What an end to a week! This weeks post can only be about one thing! GO APE! Today, we had a fabulous trip to the new Temple Newsam, Go Ape site. Children used the public transport brilliantly, using manners and following instructions superbly. They have definitely completed the recommended 10,000 steps a day, if not WAY MORE! Many children overcame fears, challenged themselves and found out they were capable of a lot more than they thought.
High up in the trees, they swung, jumped, balanced, climbed and most of all laughed and had fun! All the staff were extremely proud of the children for all their efforts.
Here are just a few pictures of our fantastic day...
This week has really challenged our acting skills as we all get ready for our fabulous up coming performance. We are getting ready and rehearsing so we will be the best we possibly can be. Even with our rehearsals we still focus on our work, as it's the most important time, showing we are ready for Year 6.
In Numeracy, we have been exploring the addition and subtraction of fractions, changing denominators so we can solve the problems we see. This will continue into next week with multiplication of fractions as well as converting fractions into percentages and decimals so try some out online Year 5 and get familiar already. In English, we have been reviewing relative clauses and formal letter writing to save Sydney Lewis but next week you will meet an Earth Superhero...oooo!
A reminder to Year 5 and all parents:
- Please aim to have your child's costume for the performance in school by Monday 9th July. I know many children have already brought some items in with names clearly displayed - Great job!
- Homework and My Maths has started to wain in Year 5 and this really should be the ideal time of year to step up the hard work at home. Homework books are handed out on a Friday and should be returned into school by the following Wednesday completed. It would be great to see a full class set this week please!
Another fabulous week in Year 5. Not only have we mastered long division and multiplication but we mastered the art of speed and sportsmanship in our whole school event this week.
Year 5, you represented your school brilliantly and I am proud that you tried everything, applied yourself 100% and congratulated all participants, no matter your placement!
We started our KS2 production journey but that's all we can say as its hush hush - parents you will have to wait and see what our talented artists create!! Let's stay focused and keep driving towards being the best prepared Year 6 class ever!
LINEHAM FARM!!!! What a week! Year 5 have been AMAZING!! The staff who accompanied them and the coaches couldn't sing their praises enough! They ate everything, tried everything and had lots and lots of fun!
The climbing and the cycling seemed to be the hit of the week with many children challenging themselves further than they thought or even having a go at things for the first time! The animals kept us entertained and Jeff the peacock showed off at every opportunity. We thought he was great, no matter how much noise he made!!
Our assembly was brilliant even though there was a mild technical hitch! Check out some photo's below and thank you again Year 5!
What a fantastic start to the new term! Year 5 have spent the first three days settling in with their new teacher and getting to know each other very well.
There has been lots of team building and collaborative learning going on, developing positive attitudes to their classmates and work. It has been excellent to see the peer praise and raise in self-esteem from many children in class.
We aim to continue to enjoy our learning in the weeks to come and over the months, start to set the foundations for a successful Year 6 and the next academic year!
I look forward to this half term and will continue to frequently update you with our wonderful work.
In the sixth week of the half term (4th - 8th December) we were studying the following in English and Maths:
English : We have been reading and writing reports. We reported on conditions on the planets of the solar system.
We have finished reading The Lemonade Crime. In September we read The Lemonade War. This was the sequel. We have started reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.
Maths : Fractions and division! We worked especially hard. We really got to grips with using our times tables knowledge and how to use the bus stop method.