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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Weekly Updates

Friday 20th January 2023


It has been another action-packed week in Year 6! They work so hard and deserve so much credit. 


In maths, we have been calculating the percentage of an amount. The class have been brilliant and can now calculate any percentage you like! Hard work pays off!


In English, we have been writing our own suspense story. Some of the vocabulary and writing skills have been another level - i'm really excited to read the final versions.


Finally, in PE we continue our yoga journey. This week we perfected The Pigeon - it took some of us 30 seconds to extract ourselves from the tricky position.


Have a good weekend

Friday 6th January 2023


Whilst we have only been back for two days, we have crammed an awful lot in!


In PSHCE we have been discussing stereotypes and the key medical vocabulary such as symptom and diagnosis. In addition, our science lessons for the next 3 weeks will surround the human circulatory system. As an introduction we have started discussing the various stages through which humans travel as they age.


Our model text this half term is called 'Kidnapped', as such we had to try and solve a code and track down the 'kidnapped' Mrs Furbank. She was eventually found locked in the Reception stock cupboard - Phew! It was lots of fun and a really great hook to ignite our interest in the upcoming text.


Finally, in PE we have had our first yoga lesson, we learnt a variety of positions and even two flows. There will be some soreness tomorrow i'm sure.


Have a nice weekend.

Friday 9th December 2022


Another great week in Year 6, culminating in out Barwick's Got Talent auditions! Thank you to all who took part and helped - I can not wait to see it all come together on Wednesday. Aside from the auditions, we have been concentrating on our persuasive writing. Our aim is for them all to be completed by the end of next week.


In terms of maths, we have been focusing on on dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000. Becoming an expert in this skill will prove really beneficial come SATs.


Finally, in RE we have discussing the life of Moses and the challenges he faced. 


Be sure to get a restful weekend ahead of a jam-packed week! 


Well done all!

Friday 2nd December 2022


Firstly, thank you for a really fun week. We have combined hard work with a lot of fun - it has been great. As a class we have completed our maths assessments and the progress has been brilliant. Such progress is a testament to all the hard work and dedication that everyone has put in.


In English, we have been completing our 'shared write', where the focus has been on writing to persuade. It has been a really fun experience and I can't wait to see the outcomes.


Finally, in LMTW we have spent some time considering the causes of the American Civil War as well as discussing pacifism and radicalisation in PSHCE.


Have a great weekend!

Friday 18th November 2022


Thank you to all who made this week such a success. As a class we have made so many strides that it is hard to pinpoint just a few. The writing of our warning tales have produced some stunning bits of work. We have focussed on using personification, similes and metaphors to really capture settings and weather - it has been really great to read.


In maths, we had a slightly bumpy end of the week as we grappled with complex fractions work (fraction of a whole). However, after a day of using concrete resources I think we have cracked it. Well done all.


In LMTW we have focussed on WW1 and learnt all about the causes of the conflict - next week WW2.


Thanks again to our pupil governors for Takeover Day. They did a really great job!


Have a good weekend.

Friday 11th November 2022


This week has culminated in Year 6 walking to the war memorial in Barwick and paying our respects to those from our local community who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The children read names and gave reading in what was a really special moment. 


In English, we have been incorporating colons and semi-colons in to our writing. The class have taken to it like a duck to water. I can't wait to see them use their new-found skills in their writing next week.


In maths, we continue to learn all about fractions. This week the focus has been division and multiplication. 


Finally, thank you again to those who could make the open morning on Wednesday - it was great to see everyone one.


Have a good weekend.

11th November 2022

Friday 4th November 2022


It has been good fun this week in Year 6. We have learnt so many things and covered a wide range of subjects.


In LMTW we have been studying the causes and issues relating to the Gaza Strip and also discussed the subject of conscientious objectors - it is really interesting to hear the children's opinions.


In English, we have been learning a warning tale called The Caravan. This will lead to us next week writing our own version together, incorporating many new grammatical features.


Maths has been spent concentrating on subtracting fractions, where we have used concrete resources to help clarify the operation.


Finally, we have had lots of fun in football in PE.


Have a good weekend, you deserve it!

Friday 21st October 2022


It has been another jam-packed week in Year 6! We have covered everything from learning about forces to writing biographies about inventors, and a lot in between (we even found time to make our own parachutes!). 


In maths we have been working hard to understand fractions. I have been so delighted with the amount of hard work and dedication shown by everyone in the class - they have been brilliant. If you are at a loose end during half term, please log on to Reading Plus and improve our class score.


However, please make sure to get a little rest!


Have a great half-term break.

Friday 14th October 2022


What a fun week we have had in Year 6! This culminated in celebrating our work on health eating by cooking a stir-fry. It was a really enjoyable experience where lots of life skills were learnt. Following the cooking, we performed our Year 6 Collective Worship to the whole school and parents. Each pupil excelled, adding their own personality and humour to the production.


Next week is a big week for our writing where our invention task is due to be finalised. In maths we have entered the exciting world of BIDMAS - a favourite of mine!


Every single person deserves a relaxing weekend!


Friday 7th October 2022


It has been a really lovely week in Year 6, culiminating in our TT Rockstar Launch! Everyone got dressed up and we had a really good day.


Between jamming sessions, we have been deepening our understanding in maths of powers and orders of operations. The children have really taken to the task and have produced really great results. In English, we have written up our indenpendent invention explanations. Next week, we will be tackling our next project full steam ahead!


In LMTW we have spent some time learning about the history of the flute and added a backing rhythm to a track.


Have a great weekend.


Friday 30th September 2022


What can I say? What an amazingly fun residential! We laughed (lots), learnt new skills and really bonded as a team. From rock climbing to archery, we all gave it our all and came away with so many memories. I think each person will take many positive memories with them for years as a result of the activities and comradeship.


It was also brilliant to see classmates taking care of each other and really going out of their way to make sure people were alright - they really are a great bunch!


Thursday and Friday have also been really positive, where we have thrown ourselves into maths and English. We will be starting our independent writing next week about our own inventions!


Have a good weekend and catch-up on some sleep.

Friday 23rd September 2022


Well done on another brilliant week! Whilst it may have been tiring doing all those assessments, we have also found time to have a lot of fun. 


We have ranged between deep theological discussions about the creation of the universe to researching the evolution of string instruments through history - quite a jump! In PE, we have been practicing our hockey skills in mini games and have had a week of focusing on grammar in English.


I hope you are all excited for residential. Please make sure you have a relaxing weekend and remember to pack both sun cream and waterproofs - it looks like we could be getting all four seasons in a single day!


Thanks again for a brilliant week.



Friday 16th September 2022 


Firstly, well done to every member of the class for an excellent week. This is exemplified by our Learning Means The World lesson on Friday where everyone presented their own business pitch during our learning about trade marks.


In English, we continue to make excellent progress and have started our shared write. The hope is to finish the independent write prior to residential! That will be a tough ask, but I’m sure they’re up to the challenge.


Having finished our quick foray in the world of place value, we are now honing our four operation skills.


Thank you for a really enjoyable week.


Friday 9th September 2022


What a fantastic start to the year!


Year 6 have taken to the new school year like a duck to water, and I can't wait to watch them progress. Each and every one of them has shown their character and potential in what has been an action-packed first week.


We have started our maths curriculum by concentrating on place value and working on the fundamentals. This is an important stepping stone in our journey. In English, we have created our own inventions and plan to write an explanation text next week - I can't wait to see how it goes.


In Learning Means the World, we have focused on discussing what intellectual property is and how we can protect it. It has been really interesting hearing the class's thoughts on the concept. We have some budding inventors of our own! 


Finally, in PE we are expanding our hockey skills and, weather depending, hope to play some mini games next week.


Have a good weekend, you deserve it.

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