Monday 6th July 2020
This week is your last week of home learning so we have made it all about transition!
There is a series of tasks for you to complete including decorating a pebble to bring into school with you when you come for transition to see Mr Portch!
Mrs Fox
Monday 29th June 2020
Did you all seen your email from Mr Portch? If you haven’t looked, then Mr Portch should have sent you an email to your school email account!
This week you will notice that your home learning grid has changed slightly. This is because this week there is a focus on reflecting on your time in year 4 as well as spending time thinking about Black Lives Matter and how this impacts you.
You also have some maths to do which is all about position and direction. This will involve you using coordinates.
Good luck with your work this week!
Mrs Fox
Monday 22nd June 2020
Hello Year 4!
Did you see the video on the school website on Friday? Are you excited to have Mr Portch as your teacher next year?! We had great fun filming the video with Mr Roycroft! Did you get the hint that I am staying in Year 4 from the Fox ears?
Well done to all those children that joined in the Times Table Rockstar challenge last week! I tried really hard to earn as many points as possible but I think the teachers were outnumbered! Keep your eyes peeled to see other events going on in the next few weeks!
This week I am asking you to write a persuasive letter to Mrs Sanderson! Remember to come up with lots of good reasons to support what you want… I think I would ask her to extend break time and lunch time so that we get more fresh air!!
In Maths, you have some symmetry work to do – remember, for something to be symmetrical, they have to be the same on both sides!
Monday 15th June 2020
Hello Year 4!
It was so nice to be able to talk to some of you again in teams last week. I am glad that you are all well and trying your best at home.
In English this week, I have something a bit different for you! If you follow the lessons set out on the Oak Learning Academy, you will be asked to create a persuasive rap!! I can’t wait to read some of these… you guys are very persuasive when you want to be!
In Maths, you are continuing your work with the Oak Learning Academy. This week you are continuing your work on shape. Focussing on comparing quadrilaterals and triangles.
I am very excited about Geography this week. I don’t know if I have told you before but, I studied Geography when I did my degree at university. I have already walked along the high street where I live to create a land use map! I need to continue onto part 2 and create a key and make a neat version of my map – I will let you know how it goes! I hope you have as much fun making your map as I have making mine!
Monday 8th June 2020
Hello Everyone!
School has been officially open for a week now and it has been lovely to see the children who have returned to school in key year groups. I hope that you are all ok and that you are keeping safe at home.
Hopefully, you all received another email from me on Friday – if you haven’t been on your emails then have a look! I’d love to hear back from you to find out what you have been up to!
This week, you will notice that the home learning grid has changed slightly! There is one column missing because we have joined together focus, exercise and wellbeing.
In Maths, we are moving on the angles! Can you remember what an acute angle, an obtuse angle and a right angle is before you even start? If you can’t remember, you could always ask a sibling or adult at home if they know, otherwise you will learn all about it this week!
In English, you are writing your newspaper report – make sure you use the checklist to make sure that you include everything I am looking for. Don’t forget to use your grammar objectives such as fronted adverbials and conjunctions!
How is your RE Project going? Have you had a look at the videos Mrs Nicholson has been posting on the school website? Make sure you find some time this week to have a look and watch Mrs Nicholson’s latest video.
Monday 1st June 2020
This week is the first week of Summer 2 which is your last half term in Year 4! I hope you all had a lovely half term and you got up to some exciting things with your families. This half term, we are looking at local history and so you will have different activities linked to the local area!
We are starting our writing this half term with a newspaper report. This week, you need to have a look at the different features of a newspaper report to help you when you have to write your own.
In Maths, we will be continuing to use the Oak National Academy to look at different types of measures.
Stay safe,
Mrs Fox
Monday 25th May 2020
Happy Half Term!
I can’t believe it is half term already, the last 5 weeks have gone so fast!! This week you have a Pyramid instead of a Home Learning Grid.
This week’s focus is about well-being and spending time with your family. I would like you to try and spend time doing things that you and your family enjoy doing! You can have a look at some of the ideas we have put together onto a pyramid!
Mr Fox and I enjoy going for walks so we are going to walk along the river near our house as one of our activities.
I would also like to do some baking! A few weeks ago I made a really yummy bake which had chocolate, Nutella and marshmallows in it!! I think I might make a rocky road this week! Yum! Yum!
I can’t wait to find out what you all get up to during half term!
Monday 18th May 2020
Hello Year 4!
Have you all check your new email addresses? - You should have received an email from me! I’ll make sure I keep a look out to see if any of you send me a reply!
In Maths this week, we are looking at measurements all different kinds of measurement! You will need to think about centimetres, metres, money and weight!
In Writing, you are to complete your independent write which was to write your own Roman Myth! Make sure you check back over the success criteria and edit you work where needed. This week, you also have spelling and a GPV task!
In science, we are finishing our work on the digestive system! You also have a new RE task set by Mrs Nicholson which involves you designing your own Multi Faith Prayer Room for an Airport.
Stay safe,
Mrs Fox
How did you celebrate VE Day? I was in school and we celebrated with our 2 minutes silence at 11 o’clock and Mrs Warrington helped us to bake some buns! In the afternoon, we had a party outside on the band stand! Mr Roycroft put some music on for us and so we played up on the field!
In Maths, you are using Oak National Academy. There are short quizzes and learning videos for you to look at.
In writing, you are writing your own Roman Myth! I can’t wait to read these! I think I would call my main characters Timmy and Tommy or, Sarah and Sandy!
How are you finding our work on the digestive system? I think that it is amazing how many different processes go on in the body!
Monday 4th May 2020
Hi everybody!
I hope you are all still finding your time at home okay. I know it’s hard when you’d like to be able to see your friends and play out.
This week we have lots more work to complete on the Romans!
In Writing, I would like you to create your own battle and write about what happened! I can’t wait to find out where your battles take place and who you decide the leaders of your armies are! This week, you are beginning to look at a Roman myth too. You need to look at the model text and learn it to help you with writing your own myth next week!
In Reading, you will be looking at a myth as well as some information texts. You have a mixture of retrieval and inference questions.
I have loved learning about the Romans so far and I hope you all have too! If you find out any interesting facts or you are particularly proud of any of your work then I’d love to see it on the school website!
Stay safe,
Mrs Fox
Monday 27th April 2020
This week, the weather has been beautiful and I was pleased to sit in my garden over the weekend, enjoying the sun!
On Friday, Mr Lynn and I were in school and we decided to have a Roman day as that is our focus for this half term! I brought lots of cardboard into school so we could make some shields. We also thought about making chariots but this proved too challenging for myself and Mr Lynn so we had to ask the Year Sixes to help!
This week, I have some more Romans research to do; we are looking at writing a recount of a Roman battle. I have written a model text for you to look at and use as part of your activities this week.
In Reading, you will need to start to listen to the audiobook of 'How to Train your Dragon' and answer the questions that I have set for you. This week you have retrieval questions, prediction questions and I even put one inference question for you to have a go at!
For Science, I have set an experiment for you to start. This experiment requires you to leave it for up to a week so you will have to revisit it next week… You could make an effort to look at the eggs each day and describe the changes you see in a diary.
I hope that you enjoy this week’s work – I love learning about the Romans!
Stay safe,
Mrs Fox
Monday 20th April 2020
I can’t believe we are officially in Summer Term – this means that it is your final term before you transition to Year 5! We still have lots to cover so there is lots of work set for you to complete at home! This half term should be 5 weeks long.
Maths – This week you have three days of White Rose Hub activities. Each day there is a video to watch to teach you about what you have to do. Make sure you watch the video first before you attempt the questions! If you’re still unsure, you could watch it again or ask an adult to watch and help explain it to you.
On Monday, you are dividing 2 digit numbers by 10.
On Wednesday, you are looking at hundredths.
On Friday, you are looking at hundredths as decimals.
On Tuesday and Thursday, you are working on your times tables.
If you find extra time, there is a MyMaths activity set but it isn’t part of your grid this week!
Writing – Story Writing! This week I’d like you to write 2 stories. The first one, I would like it to be set under the sea! You might want to think about who your main character is… it might not be human! If I was writing this story, I think my main character would be a tiny, terrified fish who lives deep in the ocean!
Reading – This week, you have 3 activities about Viscount Vocabulary! This week you have a video to watch and some questions to answer, as well as a poem to look at! Remember, Viscount Vocabulary is all about ‘WORDS! WORDS! WORDS!’
I’d like you to try to make a conscious effort to read books from the beginning to end. I started a book 2 weeks ago and because I read quite slowly – and Mr Fox keeps asking me to do things, it has taken me a while to finish it! I am still really enjoying it though and I can’t wait to write a review on it before I start a new one! I am going to keep a list of the books I read.
History – Our new focus for this half term is the Romans. Before I set you a project around the Romans, it is important to work out what you know already. Pull together all the facts you think you know already. You will look back at this at the end of the project and see what you can add but also cross out if it turns out to be wrong!!
When were the Romans in power? It is also important to know when in History the Romans were around so I would like you to create a timeline on Wednesday.
Monday 13th April 2020
Happy Easter!
I was pleased to hear that both the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny were on the list of key workers and so were still allowed to work. This year, the Easter bunny bought me a new pom for my woolly hat – because I can’t have chocolate! He is a very kind Easter Bunny! I hope you have all been enjoying the improved weather!
Maths – this week we are continuing the work on White Rose Hub and MyMaths. The work on White Rose Hub continues to look at tenths. I would also like you to focus on your 7, 8 and 9 times tables this week as these are the ones we have the slowest recall of looking at Times Table Rockstars.
English – In your Writing, I would like you to try to use speech. You could write a story and include some speech; or you could write down a conversation that you have had with someone at home.
Here’s a conversation I had with Mr Fox over the weekend! …
“Mr Fox, why is your bike in my kitchen?” asked Mrs Fox abruptly.
“Well, I have taken it out of the shed and I thought I would put it in here tonight,” replied Mr Fox bravely.
“It is not staying here!” Mrs Fox demanded, “Go and lock it in the shed!”
Check out the school website for tips on what you need to remember to include when you write speech!
As part of our science and geography work, we look at the water cycle. Can you draw a picture of the water cycle and label the different stages? Then, I would like you to write about what happens at each stage.
If you have time, you could even make a Mini Water World… see the instructions on the website!
Mrs Fox
Monday 6th April 2020
Hello everyone! I want to start by saying Thank you to the children who have sent me pictures of their smoothies! They looked yummy! I look forward to reading your instructions when I collect your home learning books in!
This week, I have planned lots of activities for you to have a go at.
For Maths, I would like you to have a go at White Rose Hubs Home learning activities. They have created a video for you to watch and then questions for you to answer – don’t worry if you can’t print the worksheets as you can just write the answers in your home learning books. There is a MyMaths activity linked to this work too!
Can you still remember our VIPERS chant? Why don’t you have a go and recalling it to your adults so they can learn what each letter in ‘VIPERS’ stands for. For your reading this week, your focus is retrieval. Can you write some of your retrieval questions into your home learning book along with the answers? There are some question stems on our class page if you need some help with this.
Mrs Nicholson has asked you to come up with your own Easter Crafts this week. It reminded me that an Easter tradition in my house when I was younger was to decorate a hard-boiled egg! We use to put different patterns on them and sometimes stuck different things on (for protection!). We then took our eggs and rolled them down a hill on Easter Monday as a symbol of Easter and the stone that was rolled away.
I can’t wait to find out about your obstacle courses and games you create this week! If I was to create a game for outside in my garden, I would create a garden bowling alley because bowling is Mr Fox’s favourite thing to do – he even has his own bowling ball! Here’s what I would do …Please be careful!
· Collect ten empty plastic bottles and fill them part way with water for stability.
· Arrange them the way bowling pins are usually set up.
· Use a soft ball to knock the pins over with.
· Set a starting line for each player to stand behind.
· Create a scoring system – you could get one point for every pin you knock down?
Monday 30th March 2020
I hope week 1 of your home learning went well and you managed to get some exercise between your activities. I spent some time on Monday making a rainbow to put in my window so that when the children go out on their daily walk they can go around and count them! If you haven’t already made one, why don’t you start the week by doing so?!
As part of our DT work, we need to create a smoothie! I would like you to think carefully about what you would like to put in your smoothie as it needs to be healthy! Can you research what different properties certain fruit and vegetables have to help you decide what to put into your smoothie?
Don’t worry if you can’t make your smoothie- you can still plan and write instructions for what to do. I would also like you to come up with an advertisement for your smoothie. Remember, you need to persuade people to try your smoothie so you will need to tell them why it’s the best smoothie, how much it will cost them and it needs to be bright, bold and stand out to make people choose it!
For maths, I have set some activities on MyMaths as well as asked you to continue work on your times tables. In year 4, we have realised how vital our times tables are in everything we do so make sure you are continuing to work hard to retain the speed you have already to remember your times tables.
Don’t forget what a fact family is! You need 2 multiplication and 2 division questions… for example:
5 X 4 = 20 4 X 5 = 20
20 ÷ 5 = 4 20 ÷ 4 = 5
As part of your exercise this week, can you create a circuit you could do – you could even get your adults or siblings involved! Think of different activities they could do at each station! My circuit would include activities such as hop scotch, skipping, star jumps, high knees and suicides!
Write out your stations in your home learning book so I can see them – you never know, we might get an opportunity when we get back to school to have a go at them!
Monday 23rd March 2020
Hello Year 4- I hope you are all keeping healthy and happy.
This week, I would like you to work on a variety of activities linked to the learning we have been doing in class.
I would like you to continue to work on your fractions as well as your times tables.
In writing, I would like you to continue to write about Harry Potter. You could also write a letter to somebody you know to say thank you such as someone who works in hospitals, fire service, police or even a teacher.
Don’t forget that it is important to do exercise and keep yourselves healthy. Can you show adults or your siblings some of our balances and travelling sequences that we have been working on in gymnastics?
In Maths this week, we have been continuing our work on fractions. We have been adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominators. We also looked at subtracting fractions from whole numbers.
We learnt how to change a whole number to an improper fraction.
In English, we started our work for our 500 word stories. As a class we have written stories which are set at Barwick in Elmet School! We have also begun to learn the model text using a text map.
This week we have also been doing work on first aid. We watched a series of videos from the Red Cross which taught us what to do in different emergencies such as if someone was bleeding or burnt themselves.
This week we have completed our character descriptions! Mrs Fox was so impressed with the grammar we all managed to include. We confidently included fronted adverbials, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases.
We are moving on to writing our 500 word stories next week!
In maths, we have continued our work on fractions. We have all been able to add 2 or more fractions together and we can change our answer from an improper fraction to a mixed number fraction.
On Friday, we did some work on personal hygiene. We discussed how important it is to wash our hands to stop germs spreading and making ourselves or others poorly. We also discussed respiratory hygiene and what we should do if we don’t have a tissue to cover our mouth or nose when we sneeze or cough. We made some informative posters to help teach others about this.
This week we have written a character description of Hagrid from Harry Potter. We have enjoyed using a thesaurus’ to find interesting words to include in our work. We have then moved on to create our own characters that could be professors at Hogwarts and we will be writing character descriptions independently for our characters.
In Maths, we have moved onto looking at fractions which are greater than one. We have done lots of work on improper fractions and mixed number fractions to increase our confidence when working with both types of fractions.
In Science, we have continued our work on states of matter. We have completed an experiment about gas in fizzy drinks!
This week we have had a great start to our half term. We have launched in school our 500 word challenge which we will be working on over the half term as well as our curriculum creatures!
Our curriculum creature is going to be Design Technology (DT). We have discussed as a class what DT is and how we could represent DT within our creature. We decided that DT has lots of different areas. We could have materials, needles, thread. We could also include a toolbox full of tools such as a hammer, saw, drill, nails but then we also considered the fact DT includes healthy eating!
In Maths, we have started to look at fractions. We have found our work on equivalent fractions a challenge but we have worked hard to preserver with this work.
In Writing, we have started to write character descriptions about characters from Harry Potter which is our focus text this half term.
We have had an extremely busy week this week!
We started our week by finishing our class text. We have really enjoyed reading Kensuke’s Kingdom as a class and we were all very pleased that there was a happy ending for Michael.
In Maths, we have continued and now finished our unit on area. We have built on our knowledge and we are all able to compare areas.
On Thursday, we presented what we have learnt this half term about the desert and climate change. We all worked really hard to practise our parts in class ready to show the rest of the school and parents.
On Friday, we had a visit from Icarus to collect our story which he will take and publish in the Museum for Untold Stories. As a class, we worked hard to write independent stories and then we put our ideas together to produce our own class story. We took it in turns to read out our story to Icarus. When we got to different parts of our story, we used hot seating to question the King and we used a freeze frame to dive deeper into the thoughts and feelings of characters in our story.
On Monday, we started off storytelling week by going outside to the scrap shed. Mrs Fox had written an opening to a story and in small groups, we created pieces of drama using the scrap shed to help us finish our stories.
Mrs Fox was impressed with how different everyone’s stories were and how well we all worked as a team. We shared ideas with each other and worked together to overcome challenges.
Everyday a different teacher has come into class to tell us different stories and to work with different traditional tales. On Monday, Mrs Fox worked with us on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Mrs Fox asked us to change the setting of the story as well as the characters! We had to keep the story structure by having 3 different issues.
Miss Wood and Mr Lynn also visited this week. We loved the movement work we did with Mr Lynn and his traditional tale.
In Maths, we have moved onto area. We have done lots of work to find the area of shapes and we have begun to build our confidence when comparing areas. We have done a lot of work recently on showing evidence when answering reasoning and problem solving question so that Mrs Fox can see that we understand what we have been learning.
This week has been another busy week in year 4!
In Maths, we have been working on division and have been using different methods to show our working out. On Friday, we looked at division questions which left us with remainders!
In Writing, we have finished our guided write and we have planned our independent write which we will complete next week.
We have also been enjoying reading Kensuke’s Kingdom - We only have 2 chapters left!
On Friday, we watched year 2’s class assembly and then visited their Wonderland Café in their classroom. Lots of us got to enjoy a hot chocolate and a cake!
What a week! Mrs Sanderson helped Mrs Fox to transform our classroom. At the start of the week, we had new places in the classroom as well as new displays on the walls!
We have been working hard on our multiplication in maths. We have all become much more confident when using the box method and some of us are now using the column method for multiplication to speed ourselves up.
In our English, we have started to write non-chronological reports. As part of our writing, we have been learning Mrs Fox’s model text and we have attempted to write it from memory! Learning the structure and expectation will help us to write our independent one on the desert!
A huge thank you to Year 4 for making me so welcome this week. We have had a fantastic week of learning and all children have shown a positive attitude towards their learning.
In Maths, we have been looking at multiplication and we have been learning how to times 3 numbers together!
In English, we have started to work with the book Kensuke's Kingdom. The children have shown a great interest in this book and we have done lots of work around the different characters in this story.
Well done for such a positive start Year 4!
What a fantastic last week we have had with you Year 4. We have done some brilliant plans of how to help Terrance the Turkey escape from the farm before Christmas, and have also done some fabulous Christmas Maths activities.
Thank you for all of your hard work and effort this term. We have both loved teaching you.
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year and thank you for all of our lovely gifts.
Mrs Kimberley and Mr Roycroft
This week, we have been showing off our outstanding maths skills in our progress assessments, as well as taking part in some exciting lessons alongside Mrs Morris, who joined us for the week as part of ensuring a smooth transition in Spring. Our yellow writing files have two shiny new pieces of writing in them- a non-fiction balanced argument on the advantages and disadvantages of quarrying, as well as a creative fiction piece.
Congratulations to our amazing pen license winners this week- watch this space for more! Santa has made a list and he's checking it twice!
Have a wonderful Christmas after next week everybody. Rest up and keep practising your times tables!
This week, we have been exploring the weather and climate in the Tropics. We have learned about tropical rainforests, coniferous rainforests, tropical grasslands and savannahs. We were each assigned a location within the Tropics and in pairs we researched the weather and climate within that location. Some of the questions we found the answers to included:
What was the weather like today?
What was the highest and lowest temperature?
How did today's weather compare to yesterday?
What was the wind speed/ direction?
What was the percentage likelihood of precipitation.
The children took great pleasure in presenting their findings to the class in the format of a planned, rehearsed weather programme! Thank you to all children involved for providing us with such accurate and technical information...and a good few giggles along the way.
We have been thinking about Anti-Bullying all week and the children have come up with some fantastic charters to help prevent bullying in our school.
In maths this week, we have been multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children have blown us away with their understanding of this!
In English, we have been using the video clip 'Girl and Robot' to look at the techniques an author used to express a character's feelings in a text. We have done some wonderful drama, group work and amazing writing about this!
In Science, we have been thinking about how to use electricity safely in our homes. Next week we are excited to be making electrical circuits.
Thank you for another super week of hard work year 4!
This half term's theme is 'Look around; be curious!'. It launched with a bang, fizz and a pop as the teachers took to the stage in pairs to demonstrate an exciting scientific experiment. Our minds were boggled with elephant toothpaste, magic cabbage and colour-changing skittles!
This week, we kicked off our fun geography topic by exploring the globe using Google Maps. We learned about the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as exploring various countries along the Equator. We looked into the angles that the sun's rays hit the surface of the Earth, and how this can cause certain countries to have hotter climates than others. We each picked a country to delve into and used iPads to research and record information such as population and average rainfall. Be sure to ask us which country we chose!
This week, we have been exploring efficient methods for addition and subtraction. We have also learned to use our skills in rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 to estimate answers to a calculation.
Did you know, to solve the calculation '6000 - 2576', you can simply subtract one from each side in order to complete it using the column method without any time-consuming exchanging! Try it yourself and see. We tried it both ways and it took us so much longer to solve it with all the exchanging. We are learning these handy tricks to help us become the best mathemagicians we possibly can!
We have also very excitedly been completing our Harry Potter themed artwork for the grand gallery on 23rd October! Be sure to come along and see our incredible street art which we have toiled over this week! It will truly be a spectacle to behold and will make for the perfect Christmas/ birthday gifts- don't miss out! Check out the sneak preview below.
In English over the past 2 weeks we have been studying the poem 'The Highwayman'. The children have loved this tragic tale and have done some fantastic drama and brilliant diary entries relating to the story.
In Maths we have continued work on place value and have a secure understanding of numbers with 4 digits.
In Science we have been classifying animals and leaves using a classification key. Today we completed an investigation to find out the most common invertebrates in our school ground. The children presented their information using tally charts and graphs.
Keep up the hard work next week Year 4!
This week, we have jumped feet first into our topic 'Crime and Punishment Through the Ages'. Our journey began in the Roman era, where we discovered that the justice system is similar to ours today- in fact, we learned about many Roman influences on modern day Britain- more on this later in the year! We learned that punishments were very severe- particularly if you were a slave, where the punishment was likely to be death no matter the seriousness of the crime. If you were lucky, you may have been forced to become a gladiator and fight to the death! We jumped forward to the Anglo-Saxons, who took over from the Romans when they were forced to return to defend Rome. Their justice system was also similar to ours, though the punishments were far worse. We were particularly entertained by the 'Trials by Ordeal'- ask us about them if you'd like to know more!
Check out some photographs below of our group activity 'Wergild for body parts', where we calculated how many shillings we would have to repay if we had committed various crimes on another person!
Thank you to all of the children who made the effort to dress up for Roald Dahl day. We were blown away by your efforts!
We have had an amazing day creating happy thoughts poems in English as well as completing Roald Dahl challenges in maths. What a wonderful end to a week of hard work completing assessments.
FYI parents:
We have received the following info from Garforth Academy, which may be of interest! They sound like great opportunities, should you be able to attend.
Arts Live is a programme of community music activities which take place weekly during term-time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and evenings at Garforth Academy, Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1LJ.
There are no auditions - just contact us to arrange to come for a free taster session!
Opportunities include: