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Church of England Primary School

'A Community of faith where we believe, achieve and grow together'

Amazing Achievements

Try a Triathlon? Only Ellie!

Wow! Well done to Ellie, who showed off her medals this morning, after completing in the Junior Triathlon at Roundhay Park at the weekend. What a fab achievement!

Super Swimmer!

Congratulations to Callum, who took part in his first ever swim gala in March - he was the fastest at front crawl, and scooped a fabulous good medal!



Gabriella, noticing a grammatical error in M.G. Leonard's 'Beetle Boy', wrote to the publisher. Having already received a reply from the author herself, congratulating her on spotting the mistake, Gabriella was surprised to receive a copy of the newly released sequel, 'Beetle Queen' in the post! We can't wait to read your review on the new book.


Ellie loves exercise!

In the first cycle race of the season, Ellie came first, beating her rival: well done Ellie! 

Not only that, but she is entering the World Series Triathlon, taking place in Roundhay Park this summer. Amazing work Ellie - you're an inspiration.


Gymnastics Superstar!

Ella T has recently moved up to the 11 - 16 category in gymnastics. This means she is competing against girls who have been competing for a lot longer than she has. Recently, at what she thought was a display, she was shocked to be awarded a gold medal - turns out it was a competition after all, and 11 year olds can win gold! Well done.



Gold Winner!

Congratulations to Daniel H, who won the Gold Award in Barwick's 500 Words Short Story Writing Competition, with 'The Life of a Carrot'. Brilliant writing! Well done!

Good luck!

On the 22nd January, our fabulous gymnasts Ciara, Phoebe, Ella P, Taylor, Ella T and Ellie are taking part in the national Gymfest at First Direct Leeds Arena. Good luck girls - we look forward to hearing your success stories!

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  • Year 5 93.1%
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