday 27th January 2023
What a brilliant week year 4, finishing with our awesome Viking Museum! KS2 really enjoyed learning about your fabulous topic! The teachers were even blown away with how much knowledge you had! Great Work! They say pictures speak a thousand words so please explore some of our exhibition below!
Thank you for all your hard work Year 4! Remember to keep checking our 'Further learning' link on the website to challenge yourself further at home.
Friday 20th January 2023
Another busy week in Year 4! The children have worked really hard with their historical learning over the past few weeks, now is their time to show me everything they have learnt. To do this, the children are creating their own table top museum which they will get to share with other pupils and staff next week! We got so involved in our learning on Thursday we didn't hear the playtime bell!
In maths, the children are exploring new methods of multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. Some methods have been more challenging than others but the children's focus has been excellent!
In English, we have nearly completed our 'Guided Write' and will be ready for our independent ideas and application next week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Reminders: Please ensure your child is in school uniform and footwear that adhere to our uniform guidance and ensure that your child brings their school planner and spelling log book on a daily basis.
Friday 6th January 2023
Happy New Year!
The children came back to a strange sight in our classroom... the cupboard was cordened off with large NO ENTRY signs on. It turned out that Mr Roycroft had sealed the door after repeated alarm triggers throughout the Christmas holidays. Something kept coming out of our cupboard!!!!
After play, the children were again shocked when the cupboard door was open!!! They found footprints from the cupboard to the board where a strange message had been left! After some exploration the language turned out to be Viking runes. We translated them and found message from Ragnor Lothbrok!
Further work into the Vikings has really excited the children so far with some awesome battle mottos performed that were so loud I think the whole school could hear us! Brilliant!
Let's see what next week brings!
Reminder - Swimming is on Monday 9th January so please remember your kit. The schools expectation for home reading is a minimum for 3 times weekly and will benefit your child's progress so please ensure you are aiming to complete this each week.
Another polite notice - Can you please ensure children come to school in correct school uniform (please see school uniform guidance on website) including correct school footware in the correct colours.
Friday 16th December 2022
The Year 4 team would like to express a huge Thank You for all the wonderful gifts and well wishes we have recieved! We hope everyone has a brilliant break!
See you in 2023!
Mrs Walton and Mrs Furbank!
I'd like to start by saying, thank you for a really good week. We have had lots of work to get through and finish including our final independent writing tasks- it has been great. As a class the progress has been brilliant! Mrs Walton is really impressed!
In Maths, the children have been sliding around on place value grids to multiply whole and decimal numbers by 10 and 100. They now know that the 'put a zero on the end' rule for multiplying by 10 is NOT correct!
Finally, in LMTW we enjoyed exploring different line styles and how artist use these within their work. Year 4 learnt the 'Rule of Third' and how artists and photographers use this technique to draw a viewers eye across the whole picture not just the object of focus! They applied these skills to recreate the famous 'Starry Night' picture by Vincent Van Gogh.
Have a great weekend!
Friday 25th November 2022
It's slowly creeping towards Christmas! Year 4 are starting to get in the festive spirit designing Christmas cards with a moving mechanism! Get ready to be amazed!
In English, Mrs Walton has been blown away with the impressive writing standard she has seen in the children's guided write! She can't wait to see next weeks independent tasks!
The highlight of the week for many children, turned out to be Maths! The children explored perimeter on a grid, it was brilliant to see the buzz and enjoyment in the room! The concentration and celebrations were awesome!
Get ready for next week Year 4! Mrs Walton is going to push your learning even further!
Happy Friday Everyone - 18.11.22
Well, today was Take Over Day and in Year 4 the pupils really did take over! In our Learning Means the World sessions the children have been planning their own lessons. Many of the children got the opportunity to deliver these today. Their use of learning objectives and our brain skill aliens were superb. Children started to develop an understanding of why schools have rules in place for the benefit of their learning and how vital these are for them.
The children who have not yet taught will have the opportunity throughout next week.
Keep an eye out for some photos next week showing the children's brilliant teaching!
In Maths the week, the children have explored column method subtraction including exchanges and written problems. This has been a tricky concept for some of the children and challenged many to dig deeper to find an answer.
Mrs Walton is looking forward to challenging the children's writing next week, completing our guided write and beginning our independent application.
Please could you ensure your child brings their school planner in on a daily basis, completes their expected 5 reads and their times tables for Friday. Your hard work at home really is appreciated and has a huge impact on children's progression.
Friday 11th November 2022
What a busy week!
In English, Year 4 have started to explore their new model text in greater detail. They have been introduced to some of the writing features we will be focusing on next week within our shared write sessions. Get ready for some debates and discussions Year 4!
In Maths, the children have really impressed Mrs Walton with their understanding and focus of column addition. This will be further challenged next week when we look at the inverse operation of subtraction.
It was lovely to share some of our learning this week with the parents. Did you retain the spelling words? Do you now know your learning style? The children really enjoyed sharing their work with their adults and are looking forward to teaching their sessions next week.
Another great week Year 4! Reminder to complete your Reading Plus activities, times tables and home reading books over the weekend. Enjoy! Try using your new knowledge of learning styles to help you!
Friday 4th November 2022
Order... order! My the honerable ladies and gentlemen of Year 4 get ready to learn!
Mrs Walton was excited to welcome Year 4 back to school this week and introduce them to their new topic of Law and Order! This week we have held class debates, explroed leadership qualities and learnt how our demoncracy actually works. The children have been brilliant.
In English, we have started our new model text: a non fiction discussion text titled 'Should Mobile Phones be Allowed in School?' - Mrs Walton is looking forward to digging deeper into this text next week.
In Maths, the children have started their addition and subtraction unit, building their knowledge of a digits place value and how this impacts exchanges or simple calculations.
Reminder: Please ensure you complete a minimum of 3 reads with your child each week and practice their focus times tables written in their planners. Could all children ensure they also bring their planners in on a daily basis for Mrs Walton to access. The children will also be using these in their VIPERS sessions as they are an essential learning resource.
Friday 21st October 2022
Green fingers, blue fingers, red fingers - which colour fingers did your Year 4 child have yesterday? The children loved our art lessons yesterday where they got the chance to learn all about printing! They used printing tiles to carve out different lines and marks to explore which had the best effect. Then we designed and made our very own print key rings with our names on! Year 4 worked really hard on making sure their letters were written backwards correctly for their printing template! They also got the opportunity to explore marbling, using water and floating ink to produce a bright and bold print!
In science, the children completed an experiment to find which materials were conductors of electriticity or insulators. The children showed a secure understanding of materials with well thought our predictions and good simple series circuit building.
It has been a very busy half term. Enjoy your week off Year 4! Keep working on those times tables and have lots of autumnal fun!
See you after the holidays - Mrs Walton!
Friday 7th October 2022
Well, today was a fantastic end to a really good week in Year 4! We were the leading class for Reading Plus and we rocked TT Rockstars this morning.
This week in Learning Means the World, the children loved exploring scientific equipment to make a simple series circuit. They were so proud of themselves when their light bulb lit up for the first time! I know everyone is looking forward to our next lesson.
In English, the children have begun their independent write! Mrs Walton cannot wait to see how Year 4 have utilised their new writing skills such as expanded noun phrases, inverted commas, short sentences for suspense or even fronted adverbials.
In maths, the children met their first real challenge, their perserverence has been tested but hopefully they will overcome this next week and feel the pride in achieving something that caused a challenge for them.
Have an awesome weekend Year 4!
Friday 30th September 2022
Mrs Walton has been extremely impressed with her Year 4 class this week, especially in English and spellings. Over the last 3 weeks the children have been introduced to lots of higher level language and their understanding and explanation skills for each and every word is AMAZING!
In writing, the children have explored expanded noun phrases for description, inverted commas for speech and short sentences to build suspence in a story! Mrs Walton can't wait to read the stories they create next week using these skills!
In maths, the children have secured their knowledge of rounding to the nearest 10 or 100 and they have now moved on to exploring numbers in their thousands.
Music was a big hit this week, noisy, but lots of fun. The children learnt to read music, write music , perform music all showing an understanding of tempo. Ask your child what allegro or adagio means!
Have a fabulous weekend. See you all Monday with swim kits at the ready!
Friday 23rd September 2022
Year 4 have worked extremely hard this week completing assessments for reading, grammar, spelling and maths. Mrs Walton has been really impressed with the children's focus and determination.
In Learning Means the World, the children have been challenging their computing skills further developing their understanding of a LAN. The children created a 'human LAN' sending messages to each others to complete tasks just like a computer network does.
In Science, the children explored what an 'appliance' is and how electricity impacts each item to create different actions. e.g. heat or sound.
REMINDER: Please continue to read with your child at home focusing on the VIPERS comprehension questions found in your child's planner, ensure they complete their Reading Plus challenges and times tables.
The children also start swimming on Monday. Please make sure your child brings their kit. The boys need to wear their swim shorts under their school PE kit and bring underwear and towel in their bag. As girls are required to wear a full costume, they will need to bring their full kit in their bag. Goggles, hair brushes etc are permitted but kit cannot be shared so please ensure your child brings only things for themselves.
Friday 16th September 2022
A wonderful week with some added 'Wonkafullness'
This week, the children in Year 4 really enjoyed Roald Dahl day and their learning carousel across school! The children's chocolate bar designs made Mrs Walton's mouth water! It was lovely to share this event with the children and feed their love of reading such a fabulous author!
In Maths – we have been working on our understanding of Roman Numerals, how to read and write these numbers to 100! Many children have grasped the rule of 3 brilliantly and will extend this knowledge next week within problem solving activities.
In English, strange things have been happending! Unfortunatley, it's a secret... so shhhhhh! Spy business only! Hopefully more information will be uncovered next week.
In Learning Means the World we have been exploring computing further, investigating our schools LAN as well as beginning to understand the importance of keeping safe online. The children thought really carefully about what they feel comfortable sharing online and developed an understanding how this information can potentially be seen by many more people than they intend.
As we are not at school on Monday 19th September, the children's first swimming session will be Monday 26th September. The children will also have their weekly PE session every Tuesday so please ensure children are sent to school in the correct school kit for these sessions.
Tonight, school reading books and Reading Plus passwords will be sent home. Please encourage your child to read a minimum of 5 times a week, sharing their text aloud followed by a focused VIPERS questioning session using the children's diaries as support for question guides.
Friday 9th September 2022
What a brilliant first week back!
Well done for really impressing Mrs Walton on your first week as Year 4! You are showing superb potential and have demonstrated some brilliant learning behaviours.
In Maths we have been introduced to our 'Times Table Challenge'. Get ready for it to start next Friday.
In English, we begun to learn our new spelling skills and in Learning Means the World w used the internet to explore some key inventions designed communication in the 21st century! We have some very 'tech-savy' Year 4!
Reminder: On Tuesday 13th September it is Roald Dahl day so we will be off timetable all day!
Please ensure all children are in the correct uniform and footwear for school. Please refer to the school website for guidance.